691 research outputs found

    Cáncer de cérvix; respuesta a la Radioterapia y Quimioterapia concomitante en pacientes atendidos en el Centro Nacional de Radioterapia, 2010-2011

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    En Nicaragua, el cáncer de cérvix es una de las primeras causas de mortalidad por cáncer en el sexo femenino, en el 2012 se registró 934 casos a nivel nacional, y causó la muerte a 424 mujeres nicaragüenses Las tasas de supervivencia al cáncer cérvix son significativamente más bajas en los países en desarrollo; se debe en parte a que la enfermedad ya está avanzada al momento del diagnóstico. El protocolo nacional, consiste en el tratamiento combinado de radioterapia y quimioterapia con cisplatino; administrando 45 Gy a toda la pelvis por medio de 4 campos usando fracciones diarias de 2 Gy, con dosis de 10Gy en 5 fracciones adicionales a los parametrios afectados y al finalizar la Radioterapia externa se inicia la Braquiterapia con 4 sesiones de 7 Gy por sesión al punto A

    Teselados en Geogebra

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    La geometría en el arte siempre ha estado presente con figuras geométricas regulares e irregulares alcanza una combinación de formas, colores y líneas que dan alguna calidad y armonía estática. El manejo del software Geogebra permite que el estudiante construya y aprenda temas que son aplicados en las diferentes formas artísticas, como los teselados que son sencillamente recubrir un plano a través de polígonos a los cuales se les aplican transformaciones tales como simetrías, rotaciones y traslaciones, sin dejar huecos, sin sobreponerse y en el que los ángulos que concurren en un vértice deben de sumar 360 grados

    Diagnóstico y tratamiento del cáncer de mama en el embarazo: artículo de revisión

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    El cáncer de mama asociado al embarazo (PABC) es una de las neoplasias más comunes durante el periodo de gestación y un año después del parto. Se ha descrito la influencia de la edad como factor de riesgo para cáncer de mama y se reconoce el rol protector de la lactancia. Ambas condiciones afectadas por la profesionalización y la reivindicación profesional y laboral de la mujer, retrasan la maternidad y la lactancia. Lo que produce un incremento constante en la incidencia de PABC. Ante una patología tan frecuente como compleja se requieren de protocolos estandarizados que faciliten el diagnóstico y tratamiento oportuno. Existen múltiples experiencias con diferentes recomendaciones diagnósticas y terapéuticas. Con el objetivo de determinar cuál es el tratamiento actual del cáncer de mama durante el embarazo; Se realizó la búsqueda de información con las palabras clave “cáncer de mama asociado al embarazo “, en 2 motores de búsqueda como Pubmed y ScienceDirect, en castellano e inglés. Seleccionando 38 artículos de interés, correspondientes a 30 ensayos clínicos, 02 protocolos y 06 guías terapéuticas. Se concluye que el diagnóstico y el tratamiento del cáncer durante el embarazo, debe incluir pautas de manejo integral individualizado para cada paciente, buscando la máxima efectividad del tratamiento con el menor daño al feto. El cual debe ser realizado por un equipo multidisciplinario en el cual no debiera faltar un oncólogo clínico.Pregnancy-related breast cancer (PABC) is one of the most common neoplasms during the gestation period and one year after delivery. The influence of age as a risk factor for breast cancer has been described and the protective role of breastfeeding is recognized. Both conditions affected by the professionalization and professional and labor demands of women, delay motherhood and breastfeeding. Which produces a constant increase in the incidence of PABC. Faced with a pathology as frequent as it is complex, standardized protocols are required to facilitate timely diagnosis and treatment. There are multiple experiences with different diagnostic and therapeutic recommendations. In order to determine what is the current treatment for breast cancer during pregnancy; The information search was carried out with the keywords "breast cancer associated with pregnancy", in 2 search engines such as Pubmed and ScienceDirect, in Spanish and English. Selecting 38 articles of interest, corresponding to clinical trials, protocols and therapeutic guides. It is concluded that the diagnosis and treatment of cancer during pregnancy should include individualized comprehensive management guidelines for each patient, seeking the maximum effectiveness of the treatment with the least damage to the fetus. Which should be performed by a multidisciplinary team in which a clinical oncologist should not be missing.Tesi

