2,765 research outputs found

    Portuguese and Brazilian family business: in between urgency and delay perceptions in the succession process

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    Family business has been the focus of several studies over the last two decades and its relevance has been supported by the interdisciplinary perspectives in the fields of management, entrepreneurship, economics, psychology, and sociology. Despite that, there is still insufficient knowledge about the key role of family influences in the business, namely the intergenerational management succession, its planning and effectiveness. According to a recent research focused on the entrepreneurial succession in Portugal (AEP, 2011), 50% of family businesses are not passed on to the second generation and only 20% reach the third generation. In fact, business succession planning has been identified as one of the most challenging steps in the life of the family firm, both in maintaining the competiveness of the business, and in overcoming intra/ inter family conflicts. Nonetheless, resistance to succession, relationship founder/ successor, planning of succession, and type of organisational culture, among others, explain how executive succession is one of the most important and hardest tasks in organisational life (Zahra, 2005). This paper will be supported mainly by qualitative data, taking into account the main results from the project “Roadmap for Portuguese Family Businesses” (NORTE2020/FEDER) developed in Portugal (Marques, 2018) and in Brazil (Silva, 2018), which analyses in-depth interviews conducted to Portuguese (N 23) and Brazilian (N 11) founders/managers/owners. In the present article we wish to discuss the main management challenges of a family business, particularly the importance of succession preparation and the role of the family in the socialisation of the second (third or subsequent) generation.NORTE-02-0853-FEDER-00001

    A importância do brincar e a ludicidade na educação infantil

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    The present work has developed a study on the importance of playing and ludicity in early childhood education and its general objective is to analyze the contributions that play the ludic can provide for the teaching and learning of children in infancy Education.Throughout this monograph, we sought to reflect on the contributions and importance of playfulness, games,classroom games as educational knowledge, seeking to show the influence that this methodology brings on the cognitive and social development of children. The research was carried out at the Reference Center for Early Childhood Education (CREI), Maria do Socorro Rodrigues, located in the neighborhood of Colinas do Sul II, in the city of João Pessoa-PB, where the questionnaires were applied with eight educatiors who were willing to respond. The main authors used for the conclusion of this monographic work were Cunha (1984, 1998, 2002); Kishimoto (1996, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2009); Marcelo (2004); Ronca (1989); Vygotsky (1979), among others.It is concluded that play in earty childhood education, although used by teachers as a facilitating strategy in the teaching- learning process of children, still requires a greater attention on the part of educators of children’s education.O presente trabalho desenvolveu um estudo sobre A importância do brincar e a ludicidade na Educação Infantil e tem como objetivo geral analisar as contribuições que o brincar e o lúdico podem, proporcionar para o ensino e aprendizagem das crianças da educação infantil. Descreve como a utilização da ação do brincar, dos jogos, do lúdico, do teatro de fantoches e até mesmo nas mídias digitais, influenciam no ensino e aprendizado das crianças da educação infantil e como os educadores estabelecem e conduzem tal metodologia com as crianças da educação infantil. Ao longo desta monografia, procurou-se refletir sobre as contribuições e a importância da ludicidade, das brincadeiras, dos jogos em sala de aula como conhecimento educacional, buscando mostrar a influência que essa metodologia traz no desenvolvimento cognitivo e social das crianças, na educação infantil. A pesquisa foi realizada no Centro de Referência em Educação Infantil (CREI), Maria do Socorro Rodrigues, localizado no bairro do Colinas do Sul II, na cidade de João Pessoa-PB, onde foram aplicados os questionários com oito educadoras que se dispuseram a responder. Os principais autores utilizados para a conclusão deste trabalho monográfico foram Cunha (1984, 1998, 2002); Kishimoto (1996, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2009); Marcelo (2004); Ronca (1989); Vygotsky (1979), entres outros. Conclui-se que as brincadeiras na educação infantil, embora sejam utilizadas pelos professores como uma estratégia facilitadora no processo de ensino-aprendizagem das crianças, ainda carece de uma maior atenção por parte dos educadores da educação infantil

    Perturbações de espectro do autismo e programas de intervenção educativa : o caso português

