605 research outputs found

    Lower aerobic fitness levels among adolescents of a city in southern Brazil

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    Study design: Cross sectional study. Objective: To analyze the association between lower levels of aerobic fitness and sociodemographic factors, lifestyle and excess body fatness in students. Methods: Study with 84 adolescents aged 14 to 19 years from southern Santa Catarina. Aerobic fitness was assessed by the modified Canadian Aerobic Fitness test-mCAFT. Sociodemographic variables, sexual maturation and lifestyle were assessed self-administered questionnaire. Excess body fatness assessed the sum of skin folds triceps and subscapular. Results: The prevalence of lower level of aerobic fitness was 83.3%. The female gender (OR: 5,99; IC95%: 1,40-25,52) and adolescents little physically active (OR: 5,62; IC95%: 1,21-26,38) had low levels aerobic fitness. Conclusion: The factors had associated with low levels of aerobic fitness were females and physical inactivityModelo do estudo: Estudo analítico transversal. Objetivo: Analisar a associação entre baixos níveis de aptidão aeróbia e fatores sociodemográficos, estilo de vida e excesso de adiposidade corporal em estudantes. Método: Estudo com 84 adolescentes de 14 a 19 anos do sul de Santa Catarina. A aptidão aeróbia foi avaliada pelo teste Canadense modificado de Aptidão Aeróbia–mCAFT. Variáveis sociodemográficas, maturação sexual e estilo de vida foram avaliados por questionário autoadministrado. O excesso de adiposidade corporal foi avaliado pelo somatório das dobras cutâneas do tríceps e subescapular. Resultados: A prevalência de baixo nível de aptidão aeróbia foi 83,3%. O sexo feminino (OR: 5,99; IC95%: 1,40-25,52) e os adolescentes que eram pouco ativos fisicamente (OR: 5,62; IC95%: 1,21- 26,38) tiveram maiores chances de apresentar baixo nível de aptidão aeróbia. Conclusão: Os fatores que estiveram associados a baixos níveis de aptidão aeróbia foram o sexo feminino e a inatividade físic

    Immunization against Pertussis: An Almost Solved Problem or a Headache in Public Health

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    Whooping cough or pertussis is a serious infectious disease of the human respiratory tract, caused by Gram-negative bacteria Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella parapertussisHU. The current pertussis vaccines may consist of dead cells of B. pertussis (whole cell pertussis vaccines—wPs) or purified antigens from the bacterium (acellular pertussis vaccines—aPs). The aPs are less reactogenic and have been widely used in developed countries for more than two decades, but their high cost of production makes them prohibitive for developing countries, and the accelerated rate of epidemic outbreaks has led to the hypothesis that aPs are less effective than the wP ones. Considering cost-effectiveness, some authors have pointed out questions about the possibility of reintroduction of wP vaccines into the primary doses of pertussis vaccination. The Butantan Institute in São Paulo, Brazil, developed a wP vaccine with low endotoxicity (Plow) obtained by chemical extraction of the lipooligosaccharide (LOS) fraction from the outer membrane of the bacterial cell, showing to be less reactogenic and equally immunogenic and protective as the traditional wP vaccine. The Plow may possibly be introduced into the vaccination schedule for immunization of adolescents and young adults in Brazil, an important epidemiological contribution to reducing the circulation of B. pertussis

    Uso de ferramentas preditivas para detecção de epidemias de Dengue

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    O estudo avaliou a evolução no tempo da dengue, entre 2009 e 2014, e o uso da temperatura média como indicador preditivo de epidemias, confrontando dois modelos de diagramas de controle. Realizou-se estudo retrospectivo descritivo de corte transversal entre os anos de 2009 e 2014, utilizando casos confirmados, notificados de dengue e temperatura média por semana epidemiológica, proposto pelo método Shewhart e Canal Endêmico. Foram notificados, 54.589 mil casos de dengue, e a incidência variou entre 23,2 e 802,2 casos por 100.000 habitantes. Ondas epidêmicas foram observadas, entre os anos de 2010 e 2012 e ao final de 2014, em períodos distintos. A temperatura média variou entre 25,7°C e 26,2°C e mostrou riscos de alarme em todos os anos. As Epidemias foram recorrentes e não apresentaram um padrão sazonal. O uso da temperatura média juntamente com casos notificados são indicadores preditivos úteis para o monitoramento da dengue

    Differences and similarities of postprandial lipemia in rodents and humans

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    The rat has been a mainstay of physiological and metabolic research, and more recently mice. This study aimed at characterizing the postprandial triglyceride profile of two members of the Muridae family: the Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus) and C57BL/6 mice (Mus musculus) plus comparing them to the profile obtained in humans. Thirty-one male and twelve female Wistar rats, ten C57BL/6 male and nine female mice received a liquid meal containing fat (17%), protein (4%) and carbohydrates (4%), providing 2 g fat/Kg. Thirty-one men and twenty-nine women received a standardized liquid meal containing fat (25%), dextromaltose (55%), protein (14%), and vitamins and minerals (6%), and providing 40 g of fat per square meter of body surface. Serial blood samples were collected at 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 h after the ingestion in rats, at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 h in mice and in humans at 2, 4, 6 and 8 h. Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney tests were used. The triglyceride responses were evaluated after the oral fat loads. Fasting and postprandial triglyceridemia were determined sequentially in blood sample. AUC, AUIC, AR, RR and late peaks were determined. Rats are prone to respond in a pro-atherogenic manner. The responses in mice were closer to the ones in healthy men. This study presents striking differences in postprandial triglycerides patterns between rats and mice not correlated to baseline triglycerides, the animal baseline body weight or fat load in all animal groups.101CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPNão temNão te

    Investigation of human papillomavirus by hybrid capture II in cervical carcinomas including 113 adenocarcinomas and related lesions

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    Hybrid capture is an easy and highly sensitive technique for screening population due to its capacity to detect malignant and premalignant lesions of the cervix. To evaluate its ensitivity, we investigated the frequency of high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and its correlation with glandular malignant lesions, analyzing a total of 113 cases of adenocarcinomas and related lesions. High-risk HPV was investigated using a hybrid capture II (HC2) assay. Samples were collected in two different ways: either brushed directly from surgical specimens before fixation or collected from the patients. We also investigated the frequency of HPV in squamous malignant lesions, 65 squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) and 66 in situ squamous cell carcinomas (ISSCC), to compare the occurrence of HPV for these lesions. The 113 glandular lesions comprised 62 invasive adenocarcinomas (IAC), 8 in situ adenocarcinomas (ISAC), 26 IAC plus SCC, and 17 adenosquamous cells carcinomas (ASCC). The HPV-positive reactions were as follows: 51 (82.2%) in IAC, 8 (100%) in ISAC, 25 (96.1%) in IAC plus SCC, and 14 (82.3%) in ASCC. HC2-positive results in the squamous malignant lesions were as follows: 58 of 63 (89.0%) for SCC and 94 of 103 (91.2%) for ISSCC. High-risk HPV infection was quite similar for glandular and pure squamous invasive malignant lesions, 82.2% and 89.0%, respectively, indicating that high-risk HPV is also highly prevalent in glandular lesions. Although hybrid capture proved to be an excellent adjunctive technique, we do not believe its results merit replacing the Pap smear as a screening tool

    Solidified floating organic drop microextraction (SFODME) for the simultaneous analysis of three non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in aqueous samples by HPLC

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    In this work, a liquid-liquid microextraction methodology using solidified floating organic drop (SFODME) was combined with liquid chromatography and UV/Vis detection to determine non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) naproxen (NPX), diclofenac (DCF), and mefenamic acid (MFN) in tap water, surface water, and seawater samples. Parameters that can influence the efficiency of the process were evaluated, such as the type and volume of the extractor and dispersive solvents, effect of pH, agitation type, and ionic strength. The optimized method showed low detection limits (0.09 to 0.25 μg L-1), satisfactory recovery rates (90 to 116%), and enrichment factors in the range between 149 and 199. SFODME showed simplicity, low cost, speed, and high concentration capacity of the analytes under study. Its use in real samples did not demonstrate a matrix effect that would compromise the effectiveness of the method, being possible to apply it successfully in water samples with different characteristics.publishe

    Desenvolvimento de processos cromatográficos para retenção de amônia em água produzida- relatório final

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    A extração do petróleo em áreas offshore é, em geral, acompanhada de água de formação, originária do reservatório. Esta água tem características oleosas com um alto teor de sais o que constitui um sério problema ambiental. O nível de concentração de amônia nesta água é superior ao limite máximo permitido para descarte. A principal dificuldade na remoção de amônia da água produzida é o alto nível de íons sódio e a presença de muitos outros íons interferentes encontrados nesta água. Este relatório apresenta a consolidação do estudo da remoção de amônia de água produzida utilizando zeólitas e adsorventes comerciais

    Strengthening of Open Innovation Model: Using startups and technology parks

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    The R&D center of a Chinese multinational subsidized in Brazil has been making open innovation a synonym for its strategy based on partnerships with other companies, universities, and research institutes in Brazil. Still thinking how to strengthen its open innovation model the company seeks for new forms of partnerships to create an ecosystem for generating disruptive innovation. The R&D center can be a bridge to attract startups companies and develop a business model that can generate disruptive innovations for the multinational products. This paper studies how this open innovation strategy can benefit from a partnership with startup