6,008 research outputs found

    Fully asynchronous Java APIs for web applications

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    Applications for cloud environments present several non-functional requirements, such as execution time, responsiveness, and scalability. In order to address these requirements, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) should be asynchronous, non-blocking, and cancelable. APIs for cloud environments work as a middleman between the servers/resources, and the calls of client applications. An asynchronous, non-blocking API means that requests to the API are executed concurrently, returning immediately after firing the request and before the work is completed. Cancelable means that we are able to interrupt the work started by a request before it finishes (e.g., in case it takes more than a certain amount of time), freeing its corresponding resources. Resources may be other APIs, files or databases. konkconsulting, the company where this dissertation will take place, already has extensive experience with C# and frameworks that address the challenges of cancellation in that ecosystem. However, they now need to develop similar solutions for Java/Kotlin, and the transition has proved to be challenging due to the nonexistence of an equivalent standard framework, as the one found in C#. Kotlin is a relatively new programming language that can be compiled to run on the Java Virtual Machine. It is also interoperable with Java. The objective of this dissertation is to find a Java/Kotlin framework that can better accommodate the implementation of an API with the mentioned capabilities. The framework will be selected from the set of available open-source tools, and shall then be extended to provide the required functionality. Kotlin offers a set of functionalities, such as coroutines, which will be extensively used in the implementation

    O desenvolvimento e integração de estratégias de cálculo mental no 5.º ano de escolaridade

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    Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º Ciclo do Ensino BásicoO presente relatório foi concebido no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada II, do curso de Mestrado em 1º e 2º ciclo do Ensino Básico da Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa, no sentido de documentar, de forma sintética, reflexiva e fundamentada, parte do percurso formativo desenvolvido no período de intervenção pedagógica no 2º ciclo do Ensino Básico. A intervenção decorreu numa turma de 5.º ano de escolaridade, numa escola do concelho de Lisboa. O par de estágio estabeleceu como objetivos de intervenção: “Melhorar as competências sociais, em contexto de turma, de forma transdisciplinar”, “Desenvolver a expressão oral através da interação discursiva” e “Desenvolver estratégias de cálculo mental no domínio dos números e operações”. Realizei um estudo de natureza qualitativa onde procurei compreender as atitudes reveladas pelos alunos relativamente ao desenvolvimento de estratégias de cálculo mental e a mobilização das mesmas em contextos de resolução de problemas. Neste sentido, foram postas em prática rotinas de cálculo mental nas aulas de intervenção de Matemática, através da realização de tiras de cálculo mental. Apliquei também uma ficha alusiva à resolução de situações problemáticas, já no final do ano letivo, fora do período de intervenção, no sentido de verificar a mobilização das mesmas estratégias na resolução de problemas. Por último, para além da realização de uma última tira de cálculo mental, foram ainda recolhidas entrevistas de três alunos com o intuito de compreender melhor alguns factos constatados ao longo do estudo. Os resultados desta investigação apontam para alguma apropriação das estratégias de cálculo mental, embora os alunos manifestem uma evidente preferência pelo uso do algoritmo. Relativamente às situações problemáticas, pude constatar, a partir da ficha de problemas realizada, que a maior parte dos alunos não recorre ao cálculo mental mas sim ao algoritmo.ABSTRACT This report was done for Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa, in the Master’s Degree of First and Second Cycles of Basic School Teaching, curricular area of Supervised Teaching Practice II – pedagogical intervention. The Trainee Pair aims were to improve social skills within the school group ranging all subjects; to develop oral expression through speech interaction; to develop strategies of mental calculation in numeracy and mathematical operations. The purpose of this study was to understand the attitudes revealed by pupils when developing strategies of mental calculation and then mobilize them to solve problems. The observation took place during some Mathematics lessons of a 5th year group, in a school in Lisbon. Mental calculation routines were used in the subject classes such as mental calculation lines using the four operations. By the end of the school year a worksheet with multiple problems was also given the pupils to solve, in order to observe how their strategies had evolved to problem solving. Another mental calculation line worksheet was used and, finally, three interviews to different pupils were done to verify some revealed facts throughout the study. The results of this investigation indicated that once pupils own their mental calculation strategies, they clearly prefer the use of algorithms. When facing problem solving instead of using mental calculation, they undoubtedly used algorithms


