804 research outputs found

    Estudo da otimização do cabo metálico na produção de Bowden Cables

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    Hoje em dia, mais do que nunca, num mercado cada vez mais global e competitivo, as organizações necessitam de estar constantemente à procura da inovação, do aumento da qualidade dos seus produtos, assim como da produtividade global dos seus processos. A pandemia de COVID-19 veio aumentar esta obrigatoriedade pela melhoria contínua. O setor automóvel é caracterizado como sendo uma das áreas de negócio mais competitivas e que se encontra em constante evolução. Assim sendo, procurar o desenvolvimento de produtos da mais alta qualidade e maximizar os lucros é essencial para uma organização sobreviver e prosperar no mercado, o que pode ser alcançado através da eliminação dos desperdícios existente ao longo do fluxo produtivo. Para se obter as melhorias pretendidas, a metodologia usada foi o Six Sigma, onde se utilizou o ciclo DMAIC, assim como certas ferramentas Lean. Na revisão bibliográfica, fez-se inicialmente uma introdução ao setor automóvel, destacando a sua importância a nível global, bem como as principais dificuldades que este setor está a enfrentar; fez-se uma revisão da metodologia Six Sigma, destacando o ciclo DMAIC e, por fim, foi abordada a filosofia Lean Manufacturing. O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido na empresa Fico Cables, especializada na produção de componentes para automóveis e teve como principal objetivo a redução ou eliminação da ponta de cabo na operação de aparar nas linhas de produção, uma vez que a empresa apresentava anualmente milhares de metros de cabo desperdiçado. Após chegar à conclusão sobre quais os fatores que permitiriam a eliminação e diminuição do aparado de cabo das linhas de montagem, foram definidas e implementadas ações de melhoria. Com as ações implementadas, obteve-se um ganho anual de cerca de 89 289 € e, até aproximadamente 2026, será obtido um ganho de 288 343 €, tendo sido eliminado o aparado em cinco linhas de montagem, diminuindo se igualmente o aparado em oito linhas de montagem.Nowadays, more than ever, in an increasingly global and competitive market, organisations need to be constantly seeking innovation, increasing the quality of their products, as well as the global productivity of their processes. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased this obligation for continuous improvement. The automotive sector is characterised as one of the most competitive business areas and is in constant evolution. Therefore, seeking to develop the highest quality products and maximise profits is essential for an organisation to survive and prosper into the market, which can be achieved by eliminating the waste that exists along the production flow. To obtain the desired improvements, the methodology used was Six Sigma, where the DMAIC cycle was used, as well as certain Lean tools. In the literature review, the automotive sector was initially introduced, highlighting its importance at a global level, as well as the main difficulties that this sector is facing; the Six Sigma methodology was reviewed, highlighting the DMAIC cycle and, finally, the Lean Manufacturing philosophy was addressed. The present work was developed in the company Fico Cables, specialized in the production of components for automobiles and had as main objective the reduction or elimination of the cable end in the trimming operation into the production lines, since the company presented annually thousands of meters of wasted cable. After reaching the conclusion of the factors that would allow the elimination and/or reduction of cable trimming on the assembly lines, improvement actions were defined and implemented. With the actions implemented, an annual gain of around 89 289 euros was obtained and until approximately 2026 a gain of 288 343 euros will be obtained, having eliminated the trimming on five assembly lines and reduced the trimming on eight assembly lines

    A autorregulação como manifestação da liberdade e da autonomia sindical

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    A Constituição Federal de 1988 assegura a livre associação e a unicidade sindical. Deste modo, cabe aos sindicatos a defesa dos direitos e interesses da categoria representada sem a intervenção estatal. Essa regra encontra abrigo legal nos termos do inciso I do artigo 8.º da norma fundamental. No entanto, embora a nação brasileira demonstre um contexto histórico de lutas por direitos e melhorias na condição dos trabalhadores, em 2017, o ordenamento jurídico foi alvo de profundo retrocesso social. Nesse sentido, deve ser dito que a Lei n .º 13.467 passou a vigorar no intuito de promover a precarização das relações de trabalho, privilegiando os interesses da classe patronal em detrimento dos trabalhadores. Para tanto, teve o apontamento da limitação das competências da Justiça do Trabalho e a facultatividade da contribuição sindical. Essas medidas legais prejudicaram os trabalhadores e incentivaram a criação de um sistema de autorregulamentação para direcionar a atuação das entidades sindicais. A fragilidade da atuação sindical também se reflete de forma negativa no que diz respeito à participação dessas instituições nos meios alternativos de conflito, tais como, a mediação, a conciliação e a arbitragem. O imposto sindical é a forma tradicional de custeio do sindicato, por isso, tornar esse tipo de contribuição facultativa acarreta a precarização das atividades desenvolvidas por essas entidades. É importante destacar que, embora a contribuição sindical seja facultativa, as conquistas sindicais são usufruídas por todos os trabalhadores, condição que incentiva aos trabalhadores de um país em constante crise econômica opte por não contribuir. Destarte, o objetivo do trabalho é debater as alterações legislativas que denunciam a intervenção indevida do Poder Legislativo na atividade sindical sem haver a contrapartida de qualquer tipo de proteção aos trabalhadores. O Supremo Tribunal Federal - STF, guardião da Constituição, de forma surpreendente, reconheceu a legalidade da reforma sem considerar o que determina a Convenção nº 87 da Organização Internacional do Trabalho - OIT, bem como que a atuação sindical é um instrumento essencial para a garantia da manutenção dos direitos trabalhistas brasileiros e da ordem social que tem como base o trabalho e como objetivo de materializar o bem-estar e a justiça social no cotidiano dos trabalhadores

    Recent Advances in Welding

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    Welding is a conventional joining process that has followed the recent developments in other manufacturing processes, continuing to be an extremely used and investigated process. Several technologies developed in other areas of knowledge have converged in the area of welding, allowing significant improvements in the quality of the products obtained and in the increased productivity of the processes. Although some techniques have been implemented and studied for several decades, the interest of researchers in welding has not diminished, as it can be seen through new processes that have emerged, such as Friction Stir Welding, in addition to many other notable developments in welding processes which apparently seemed to have reached their final stage of maturity. This work brings together a set of very interesting works, being a living proof that welding continues to be heavily investigated and that the developments around this manufacturing process are constantly emerging. Because the materials continue to evolve and the technology around welding also continues to develop at a very good pace, studies on the weldability of new materials and the application of new techniques and technologies to already well known welding processes does not stops happening. The editors are proud to have collected this set of works that can help scholars and researchers to broaden their knowledge in the field of welding, thus contributing to the creation of a knowledge base that allows researchers to start new investigations and achievements in the coming decades.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    In vitro study on the sensibility and reproducibility of the new T‐Scan®III HD system

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    AbstractObjectivesThe present study aims to test, under different simulated anatomic circumstances the sensitivity and reproducibility of the T‐Scan®III HD sensor (T‐Scan® Tekscan Incorporation, Boston, USA), the newest generation of a computerized occlusal analysis device.MethodsFour different occlusal tables were created: two of 120° represented by an artificial inferior first molar either embedded in a periodontal‐ligament‐simulator or not; one of 100° (simulating the occlusion of anterior teeth) and a plane surface (180°) in static and variable positions. Three levels of force (10N, 50N and 150N) were applied, 40 times each, by a universal testing machine (Autograph®, AG‐I) with a spherical bur (diameter=2.2mm) on the sensor film. One‐way ANOVAs with Bonferroni corrections for post hoc tests were used for multiple comparisons.ResultsAccording to our study, 85% of the outliers are within the 5 first closures, representing the conditioning time required by the initially flat sensor. Graphically and statistically sustained differences (p<0.05) in the recorded data could only be found when the sensor's position was switched between closures, but not in the other circumstances.ConclusionsAn undeniable improvement of the T‐Scan®III HD system as compared to former designs could be shown. The anatomic circumstances did not influence the sensor's sensibility or reproducibility. However, further studies on the varying sensitivity throughout its sensing surface are required. Its reproducibility could be proved, except for the 5 first values (outliers to the mean values), which shall be used as a conditioning time to both the sensor and the patient

    Contribuição à Geologia da Região de Frades, Município de Teresópolis (Rio de Janeiro)

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    A geological mapping at the scale 1:50,000 based on air photographs at the scale 1:20.000 is being held near Frades, a small village between Teresopolis and Nova Friburgo, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The main rock types are a coarse grained gneiss, migmatites and granites. The pigmatites exibits a dark differentiate (melanosome), sometimes widespread in area, which has been mapped as amphibolite sensu strictu. The latter, until now considered of magmatic origin, seems to have formed through migmatization processes.A geological mapping at the scale 1:50,000 based on air photographs at the scale 1:20.000 is being held near Frades, a small village between Teresopolis and Nova Friburgo, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The main rock types are a coarse grained gneiss, migmatites and granites. The pigmatites exibits a dark differentiate (melanosome), sometimes widespread in area, which has been mapped as amphibolite sensu strictu. The latter, until now considered of magmatic origin, seems to have formed through migmatization processes

    Physiological studies on cotton. I. The relative importance of different leaves in the fransfer of assimilates

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    A importância relativa das folhas do tronco em relação às dos simpódios para o fornecimento de assimilados às cápsulas do algodoeiro (Gossypium hirsutum L.) foi estudada usando-se a 14C-Leucina. As folhas do tronco foram muito efetivas na alimentação da primeira e segunda cápsula. Com efeito, mesmo se a primeira folha do simpódio foi alimentada, ela não transfere os assimilados somente à primeira, mas também à segunda au terceira cápsula. Se, no entanto, o simpódio foi isolado por anelamento, então a primeira folha já alimenta a sua cápsula. Também se verificou que depois de cobrir a folha do tronco com papel alumínio, as folhas do simpódio compensaram a falta de assimilação com o aumento da atividade da RuBPcarboxilase para quase o dobroThe relative importance of stem leaves and sympodia leaves for assimilate transfer was studied using 14C-Leucine. Stem leaves were very effective in feeding the first and second bolls. The first sympodium leaf does not transfer assimilates to the first boll but it does it to bolls further away in the sympodium. However, after ringing the sympodium assimilates cannot come from stem leaf and the first ball is fed by the first leaf. The importance of the stem leaf is also demonstrated by covering it with aluminium foil, with results in an adjustment of sympodium leaves photosynthesis, the activity of their Ru-Bisphosphate carboxilase almost doubling

    Effects of Motor Learning on Clinical Isokinetic Test Performance in Knee Osteoarthritis Patients

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    OBJECTIVES: To analyze the effects of motor learning on knee extension-flexion isokinetic performance in knee osteoarthritis patients. METHODS: One hundred and thirty-six middle-aged and older sedentary individuals (111 women, 64.3±9.9 years) with knee osteoarthritis (130 patients with bilateral) and who had never performed isokinetic testing underwent two bilateral knee extension-flexion (concentric-concentric) isokinetic evaluations (5 repetitions) at 60°/sec. The tests were first performed on the dominant leg with 2 min of recovery between test, and following a standardized warm-up that included 3 submaximal isokinetic repetitions. The same procedure was repeated on the non-dominant leg. The peak torque, peak torque adjusted for the body weight, total work, coefficient of variation and agonist/antagonist ratio were compared between tests. RESULTS: Patients showed significant improvements in test 2 compared to test 1, including higher levels of peak torque, peak torque adjusted for body weight and total work, as well as lower coefficients of variation. The agonist/antagonist relationship did not significantly change between tests. No significant differences were found between the right and left legs for all variables. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that performing two tests with a short recovery (2 min) between them could be used to reduce motor learning effects on clinical isokinetic testing of the knee joint in knee osteoarthritis patients

    Geographical indication and centrality in the Brazilian Northeast

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    This article discusses the subject of Geographical Indication and level of centrality, by using the hierarchization of municipalities from the Brazilian Northeast region as a tool for discussion and analysis. This article is mainly aimed at hierarchizing municipalities from the Brazilian Northeast region by taking into account their respective contributions to the development of non-public service products between 2002 and 2017, considering five geographical subdivisions (microregion, mesoregion, State, region and country) in the perspective of identifying the level of centrality and a relationship with Geographical Indications. This work is characterised as an exploratory-descriptive research with a quali-quantitative approach, having analysed data from the Automatic Recovery System (SIDRA, in Portuguese) from IBGE (the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) and considering 1,792 municipalities from the Brazilian Northeast. The results indicate that among the 1,792 municipalities included in the study, 1,028 (57.4% of all municipalities studied) observed an increase to their scores. In addition, the main changes that took place in these municipalities between 2002 and 2017 included the increase in the homogeneity in the region, when regarding the profile of participation in the development of non-public service products from higher geographical subdivisions. With that, it can be stated that the non-public service sector creates a level of hierarchy in the municipalities from the Brazilian Northeast in terms of their volumes, corroborating the assumption drawn in this work that the spatial layout of cities has an effect on the centralities of places, with the territory and its centrality level having an impact on Geographical Indications, as the quality and standardization of products/services represent the result of the combined effort and actions carried out by some groups of local producers in certain territories. This highlights the relationship between this group and the local tradition, typicality and culture, as well as with the physical and climate aspects of the territory, which contributes to its local development

    Geographical Indication: a proposal for measuring centrality

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    The present work discusses Geographical Indications, which have increasingly grown in Brazil, becoming of extreme importance for territorial development. With this in mind, this work is aimed at establishing a centrality indicator for municipalities, capable of contributing for Geographical indication, based on the development on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of services for promoting local development. The measurement of centrality adopted in this work is based on the arrangement of GDP data on services, according to the Central Place Theory, in which cities are hierarchically organised and some services are only provided by more relevant locations. The database used for assessing the levels of centrality of municipalities were divided into four different groups: participation of the gross value added of services, excluding public administration on the gross value at total current prices; in the state level; in the microregion; in the country. The analysis observed simple structure averages to operationalise the hierarchical ruler, having established that the best route concerned attributing weighting coefficients to the group of indicators through a linear combination algorithm. It is important to point out that the most important tool considered included the Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Accordingly, it was established that a location is an important territory with what concerns the spatial contour, with the service sector (excluding the public service) having an impact on local economy. Therefore, the registration of a Geographical Indication may promote economic development, attributed to the increase in local production, demand and greater added value and, consequently, an upsurge in the generation of jobs and wealth, having a relevant impact in the notoriety of the region