563 research outputs found

    Synthesis of (di)nucleoside polyphosphates by the ubiquitin activating enzyme E1

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    Open Access.Previous work from this laboratory had shown that ligases may catalyze the synthesis of (di)nucleoside polyphosphates. Here, we show that one of the enzymes of the proteasome system (E1 or the ubiquitin (Ub) activating enzyme, EC catalyzes very effectively (kcat = 0.29 ± 0.05 s-1) the transfer of AMP from the E-AMP-ubiquitin complex to tripolyphosphate or tetrapolyphosphate with formation of adenosine tetra- or pentaphosphate (p4A or p5A), respectively. Whereas the concomitant formation of AMP is stimulated by the presence of dithiothreitol in a concentration dependent manner, the synthesis of p4A is only slightly inhibited by this compound. Previous treatment of the enzyme (E1) with iodoacetamide inhibited only partially the synthesis of p4A. p 4A can substitute for ATP as substrate of the reaction to generate the ubiquityl adenylate complex. A small amount of diadenosine pentaphosphate (Ap5A) was also synthesized in the presence of p4A. © 2005 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This investigation was supported by grants from Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica (BMC-2002-00866) and Instituto de Salud Carlos III, RMN (C03/08).Peer Reviewe

    Synthesis of bisphosphonate derivatives of ATP by T4 RNA ligase

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    AbstractT4 RNA ligase catalyzes the synthesis of ATP β,γ-bisphosphonate analogues, using the following substrates with the relative velocity rates indicated between brackets: methylenebisphosphonate (pCH2p) (100), clodronate (pCCl2p) (52), and etidronate (pC(OH)(CH3)p) (4). The presence of pyrophosphatase about doubled the rate of these syntheses. Pamidronate (pC(OH)(CH2–CH2–NH2)p), and alendronate (pC(OH)(CH2–CH2–CH2–NH2)p) were not substrates of the reaction. Clodronate displaced the AMP moiety of the complex E-AMP in a concentration dependent manner. The Km values and the rate of synthesis (kcat) determined for the bisphosphonates as substrates of the reaction were, respectively: methylenebisphosphonate, 0.26±0.05mM (0.28±0.05s−1); clodronate, 0.54±0.14mM (0.29±0.05s−1); and etidronate, 4.3±0.5mM (0.028±0.013s−1). In the presence of GTP, and ATP or AppCCl2p the relative rate of synthesis of adenosine 5′,5‴-P1,P4-tetraphosphoguanosine (Ap4G) was around 100% and 33%, respectively; the methylenebisphosphonate derivative of ATP (AppCH2p) was a very poor substrate for the synthesis of Ap4G. To our knowledge this report describes, for the first time, the synthesis of ATP β,γ-bisphosphonate analogues by an enzyme different to the classically considered aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases

    Effect of Bisphosphonates on Root Growth and on Chlorophyll Formation in Arabidopsis thaliana Seedlings

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    Capítulo 41.-- Open Access: License CC BY 3.0This work was supported by grants from the Spanish National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation (BFU 2008-00666/BMC, BFU 2009-08977 and AYA2009- 07952).Peer Reviewe

    Seleção de macro-habitat em rapinas no Alto-Alentejo

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    Comunicação oral da qual só está disponível o resumo.Seleção de macro-habitat em rapinas no Alto-Alentejo

    Domain wall dynamics in expanding spaces

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    We study the effects on the dynamics of kinks due to expansions and contractions of the space. We show that the propagation velocity of the kink can be adiabatically tuned through slow expansions/contractions, while its width is given as a function of the velocity. We also analyze the case of fast expansions/contractions, where we are no longer on the adiabatic regime. In this case the kink moves more slowly after an expansion-contraction cycle as a consequence of loss of energy through radiation. All these effects are numerically studied in the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations (both for the sine-Gordon and for the phi^4 potential), and they are also studied within the framework of the collective coordinate evolution equations for the width and the center of mass of the kink. These collective coordinate evolution equations are obtained with a procedure that allows us to consider even the case of large expansions/contractions.Comment: LaTeX, 18 pages, 2 figures, improved version to appear in Phys Rev

    Factors determining the soil available water during the last two decades (1997–2019) in southern Spain

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    Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBUA. This study was part of the research project "Incidence of global change in contrasted Mediterranean landscapes," GLOMED-LAND (CSO2016-75898-P), funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.Assessing soil hydrological conditions can provide essential information for understanding the environmental processes that affect ecosystem services and, particularly in the context of ongoing climate change. This is key in areas affected by water scarcity such as the Mediterranean belt. Therefore, the main goals of this research are (i) to assess the main rainfall dynamics and trends of some representative hotspots along with southern Spain and (ii) to determine the impact on the soil available water content (AWC) over the last two decades. An analysis of daily precipitation and soil hydrological conditions was combined with soil sampling (543) and laboratory analyses to evaluate the properties related to the soil infiltration and retention capacity. The results show that the organic factors control soil properties and their hydrodynamics in southern Spain. Furthermore, a general declining trend in soil water availability is observed over the last two decades. This is more extreme in arid and semi-arid areas, where there have been several years in the last decade with more than 200 days without the available water content. Moreover, in these areas, heavy rainfall during specific moments of the year is the key factor that manifests a greater incidence in areas with steeper slopes, which in turn, also conditions the biological factors and the hydrodynamics of the soil. In short, in the context of climate change, the analysis of soil hydrological dynamics could be used to identify biodiversity thresholds in the Mediterranean area and even to detect phenological changes in specific plant species.Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness CSO2016-75898-

    Does ict resources improve the sport teaching processes in handball?

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    La motivación (M) y la capacidad de percepción-análisis (PA) del juego, variables del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, fueron evaluadas tras utilizar diferentes recursos durante las explicaciones del entrenador. 71 jugadores(Sub-18) fueron divididos en dos grupos: G1 (n=35): recursos tradicionales; G2 (n=36): recursos multimedia. Se evaluó el nivel inicial (i) y final (f), tras 10 sesiones de entrenamiento. Ambas variables mejoraron significativamente en ambos grupos. Fueron mayores las mejoras del G2 en ambas variables (p<.001). Se hallaron únicamente diferencias intergrupales en la evaluación final en M y PA (p<.001), mostrando el Grupo 2 mejores resultados. Se concluye que la utilización de recursos multimedia posee un efecto positivo mayor que los recursos tradicionales sobre M y PA en jugadores de balonmano (Sub-18).Motivation (M) and game perception-analysis ability (PA), variables in the teaching-learning process, were evaluated after using different resources during the coach’s explanations. Seventy-one players (Under-18) were divided into 2 groups: G1 (n = 35) traditional resources; G2 (n = 36) multimedia resources. Initial (i) and final (f) levels of both variables were evaluated after 10 training sessions. Both variables showed a significant improvement in both groups. The improvements shown in G2 were greater in both variables (p<0.001). Intergroup differences were only found in the final evaluation in M and PA (p<0,001), where G2 obtained better results. It was concluded that using multimedia resources has a greater positive effect than traditional resources on M and PA in under-18 handball players

    Macro- and Microscopic Characterization of Components of Resistance against Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici in a Collection of Spanish Bread Wheat Cultivars

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    Yellow (stripe) rust, caused by the biotrophic fungus Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst), stands as the most serious wheat disease worldwide, affecting approximately 88% of world wheat production. Even though yellow rust generally develops in cool humid weather conditions, the expansion of new races adapted to warmer climates threatens zones where severe P. striiformis epidemics were infrequent, such as Andalusian wheat cropping areas. In order to characterize yellow rust resistance mechanisms in Spanish germplasm, our study evaluated 19 Spanish bread wheat cultivars against P. striiformis under controlled conditions for percentage of disease severity (DS) and infection type (IT). From this visual evaluation, 74% of evaluated cultivars showed resistant responses against P. striiformis infection with only five cultivars considered susceptible. Subsequently, macroscopic and microscopic components of resistance were identified through image analysis and histological studies, respectively, in six selected cultivars. Macroscopic parameters such as total pustule area and total affected area (%), together with microscopic parameters such as early-aborted and established microcolonies regarding plant cell death responses (%), and microcolony length (µm), were identified as capable of differentiating cultivars quantitatively. Thus, these parameters could be used as a basis for screening resistant responses in future breeding programs, complementary to physiology, genetic and biochemical studies of plant-Pst interaction. Finally, our study seems to be the first macroscopic and microscopic characterization of P. striiformis infection in a collection of Spanish bread wheat cultivars in controlled conditions

    Local segregation of realised niches in lizards

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    Species can occupy different realised niches when sharing the space with other congeneric species or when living in allopatry. Ecological niche models are powerful tools to analyse species niches and their changes over time and space. Analysing how species’ realised niches shift is paramount in ecology. Here, we examine the ecological realised niche of three species of wall lizards in six study areas: three areas where each species occurs alone; and three areas where they occur together in pairs. We compared the species’ realised niches and how they vary depending on species’ coexistence, by quantifying niche overlap between pairs of species or populations with the R package ecospat. For this, we considered three environmental variables (temperature, humidity, and wind speed) recorded at each lizard re-sighting location. Realised niches were very similar when comparing syntopic species occurring in the same study area. However, realised niches differed when comparing conspecific populations across areas. In each of the three areas of syntopy, the less abundant species shift its realised niche. Our study demonstrates that sympatry may shift species’ realised niche

    Applications of infrared thermography in sports. A review

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    La termografía infrarroja (TI) registra el calor irradiado de un cuerpo, que es emitido en un rango del espectro electromagnético que la visión humana no es capaz de identificar. La respuesta térmica depende de una serie de ajustes fisiológicos específicos como la homeostasis corporal y salud del deportista, lo cual permite establecer interesantes aplicaciones en el deporte. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido revisar la literatura en torno a las aplicaciones de la TI en el ámbito del deporte, y proponer las características óptimas del registro en relación al evaluado, las condiciones ambientales y la cámara utilizada. Concluimos que la principal contribución de la TI en el ámbito del deporte es ayudar a identificar signos de lesión antes de que la lesión se produzca, permitiéndonos actuar de manera preventiva durante el proceso de entrenamientoInfrared thermography (IRT) records the radiant heat of a body, which is emitted in the range of the electromagnetic spectrum that human vision is not able to identify. The thermal response depends on a number of specific physiological adjustments as body homeostasis and athlete’s health, which allow us to establishing interesting applications in sport. The aim of this study was to review the literature on IRT applications in sports, and to propose the optimal characteristics of the register in terms of the subject, the environmental conditions and the camera used. We conclude that the main contribution of IRT in the field of sport is to help identify signs of injury before it occurs, allowing us to act proactively along the training proces