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    Cet article porte sur les relations entre l’œuvre de Proust et la prose de fiction décadente. D’abord, nous étudions ses similitudes et ses différences par rapport à la poétique fin-de-siècle. Ensuite, nous présentons une polémique dans La revue blanche entre Proust et Lucien Muhfeld qui est représentative des querelles littéraires de la période et de la réception de la fiction décadente. Cherchant à expliquer la problématique, nous analysons ponctuellement Les Plaisirs et les Jours (1896), le premier livre publié par l’auteur, pour comparer quelques-uns de ses aspects avec À rebours (1884), de J.-K. Huysmans, le texte paradigmatique de la littérature décadente. Même si Proust a établi une relation ambigüe et productive avec la décadence littéraire, notre hypothèse est que les récits du volume étudié ne se présentent pas pleinement comme décadents.Este artigo trata das relações entre a obra de Proust e a prosa de ficção decadente. Primeiramente, verificamos os seus pontos de aproximação e os de afastamento em relação à poética fin-de-siècle. Em seguida, abordamos a polêmica entre Proust e Lucien Muhfeld que se deu no periódico La revue blanche, tomando-a como representativa, no período, tanto das querelas literárias quanto da recepção crítica da ficção decadente. Por fim, empreendemos uma análise pontual de Les Plaisirs et les Jours (1896), a primeira obra publicada pelo autor, e comparemos alguns de seus aspectos com o texto paradigmático da literatura decadente, À rebours (1884), de J.-K. Huysmans. Embora o autor tenha estabelecido uma relação ambígua e produtiva com a decadência literária, nossa hipótese é de que as narrativas que compõem o volume estudado não se configuram plenamente como decadentes

    Intellectual property challenges for the roads of innovation in Brazil

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    Abstract Purpose – This paper aims to present reflections and points of interest on the performance of Brazil and highlight the advances and challenges in relation to the intellectual property (IP) system; the authors highlight some scientific, economic and technological indicators on the main IP objects registered in the National Industrial Property of Brazil (INPI). Design/methodology/approach – A structured literature reviews the main indicators of IP of Brazil (2013-2017), related to the scientific and economic factors more evidenced in the global scenario, with emphasis on the investment of national GDP in R&D activities, the allocation of resources from the government sector and private initiative, as in other emerging economies, such as the BRICS. Findings – Despite Brazil’s progressive efforts to achieve greater efficiency in the public IP management system, GDP investment in R&D activities for 2019 is still below the OECD average of 2.3 per cent, and the IP indicators in the areas of patent registration, industrial designs and technology contracts have been declining. Research limitations/implications – Because of the difference between the laws of the countries on IP rights, the more incisive comparison could not be established among the emerging economies, highlighting the need for a standardization between the different international legislations. Originality/value – In the scientific field, this paper allows understanding the performance of the Brazilian IP system, and the categories that require greater investments, strengthen the IP culture and stimulate integration between the international IP systems, as it is a recurrent discussion in different research studies. Originally, the paper brought together economic and scientific indicators going beyond the traditional approach that deals with IP only restricting to the quantitative of patents

    Understanding Social–Ecological Systems using Loop Analysis

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    The sustainable management of social–ecological systems (SESs) requires that we understand the complex structure of relationships and feedbacks among ecosystem components and socioeconomic entities. Therefore, the construction and analysis of models integrating ecological and human actors is crucial for describing the functioning of SESs, and qualitative modeling represents an ideal tool since it allows studying dependencies among variables of diverse types. In particular, the qualitative technique of loop analysis yields predictions about how a system’s variables respond to stress factors. Different interaction types, scarce information about functional relationships among variables, and uncertainties in the values of the parameters are the rule rather than exceptions when studying SESs. Accordingly, loop analysis seems to be perfectly suitable to investigate them. Here, we introduce the key aspects of loop analysis, discuss its applications to SESs, and suggest it enables making the first steps toward the integration of the three dimensions of sustainability

    A mixed-cohort study protocol

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    Adequate nutrition of very preterm infants comprises fortification of human milk (HM), which helps to improve their nutrition and health. Standard HM fortification involves a fixed dose of a multi-nutrient HM fortifier, regardless of the composition of HM. This fortification method requires regular measurements of HM composition and has been suggested to be a more accurate fortification method. This observational study protocol is designed to assess whether the target HM fortification method (contemporary cohort) improves the energy and macronutrient intakes and the quality of growth of very preterm infants, compared with the previously used standard HM fortification (historical cohorts). In the contemporary cohort, a HM multi-nutrient fortifier and modular supplements of protein and fat are used for HM fortification, and the enteral nutrition recommendations of the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition for preterm infants will be considered. For both cohorts, the composition of HM is assessed using the Miris Human Milk analyzer (Uppsala, Sweden). The quality of growth will be assessed by in-hospital weight, length, and head circumference growth velocities and a single measurement of adiposity (fat mass percentage and fat mass index) performed just after discharge, using the air displacement plethysmography method (Pea Pod, Cosmed, Italy). ClinicalTrials.gov registration number: NCT04400396.publishersversionpublishe

    Practice of debriefing of critical events: a survey-based cross-sectional study of Portuguese anesthesiologists.

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    UNLABELLED Debriefing is an essential procedure for identifying medical errors, improving communication, reviewing team performance, and providing emotional support after a critical event. This study aimed to describe the current practice and limitations of debriefing and gauge opinions on the best timing, effectiveness, need for training, use of established format, and expected goals of debriefing among Portuguese anesthesiologists. METHODS We performed a national cross-sectional online survey exploring the practice of anesthesiologists' debriefing practice after critical events in Portuguese hospitals. The questionnaire was distributed using a snowball sampling technique from July to September 2021. Data were descriptively and comparatively analyzed. RESULTS We had replies from 186 anesthesiologists (11.3% of the Portuguese pool). Acute respiratory event was the most reported type of critical event (96%). Debriefing occurred rarely or never in 53% of cases, 59% of respondents needed more training in debriefing, and only 4% reported having specific tools in their institutions to carry it out. There was no statistical association between having a debriefing protocol and the occurrence of critical events (P=.474) or having trained personnel (P=.95). The existence of protocols was associated with lower frequencies of debriefing (P=.017). CONCLUSIONS Portuguese anesthesiologists know that debriefing is an essential process that increases patient safety, but among those surveyed, there is a need for an adequate debriefing culture or practice. TRIAL REGISTRATION Research registry 7741 (https://www.researchregistry.com/browse-the-registry#home)

    Calidad de vida de los niños con enfermedad renal

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    Enquadramento: A doença renal enquanto doença crónica impede as crianças e famílias de poderem disfrutar de uma vida normal, tendo em conta as modificações que ocorrem no seu quotidiano. Objetivos: Caracterizar a qualidade de vida percebida pelas crianças com doença renal e que frequentam campos de férias. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo-correlacional e transversal, de natureza mista. A amostra é não probabilística composta por 42 crianças (29 espanholas e 13 portuguesas), entre os 7 e 17 anos e com doença renal crónica, que frequentaram campos de férias. Utilizou-se a versão portuguesa e espanhola da escala KINDL®, questões sociodemográficas, clínicas e um bloco de notas. Resultados: As crianças têm uma perceção positiva da qualidade de vida. A dimensão Autoestima foi a melhor percecionada e o Bem-Estar Emocional a pior. As crianças espanholas percecionaram melhor qualidade de vida. Da análise de conteúdo efetuada emergiram sentimentos positivos. Conclusão: Um acompanhamento individualizado da criança por uma equipa multidisciplinar, campos de férias formativos, de autonomização e libertação, de educação por pares, de socialização e lúdicos, poderão ser benéficos às crianças e sua família.Background: Chronic kidney disease prevents families and children from enjoying a normal life due to changes in their everyday life. Objectives: To characterize the quality of life perceived by children with kidney disease who attend summer camps. Methodology: Descriptive, correlational, and cross-sectional study, with a mixed-method approach. The nonprobability sample is composed of 42 children (29 Spanish and 13 Portuguese children) aged between 7 and 17 years with a diagnosis of chronic kidney disease and attending summer camps. We used the Portuguese and Spanish versions of the KINDL® scale, sociodemographic and clinical questions, and a notepad. Results: Children had a positive perception of quality of life. The Self-Esteem dimension was the best perceived, and the Emotional well-being dimension was the worst perceived. Spanish children had a better perception of quality of life. Positive feelings emerged from the content analysis. Conclusion: Individualized follow-up up by a multidisciplinary team and summer camps for educational purposes, empowerment and emancipation, peer education, socialization, and entertainment can be beneficial to children and their families.Marco contextual: La enfermedad renal, como enfermedad crónica impide que los niños y las familias puedan disfrutar de una vida normal, dadas las alteraciones que tienen lugar en su vida diaria. Objetivos: caracterizar la calidad de vida percibida por los niños con enfermedad renal que van a campamentos de vacaciones. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo-correlacional y transversal, de naturaleza mixta. La muestra es no probabilística y está compuesta por 42 niños (29 españoles y 13 portugueses) de entre 7 y 17 años con enfermedad renal crónica que estuvieron en campamentos de vacaciones. Se utilizó la versión portuguesa y española de la escala KINDL®, cuestiones sociodemográficas, clínicas y un cuaderno de notas. Resultados: Los niños tienen una percepción positiva de la calidad de vida. La dimensión Autoestima fue la que mejor se percibió y el Bienestar Emocional la que peor. Los niños españoles percibieron mejor la calidad de vida. Del análisis de contenido realizado surgieron sentimientos positivos. Conclusión: Un seguimiento individualizado del niño por un equipo multidisciplinar, así como campamentos de vacaciones formativos, de autonomía y liberación, de educación por pares, de socialización y lúdicos pueden ser beneficiosos para los niños y su familia.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio