146 research outputs found

    Trail communication regulated by two trail pheromone : components in the fungus-growing termite Odontotermes formosanus (Shiraki)

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    The eusocial termites are well accomplished in chemical communication, but how they achieve the communication using trace amount of no more than two pheromone components is mostly unknown. In this study, the foraging process and trail pheromones of the fungus-growing termite Odontotermes formosanus (Shiraki) were systematically studied and monitored in real-time using a combination of techniques, including video analysis, solid-phase microextraction, gas chromatography coupled with either mass spectrometry or an electroantennographic detector, and bioassays. The trail pheromone components in foraging workers were (3Z)-dodec-3-en-1-ol and (3Z,6Z)-dodeca-3,6-dien-1-ol secreted by their sternal glands. Interestingly, ratio of the two components changed according to the behaviors that the termites were displaying. This situation only occurs in termites whereas ratios of pheromone components are fixed and species-specific for other insect cuticular glands. Moreover, in bioassays, the active thresholds of the two components ranged from 1 fg/cm to 10 pg/cm according to the behavioral contexts or the pheromonal exposure of tested workers. The two components did not act in synergy. (3Z)-Dodec-3-en-1-ol induced orientation behavior of termites that explore their environment, whereas (3Z,6Z)- dodeca-3,6-dien-1-ol had both an orientation effect and a recruitment effect when food was discovered. The trail pheromone of O. formosanus was regulated both quantitatively by the increasing number of workers involved in the early phases of foraging process, and qualitatively by the change in ratio of the two pheromone components on sternal glandular cuticle in the food-collecting workers. In bioassays, the responses of workers to the pheromone were also affected by the variation in pheromone concentration and component ratio in the microenvironment. Thus, this termite could exchange more information with nestmates using the traces of the two trail pheromone components that can be easily regulated within a limited microenvironment formed by the tunnels or chambers

    Условия формирования и перспективы обнаружения россыпных месторождений пылевидного золота в Украине

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    Изложены тезисы новой гипотезы гравитационной дифференциации мельчайших твердых частиц в жидкой и твердой, но дезинтегрированной средах. На этой основе прогнозируется образование россыпей пылевидного золота в дельтах Дона, Днепра, Днестра и Дуная, а также на прилегающих к ним частям шельфа Азово-Черноморского бассейна. Приведены доказательства биогенного и хемогенного генезиса некоторой части пылевидного золота. Приведен подсчет результата прогнозных ресурсов самородного мельчайшего золота по трем открытым автором россыпям на шельфе Черного моря, равный в сумме 25 т металла. Они были открыты только благодаря применению устройства “Говерла”.Викладено тези нової гіпотези гравітаційної диференціації дрібних твердих часток у твердому, але дезінтегрированому середовищі. На цій основі прогнозується утворення розсипів пилеподібного золота в дельтах Дону, Дніпра, Дністра й Дунаю, а також на прилеглих до них частинах шельфу Азово-Чорпоморського басейну. Наведено докази біогенного й хемогенного генезису деякої частини пилеподібного золота. Наведено результат підрахунку прогнозних ресурсів самородного найдрібні-шого золота по трьох відкритих автором розсипах на шельфі Чорного моря, які дорівнюють 25т металу. Розсипи були відкриті тільки завдяки використанню пристрою “Говерла”.It is expounded thesises for the new theory about gravitational differentiation of title rocky particles inside rocky environment. On this basis it is forecasted formation of gold flour placers in the deltas of Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube, and also on the adjoining part of the Azov-Black Sea shelf. There are introduced the evidence of biogenetical and chemogenetical genesis of some part of the gold flour. It is represented the prognosical resources of three gold placers which was discovered by author on the Black Sea shelf only due to using his device “Goverla”. They are amount to 25 ton of gold flour

    Молодежная тема в романе Григориоса Ксенопулоса «Старые Афины»

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    Цель данной работы - рассмотреть особенности возникновения и развития реалистического романа в греческой литературе на примере творчества Григориоса Ксенопулоса в контексте анализа проблемы взаимоотношений творческой молодежи

    New insights into the coevolutionary history of termites and their gut flagellates: Description of Retractinympha glossotermitis gen. nov. sp. nov. (Retractinymphidae fam. nov.)

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    Lower termites harbor diverse consortia of symbiotic gut flagellates. Despite numerous evidence for co-cladogenesis, the evolutionary history of these associations remains unclear. Here, we present Retractinymphidae fam. nov., a monogeneric lineage of Trichonymphida from Serritermitidae. Although Retractinympha glossotermitis gen. nov. sp. nov. morphologically resembles members of the genus Pseudotrichonympha, phylogenetic analysis identified it as sister group of the Teranymphidae. We compared morphology and ultrastructure of R. glossotermitis to that of Pseudotrichonympha and other Teranymphidae, including the so-far undescribed Pseudotrichonympha solitaria sp. nov. from Termitogeton planus (Rhinotermitidae). Like all Teranymphidae, R. glossotermitis is a large, elongated flagellate with a bilaterally symmetric rostrum, an anterior, flagella-free operculum, and an internal rostral tube. However, it is readily distinguished by the length of its rostral flagella, which never exceeds that of the postrostral flagella, and its retractable anterior end. Inclusion of the hitherto unstudied Stylotermes halumicus (Stylotermitidae) in our survey of trichonymphid flagellates in Neoisoptera confirmed that the combined presence of Heliconympha and Retractinympha and absence of Pseudotrichonympha is unique to Serritermitidae. The close phylogenetic relatedness of Heliconympha in Serritermitidae to the spirotrichosomid flagellates in Stolotermitidae provides strong support for their acquisition by horizontal transmission

    New insights into the coevolutionary history of termites and their gut flagellates: Description of Retractinympha glossotermitis gen. nov. sp. nov. (Retractinymphidae fam. nov.)

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    Lower termites harbor diverse consortia of symbiotic gut flagellates. Despite numerous evidence for co-cladogenesis, the evolutionary history of these associations remains unclear. Here, we present Retractinymphidae fam. nov., a monogeneric lineage of Trichonymphida from Serritermitidae. Although Retractinympha glossotermitis gen. nov. sp. nov. morphologically resembles members of the genus Pseudotrichonympha, phylogenetic analysis identified it as sister group of the Teranymphidae. We compared morphology and ultrastructure of R. glossotermitis to that of Pseudotrichonympha and other Teranymphidae, including the so-far undescribed Pseudotrichonympha solitaria sp. nov. from Termitogeton planus (Rhinotermitidae). Like all Teranymphidae, R. glossotermitis is a large, elongated flagellate with a bilaterally symmetric rostrum, an anterior, flagella-free operculum, and an internal rostral tube. However, it is readily distinguished by the length of its rostral flagella, which never exceeds that of the postrostral flagella, and its retractable anterior end. Inclusion of the hitherto unstudied Stylotermes halumicus (Stylotermitidae) in our survey of trichonymphid flagellates in Neoisoptera confirmed that the combined presence of Heliconympha and Retractinympha and absence of Pseudotrichonympha is unique to Serritermitidae. The close phylogenetic relatedness of Heliconympha in Serritermitidae to the spirotrichosomid flagellates in Stolotermitidae provides strong support for their acquisition by horizontal transmission

    Roisinitermes ebogoensis gen. & sp. n., an outstanding drywood termite with snapping soldiers from Cameroon (Isoptera, Kalotermitidae)

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    Termites have developed a wide array of defensive mechanisms. One of them is the mandibulate soldier caste that crushes or pierces their enemies. However, in several lineages of Termitinae, soldiers have long and slender mandibles that cannot bite but, instead, snap and deliver powerful strikes to their opponents. Here, we use morphological and molecular evidence to describe Roisinitermesebogoensis Scheffrahn, gen. & sp. n. from near Mbalmayo, Cameroon. Soldiers of R.ebogoensis are unique among all other kalotermitid soldiers in that they possess snapping mandibles. The imago of R.ebogoensis is also easily distinguished from all other Kalotermitidae by the lack of ocelli. Our study reveals a new case of parallel evolution of snapping mandibles in termites, a complex apparatus responsible of one of the fastest biological acceleration rates measured to date.journal articl

