460 research outputs found

    Voltammetric determination of sibutramine in beverages and in pharmaceutical formulations

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    A simple and sensitive method has been proposed for the determination of sibutramine-HCl in energy drinks, green tea and pharmaceutical formulations using differential pulse voltammetry performed on a hanging mercury drop electrode. In the chosen experimental condition (Mcllvaine pH 4.0 buffer, 50 mV pulse amplitude and 40 mV s-1 scan velocity), sibutramine-HCl presented a reversible behavior and a peak maximum at -80 mV. Detection limit was 0.4 mg L-1 and the working linear range extended up to 33.3 mg L-1 (r = 0.99). Analysis of real and fortified samples enabled recoveries between 91 and 102%. The electroanalytical method was compared with a HPLC method which indicated it accuracy

    Prediction of intensive care admission and hospital mortality in COVID-19 patients using demographics and baseline laboratory data

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    Introduction: Optimized allocation of medical resources to patients with COVID-19 has been a critical concern since the onset of the pandemic. Methods: In this retrospective cohort study, the authors used data from a Brazilian tertiary university hospital to explore predictors of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) admission and hospital mortality in patients admitted for COVID-19. Our primary aim was to create and validate prediction scores for use in hospitals and emergency departments to aid clinical decisions and resource allocation. Results: The study cohort included 3,022 participants, of whom 2,485 were admitted to the ICU; 1968 survived, and 1054 died in the hospital. From the complete cohort, 1,496 patients were randomly assigned to the derivation sample and 1,526 to the validation sample. The final scores included age, comorbidities, and baseline laboratory data. The areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves were very similar for the derivation and validation samples. Scores for ICU admission had a 75% accuracy in the validation sample, whereas scores for death had a 77% accuracy in the validation sample. The authors found that including baseline flu-like symptoms in the scores added no significant benefit to their accuracy. Furthermore, our scores were more accurate than the previously published NEWS-2 and 4C Mortality Scores. Discussion and conclusions: The authors developed and validated prognostic scores that use readily available clinical and laboratory information to predict ICU admission and mortality in COVID-19. These scores can become valuable tools to support clinical decisions and improve the allocation of limited health resources

    Treatment with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (r-TPA) induces neutrophil degranulation in vitro via defined pathways.

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    AbstractThrombolysis is recommended for reperfusion following acute ischemic stroke (AIS), but its effects on stroke-associated injury remain to be clarified. Here, we investigated the effects of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (r-tPA) on neutrophil pathophysiology in vitro and in a case–control study with AIS patients submitted (n=60) or not (n=30) to thrombolysis. Patients underwent radiological and clinical examination as well as blood sampling at admission and after 1, 7 and 90days. In vitro, 30-min incubation with 0.1–1mg/ml r-tPA induced neutrophil degranulation in different substrate cultures. Pre-incubation with kinase inhibitors and Western blot documented that degranulation was associated with activation of PI3K/Akt and ERK1/2 pathways in Teflon dishes and PI3K/Akt in polystyrene. In thrombolysed patients, a peak of neutrophil degranulation products (matrix metalloproteinase [MMP]-9, MMP-8, neutrophil elastase and myeloperoxidase), was shown during the first hours from drug administration. This was accompanied by serum augmentation of protective tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-1 and TIMP-2. An increased rate of haemorrhagic transformations on day 1 after AIS was shown in thrombolysed patients as compared to non-thrombolysed controls. In conclusion, r-tPA treatment was associated with in vitro neutrophil degranulation, indicating these cells as potential determinants in early haemorrhagic complications after thrombolysis in AIS patients

    Observable Signatures of Planet Accretion in Red Giant Stars I: Rapid Rotation and Light Element Replenishment

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    The orbital angular momentum of a close-orbiting giant planet can be sufficiently large that, if transferred to the envelope of the host star during the red giant branch (RGB) evolution, it can spin-up the star's rotation to unusually large speeds. This spin-up mechanism is one possible explanation for the rapid rotators detected among the population of generally slow-rotating red giant stars. These rapid rotators thus comprise a unique stellar sample suitable for searching for signatures of planet accretion in the form of unusual stellar abundances due to the dissemination of the accreted planet in the stellar envelope. In this study, we look for signatures of replenishment in the Li abundances and (to a lesser extent) 12C/13C, which are both normally lowered during RGB evolution. Accurate abundances were measured from high signal-to-noise echelle spectra for samples of both slow and rapid rotator red giant stars. We find that the rapid rotators are on average enriched in lithium compared to the slow rotators, but both groups of stars have identical distributions of 12C/13C within our measurement precision. Both of these abundance results are consistent with the accretion of planets of only a few Jupiter masses. We also explore alternative scenarios for understanding the most Li-rich stars in our sample---particularly Li regeneration during various stages of stellar evolution. Finally, we find that our stellar samples show non-standard abundances even at early RGB stages, suggesting that initial protostellar Li abundances and 12C/13C may be more variable than originally thought.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 29 pages in emulateapj format, including 16 figures and 12 tables. Tables 4 and 8 are provided in their entirety as plain text ancillary files (and will also be available in the electronic edition of ApJ

    High incidence of acquiring methicillin-resistant <i>Staphylococcus aureus</i> in Brazilian children with Atopic Dermatitis and associated risk factors

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    BACKGROUND: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) colonization in Atopic Dermatitis (AD) patients can contribute to worsening their clinical condition. OBJECTIVE: A cohort study was carried out to determine the incidence of MRSA acquisition and its risk factors in AD children. METHODS: Patients with AD (2 months-14 years old) were followed up for about 1 year at a reference center for AD treatment in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from September 2011 to February 2014. Nasal swabs from patients and contacts were collected every 2 months. The SCORAD system assessed the severity of the AD. S. aureus isolates were evaluated to determine the methicillin resistance and the clonal lineages. RESULTS: Among 117 AD patients, 97 (82.9%) were already colonized with S. aureus and 26 (22.2%) had MRSA at the first evaluation. The incidence of MRSA acquisition in the cohort study was 27.47% (n = 25). The SCORAD assessments were: mild (46.15%), moderate (37.36%) or severe (16.48%). Risk factors were: colonized MRSA contacts (HR = 2.27; 95% CI: 1.16-7.54), use of cyclosporine (HR = 5.84; 95% CI: 1.70-19.98), moderate or severe AD (HR = 3.26; 95% CI: 1.13-9.37). Protective factors were: availability of running water (HR = 0.21; 95% CI: 0.049-0.96) and use of antihistamines (HR = 0.21; 95% IC: 0.64-0.75). MRSA isolates carried the SCCmec type IV and most of them were typed as USA800/ST5. CONCLUSIONS: The high incidence of MRSA acquisition found among AD patients and the risk factors associated show that an effective surveillance of MRSA colonization in these patients is needed

    A magnanimidade da teoria: interpretar a ética em teoria da literatura

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    Tese de doutoramento, Teoria da Literatura, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2003Um dos pressupostos desta tese consiste na ideia segundo a qual o pensamento ético só adquire propriedade conceptual se preliminarmente pudermos definir ‘acção’. Como se procura demonstrar no capítulo I, saber o que é uma acção não se constitui, no entanto, como tarefa que descobre e estabelece propriedades intrínsecas e estáveis, mas como descrição de certas ocorrências, nos termos das pessoas que procuram explicar e descrever acções. Assim, o pensamento ético é algo que se constitui a partir da coerência e racionalidade de certas descrições de acções particulares e não um sistema de regras ou prescrições. Defende-se que a coerência estrutural destas descrições determina não apenas a consideração moral das acções, mas também a possibilidade do conhecimento entre as pessoas e a certeza, mais poética do que epistemológica, da sua existência. Se uma certa estabilidade do texto ético e uma certeza suficiente acerca do conhecimento humano dependem da configuração mais ou menos padronizada das acções humanas e do funcionamento mental, assumem especial relevância cognitiva e ética os casos e fenómenos de irracionalidade na realização de acções e formação de crenças. De facto, como se sugere no capítulo II, estes casos suscitam perplexidades éticas e cognitivas e assinalam o carácter provisório e conceptualmente circunscrito das nossas descrições sobre acções e pessoas, no contexto restrito do pensamento filosófico e ético. Importa por isso considerar outros textos em que a acção se constitui como motivo de estrutura argumentativa e objecto de análise. A consideração da tragédia e, sobretudo, a análise da teorização poética de Aristóteles acerca do texto trágico formam o capítulo III desta tese. A determinação ética da argumentação técnica da Poética é tão relevante para o entendimento da tragédia quanto, para a ética, conduta moral e compreensão da irracionalidade, é de absoluta pertinência uma particular descrição da acção trágica e da peculiaridade de certas actividades interpretativas exigidas não só por esse entendimento trágico de acção, mas por qualquer texto.ABSTRACT - One of the central ideas of this thesis is that ethical thinking acquires conceptual accuracy only when we can define ‘action’. As it is suggested in chapter I, to know what an action is is not, nevertheless, an activity which finds and establishes intrinsic and stable properties, but a description of some phenomena, in the vocabulary of those who seek to explain and to describe actions. Thus, ethical thinking is derived from the coherence and rationality of descriptions of particular actions and is not, therefore, a system of rules and prescriptions. It is argued that the structural coherence of these descriptions determines not only the moral apprehension of actions, but also the possibility of knowledge of persons and the assurance, more poetical than epistemological, of their existence. If a certain stability of the ethical text and a sufficient certainty about human knowledge depend on a more or less standard configuration of human actions and of mental functioning, then irrational episodes and phenomena in action and belief assume a particular cognitive and ethical relevance. As proposed in chapter II, these cases excite some ethical and cognitive perplexities and show the provisional and conceptually circumscribed character of our descriptions of actions and persons, in the strict realm of philosophy and ethics. It is necessary, therefore, to consider other texts in which action is constituted as the cause for the argumentative structure and object of analysis. The consideration of tragedy and, mostly, of the treatment of the tragic text in Aristotle’s Poetics constitutes an important part of this task and is sketched in chapter III. The ethical influence of the technical arguments of the Poetics is therefore relevant to the understanding of tragedy. A particular description of tragic action and of the specificity of interpretative activities is required not only by the understanding of action in tragedy as by the description of ethical patterns of moral behaviour and the comprehension of irrationality in any text.Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian: Bolsa de Curta Duraçã