9,220 research outputs found

    The topic in oral discourse: annotation and characterization of different topics in spoken corpora

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    Neste estudo, procedemos à anotação e caracterização de diferentes tipos de tópico discursivo em textos extraídos de dois corpora de fala, com incidência nos constituintes da periferia esquerda dos segmentos estudados, para i) propor uma taxonomia para a descrição semântico-discursiva destes constituintes através do recurso à ferramenta Praat; ii) caracterizar os tipos de tópicos ocorrentes; iii) discutir os resultados obtidos. Estes resultados, de natureza qualitativa e quantitativa, revelam que os falantes organizam o fluxo informacional seguindo diferentes estratégias discursivas, a articular com a estrutura sintática e sobretudo prosódica, mas também com o género do discurso oral analisado.In this study, we annotate and characterize different types of discourse topic in texts extracted from two speech corpora, with emphasis on constituents of left periphery, to i) propose a taxonomy for semantic-discursive description of these constituents using Praat; ii) characterize the types of occurring topics; iii) discuss the results. These results, both qualitative and quantitative, reveal thatspeakers organize information flow following different discourse strategies, which are articulated with syntactic and prosodic structures, but also with the genre of the oral discourse at stake

    Eurípides (Ifigenia en Áulide), rediseñador de Esquilo (Agamenón) El sacrificio de Ifigenia: un escenario de emociones

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    Aunque el contraste entre el más antiguo de los tres grandes trágicos atenienses - Esquilo - y el más reciente e innovador - Eurípides – esté consagrado desde la crítica literaria que les fue contemporánea, en particular los cómicos, la verdad es que un análisis minucioso de ambos permite darle un retoque a esta que era una opinión intuitiva. De hecho, y aunque lo haga para comprometerse con nuevas interpretaciones, Eurípides es, sin duda, un espectador atento de Esquilo; y si queremos encontrar, para sus creaciones innovadoras, un modelo en la tragedia anterior, él será, seguramente, mucho más evidente en Esquilo que en Sófocles, teniendo en cuenta solamente a estos tres grandes nombres.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Influência da comunicação na vida dos cuidadores de pessoas com afasia

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    Este estudo tem como objectivo verificar se os cuidadores informais de pessoas com afasia consideram pertinente a sua participação no processo de habilitação/reabilitação do seu familiar, em terapia da fala, tendo em conta o impacto da afasia na sua vida. Foram entrevistados 7 cuidadores. Verificou-se que a sua qualidade de vida diminuiu, que houve alterações nos padrões de comunicação, nos papéis desempenhados e nos seus relacionamentos. É atribuída importância à terapia da fala na melhoria das competências comunicativas dos familiares e na relação entre ambos, considerando a sua participação pertinente, apesar de nem sempre conseguirem acompanhar o familiar às sessões.The aim of this study is to verify if informal caregivers of people with aphasia consider relevant their participation in the habilitation/rehabilitation process of their relatives in speech-language therapy, considering the impact of Aphasia in their own lives. For that, 7 caregivers were interviewed. It was verified, that caregivers’ quality of life decreased and there were changes in their communication patterns, their roles and relationships. They consider speech-language therapy important for the improvement of communication skills of their relatives and for the relationship between them; they consider their participation relevant, even if they can’t always be in speech-language therapy sessions

    Indefinities and bare nouns in generic contexts in European Portuguese

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    FR: Le principal but de ce travail est de décrire le comportement des indéfinis sans modification adjectivale en position de sujet préverbal dans des contextes génériques et de montrer leur rapport avec les noms nus en portugais européen (PE). Il est possible de signaler une différence dans la distribution des noms nus en position de sujet préverbal entre les langues germaniques et les langues romanes : l'emploi des noms comptables au pluriel et des noms massifs est grammatical en anglais, très restreint en italien, espagnol et PE, et agrammatical en français. En nous fondant sur les critères établis par Dowty (1979) pour la distinction entre événements et états et sur la distinction proposée par Cunha (2004) entre les éventualités admettant des phases et les éventualités ne les admettant pas, nous établis- sons une corrélation entre la distribution des noms nus et des indéfinis en position sujet préverbal dans le PE et différents types de prédicats. En synthétisant les étalons obtenus dans la description des données, nous combinons (suivant Duarte et al., 2002, et Oliveira et al., 2006) la valeur de chacun des prédicats considérés et la valeur respective du sujet, dans le but d'établir les propriétés des noms nus et des indéfinis en position de sujet préverbal dans le PE, notamment en ce qui concerne les contextes génériques qui les autorisent. Nous montrerons que soit les indéfinis soit les noms nus fonctionnent de façon différente dans cette position-là selon leur forme singulière ou plurielle.The main goal of this work is to describe how singular and plural indefinites without modification in preverbal subject position behave in generic contexts and how they relate to bare nouns in European Portuguese (EP) in the same position and con- texts. In what concerns the distribution of bare nouns (BN) in subject preverbal position without modifiers, a contrast between Germanic and Romance languages has been noticed: plural count nouns and mass nouns are grammatical in English, but not in French and they are quite restricted in Italian, Spanish and EP. Based on the criteria established by Dowty (1979) for distinguishing states from events and on the distinction proposed by Cunha (2004) between phase and non phase eventualities, we establish a correlation between the distribution of BN and indefinites in preverbal subject position in EP and different types of predicates. Having summarized the patterns obtained by the data description, we combine (following Duarte et al., 2002, and Oliveira et al., 2006) the predicate value of each of the considered predicates and their corresponding subject value, in order to account for the properties of the BNs and indefinites preverbal subjects in EP, namely with respect to the generic contexts that allow them. It will be showed that both indefinites and BNs behave differently in such position depending on their singular or plural form

    Historias de amor y adulterio : las Fedras y las Estenebas de Eurípides

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    Las historias de amor han conocido la preferencia de Eurípides en una determinada fase de su producción. Diversos títulos, preservados o perdidos, son testimonio de esa característica de la producción del poeta de Salamina. El objetivo de este artículo es confrontar dos piezas perdidas, Estenebea e Hipólito Velado, expresivas de esa novedad. En su conjunto, un estudio comparativo permite probar como no solamente el asunto, sino también la estrategia dramática se corresponden en algunos de sus aspectos esenciales.Stories of love had the preference of Euripides during a certain time in his production. Several title, preserved or lost, testify this trace in the production of this tragic poet. This article aims at putting in parallel two of the lost plays, Stheneboia and Hippolytus Veiled. A comparative study permits to prove that not only subject, but also the dramatic strategy correspond in some of their main aspects.Fil: Silva, María de Fátima

    E-Learning Courses at UFP-UV - Potential and Challenges

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    This paper deals with the challenges related to the e-learning experiences at Fernando Pessoa University (Porto, Portugal). After approximately 30 years of on-site courses, in 2012, the decision was made at the university to offer distance courses as well. This decision represented a huge challenge at various levels. Training faculty for teaching at a distance became necessary; thus, a training program was implemented, focusing on methodological, pedagogical and technological aspects. A specific regulation was also set up to clarify essential rights and duties of faculty and students and the assessment rules. This document ensures the application of specific teaching methods. All this takes place in a virtual campus - UFP-UV - equipped with educational technologies. Thus, in a LMS, recorded lessons, learning objects, and synchronous sessions in a virtual room are combined into a methodology that also focuses on continuous assessment, using written and oral assignments, challenging tasks, and regular synchronous and asynchronous contacts between teachers and students in small groups. In order to support faculty and students, a help desk devoted exclusively to this function was also created. Hence, since 2012, about 300 national and international students have attended e-learning courses at UFP, in Portuguese, English, or Spanish. The dropout rate, one of the most common concerns about this regime, has been, so far, residual. At the end of each term, surveys are sent to students in order to know their rate of satisfaction. Following the analysis of the surveys, we seek to strengthen the aspects identified as positive, and correct aspects identified as less positive. So, in this paper we will also focus on the analysis of quantitative and qualitative data which helps to critically analyze the process.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio