1,064 research outputs found


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    As Dirae: imprecação na Appendix Vergiliana: introdução, tradução e notas de comentário

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    Tese de mestrado, Estudos Clássicos, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2013O trabalho que ora se apresenta consiste na tradução e comentário de um dos poemas constituintes da Appendix Vergiliana: as Dirae. O tema central é o da expropriação dos campos levada a cabo por Octaviano, que, após a batalha de Filipos, confiscou, em Itália, um sem-número de propriedades para as entregar aos seus soldados. Um aspecto fundamental no poema é a confluência e utilização de vários topoi de dois estilos poéticos distintos, o bucólico e o imprecatório. A imprecação, não sendo um género propriamente dito, possui uma vasta tradição poética: encontramos dois exemplos principais, entre muitos outros, em Calímaco e Ovídio. Igual relevo merecem a influência da poesia vergiliana em todo o poema, e a extensa intertextualidade que pode ser estabelecida com um longo leque de autores não só da literatura latina, como também da poesia grega.Abstract: This work consists of a translation of, and commentary on, one of the poems of the Appendix Vergiliana: the Dirae. Its central theme is the expropriation of lands decreed by Octavian, who after the Battle of Philippi confiscated a large number of lands in Italy to give them to his soldiers. In Dirae, we must consider the confluence and use of topoi from two main distinct poetic levels: the bucolic and the imprecatory. The imprecatory ‘voice’, though not a formal genre, has a well-known set of topics and rules, and a large poetic tradition: two major examples, among many others, are found in Callimachus and in Ovid. Virgilian bucolism dominates the whole poem; but further levels of intertextuality can be established with a large number of authors, not only from the Latin literature, but also from Greek poetry

    Music, rhythmic gymnastics and expressiveness: an artistic performance

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    In rhythmic gymnastics, we appreciate the brilliant success in a true performing art whose sensitively expressive movements of great technical skill integrated into the music result in an exquisite and refined performance that involves body plasticity, musical receptivity, feelings and emotions. The practice of gymnastics significantly contributes to the development of body movements and musicality, boosting motor and artistic abilities by the acquisition of improved skills for jumping, running and practising different exercises. This study aimed to investigate how music is important in the development of rhythmic gymnastics. A literature review was carried out, including research from 2016 to 2021, published in Google Academic. We emphasise how the body action perfectly integrated into the music is essential for the artistic representation of an enchanting plastic, musical and grandiose beauty. We understand that encouraging physical exercise, especially artistic rhythmic gymnastics, is very important for the development of essential qualities for the individual, such as physical, behavioural, artistic and emotional attributes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Classification of Urban Solid Waste Collected with the Use of Ecobarriers in Watercourses in the Municipality of Caçapava do Sul, RS

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    Urban solid waste is a serious problem in cities when disposed in inappropriate places or when there is a deficiency in its collection, which can cause several environmental problems. In periods of rain, these problems become more evident when these residues are transported to drainage networks and water courses, accumulating and creating obstacles to the flow, causing floods, floods, etc. In this regard, this work aimed to collect and classify urban solid waste in two water courses in the municipality of Caçapava do Sul, an ecological barrier made with recyclable materials called Ecobarrier, placed across water courses in order to retain floating waste that is transported by water. As a result, the vast majority of residues retained in the eco-barriers correspond to the category of organic matter, this is due to the vegetation around the water bodies studied, followed by the plastic, metal and textile category respectively. Thus, it can be seen that the presence of floating garbage in the water courses of the municipality partially reflects the lack of concern on the part of the population and governments with its effects on human and environmental health. It is in this context, to avoid the generation of floating waste, that the integration of public policies can play a fundamental role, with the help of environmental education

    Intra-arterial thrombectomy in the management of acute ischemic stroke: evidentiary analysis over the past two years

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    Stroke is one of the main causes of death and disability worldwide, and the ischemic modality is responsible for the majority of these events. Despite its high occurrence and potentially unfavorable prognosis, the management options were scarce and barely effective until recent times, when a relatively new endovascular intervention with demonstrated superior efficacy as compared with that of classic management was reported in the medical literature. The theoretical basis of this study was conducted through research in virtual databases Public MEDLINE (PubMed) and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) using associations among the keywords “acute ischemic stroke”, “ischemic stroke”, “thrombectomy”, “endovascular,” and “intra-arterial thrombectomy”. Clinical trials, meta-analysis, and pertinent literature reviews published in the last two years were reviewed and 14 articles were selected for complete and critical evaluations. The results of the randomized clinical trials, consequences of implantation of the intra-arterial thrombectomy as routine management for eligible groups, cost-effectiveness, and the most related complications and outcomes associated with the procedure are critically explored throughout this study.Keywords: Stroke; ischemic stroke; thrombectomy; endovascula

    Artistic-Cultural Perspectives in Technical-Professional Training at UTFPR-Brazil

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    In this research, we intend to study the role of art in the creative process, in engineering courses at the Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, as a technological innovation factor. This qualitative research is characterised as a method for adopting a naturalistic and descriptive perspective. The sample is composed of students and graduates (10); teachers, coordinators and directors of Education of the Pato Branco Campus (10); Dean (1); Entrepreneurs (4). In the analysis and discussion of results from semi-structured interviews, we opted for Content Analysis, having in perspective the Theory of Social Representations of Moscovici (1978). Among the main conclusions, we highlight the valorisation of creative, interpersonal and communicative skills as fundamental competences in the formation of an engineer. It is also highlighted that the role of art in engineering can enhance creativity and constitute a factor of technological innovation. This can promote the imagination and the capacity for necessary and fundamental abstraction in the design of engineering projects and the communicational plan. The integration of art in formal training, at the moment, does not constitute an institutional option, nor does it contribute to a significant dialogical relationship between curricular activities and extracurricular artistic activities.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    The state of Rio de Janeiro, despite of having a small territorial area in relation to the other Brazilian federative units, presents socio-spatial integration difficulties, deficient mobility and a strong socio-economic polarization in the Metropolitan Region of its capital. Among a series of factors that have influenced this picture, historically, there are since the evolution of its political-administrative division, to the choice for the road mobility policy and even its peculiar topography. The presence or absence of air routes in the state, that is today the main transport flow in the globalized world, are both cause and consequence of an uneven and combined socio-spatial development. In addition, the analytical study of regional commercial aviation is, at the moment, both a diagnosis  and action field for public policies, specifically for our state. In this article, we conducted a qualitative and exploratory research on the regional commercial aviation development situation in the state of Rio de Janeiro and, therefore, we made a bibliographic research, consulted documentary sources such as state and federal laws, articles from newspapers and specialized magazines, and the data from the Population Arrangements and Urban Concentrations of Brazil research and the Cities Influence Regions (REGIC) research, both from IBGE


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    O presente artigo trata-se do estudo e da coleta de dados a partir do estágio supervisionado que foi realizado na Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, com o escopo de empregar os conhecimentos adquiridos no curso de Bacharelado em Secretariado Executivo, com o objetivo de propor a gestão de qualidade nos processos administrativos segundo o programa 5S, através da proposta de implantação do programa na Secretaria da Faculdade de Educação Física da UFMT, campus Cuiabá. Para tal intento, a metodologia utilizada foi a de pesquisa aplicada e exploratória, com ênfase no levantamento bibliográfico, empregando de maneira profícua os conhecimentos adquiridos. O 5S é uma ferramenta simples e de baixo custo com grande aplicabilidade de uso em todos os tipos de empresas, públicas e privadas, de grande, pequeno e médio porte sendo com ou sem fins lucrativos. Proporcionando qualidade nos processos e melhoria no clima organizacional sem necessidade de grandes investimentos


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    Este artigo retoma parte dos resultados obtidos no trabalho de conclusão de curso (AUTOR 1, 2019). Nesta retomada, analisamos e refletimos sobre como as atividades de listening (compreensão oral) propostas na unidade 6, Immigration: push and pull factors, do livro didático Circles 3 de língua inglesa do 3º ano do Ensino Médio materializam as concepções de heterogeneidade linguística e World Englishes. Os seguintes critérios de escolha do corpus foram adotados: uma obra de língua inglesa destinada para o Ensino Médio que fosse avaliada e aprovada pelo Programa Nacional do Livro Didático – PNLD; e, um capítulo cujo o assunto tratado possibilitasse de modo mais evidente a manifestação e discussão sobre heterogeneidade linguística e World Englishes. Para tanto, adotamos como base teórico-metodológica a análise dialógica do discurso e recorremos aos estudos de Kachru (1985), Rajagopalan (2005) e Leffa (2016) no que tange aos conceitos anteriormente citados e sua relação com o ensino e o lugar da língua inglesa no mundo. Ao seguirmos a perspectiva bakhtiniana neste artigo, consideramos nosso objeto em sua relação com seus contextos de produção, circulação e recepção e, por isso, discorremos sobre os estudos relativos ao ensino e aprendizagem de língua inglesa; as Orientações Curriculares para Ensino Médio (OCEM); o Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD) e a avaliação da coleção Circles. Para a abordagem do corpus seguimos os procedimentos bakhtinianos de descrição, análise e interpretação. Concluímos que as atividades são desenvolvidas e embasadas, linguisticamente, em contextos e realidades socioculturais heterogêneas, mas não ocorre reflexão prática sobre estes nos exercícios, sendo apresentados apenas de maneira expositiva na temática proposta pela unidade