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    Os estudos da criança, ao considerarem que o desenvolvimento da criança se tece a partir de uma rede de interações entre a família, pares, cuidadores e sociedade levam a que se olhe para a criança diferente utilizando lentes com diferentes perspectivas. Este olhar vai implicar uma escolha, quer no tipo de instrumentos que vão ser utilizados para observar, quer na forma de interpretar esta criança que, não se enquadrando num percurso de desenvolvimento considerado típico, não perde as características de ser um ator constituído de vontade, organizador do seu próprio agir e impulsionador de alterações e de dinâmicas junto daqueles com os quais interage.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - SFRH / BD / 66307 / 200

    Estudo de caso em psicopedagogia clínica

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    Monografia apresentada ao setor de Pós-graduação da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense- UNESC, para obtenção do título de especialista em Psicopedagogia Clínica e Institucional

    The importance of the relationship between company and incubator for biotechnology development

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    The biotechnology activities development demands an intense academic and scientific basis, a productive sector capable of transforming academic research in scientific products and services, and the creation of an institutional environment to promote the sector’s development. Moreover, many biotechnology companies establish formal partnerships with Universities (by technological incubator) to expand innovative capacity coming into the market. The importance of biotechnology for developing countries is perceived by its ability to promote national development based on knowledge and innovation. In Brazil, the government establishes technological incubators to accelerate the company consolidation. In this way, it is important to study the relationship between the actors involved. In this context, this article aims to analyze the relationship between a technological incubator and a biotech company. To do so, the qualitative approach was adopted to reach the objective. Interviews with incubator’s employees of a Brazilian University and biotechnology company’s managers were conducted. The results show that the company-incubator interaction promoted projects approval which were able to support new researches development and to purchase production equipment. Incubated companies have higher chances of survival in the market from the interaction with University, through the technological incubator. The relationship between the incubator and the biotech company is considered a fundamental condition for biotechnology activities development


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    The results show that the company-incubator interaction promoted projects approval which were able to support new researches development and to purchase production equipment. Incubated companies have higher chances of survival in the market from the interaction with University, through the technological incubator. The relationship between the incubator and the biotech company is considered a fundamental condition for biotechnology activities development

    Négociation de succession intergénérationnelle aux “mains de la famille”: témoignages d’entreprises familiales portugaises et brésiliennes

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    O processo de sucessão intergeracional constitui-se numa das etapas mais desafiadoras na vida de uma empresa familiar tanto na competitividade do negócio, quanto na superação de conflitos intra/interfamiliares. Dada a insuficiência do conhecimento sobre a influência familiar nos negócios, pretende-se ampliar os resultados do projeto “Roadmap para Empresas Familiares Portuguesas”, tomando como referência empresas familiares portuguesas e brasileiras. A partir de um desenho de pesquisa qualitativo, analisam-se as estratégias de negociação de (potenciais) conflitos no processo de sucessão e respetivas perceções de empresários/gestores, aprofundando o conhecimento sobre os principais desafios na passagem do “legado” empresarial.The succession process of intergenerational management is one of the most challenging steps in the life of a family firm, both in terms of business competitiveness and in overcoming intra/ interfamily conflicts. Given the insufficiency of knowledge regarding family influence on business, the purpose of this paper is to expand the main findings of the project “Roadmap para Empresas Familiares Portuguesas”, taking into account Portuguese and Brazilian family businesses. Based on a qualitative research design, the negotiation strategies of (potential) conflicts in the succession process and respective perceptions of founders/managers are analysed, deepening the knowledge about the main challenges in the passage of the business “legacy”.Le processus de succession intergénérationnelle constitue l’une des étapes les plus difficiles de la vie d’une entreprise familiale, tant en matière de compétitivité de l’entreprise que de dépassement des conflits intra/interfamiliaux. Compte tenu du manque de connaissances sur l’influence familiale sur les affaires, nous avons l’intention d’élargir les résultats du projet « Roadmap para Empresas Familiares Portuguesas » en prenant comme référence des entreprises familiales portugaises et brésiliennes. Sur la base d’un plan de recherche qualitative, les stratégies de négociation des conflits (potentiels) dans le processus de succession et les perceptions respectives des fondateurs/dirigeants sont analysées, en approfondissant les connaissances sur les principaux défis dans le passage de « l’héritage » d’entreprise