    El papel solidario desempeñado por familiares visitantes y acompañantes de adultos y ancianos hospitalizados

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    Este estudo objetivou compreender o papel da solidariedade desempenhado por familiares visitantes e acompanhantes de adultos e idosos internados. Utilizou-se como referencial teórico a teoria de enfermagem como cuidado solidário e como referencial metodológico a Grounded Theory. Foram entrevistados nove familiares de adultos e idosos hospitalizados no período de abril a setembro de 2002. Dos resultados identificou-se o fenômeno: assumindo o papel de familiar visitante ou de familiar acompanhante, que congrega os temas: querendo desempenhar um papel solidário e compreendendo o estar junto como uma interdependência emocional. Acredita-se que quando a enfermeira reconhece a singularidade da relação de solidariedade e de interdependência familiar, também exerce seu trabalho pautado na solidariedade, visto que colabora para o restabelecimento do doente, alivia seu sofrimento e de seus familiares e, portanto, promove a saúde do grupo familiar.This study aimed to better understand the role of solidarity performed by family visitors and companions of hospitalized adults and elderly. The study used the nursing as caring theory as a theoretical reference and the Grounded Theory as a methodological reference. Nine family members of hospitalized adults and elderly were interviewed between April and September of 2002. The phenomenon: assuming the family visitor's or companion's role was identified from the results of the study, which congregates the themes: wanting to perform solidarity, and understanding being together as an emotional interdependence. We believe that when nurses recognize the singularity of the solidarity relationship and of family interdependence, they also exercises their work outlined in solidarity, because they collaborate for the re-establishment of the patient, relieve the patients' and their family's suffering and therefore, promote the health of the family group.El objetivo de este estudio fue comprender el papel solidario desempeñado por los familiares visitantes y acompañantes de adultos y ancianos hospitalizados. Como referencial teórico se empleó la teoría de enfermería como cuidado solidario, y como referencial metodológico, la Grounded Theory. Para el estudio fueron entrevistados nueve familiares de adultos y ancianos hospitalizados, en el período de abril a septiembre de 2002. De los resultados obtenidos se identificó el fenómeno: asumiendo el papel de familiar visitante o familiar acompañante, formado por los siguientes temas: deseando realizar un papel solidario y entendiendo el permanecer junto como una interdependencia emocional. Se cree que cuando la enfermera reconoce la singularidad de la relación de solidaridad y de la interdependencia de la familia, ella también ejerce su trabajo centrado en la solidaridad, porque colabora para el restablecimiento del paciente, ayudando así a disminuir el sufrimiento del enfermo y de sus familias y, por lo tanto, promueve la salud del grupo familiar.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Serietà e riso a confronto, dalla tragica Didone abbandonata al parodico Troiano schernito

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    Traballo Fin de Grao en Linguas e Literaturas Modernas (Italiano). Curso 2018-2019La Didone abbandonata fu l’opera con cui l’autore, Pietro Metastasio (Roma, 1698-Vienna, 1782), ebbe il suo primo grande successo come librettista. Questo testo, musicato da Domenico Sarro, fu recitato per la prima volta al teatro San Bartolomeo di Napoli nel 1724. Grazie al suo grande successo partenopeo, fu rappresentata non soltanto in altre città italiane come Milano (1728), Venezia (1748) o Torino (1750), ma anche in diverse capitali europee come Londra (1736), Lisbona (1741) o Madrid (1752). Un’altra prova di questa fama è l’essitenza di almeno una versione parodica intitolata Il troiano schernito, pubblicata a Venezia nel 1744, dove fu presentata al pubblico del teatro S. Samuele. Quest’opera è attribuita all’autore e capocomico del suddetto teatro Giuseppe Imer (Genova, 1700-Venezia, 1758), che lavorò, ad esempio, tra gli altri, con il giovane Goldoni (1707-1793). In questo saggio realizzeremo un lavoro comparatistico fra entrambe le opere incidendo su quelle parti in cui gli attori hanno operato del cambiamenti rispetto alla versione di partenza (ipotesto), tanto tramite la sua modificazione testuale, come attraverso l’eliminazione di parti o l’agguiunta di materiale nuovo, per capire quali furono i meccanismi drammaturgici alterati a scopo umoristico nel testo originale. Per svolgere il confronto fra i due drammi applicheremo il marco teorico formulato da Gérard Genette (1930-2018) nella sua nota opera Palimpsestes (1982

