2,208 research outputs found

    Selection of Software Product Line Implementation Components Using Recommender Systems: An Application to Wordpress

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    In software products line (SPL), there may be features which can be implemented by different components, which means there are several implementations for the same feature. In this context, the selection of the best components set to implement a given configuration is a challenging task due to the high number of combinations and options which could be selected. In certain scenarios, it is possible to find information associated with the components which could help in this selection task, such as user ratings. In this paper, we introduce a component-based recommender system, called (REcommender System that suggests implementation Components from selecteD fEatures), which uses information associated with the implementation components to make recommendations in the domain of the SPL configuration. We also provide a RESDEC reference implementation that supports collaborative-based and content-based filtering algorithms to recommend (i.e., implementation components) regarding WordPress-based websites configuration. The empirical results, on a knowledge base with 680 plugins and 187 000 ratings by 116 000 users, show promising results. Concretely, this indicates that it is possible to guide the user throughout the implementation components selection with a margin of error smaller than 13% according to our evaluation.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad RTI2018-101204-B-C22Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2014-55894-C2-1-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2017-88209-C2-2-RMinisterio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad MCIU-AEI TIN2017-90644-RED

    Avaliação da atenuação natural na biorremediação de um solo contaminado por metais pesados

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    O Distrito de Mineração de Cartagena, localizado na região de Murcia, Sul da Espanha, foi uma importante área de mineração durante mais de 2000 anos. O resultado dessa longa atividade mineradora foi a contaminação do solo local com metais pesados como Fe, Zn e Pb. O objetivo deste projeto foi estudar a atenuação natural em curso neste solo, com especial atenção aos processos de biolixiviação e a bioprecipitação causados respectivamente por populações de Bacterias Oxidantes (de Ferro e de Enxofre) e por Bacterias Redutoras de Sulfato. A metodologia de extração seqüencial foi utilizada para quantificar a mobilidade dos metais estudados ao longo de 6 diferentes frações do solo: intercambiável, orgânica, carbonatos, hidróxidos, sulfetos e residual, além da analise do percentual de metais em solução. Através dos resultados alcançados é possível concluir que os metais Fe e Pb estão imobilizado de forma estável no solo. Por outro lado, o Zn apresentou-se como o metal de maior interesse ambiental, tendo sido biolixiviado em até 42%. O estudo também concluiu que o pH do solo é determinante para a bioprecipitação dos metais e sua conseqüente imobilização na matriz do solo, uma vez que este parâmetro tem papel decisivo no metabolismo das bactérias redutoras de sulfato, responsáveis por este processo

    Pancreatite aguda em pediatria: revisão sistemática da literatura

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    Objective: To describe the main epidemiological, clinical, diagnostic and treatment aspects of children with acute pancreatitis.Sources: Systematic review of MEDLINE and SciELO databases in the last 5 years about acute pancreatitis in children, as well as consultation of relevant references on the texts obtained.Summary of the findings: Cases of acute pancreatitis in children have received growing attention in recent years, and an increase in the number of cases has been reported in several studies. the main etiologies in children involve biliary disease, drug-induced pancreatitis, recurrent hereditary pancreatitis and trauma, and up to 30% of cases have no defined etiology. the diagnosis is based on the combination of clinical and laboratory aspects with the increase of acinar enzymes and radiologic tests. Initial support treatment, with proper volume replacement and correction of the metabolic disturbances, besides specific nutritional therapy, are the fundamental points in the handling of acute conditions. Long term complications are unusual, and mortality rates are inferior to the rates for the adult population.Conclusions: the early diagnosis and the appropriate handling can contribute to a better outcome for the child with pancreatitis and to prevent the immediate and late complications related to the disease. More studies are required to better explain aspects related to the clinical and radiological diagnosis of pancreatitis in children, as well as aspects related to the nutritional therapy for this age group.Univ São Paulo, Fac Med, Hosp Clin, Inst Crianca, BR-05403000 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo UNIFESP, São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, BR-05403000 São Paulo, BrazilHosp Israelite Albert Einstein, Unidade Pronto Atendimento, São Paulo, BrazilHosp Santa Catarina, Unidade Terapia Intens Pediat, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo UNIFESP, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Plano de marketing para o aplicativo: Casa Limpa

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    Este trabalho tem por objetivo elaborar um plano de marketing para o aplicativo Casa Limpa, que funcionará nos smartphones, e se trata de um aplicativo para intermediar um empregado doméstico à um cliente. Ele tem como foco os trabalhadores autônomos diaristas e seus clientes que não possuem tempo para limpar sua residência. Encontrada a oportunidade, foi proposto um roteiro para o plano que seja parecido com o modelo de negócio do aplicativo Uber, para que o Casa Limpa possa atingir seus objetivos com sucesso. Através de pesquisa de campo e pesquisa bibliográfica para o embasamento teórico, foi possível a construção do planejamento com um roteiro que abrange o marketing estratégico, tático e aplicado no ambiente mobile, tendo como resultado o plano de marketing aplicados a aplicativos que trabalham somente no âmbito do comércio mobile, além da conclusão do plano de marketing para o aplicativo Casa Limpa devidamente estruturado. Conclui-se assim que o modelo e os métodos utilizados para a realização do plano foram eficazes e cumpriram seu propósito de abordar tópicos essenciais a respeito de aplicativos que se aplicam ao mesmo modelo de negócio

    Exploring the Synergies between Join Point Interfaces and Feature-Oriented Programming

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    Feature-oriented programming FOP, and aspect-oriented programming AOP have been used to develop modular software product lines SPL. Both approaches focus on modularizing classes behavior and crosscutting concerns CC. Therefore, the symbiosis of FOP and AOP would permit reaching pros and cons of both software development approaches. Concretely, FOP permits a modular refinement of classes collaboration for software product lines SPL -an adequate structural representation of heterogeneous CC, but FOP does not well represent homogeneous CC. On the other hand, traditional AOP structurally well modularizes homogeneous CC, but aspects are not adequate to represent collaboration of classes for software evolution. In addition, AOP solutions present implicit dependencies and strong coupling between classes and aspects. Since Join Point Interface JPI solves mentioned AOP issues, this paper present JPI Feature Modules to represent and modularize the structure of FOP and JPI SPL instances, i.e., classes and join point interfaces for a transparent implementation in a FOP and JPI context. This paper, highlights benefits of a FOP and JPI symbiosis for the modular software conception using a case study to exemplify its use

    Automated Completion of Partial Configurations as a Diagnosis Task Using FastDiag to Improve Performance

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    The completion of partial configurations might represent an expensive computational task. Existing solutions, such as those which use modern constraint satisfaction solvers, perform a complete search, making them unsuitable on large-scale configurations. In this work, we propose an approach to define the completion of a partial configuration like a diagnosis task to solve it by applying the FastDiag algorithm, an efficient solution for preferred minimal diagnosis (updates) in the analyzed partial configuration. We evaluate our proposed method in the completion of partial configurations of random medium and large-size features models and the completion of partial configurations of a feature model of an adapted version of the Ubuntu Xenial OS. Our experimental analysis shows remarkable improvements in our solution regarding the use of classical CSP-based approaches for the same tasks.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades RTI2018-101204-B-C22Agencia Estatal de Investigación TIN2017-90644-RED


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    The Brazilian Central-West is a region which had its occupancy and socioeconomic advance mainly related to the development of agricultural sector and the installation of the main political and administrative core of the country in its territory. In this way, occurred its increased participation and relevance in the national economy, besides internal structure significant transformations. In this sense, this present article aims to assay the productive structure of Midwest region through the formal employment behavior, as well as to present the trajectory of regional income inequality reduction among its states. Therefore, are presented results measured through the shift-share method, location quotient and Williamson coefficient.O Centro-Oeste brasileiro trata-se de uma região que teve sua ocupação e avanço socioeconômico relacionado principalmente ao desenvolvimento do setor agropecuário e a instalação do principal núcleo político e administrativo do país em seu território. Dessa forma, ocorreu um crescente aumento de sua participação e relevância na economia nacional, além de transformações significativas em sua estrutura interna. Nesse sentido, buscou-se através do presente artigo analisar a estrutura produtiva da região Centro-Oeste através do comportamento do mercado formal de trabalho, bem como apresentar a trajetória da redução da desigualdade regional de renda entre os seus estados. Para tanto são apresentados os resultados mensurados através dos métodos diferencial-estrutural (ou shift-share), quociente-locacional e coeficiente ponderado de Williamson

    The Herpetofauna from Ilha Grande (Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil): updating species composition, richness, distribution and endemisms

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    Ilha Grande is a large continental island (total area of 19,300 ha) situated at the southern coast of the state of Rio de Janeiro, in southeast Brazil, within the Atlantic Forest Biome. Here we provide an update to the previous knowledge of the fauna of amphibians and reptiles occurring in Ilha Grande, based on primary data from our own fieldwork and on secondary data (from institutional collections and from the literature). We report the occurrence at Ilha Grande of a total of 74 species, being 34 amphibians (all of them anurans) and 40 reptiles (27 snakes, 11 lizards, one amphisbaenian and one crocodylian). Our survey added 14 species to the herpetofaunal list of Ilha Grande (three of amphibians and eleven of reptiles) and removed one species (the amphibian Cycloramphus fuliginosus) from the previous list. The data indicated that Ilha Grande houses a considerable portion of the Atlantic Forest amphibian and reptile diversity (ca. 6% and 19%, respectively, of the species occurring in this biome) together with high occurrence of species endemic to this biome plus a few amphibian species endemic to this island. Ilha Grande is thus an important reservoir of both biodiversity and endemism of amphibians and reptiles of the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, which highlights the importance of the conservation of the island and of its different habitats along the insular landscape

    The Herpetofauna from Ilha Grande (Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil): updating species composition, richness, distribution and endemisms

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    Ilha Grande is a large continental island (total area of 19,300 ha) situated at the southern coast of the state of Rio de Janeiro, in southeast Brazil, within the Atlantic Forest Biome. Here we provide an update to the previous knowledge of the fauna of amphibians and reptiles occurring in Ilha Grande, based on primary data from our own fieldwork and on secondary data (from institutional collections and from the literature). We report the occurrence at Ilha Grande of a total of 74 species, being 34 amphibians (all of them anurans) and 40 reptiles (27 snakes, 11 lizards, one amphisbaenian and one crocodylian). Our survey added 14 species to the herpetofaunal list of Ilha Grande (three of amphibians and eleven of reptiles) and removed one species (the amphibian Cycloramphus fuliginosus) from the previous list. The data indicated that Ilha Grande houses a considerable portion of the Atlantic Forest amphibian and reptile diversity (ca. 6% and 19%, respectively, of the species occurring in this biome) together with high occurrence of species endemic to this biome plus a few amphibian species endemic to this island. Ilha Grande is thus an important reservoir of both biodiversity and endemism of amphibians and reptiles of the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, which highlights the importance of the conservation of the island and of its different habitats along the insular landscape