275 research outputs found

    The service-dominant logic in marketing: an essay with teachers and students of the master's in administration

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    This study responds to a theoretical essay, where it sought to analyses the dominant logic of service in marketing and its contextualization, based on studies initiated by exponents such as Vargo and Lusch in 2004. In other words, this new logic interpreted that value is constructed from the perspective of value in individual or social use. Also, it was sought to bring findings of the evolution of the concept of marketing, because it has been the concern of researchers in the area over the past decades. Still, since 2004, theories have been developed about this orientation of the "new logic". In this period, the proposers of the Vargo and Lusch theory reviewed the Foundational Assumptions (FPs) of the "Service Dominant Logic" (SDL), where some years later was added an eleventh FP written in the article of (Vargo & Lusch, 2016) "the co-creation of value is coordinated through institutions managed by an actor and institutional arrangements". In this way, this essay approached private higher education through reports from teachers (teachers) and students (students) of the Master's Degree in Administration at a University located in the Pardo River Valley/RS, more precisely the classroom of that course, addressing the interactive relationships between the parties in the process of teaching learning and knowledge construction. Finally, studies based on the dominant logic of service in marketing and the co-creation of value, consists of resuming studies of the last decade in the marketing area, providing advances for integrative issues, where companies need to differentiate themselves in relation to their competitors, seeking to offer the best products and/or services

    O Ensino de Astronomia no Ensino Fundamental

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    O estudo da Astronomia esteve, por muito tempo, presente na matriz curricular brasileira, especialmente no que diz respeito ao Ensino Fundamental, sobretudo nos conteúdos de Geografia. Com a nova Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), o ensino da Astronomi a ocupa todas as etapas do Ensino Fundamental, de maneira estrutural no âmbito da componente de Ciências. Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a dinâmica do ensino da astronomia no Brasil a partir da BNCC. A sua justificativa repousa sobre a necessidade de interesse do estudo da astronomia em consonância com o fomento do pensamento crítico em crianças, adolescentes e jovens das escolas do Brasil. Trata - se de uma revisão de literatura, onde foram consultados livros, artigos científicos e trabalhos de conc lusão de curso especializados no assunto. A maioria das fontes são físicas, embora tenham sido consultadas as bases de dados Scielo e Google Scholar, para alguns artigos escolhidos. Nós refletimos sobre a possibilidade de que a astronomia ocupe lugar de de staque como disciplina autônoma e independente de outras matérias como a geografia e as ciências em geral, promotoras do conhecimento astronômico nas escolas, fomentando eventos e oportunidades astronômicas onde os estudantes possam conhecer de modo mais explícito os potentes recursos científicos que esta disciplina oferece.The study of Astronomy was, for a long time, present in the Brazilian Curriculum matrix, mainly at the Elementary School, especially in the contents of Geography. With the new National Common Curriculum Base (NCCB), the teaching of Astronomy occupies all s tages of Elementary School, in a structural way within the framework of the Science component. This work aims to study the dynamics of Astronomy teaching in Brazil from the NCCB. Its justification is based on the need for interest in the study of Astronomy in consonance to the promotion of critical thinking in children, adolescents and young people at schools in Brazil. This is a literature review and then books, scientific articles and course conclusion papers specialized in the subject were consulted. Mos t of the sources are physical, although the Scielo and Google Scholar databases have been consulted for some chosen articles. We reflect on the possibility that Astronomy can occupy a prominent place as an autonomous discipline and independent of other sub jects such as Geography and Sciences in general, promoters of astronomical knowledge at schools, offering events and astronomical opportunities where students can know more explicitly the powerful scientific resources that this discipline offers

    Results of socio-environmental strategies and pratices in flexographic processes

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    This study aims to identify the results of social and environmental sustainability strategies in flexographic printing processes of labels and labels. The research consisted of a literature review, followed by an exploratory-descriptive study of qualitative nature. Data collection took place in a primary way through a semi-structured on-site interview with the company's owner, and also involved access to documents. In conclusion, the article analyzes the results of two years in relation to social and environmental practices and the identification of sustainability practices obtained in the company

    The management of innovation to generate added value in the flexographic processes: a case study in the company suppry etiquetas

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    The present study has as its theme the management of innovation to generate added value in flexographic processes, being delimited in the analysis of the processes of the company Suppry Etiquetas. It is questioned how innovation management can generate added value in the flexographic processes of the company Suppry Etiquetas. The objective was to understand how innovation management can generate added value in the company's processes. Methodologically, the research was characterized as an exploratory case study, with the data being analyzed qualitatively. Data collection occurred through a literature review in books, magazines, and on site, with a semi-structured interview with the company owner, with the application of a questionnaire containing 7 questions. As main results of the research we highlight that the innovations of processes all of them represented some kind of cost reduction, and implementation of the program 5s, being this very important for the organization of the company. In the innovation of products in addition to the two new products that started to be produced by the company, it is worth mentioning resale items that had an increase of 57,07% in revenue, after the realization of a change of strategy

    Conceptual perspective of value for the client: a strategy for market expansion

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    This article aims to analyze the conceptual perspective of value for the client as a strategy of market expansion. The research is the result of a literature review, followed by an exploratory analysis of the publications carried out in the last decade on the concept of value theme based on Woodruff's proposal (1997), which presents a new philosophy for the definition of Value. Thus, the present study, from the perspective of a theoretical essay, addresses the question of value and its contextualization’s, where the concept of value is emphasized according to the theoretical marketing framework. In addition, the possible uses of value in marketing activities were highlighted, such as: market analysis and segmentation, positioning, planning and development of products and brands and communication strategy

    Value co-creation: a study of life quality at an university in the south Brazil

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    This article aimed to analyze the life quality in a private higher education institution, from the point of view of students, through the value co-creation in higher education. Methodologically, research is characterized as a case study, and the unit of analysis was a University located in the Rio Pardo/RS Valley, in the south of Brazil where five students from the courses of administration and accounting sciences were selected to apply the research. The data collection was done through interviews, carried out through there is a script of questions previously established. The results highlight that the life quality in the university is directly related to the co-creation, on the one hand there is the desire to learn from the students and on the other the quality of the information that is passed on to them. The research also shows that the quality of life in the University is directly linked to student satisfaction and value creation, resulting from individual or joint actions (institution, professor and student)

    A transição do trabalho escravo para o trabalho livre no Brasil: Um processo de acumulação primitiva em uma economia dependente

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    Este estudo discute a transição do trabalho escravo para o trabalho livre no Brasil. Inicialmente faz-se uma breve revisão da estrutura econômica do país durante o período imperial, destacando-se os três elementos que a caracterizaram: produção para o mercado externo; grande lavoura monocultora; e trabalho escravo. A partir destas características, analisam-se os instrumentos utilizados pelas elites brasileiras para realizar esta transição, chamando atenção para o uso de leis paliativas, da lei de terras e da própria política de imigração. A conclusão geral é que a abolição da escravidão não promoveu nenhuma alteração significativa, tanto na forma da organização da produção, que continuou sendo comandada por grandes latifúndios, como na distribuição da riqueza, que continuou altamente concentrada em poucos segmentos da elite nacional


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    Durante a União Ibérica (1580-1640) o reino português foi integrado ao Império Espanhol tendo o mesmo rei que a Coroa castelhana. A historiografia portuguesa construiu um cenário no qual esse é um período em que Portugal fica sem rei e perde sua independência. A relação dos portugueses diante de uma casa dinástica que não era natural de Portugal, tendo por rei o mesmo governante do Reino de Castela – reino que possuía uma antiga rivalidade – e ainda a perca da vida em corte. Tais problemáticas apresentam discursos distintos quando tratadas por documentos produzidos antes ou depois da Restauração de 1640. Nosso objetivo nesse estudo é analisar como esse fato foi entendido em sua época através da filosofia política da primeira Idade Moderna e do discurso de Manuel Severim de Faria (1583 - 1655)

    Dependência e Marxismo: Muito mais que uma coletânea

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    Este trabalho é uma resenha de Dependência e Marxismo: Contribuições ao debate crítico latino-americano, livro organizado por Raphael Lana Seabra que reúne seis artigos sobre o tema da dependência. São desde textos clássicos sobre o tema, nunca antes publicados em português, até textos mais recentes que tratam sobre as influências da teoria da dependência e sua vigência na atualidade.Palavras-chave: Dependência, Marxismo, Teoria Marxista da Dependência

    Manuel Ugarte: entre a realidade das pátrias pequenas e o sonho da Pátria Grande

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    Este texto apresenta o livro Manuel Ugarte: O sonho da Pátria Grande, de autoria do argentino Victor Ramos. Pretende mostrar um pouco da contribuição teórica de Manuel Ugarte para a realização do sonho da Pátria Grande