1,804 research outputs found


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    Este artigo se propõe a discutir o processo de formação de leitores na escola promovido pelos professores de língua materna a partir da análise do Clube do Livro do IFRN Currais Novos, decorrente do projeto de extensão intitulado “Comunidade de leitores: uma experiência de fomento literário no Seridó”. Interessa-nos refletir como se constitui essa comunidade, quais são os possíveis impactos discursivos dentro e fora da escola e como se dão as práticas de leitura em torno de obras que, por vezes, se colocam fora do cânone e da “boa leitura” defendida pela instituição escolar/familiar ou qualquer outra instituição detentora do ofício de formar leitores. Para tanto, as concepções advindas de Bakhtin e o Círculo, bem como de Cosson (2015), Certeau (2014) e Petit (2013) sobre leitura e juventudes permitem a contemplação crítica desse processo a fim de tratá-lo como prática discursiva concreta, situada e contextualizada.  A pesquisa se insere na Linguística Aplicada (FABRÍCIO, 2006; MOITA LOPES, 2006) e se orienta metodologicamente em um viés qualitativo.

    Histomorfometric Analysis of Duodenum of Rats Submitted to Food Stress / Análise Histomorfométrica do Duodeno de Ratos Submetidos ao Estresse Alimentar

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    Stress was interpreted as a nonspecific reaction of the organism to a situation that would threaten its homeostasis. Several factors in the modern world can be related to this condition: the search for a perfect body, the labor market dispute or the pressure to conquer everything as fast as possible. Associated with these factors, one can add the intense, naturally stressful, routine in which man is inserted. At the experimental level, several effects are observed at a systemic and behavioral level in rats that have been submitted to food restriction models, finding that the gastrointestinal system is quite vulnerable to stress in general. In specific cases of food stress, it was observed that the manifestations vary according to the life stage of the animal and the applied model. In this sense, the present research aims to evaluate the influence of food restriction on the intestinal tunica morphology of rats submitted to a chronic food stress model. For this, 27 animals were divided into control (n = 11) and test (n = 16) groups. From the 60 th day of life, the test group was submitted to four stages, each one being performed in one day: 1) palatable diet; 2) visual stimulation to the diet, but without access; 3) fasting; 4) standard diet of the biotery. The four steps were repeated until the animals completed 90 days. In the morphometry of the duodenum were analyzed: length, width and area of vill, as well as area of intestinal gland (Lieberkühn). Statistical inference of data showed that the applied stress model affected the morphology of the stressed group, since the intestinal villi appeared wider and with less area in this group. The villi length as well as the intestinal gland area did not undergo morphological changes. The alterations found reinforce that the fasting process acts as a stressor and a predisposing factor for morphological alterations, as observed in other studies in our laboratory. However, there are not many studies in the literature that allow the knowledge of the consequences of this type of stress. In this case, further research is needed on the relationship between the gastrointestinal tract and the experimental model applied to elucidate such findings

    Can exosomes transfer the preconditioning effects triggered by (poly)phenol compounds between cells?

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    Funding Information: This work has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 804229. This work was also supported by “iNOVA4Health – UIDB/04462/2020 and UIDP/04462/2020, and by the Associated Laboratory LS4FUTURE (LA/P/0087/2020), two programs financially supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia/Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior. This work has also been funded by the project PID2019-103914RB-I00 from the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN, Spain). We also acknowledge EMBO Installation Grant 3921, the grant 2017NovPCC1058 from Breast Cancer Now's Catalyst Programme, which is supported by funding from Pfizer, the grant 765492 from H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017, the Champalimaud Foundation and the grant LCF/PR/HR19/52160014 from “La Caixa” Foundation. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The Royal Society of Chemistry.Effective strategies in prolonging life- and health span are increasingly recognized as acting as mild stressors. Micronutrients and other dietary compounds such as (poly)phenols may act as moderate stressors and confer protective effects via a preconditioning phenomenon. (Poly)phenols and their metabolites may not need to reach their target cells to produce biologically significant responses, so that cells exposed to it at entry points may communicate signals to other cells. One of such “communication” mechanisms could occur through extracellular vesicles, including exosomes. In vitro loading of exosomes with (poly)phenols has been used to achieve targeted exosome homing. However, it is unknown if similar shuttling phenomena occur in vivo upon (poly)phenols consumption. Alternatively, exposure to (poly)phenols might trigger responses in exposed organs, which can subsequently signal to cells distant from exposure sites via exosomes. The currently available studies favor indirect effects of (poly)phenols, tempting to suggest a “billiard-like” or “domino-like” propagating effect mediated by quantitative and qualitative changes in exosomes triggered by (poly)phenols. In this review, we discuss the limited current data available on how (poly)phenols exposure can potentially modify exosomes activity, highlighting major questions regarding how (epi)genetic, physiological, and gut microbiota factors can modulate and be modulated by the putative exosome-(poly)phenolic compound interplay that still remains to be fully understood.publishersversionpublishe

    Assessment of compacted-cementitious composites as porous restrictors for aerostatic bearings

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    Cementitious composites reinforced with silica, silicon carbide or carbon microfibres are designed, manufactured, characterised and tested as porous restrictor for aerostatic bearings. Carbon microfibres are residues obtained from the cutting process of carbon fibre-reinforced polymers. Porosity, permeability, flexural strength and stiffness are quite relevant in the design of aerostatic porous bearings. A 3141 full factorial design is carried out to identify the effects of particle inclusion and water-to-cement ratio(w/c) factors on the physical and mechanical properties of cementitious composites. Higher density material is achieved by adding silicon carbide. Higher porosity is obtained at 0.28 w/c level when silica and silicon carbide are used. Carbon microfibres are not effective under bending loads. Higher compressive strength is reached especially when silica particles are combined with 0.33 or 0.35 w/c. According to the permeability coefficient values the cementitious composites consisted of CMF (0.28 w/c), silica (0.30 w/c) or silicon carbide (0.30 w/c) inclusions are promising as porous restrictor; however, carbon microfibre porous bearings achieved the lowest air gap variation under the tested working conditions

    A saga da identidade na modernidade líquida: busca do eu inacabado nas obras juvenis contemporâneas

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    Este artigo discute a forma como a literatura passou por um processo de ressignificação, impulsionado pelos avanços tecnológicos e pelo apelo dos seus leitores, os quais se infiltraram no meio literário através de criações próprias e da visão de novos autores que passaram a representar os posicionamentos, as valorações e as vivências desse público leitor, principalmente, dos jovens leitores. Desse modo, evidencia os desdobramentos da nomeada “literatura contemporânea”, a qual rompe com a lógica da literatura moderna que a antecede e se concretiza como um espectro artístico mais amplo (no sentido que toca as questões que são caras ao seu público) marcado pela liquidez contemporânea e, por consequência, ressignificado. Para tanto, pretende investigar as obras juvenis nomeadas best-sellers, literatura de saga ou de entretenimento, na intenção de investigar como essas narrativas refletem e refratam as identidades juvenis, a medida que levam ao romance também questões axiológicas, dilemas e problemáticas contemporâneas da juventude a qual representa. Nesse sentido, baseia-se nas concepções de Mikhail Bakhtin e de García Canclini, para com elas, e a partir delas, compreender o processo de representação juvenil na literatura contemporânea e como esse processo oxigena e corrói estruturas previamente cristalizadas. A partir das análises realizadas, conclui-se que a literatura da era líquida, em seu processo de mutação, criou um novo e gigantesco sistema de leitores, leituras e escritores que não deve mais ser olhado com os olhos do passado, uma vez que estamos diante de um sistema aprimorado, denso e complexo que envolve texto e leitores

    Effects of chronic food stress on morphometry and expression of nuclear organizing regions in the adult rats hippocampus Chronic food stress on morphometry and expression of agnor in the rats hippocampus / Efeitos do estresse alimentar crônico na morfometria e expressão das regiões de organização nuclear nos ratos adultos hipocampo Testemunho crônico de alimentação sobre morfometria e expressão do agnor no hippocampus das taxas

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    The aim of this study was to verify the immediate and late effects of chronic food stress on the expression of Nuclear Organizing Regions (NORs) in hippocampal neurons. Twenty Wistar rats were separated into two groups: test (n = 10) and control (n = 10). Food stress started from the 60th day of life and lasted for a month. After this time the animals were anesthetized, euthanized and had their hippocampus dissected. The obtained hippocampus were histologically processed, stained by the HE technique for morphological description and by the AgNOR technique for NOR analysis. From each image the total number of neurons, the number of neurons with NOR in Dispersion (NND), the total number of NORs (NNOR), and then performed a ratio of NNOR by the total number of neurons to obtain the number Of NOR by neuron (NNN). Of the analyzed variants, the number of neurons was higher (p <0.001) in the stressed group (41.98 ± 17), when compared with the control group (33.57 ± 14). In addition, NND was also higher in the stressed group (4.523 ± 4.04) than the control group (1.4 ± 2.20) with p <0.001. Thus, we have that chronic food stress increases the number of granular neurons in the hippocampus in rats as well as increases the number of NOR in dispersion. 

    A inconstitucionalidade da coleta de material genético de condenados para formação de um banco de dados nacional/ The unconstitutionality of collecting genetic material from convicts to form a national database

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    A possibilidade da coleta de material genético de condenados para formação de um banco de dados, a fim de solucionar casos com autoria desconhecida, disposta no artigo 9º-A da Lei n° 7.210/84 – Lei de Execução Penal (LEP), é uma discussão ainda recente no Brasil. A problemática encontra seu cerne na compulsoriedade da extração de material genético, ou seja, obrigando a pessoa a produzir prova contra si e a ter seu corpo violado. A constitucionalidade da matéria é pauta de discussão atual do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) por meio do Recurso Extraordinário n° 973.837/MG. Nesse sentido, o objetivo desse artigo é analisar a constitucionalidade do artigo 9º-A da LEP, observando se a sua aplicação poderá violar direitos e garantias fundamentais dos condenados, bem como analisar os posicionamentos da doutrina e da jurisprudência quanto ao tema, com intuito de verificar a existência de afronta direta à Constituição Federal. Para tanto, utilizou-se o método de abordagem dedutivo e métodos de procedimentos monográfico e o comparativo. Quanto às técnicas de pesquisas, optou-se pela bibliográfica e documental. No que se refere aos resultados, verificou-se a inconstitucionalidade do artigo 9º-A da LEP, pois apresenta conteúdo contrário aos fundamentos da Constituição, posicionando majoritariamente, nesse sentido, a doutrina. Quanto ao Recurso Extraordinário n° 973.837/MG, até o momento, constata-se que há uma tentativa de afastar a inconstitucionalidade sob o fundamento de maior segurança. Todavia, a ponderação realizada neste conflito de direitos ressalta a importância daqueles que serão violados por meio da referida coleta, não havendo ainda posicionamento do STF

    A ética e a moral no entrelaçar dos fios da malha e suas relações com a construção de conhecimentos no âmbito da educação / The ethics and morals of the threads in the weave of the mesh and its relations with the construction of knowledge in education

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    Este artigo tem por objetivo investigar de que forma a ética se relaciona com o processo de construção de conhecimentos no âmbito da educação por meio da reflexão sobre três eixos fundamentais: a ética e sua relação com a moral, a bioética e as ciências do comportamento social e psíquico do ser humano. O estudo foi norteado pela seguinte questão: se quisermos reforçar a excelência nas relações, de maneira que toda a estrutura de ensino possa ser paulatinamente reforçada, por onde começar? A fundamentação teórica pautou-se nos estudos de Morin (2001), Santi (2003), Rovighi (1999), Ringer (2004), Singer (1995), Kolakowski (2002), Harris (1989) entre outros, a qual indica que os paradigmas sustentados na história, articulados aos estudos interdisciplinares (Sociologia, Psicologia, Ciências da Educação, Filosofia, Política etc), favorecem o aprofundamento sobre a ética nas relações humanas com foco na valorização do ser humano.  

    Lenalidomide Maintenance and Measurable Residual Disease in a Real-World Multiple Myeloma Transplanted Population Receiving Different Treatment Strategies Guided by Access to Novel Drugs in Brazil

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    Despite recent advances in multiple myeloma (MM), the incorporation of novel agents and measurable residual disease (MRD) monitoring in low-income countries remains a challenge. Although lenalidomide maintenance (M-Len) after autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) has been associated with improved outcomes and MRD has refined the prognosis of complete response (CR) cases, until now, there have been no data on the benefits of these approaches in Latin America. Here, we evaluate the benefits of M-Len and MRD using next-generation flow cytometry (NGF-MRD) at Day + 100 post-ASCT (n = 53). After ASCT, responses were evaluated based on the International Myeloma Working Group criteria and NGF-MRD. MRD was positive in 60% of patients with a median progression-free survival (PFS) of 31 months vs. not reached (NR) for MRD-negative cases (p = 0.05). The patients who received M-Len continuously had a significantly better PFS and overall survival (OS) than those without M-Len (median PFS: NR vs. 29 months, p = 0.007), with progression in 11% vs. 54% of cases after a median follow-up of 34 months, respectively. In a multivariate analysis, MRD status and M-Len therapy emerged as independent predictors of PFS (median PFS of M-Len/MRD− vs. no M-Len/MRD+ of NR vs. 35 months, respectively; p = 0.01). In summary, M-Len was associated with improved survival outcomes in our real-world MM cohort in Brazil, with MRD emerging as a useful reproducible tool to identify patients at an earlier risk of relapse. The inequity in drug access remains a hurdle in countries with financial constraints, with a negative impact on MM survival.This work was supported by from Coordenação de Aperfeiçomento de Pessoal de Nível Superior—Brazil (CAPES) Finance code 001-8888.331795/2010-01; Programa de Oncobiologia 001/2017 and 004/2017; Centro Investigación Biomédica em Red—Cáncer (CIBERONC code CB//00400) of Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministry of Science and Innovation (Madrid, Spain), number CB16/12/00400; The International Myeloma Foundation-Black Swan Research Initiative (Los Angeles, CA) (Grant: LSHB-CT-2006-018708). A.B.S.S. was supported by a grant from Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior CAPES/PROEX, number: 88887.688096/2022-00. R.M.P. was supported by a grant from the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES/DGPU), number: 000281/2016-06 and CAPES/PROEX 641/2018, Brazil, and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro of Brazil (FAPERJ), number: E01/200/537/2018. E.S.B. was supported by a grant from Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior CAPES/PROEX, number: 88887.335769/2019-00 and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ), number: E-26/200.192/2020, Brazil

    Sunk cost effect: An exploratory approach through a sample of Spanish graduates

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    [ES]El efecto de costo irrecuperable (ECI) ha sido definido como una tendencia a elegir o continuar un curso de acción una vez que se ha hecho una inversión previa de dinero, tiempo o esfuerzo. El objetivo de esta investigación fue la aplicación, con leves variaciones, del experimento original de efecto de costo irrecuperable en una muestra de 108 estudiantes universitarios de varias titulaciones con una media de edad de 28.79 (DT= 11.34), donde el 62% eran mujeres y el 38% hombres. Los resultados confirman la existencia del Efecto de Costo Irrecuperable en dicha muestra, aunque el término ECI deja abierto un abanico a posibles controversias que se han tenido en cuenta a la hora de establecer las conclusiones de esta investigació