7,011 research outputs found

    On the 2D Dirac oscillator in the presence of vector and scalar potentials in the cosmic string spacetime in the context of spin and pseudospin symmetries

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    The Dirac equation with both scalar and vector couplings describing the dynamics of a two-dimensional Dirac oscillator in the cosmic string spacetime is considered. We derive the Dirac-Pauli equation and solve it in the limit of the spin and the pseudo-spin symmetries. We analyze the presence of cylindrical symmetric scalar potentials which allows us to provide analytic solutions for the resultant field equation. By using an appropriate ansatz, we find that the radial equation is a biconfluent Heun-like differential equation. The solution of this equation provides us with more than one expression for the energy eigenvalues of the oscillator. We investigate these energies and find that there is a quantum condition between them. We study this condition in detail and find that it requires the fixation of one of the physical parameters involved in the problem. Expressions for the energy of the oscillator are obtained for some values of the quantum number nn. Some particular cases which lead to known physical systems are also addressed.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, matches published versio

    SHStream: Self-Healing Framework for HTTP Video-Streaming

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    HTTP video-streaming is leading delivery of video content over the Internet. This phenomenon is explained by the ubiquity of web browsers, the permeability of HTTP traffic and the recent video technologies around HTML5. However, the inclusion of multimedia requests imposes new requirements on web servers due to responses with lifespans that can reach dozens of minutes and timing requirements for data fragments transmitted during the response period. Consequently, web- servers require real-time performance control to avoid playback outages caused by overloading and performance anomalies. We present SHStream , a self-healing framework for web servers delivering video-streaming content that provides (1) load admit- tance to avoid server overloading; (2) prediction of performance anomalies using online data stream learning algorithms; (3) continuous evaluation and selection of the best algorithm for prediction; and (4) proactive recovery by migrating the server to other hosts using container-based virtualization techniques. Evaluation of our framework using several variants of Hoeffding trees and ensemble algorithms showed that with a small number of learning instances, it is possible to achieve approximately 98% of recall and 99% of precision for failure predictions. Additionally, proactive failover can be performed in less than 1 secon

    Reboot-based Recovery of Performance Anomalies in Adaptive Bitrate Video-Streaming Services

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    Performance anomalies represent one common type of failures in Internet servers. Overcoming these failures without introducing server downtimes is of the utmost importance in video-streaming services. These services have large user abandon- ment costs when failures occur after users watch a significant part of a video. Reboot is the most popular and effective technique for overcoming performance anomalies but it takes several minutes from start until the server is warmed-up again to run at its full capacity. During that period, the server is unavailable or provides limited capacity to process end-users’ requests. This paper presents a recovery technique for performance anomalies in HTTP Streaming services, which relies on Container-based Virtualization to implement an efficient multi-phase server reboot technique that minimizes the service downtime. The recovery process includes analysis of variance of request-response times to delimit the server warm-up period, after which the server is running at its full capacity. Experimental results show that the Virtual Container recovery process completes in 72 seconds, which contrasts with the 434 seconds required for full operating system recovery. Both recovery types generate service downtimes imperceptible to end-users

    Local and Global Superconductivity in Bismuth

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    We performed magnetization M(H,T) and magnetoresistance R(T,H) measurements on powdered (grain size ~ 149 micrometers) as well as highly oriented rhombohedral (A7) bismuth (Bi) samples consisting of single crystalline blocks of size ~ 1x1 mm2 in the plane perpendicular to the trigonal c-axis. The obtained results revealed the occurrence of (1) local superconductivity in powdered samples with Tc(0) = 8.75 \pm 0.05 K, and (2) global superconductivity at Tc(0) = 7.3 \pm 0.1 K in polycrystalline Bi triggered by low-resistance Ohmic contacts with silver (Ag) normal metal. The results provide evidence that the superconductivity in Bi is localized in a tiny volume fraction, probably at intergrain or Ag/Bi interfaces. On the other hand, the occurrence of global superconductivity observed for polycrystalline Bi can be accounted for by enhancement of the superconducting order parameter phase stiffness induced by the normal metal contacts, the scenario proposed in the context of "pseudogap regime" in cuprates [E. Berg et al., PRB 78, 094509 (2008)].Comment: 12 pages including 9 figures and 1 table, Special Issue to the 80th birthday anniversary of V. G. Peschansky, Electronic Properties of Conducting System

    Presence of stratospheric humidity in the ozone column depletion on the west coast of South America

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    The ozone column depletion over the western coast of South America has been previously explained, based on the existence of winds in the area of the depletion, which cause compression and thinning of the ozone layer. However, the presence of humidity and methane transported by these winds to the stratosphere where the ozone depletion is present gives evidence that these compounds also participate in the depletion of the ozone layer. These two compounds, humidity and methane, are analysed during the ozone depletion of January, 1998. It is observed that when humidity presents fluctuations, ozone has fluctuations too. A maximum of humidity corresponds to a minimum of ozone, but there is a shift in altitude between them. This shift is observed in the stratosphere and upper troposphere and corresponds to approximately 500 m. It is important to point out that during this event El Ni˜no was present and the sources of methane are the Amazon forest and the Pacific Ocean. The data for this study was obtained from NASA and HALOE

    Simulation-Based Decision Support System for Energy Efficiency in Buildings Retrofitting

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    Funding Information: This research was developed under project EnPROVE (Energy Consumption Prediction with Building Usage Measurements for Software-Based Decision Support) funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (Grant agreement ID: 248061). Partial support was also given by the Portuguese “Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)” through the project UIDB/00066/2020 (Center of Technology and Systems, CTS). Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.The implementation of building retrofitting processes targeting higher energy efficiency is greatly influenced by the investor’s expectations regarding the return on investment. The baseline of this work is the assumption that it is possible to improve the predictability of the post-retrofit scenario, both in energy and financial terms, using data gathered on how a building is being used by its occupants. The proposed approach relies on simulation to estimate the impact of available energy-efficient solutions on future energy consumption, using actual usage data. Data on building usage are collected by a wireless sensor network, installed in the building for a minimum period that is established by the methodology. The energy simulation of several alternative retrofit scenarios is then the basis for the decision support process to help the investor directing the financial resources, based on both tangible and intangible criteria. The overall process is supported by a software platform developed in the scope of the EnPROVE project. The platform includes building audit, energy consumption prediction, and decision support. The decision support follows a benefits, opportunities, costs, and risks (BOCR) analysis based on the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The proposed methodology and platform were tested and validated in a real business case, also within the scope of the project, demonstrating the expected benefits of alternative retrofit solutions focusing on lighting and thermal comfort.publishersversionpublishe