    O paradigma pós-custodial na arquivística

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    O presente artigo aborda o paradigma pós-custodial na Arquivística, apresentando algumas mudanças epistemológicas no campo científico da área decorrentes da alteração paradigmática. Inicialmente, aborda os paradigmas que circundam a Arquivística, o custodial e o pós-custodial e suas características. Em seguida, traz as abordagens que tangenciam o paradigma pós-custodial, suas posições epistemológicas quanto ao objeto científico. Por fim, discorre sobre a relação interdisciplinar da Arquivística com a Ciência da Informação.This paper discusses the post-custodial paradigm in Archivistics, present some epistemological changes in the scientific field of the area resulting from the paradigm shift. Afterwards, describes the paradigms that surround Archivistics, the custodial and post-custodial and their characteristics. Then brings the approaches related to post-custodial paradigm, its epistemological positions about the scientific object. Finally, it discusses the interdisciplinary relationship of Archivistics with the Information Science

    O que contribuiu para o meu ingresso no mercado de trabalho? Relatos de uma pessoa com deficiência intelectual e de sua família

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    The objective of the present study was to analyze which factors contributed to the insertion in the formal labor market based on the reports of the person with intellectual disability and family. For this, we adopted the Life Story method in which we conducted open interviews with the participant with intellectual disabilities, observations in their work environment and semi-structured interviews with a family member. Subsequently, the data were analyzed according to the Thematic Analysis. The results revealed that the school played an important role in being competent in teaching essential scientific concepts for the participant’s job insertion. Likewise, the professionalization courses held in regular schools have made adaptations so that the participant has taken ownership of the entire process of their training. The family was present establishing a partnership with the institutions and providing support to the participant, just as the support offered by the entrepreneur and co-workers contributed to their autonomy and professional growth. Through joint actions, the story of the participant, here named Laura, has become a path little seen in society.O objetivo nesse artigo foi analisar quais fatores contribuíram para a inserção da pessoa com deficiência intelectual no mercado de trabalho, a partir de sua própria percepção e de sua família. Para isto, adotamos o método História de Vida, no qual realizamos entrevistas abertas com a participante com deficiência intelectual, observações em seu ambiente de trabalho e entrevista semiestruturada com uma pessoa da família. Posteriormente os dados foram analisados segundo a técnica de Análise Temática e discutidos sob a perspectiva histórico-cultural. Os resultados revelaram que a escola cumpriu um importante papel ao ser competente no ensino de conceitos científicos essenciais para a inserção laboral da participante. Da mesma forma, os cursos de profissionalização realizados em escolas regulares fizeram adaptações para que se apropriasse de todo o processo de sua formação. A família esteve presente estabelecendo parceria com as instituições e fornecendo apoio, assim como o suporte oferecido pelo empresário e colegas de trabalho contribuíram para sua autonomia e crescimento profissional. Mediante ações conjuntas a história da participante, aqui chamada de Laura, se tornou uma trajetória positiva, destoando do que geralmente é visto na sociedade

    Factors That Contribute To The Failure Of Ventilatory Weaning In Critical Patients: A Review

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    Mechanical ventilation aims to replace spontaneous breathing with artificial respiration, inflating the airways with volumes of air and generating pressure within the lungs. Weaning from ventilation should occur as early as possible. It can be performed slowly, gradually, using several techniques, among which the following stand out: the T-Tube technique, synchronized intermittent technique and pressure support technique. This study aims to verify, through literature review, the main factors that contribute to the failure of ventilator weaning in critically ill patients. For this purpose, a literature review of the last twenty years was carried out, except for classic literature relevant to the topic, researched on the sites: Medline , Scielo , Lilacs , Pubmed and Literatures of the IESRIVER faculty library, using the terms: “weaning mechanical ventilation” and “factors that predispose to weaning failure”. It can be shown through this study that factors such as age, fatigue, muscle atrophy, cardiac dysfunction, nutritional factors, advanced age, emotional factors and prolonged mechanical ventilation are factors that can lead to failure during an attempt at weaning. Most studies concluded that the T-tube technique is the most effective, since it is quite simplified and allows the patient to have periods of effort and rest, which improves muscle strengthening and guarantees successful weaning, but it is up to each team to decide the best method to be used, always giving priority to the patient