339 research outputs found

    Water Pump Management Using Photovoltaic Plates in Santa Fe - Amazonas Community

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    Electricity in today\u27s world is one of the biggest concerns. Through clean sources, photovoltaic systems emerge as an alternative to this kind of problem.This work proposes the development of a photovoltaic system that will be applied to water pumping using a pump. Through the presented data, it will be possible to analyze if the photovoltaic energy is reliable and to propose solutions to the problem of residential water supply in the communities that do not have access to the electricity grid

    Kaizen Philosophy Application as Production Standardization and Process Optimization

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    Market competitiveness has increased and companies are increasingly looking for methodologies that enable them to have higher productivity and organization at work, at low cost. More flexible and innovative processes and products are key to the survival and success of many companies. The importance of a study of Kaizen philosophy is due to the fact that it is based on continuous efforts to improve the system. Therefore, the present study aims to clarify the process of continuous improvement through the implementation of the Kaizen tool so that it can guide the productive improvement of companies in the Manaus (AM) industrial hub. This scientific article was elaborated, based on the bibliographic research resulting from an analysis, which considered the two-axis cross perspective - Kaizen philosophy and continuous improvement. This article demonstrates the Kaizen continuous improvement tool as it emerged and the benefits generated in environments that encourage learning and cooperation among individuals, working on human resource development so that improvement initiatives are truly continuous

    Work Safety Management for Optimization Production Process

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    The safety at work of employees is not always viewed with due importance. However, with the help of technology, such as E-social, the government system that organizes companies to communicate in a unified way as information for their employees, it executes with whom employers comply with strict safety standards. The main objective of this article is to demonstrate that occupational safety management improves accident rates in the company through actions on enforcement methods that are the basic causes of accidents. What\u27s more, quality, management, costs and other values ​​are better through behavioral changes. Within the Thematic service, we seek or develop conscientious and motivated employees, as a safe environment must be in place to support safe working employees. Therefore, after the implant or safety management system, you can reduce a satisfactory reduction of work accidents and get good results in the production process

    Implementation of 5S Program in a Building Site of a Predial Reform in Manaus City

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    The 5S Program is a quality tool that aims to restructure and improve the processes of teamwork production, system rationalization, desperation changes and especially the change of attitude of employees using a new work culture. In this situation, the article demonstrates the importance of implementing the 5S Quality Program in a monument to the city of Manaus - I am, with the purpose of improving the service provided to clients. The method used for the development of the work was a case study, based on the following steps: data collection, PDCA action plan, using Ishikawa, Flowchart and Gut Matrix tools. The results obtained consisted of the following occurrences in the environment were evident, such as: more organized environments, reduction of waste, availability of spaces in the monument to the work, easy access to equipment, as well as commitment of employees to the principles of 5S and research in relation to the execution of the program, to realize how much the changes provided by this instrument improve the area and way of working

    Implementation of Information Technology in the Logistics Area in a Manaus Electronics Company

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    This article aims to elaborate a continuous improvement in the logistics and production process of an electronics company, through the implementation of IT focused on customer service within the deadlines. The case study proposal was based on the problems faced by the company in question, such as: lack of stock accuracy that directly impacts material separation due to the delay in systemic balance adjustments, BOM impressions for material separation in excess, late orders, among others. The main objective was to highlight the importance of information technology in the logistics area for the production process. As specific objectives we sought to analyze the importance of information technology for the production process; verify the advantages of an information system in the logistics area; analyze the results of the implementation of a logistics information system for the production process. The methodology used was descriptive research, where visits were made in an electronics company located in the city of Manaus. As expected results, the importance of information technology within the production process reduces errors and increases the quality of production

    Existence, regularity and upper semicontinuity of pullback attractors for the evolution process associated to a neural field model

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    In this work we study the pullback dynamics of a class of nonlocal non-autonomous evolution equations for neural fields in a bounded smooth domain Ω\Omega in RN\mathbb{R}^N {tu(t,x)=u(t,x)+RNJ(x,y)f(t,u(t,y))dy, tτ, xΩ,u(τ,x)=uτ(x), xΩ, \begin{cases} \partial_t u(t,x) =- u(t,x) + \displaystyle\int_{\mathbb{R}^N} J(x,y)f(t,u(t,y))dy,\ t\geq\tau,\ x \in \Omega,\\ u(\tau,x)=u_\tau(x),\ x\in\Omega, \end{cases} with u(t,x)=0, tτ, xRN\Ωu(t,x)= 0,\ t\geq\tau,\ x \in\mathbb{R}^N\backslash\Omega, where the integrable function J:RN×RNRJ: \mathbb{R}^N \times \mathbb{R}^{N}\to \mathbb{R} is continuously differentiable, RNJ(x,y)dy=RNJ(x,y)dx=1\int_{\mathbb{R}^N} J(x,y) dy = \int_{\mathbb{R}^N} J(x,y) dx= 1 and symmetric i.e., J(x,y)=J(y,x)J(x,y)=J(y,x) for any x,yRNx,y \in \mathbb{R}^N. Under suitable assumptions on the nonlinearity f:R2Rf: \mathbb{R}^2\to\mathbb{R}, we prove existence, regularity and upper semicontinuity of pullback attractors for the evolution process associated to this problem

    Application of Swot Analysis in the Distributor Company and Commercial Market Souza Cruz

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    This article focuses on the SWOT analysis, which deals with content related to strategic planning in which the research object is the commercial company Comercial Souza Cruz, located in the city of Manaus / AM, active in the wholesale and retail business. With the general objective of this work was to analyze and identify growth strategies, through SWOT analysis, with the purpose of increasing the profitability of the company in question. During the elaboration of this scientific study, the bibliographic basis was used as a methodology, where it is characterized in a case study of descriptive analysis, through which data collection took place through a documental analysis and semi-structured interview. As a result, it was observed that the company has a favorable location, differentiated service hours and customer loyalty. However, there are still variables to be improved in the company, such as low financial resources, non-standardization of financial data analysis and 50% of its physical structure depends on a lease agreement

    Imaginários discursivos midiáticos sobre policiais e manifestantes

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    Um acontecimento e três abordagens midiáticas distintas; por quê? Dois grupos (policiais e manifestantes) e variadas construções discursivas sobre eles; qual seria o motivo? O intuito do presente estudo é observar, a partir do ferramental da Análise do Discurso, de que maneira três diferentes veículos de comunicação (dois media e um coletivo midiativista) narraram um mesmo fato e caracterizaram os atores envolvidos no mesmo, visando compreender, por fim, como estas construções ajudam a definir as respectivas identidades midiáticas. Infere-se ao final que o declarado posicionamento político e ideológico de uma das frentes não difere muito da (pseudo) imparcialidade das outras, ainda que em direções opostas.

    Proposed Preventive Maintenance in a Small Machinery Rental Company

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    The purpose of this implementation proposal is to propose the company to reduce costs and prevent equipment breakdown, with the equipment stopped causing delays in services and unnecessary expenses. It has been observed that their maintenance is not scheduled and performed when the equipment is already defective / breakage. Inadequate services are performed that in the future an easily resolved problem will become difficult to solve as a result of greater damage and equipment stopped for a longer time. With the proposed implementation of the system we can make the company have reliability in the market (employees / partners) generating more profit and less waste, and we can gradually implement a tool that is used in large companies in small companies adding to it. more value in your development


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    The military police service (PM) is identified by its strong contact with adverse situations, making police officers very vulnerable to psychological effects. This research aims to investigate the Burnout Syndrome in military police in the municipality of Marabá-PA. The target population of the study comprises men and women from the active service who are assigned to the 4th BPM / CPRII, 140 professionals were evaluated. For data collection, the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) questionnaire was used, a Brazilian version proposed by Tamayo (2003), which consists of 22 questions with psychophysical characteristics in relation to work. When evaluating the research results, it was observed that 65.7% of the sample is male, 34.2% female. The range would be predominant was between 31 and 40 years of age, in relation to marital status, the research shows that 27.8% are single and 36.4% are married, regarding working hours, the majority (47.9%) fulfills a task routine of more than 40 hours per week. The survey also revealed a lot of emotional exhaustion, which together make up 67.6% of the interviewees, the analysis of the results allows to conclude that the Burnout syndrome is present in the military police. For the dimension Low Professional Achievement, the female gender presents indicators of less professional achievement than the male. In view of this, it can be concluded that men have less perception of discomfort related to work than women.El servicio de policía militar (PM) se identifica por su fuerte contacto con situaciones adversas, lo que hace que los agentes de policía sean muy vulnerables a los efectos psicológicos. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo investigar el Síndrome de Burnout en policías militares del municipio de Marabá-PA. La población diana del estudio está compuesta por hombres y mujeres del servicio activo que están adscritos al 4º BPM / CPRII, se evaluaron 140 profesionales. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó el cuestionario Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), versión brasileña propuesta por Tamayo (2003), que consta de 22 preguntas con características psicofísicas en relación al trabajo. Al evaluar los resultados de la investigación, se observó que el 65,7% de la muestra son hombres, el 34,2% mujeres. El rango predominante sería entre 31 y 40 años de edad, en relación al estado civil, la investigación muestra que 27.8% son solteros y 36.4% están casados, en cuanto a jornada laboral, la mayoría (47.9%) cumple una rutina de tareas de más de 40 horas semanales. La encuesta también reveló mucho agotamiento emocional, que en conjunto conforman el 67,6% de los entrevistados, el análisis de los resultados permite concluir que el síndrome de Burnout está presente en la Policía Militar. Para la dimensión Rendimiento profesional bajo, el género femenino presenta indicadores de logro profesional menor que el masculino. Ante esto, se puede concluir que los hombres tienen menor percepción de las molestias relacionadas con el trabajo que las mujeres.O serviço policial militar (PM) é identificado pelo forte contato com situações adversas, fazendo com que os policiais se tornem muito vulneráveis aos efeitos psicológicos. A presente pesquisa tem por interesse investigar a Síndrome de Burnout em policiais militares do município de Marabá-PA. A população alvo do estudo compreende homens e mulheres do serviço ativo que estão lotados no 4ºBPM/CPRII, foram avaliados 140 profissionais. Para a coleta de dados foi utilizado o questionário Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) uma versão brasileira proposta por Tamayo (2003), que consiste em 22 questões com características psicofísicas em relação ao trabalho. Ao avaliar os resultados da pesquisa observou-se que 65,7% da amostra é do sexo masculino, 34,2% feminino. A faixa estaria preponderante foi entre 31 e 40 anos de idade, em relação ao estado civil a pesquisa mostra que 27,8% estão solteiros e 36,4% casados, a respeito da jornada de trabalho, a maioria (47,9%) cumpre uma rotina de tarefas superior a 40 horas semanais. A pesquisa revelou ainda muita exaustão emocional, que somados perfazem 67,6% dos entrevistados, a análise dos resultados permite concluir que a síndrome de Burnout está presente nos policiais militares. Para a dimensão Baixa Realização Profissional o sexo feminino apresenta indicadores de menor realização profissional do que o masculino. A vista disso, pode-se concluir que os homens apresentam percepção de menor desconforto relacionado ao trabalho do que as mulheres