4,693 research outputs found

    Charmed hadron signals of partonic medium

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    We present a short review of our results on the collectivity and the suppression pattern of charmed mesons in heavy-ion collisions based on the microscopic Hadron-String Dynamics (HSD) transport approach for different scenarios of charm interactions with the surrounding matter - the 'comover' dissociation by mesons with further recreation by D+Dbar channels and 'pre-hadronic' interaction scenarios. While at SPS energies the hadronic 'comover' absorption scenario is found to be compatible with the experimental data, the dynamics of c and cbar quarks at RHIC are dominated by partonic or 'pre-hadronic' interactions in the strongly coupled quark-gluon plasma stage and cannot be modeled by pure hadronic interactions. We find that the collective flow of charm in the purely hadronic scenario appears compatible with the data at SPS energies but underestimates the data at top RHIC energies. Thus, the large elliptic flow v2 of D mesons and the low R_AA(pT) of J/Psi seen experimentally at RHIC have to be attributed to early interactions of non-hadronic degrees of freedom. Simultaneously, we observe that non-hadronic interactions are mandatory in order to describe the narrowing of the J/Psi rapidity distribution from p+p to central Au+Au collisions at the top RHIC energy. We demonstrate additionally that the strong quenching of high-pT J/Psi's in central Au+Au collisions indicates that a fraction of final J/Psi mesons is created by a coalescence mechanism close to the phase boundary.Comment: Talk given at International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter (SQM 2008), Beijing, China, 6-10 Oct 200

    κ-statistics approach to optimal transport waveform inversion

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    Extracting physical parameters that cannot be directly measured from an observed data set remains a great challenge in several fields of science and physics. In many of these problems, the construction of a physical model from waveforms is hampered by the phase ambiguity of the recorded wave fronts. In this work, we present an approach for mitigating the effect of phase ambiguity in waveform-driven issues. Our proposal combines the optimal transport theory with the κ-statistical thermodynamics approach. We construct an energy function from the most probable state of a system described by a finite-variance κ-Gaussian distribution to introduce an optimal transport metric. We demonstrate that our proposal outperforms the classical frameworks by considering a nonlinear geophysical data-driven problem based on a wave equation numerical solution. The κ-generalized optimal transport metric is easily adapted to various inverse problems, from estimating power-law exponents to machine learning approaches in quantum mechanics


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    The rainfall variability has a key relevance on human activities. The frequency of extreme events, such as droughts and intense rains, results in severe impacts on crops, urban activities, water resources, health and the environment on a local or regional scale. The estimation of the frequency, impacts and severity of these events is essential for planning human activities. The purpose of this work was to analyze the rainfall variability and the water balance in the Northern Paraná state Mesoregion (PNPM) in the annual, seasonal and monthly time scales. For this, we used the annual, seasonal, monthly and daily time scales with the time from 1976 to 2018. For the better understanding, we used analysis using thematic maps with regionalization through interpolations and isohyets, box plot and dendogram. A large regional discrepancy in precipitation was identified in the analyzed mesoregion. In all the time scales analyzed in the region, there were alarming variations, which can bring perspectives for regional planning. We verified the Northwestern portion of the region, near to the municipality of Leópolis, had the lowest rainfall and the worst scenarios evaluated in the water balance, while the upper portion, in the Southwest, near Sapopema, presented more rain and less risk of drought. The average climatological water balance in the region showed a low deficit in the month of August, however when testing scenarios of dry years, the entire region showed water deficiency throughout the year

    Disorder and the effective Mn-Mn exchange interaction in Ga1x_{1-x}Mnx_xAs diluted magnetic semiconductors

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    We perform a theoretical study, using {\it ab initio} total energy density-functional calculations, of the effects of disorder on the MnMnMn-Mn exchange interactions for Ga1xMnxAsGa_{1-x}Mn_xAs diluted semiconductors. For a 128 atoms supercell, we consider a variety of configurations with 2, 3 and 4 Mn atoms, which correspond to concentrations of 3.1%, 4.7%, and 6.3%, respectively. In this way, the disorder is intrinsically considered in the calculations. Using a Heisenberg Hamiltonian to map the magnetic excitations, and {\it ab initio} total energy calculations, we obtain the effective \JMn, from first (n=1n=1) all the way up to sixth (n=6n=6) neighbors. Calculated results show a clear dependence in the magnitudes of the \JMn with the Mn concentration xx. Also, configurational disorder and/or clustering effects lead to large dispersions in the Mn-Mn exchange interactions, in the case of fixed Mn concentration. Moreover, theoretical results for the ground-state total energies for several configurations indicate the importance of a proper consideration of disorder in treating temperature and annealing effects

    Seniorisporttiklubi 68+ fyysisen toimintakyvyn kartoitus

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    Fyysisen toimintakyvyn huippu saavutetaan noin kolmenkymmenen ikävuoden iässä, minkä jälkeen fyysinen toimintakyky alkaa laskea. Ikääntymiseen liittyy luuston, nivelten ja tukirakenteiden haurastumista sekä elastisuuden vähenemistä. Fyysisen toimintakyvyn laskuun voidaan vaikuttaa elämäntyylillä. Säännöllinen fyysinen aktiivisuus on tärkeää, sillä se mahdollistaa hyvän toimintakyvyn säilymisen, itsenäisen suoriutumisen päivittäisistä toiminnoista ja mahdollisimman pitkän kotona asumisen. Kuntosaliharjoittelun on todettu olevan ikääntyneillä henkilöillä tehokas ja turvallinen tapa hidastaa fyysisen toimintakyvyn laskua. Espoon kaupunki on tarjonnut vuodesta 2007 lähtien ilmaisia liikuntapalveluja ikääntyneille espoolaisille: ensin 70-vuotiaille ja sitä vanhemmille ja vuoden 2009 alusta alkaen 68-vuotiaille ja sitä vanhemmille. Vuonna 2007 lanseerattiin myös Seniorisporttiklubi–toiminta, jossa on mahdollista osallistua ohjattuun kuntosaliharjoitteluun. Tällä hetkellä Seniorisporttiklubi 68+ kokoontuu useassa eri toimipaikassa kerran viikossa. Opinnäytetyössä testasimme 99 Seniorisporttiklubi 68+ -toimintaan osallistuvan ikääntyneen fyysistä toimintakykyä neljässä eri toimipaikassa. Osallistujista 57 oli naisia ja 42 miehiä, keski-ikä oli 73 vuotta. Seniorisporttiklubi 68+ toimintaan oli osallistuttu keskimäärin alle kuusi kuukautta. Valitsemiimme testeihin kuului lyhyen fyysisen suorituskyvyn testistö (SPPB), joka sisältää tasapaino-, kävelynopeus- ja tuolilta ylösnousutestin, sekä puristusvoiman mittaaminen. Työmme tarkoitus oli kartoittaa osallistujien fyysistä toimintakykyä ja verrata saatuja tuloksia viitearvoihin, sekä mahdollisia toimipaikkojen välisiä eroavaisuuksia. Testitulosten perusteella voimme todeta, että Seniorisporttiklubi 68+ kävijät ovat viitearvojen mukaan hyvässä fyysisessä kunnossa. Lyhyen fyysisen suorituskyvyn testistön (SPPB) ja puristusvoimatestin tulokset olivat lähes poikkeuksetta erittäin hyviä. Toimipaikkojen väliset erot olivat hyvin pieniä ja tilastollisesti merkityksettömiä. Ainoastaan tasapainotestin tuloksissa oli nähtävissä hieman hajontaa. Saatujen tulosten perusteella voidaan pitää todennäköisenä, että toimintaan hakeutuvat jo ennestään fyysisesti aktiiviset ja hyväkuntoiset ikääntyneet henkilöt. Tulevaisuudessa olisi tärkeää tutkia, miten saataisiin myös inaktiiviset ikääntyneet mukaan liikuntatoimintaan ja omaksumaan aktiivinen elämäntapa. Nykyistä toimintaa tulisi kehittää tavoitteellisempaan ja tätä kautta motivoivampaan suuntaan. Se lisäisi merkittävästi harjoittelun tehokkuutta ja tuloksellisuutta.The top of the physical capacity is reached at around the age of thirty and after that the capacity begins to decline. Aging is related to the decreasing of bone mass and elasticity and to the embrittlement of joints and supporting structures. It is possible to impact the declining of physical capacity by lifestyle. Regular physical activity is important because it enables to maintain good physical capacity, to cope in the activities of daily living and offers the possibility to live at home as long as possible. Resistance training is an effective and safe way to slow down the decreasing of physical capacity in the elderly. The City of Espoo has provided free exercise services to the elderly since 2007. First they were aimed to people of 70 years of age and older and from the beginning of 2009 the age limit was set down to 68 years. In the year 2007 began also the Seniorisporttiklubi (Sport club for seniors)-activity, which makes it possible for the elderly to participate in supervised resistance training. At the moment Seniorisporttiklubi 68+ takes place once a week in several locations. We studied the physical capacity of 99 participants of Seniorisporttiklubi 68+ in four different locations. 57 participants were female, 42 male, their mean age was 73 years. The time of par-ticipation in Seniorisporttiklubi 68+ was on the average less than six months. We chose to test the participants with Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB), which consists of tests for gait speed, balance and sit-to-stand, as well as grip strength. The aim was to survey the physical capacity of the participants and to compare the results to the reference values and to establish possible differences between different locations. Based on the results we can notice that the participants of Seniorisporttiklubi 68+ have a good physical capacity according to the reference values. The results of the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) and grip strength were both almost invariably very good. The differences between the locations were minor and statistically insignificant. Only in the results of the balance test there was minor variation. According to these results it is probable that people who are physically active and have good physical condition find their way to the activity. In the future it would be essential to study ways to get inactive persons to participate in Se-niorisporttiklubi 68+ -activity and to adopt an active lifestyle. It would be important to develop the current activity to be more goal-directed and thus to be more motivating. This might increase the effectiveness and the results of the training

    Análise crítica do regime brasileiro de metas para inflação entre 1999 e 2006

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    Esta monografia teve por objetivo analisar os resultados do regime brasileiro de metas para a inflação entre 1999 e 2006. Analisaram-se os antecedentes da implementação do regime de metas para a inflação no Brasil, os pressupostos teóricos que fundamentam a proposição do regime como estratégia para a manutenção dos níveis de preço, e os aspectos institucionais e operacionais do regime brasileiro. Conclui-se que o regime não tem sido bem sucedido no objetivo de cumprir as metas de inflação quando o cenário econômico internacional não é favorável e que foi adotada uma estratégia de desinflação muito ousada, dadas as características da economia brasileira, nos primeiros anos em que o regime de metas para a inflação vigorou no Brasil. Para tanto, utilizou-se de revisão bibliográfica, das informações constantes no site do BCB e de consultas a bancos de dados de órgãos públicos

    Teatro em n dimensões: O hiperespaço contemporâneo em polieri e svoboda

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    Nas artes cênicas, a cenografia deve complementar e/ou transformar o sentido imediato da cena em uma atmosfera que se refere à imagem e ao espaço, ajudando o espectador a se orientar e provocando nele uma colaboração ativa. Torna, assim, evidentes os hábitos tradicionais de ver, sentir e pensar. Ser cenógrafo significa, portanto, representar e re-apresentar o mundo em espaços conceituais. E a cenografia teatral, desde suas formas primevas, buscou e continua buscando modelos de representação do espaço compatíveis com o paradigma filosófico-científico de compreensão de mundo. A partir de trabalho de Raymond COGNIAT, que separou os problemas da cenografia do século XX em três grandes grupos – psicológicos, plásticos e técnicos – a presente comunicação toma como foco a formação de partidos psicológicos na cenografia contemporânea, momento projetual onde se definem os parâmetros de compreensão global do espaço a ser criado. Tais partidos relacionam-se, pois, às mudanças paradigmáticas na compreensão de mundo, onde encontram-se os modelos físico-científicos de interpretação do real. A lenta absorção dos modelos quânticos e relativistas de mundo, do começo do século XX que, recentemente, resultam em um pensamento sistêmico, paradigma da ciência contemporânea emergente – constituído de pressupostos epistemológicos de crença na complexidade, na instabilidade e na intersubjetividade –, conduz a representações cenográficas no teatro contemporâneo que fornecem novas concepções psicológicas para a compreensão espacial. A partir da década de 1960, vemos dois artistas engajados com uma nova concepção espacial, notadamente de possibilidades multidimensionais, baseada em formulações geométricas não-euclidianas, que se afinam com as concepções quânticas de organização da natureza. Josef Svoboda (1920-2002) buscando um hiperespaço cenográfico. Jacques Polieri (1928-2011) buscando um hiperespaço cênico