    Assesing the risk of salt decay for wall paintings in historic building. Thermo-dynamic modeling and transition cycles count

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    Salt crystallisation is a major cause of deterioration of porous building materials, strongly related to the fluctuation of the environmental parameters. This paper explores the application of different methodologies to assess the potential damage caused by soluble salts to a series of sixteenth century frescoes with the thermo-hygrometric variations. The method of counting the transition cycles for six crystalline systems, the thermodynamic model ECOS for mixed salt solutions and a combination of both methodologies were used, in order to evaluate and compare these different approaches and to determine the risk of salt decay for this particularly sensitive case study. To this end, the temperature and relative humidity in the churches housing the wall paintings were monitored during a year and the salt content of the frescoes analysed. The seasonality of the salt crystallisation was studied and the range of relative humidity at which the transitions occurred determined. All methods identified a significant risk of salt decay, mainly related to the crystallisation of chlorides and nitrates, which corresponds well with the observations in situ. Finally, the advantages and inconveniences of each method were discussed, along with the results obtained in other published works, and the combined method was suggested as the most efficientThis work was supported by the Xunta de Galicia-Consellería de Educación e Ordenación Universitaria [INCITE program 2009] with the research project “Analysis of the risk factors of the wall paintings of A Ribeira Sacra”, by the Spanish Ministry of Education with L. Pereira-Pardo´s doctoral grant [FPU AP2009-4421] and the Barrié Foundation [Bolsas de Posgrao no estranxeiro 2013]S

    How are gene sequences analyses modifying bacterial taxonomy? The case of Klebsiella

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    Bacterial names are continually being changed in order to more adequately describe natural groups (the units of microbial diversity) and their relationships. The problems in Klebsiella taxonomy are illustrative and common to other bacterial genera. Like other bacteria, Klebsiella spp. were isolated long ago, when methods to identify and classify bacteria were limited. However, recently developed molecular approaches have led to taxonomical revisions in several cases or to sound proposals of novel species. [Int Microbiol 2004; 7(4):261-268

    A teleost fish model to understand hormonal mechanisms of non-breeding territorial behavior

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    Aggressive behaviors occurring dissociated from the breeding season encourage the search of non-gonadal underlying regulatory mechanisms. Brain estrogen has been shown to be a key modulator of this behavior in bird and mammal species, and it remains to be understood if this is a common mechanism across vertebrates. This review focuses on the contributions of Gymnotus omarorum, the first teleost species in which estrogenic modulation of non-breeding aggression has been demonstrated. Gymnotus omarorum displays year-long aggression, which has been well characterized in the non-breeding season. In the natural habitat, territory size is independent of sex and determined by body size. During the breeding season, on the other hand, territory size no longer correlates to body size, but rather to circulating estrogens and gonadosomatic index in females, and 11-ketotestosterone in males. The hormonal mechanisms underlying non-breeding aggression have been explored in dyadic encounters in lab settings. Males and females display robust aggressive contests, whose outcome depends only on body size asymmetry. This agonistic behavior is independent of gonadal hormones and fast acting androgens. Nevertheless, it is dependent on fast acting estrogenic action, as acute aromatase blockers affect aggression engagement, intensity, and outcome. Transcriptomic profiling in the preoptic area region shows non-breeding individuals express aromatase and other steroidogenic enzyme transcripts. This teleost model reveals there is a role of brain estrogen in the control of non-breeding aggression which seems to be common among distant vertebrate species