    Not Only Soldiers Have Weapons: Evolution of the Frontal Gland in Imagoes of the Termite Families Rhinotermitidae and Serritermitidae

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    BACKGROUND: The frontal gland is a unique adaptation of advanced termite families. It has been intensively studied in soldiers with respect to its anatomy and chemistry, with numerous novel compounds being discovered within the tremendous richness of identified products. At the same time, the presence of the frontal gland in non-soldier castes received only negligible attention in the past. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here, we report on the development of the frontal gland in alate imagoes of 10 genera and 13 species of Rhinotermitidae and Serritermitidae, in order to shed light on the evolution and function of this gland in imagoes. All investigated species possess a frontal gland. In most cases, it is well-developed and equipped with a sac-like reservoir, located in the postero-dorsal part of cranium, but reaching as far as the seventh abdominal segment in some Rhinotermitinae. The only exception is the genus Psammotermes, in which the gland is very small and devoid of the reservoir. CONCLUSIONS: Our direct observations and comparisons with soldiers suggest a defensive role of the gland in imagoes of all studied species. This functional analogy, along with the anatomic homology between the frontal gland in soldiers and imagoes, make it likely that the gland appeared once during the early evolution of rhinotermitid ancestors, and remained as a defensive organ of prime importance in both, soldiers and imagoes

    Mutual use of trail-following chemical cues by a termite host and its inquiline

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    Termite nests are often secondarily inhabited by other termite species ( = inquilines) that cohabit with the host. To understand this association, we studied the trail-following behaviour in two Neotropical species, Constrictotermes cyphergaster (Termitidae: Nasutitermitinae) and its obligatory inquiline, Inquilinitermes microcerus (Termitidae: Termitinae). Using behavioural experiments and chemical analyses, we determined that the trail-following pheromone of C. cyphergaster is made of neocembrene and (3Z,6Z,8E)-dodeca-3,6,8-trien-1-ol. Although no specific compound was identified in I. microcerus, workers were able to follow the above compounds in behavioural bioassays. Interestingly, in choice tests, C. cyphergaster prefers conspecific over heterospecific trails while I. microcerus shows the converse behaviour. In no-choice tests with whole body extracts, C. cyphergaster showed no preference for, while I. microcerus clearly avoided heterospecific trails. This seems to agree with the hypothesis that trail-following pheromones may shape the cohabitation of C. cyphergaster and I. microcerus and reinforce the idea that their cohabitation is based on conflict-avoiding strategies

    A holobiont approach towards polysaccharide degradation by the highly compartmentalised gut system of the soil-feeding higher termite Labiotermes labralis.

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    peer reviewed[en] BACKGROUND: Termites are among the most successful insects on Earth and can feed on a broad range of organic matter at various stages of decomposition. The termite gut system is often referred to as a micro-reactor and is a complex structure consisting of several components. It includes the host, its gut microbiome and fungal gardens, in the case of fungi-growing higher termites. The digestive tract of soil-feeding higher termites is characterised by radial and axial gradients of physicochemical parameters (e.g. pH, O2 and H2 partial pressure), and also differs in the density and structure of residing microbial communities. Although soil-feeding termites account for 60% of the known termite species, their biomass degradation strategies are far less known compared to their wood-feeding counterparts. RESULTS: In this work, we applied an integrative multi-omics approach for the first time at the holobiont level to study the highly compartmentalised gut system of the soil-feeding higher termite Labiotermes labralis. We relied on 16S rRNA gene community profiling, metagenomics and (meta)transcriptomics to uncover the distribution of functional roles, in particular those related to carbohydrate hydrolysis, across different gut compartments and among the members of the bacterial community and the host itself. We showed that the Labiotermes gut was dominated by members of the Firmicutes phylum, whose abundance gradually decreased towards the posterior segments of the hindgut, in favour of Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria and Verrucomicrobia. Contrary to expectations, we observed that L. labralis gut microbes expressed a high diversity of carbohydrate active enzymes involved in cellulose and hemicelluloses degradation, making the soil-feeding termite gut a unique reservoir of lignocellulolytic enzymes with considerable biotechnological potential. We also evidenced that the host cellulases have different phylogenetic origins and structures, which is possibly translated into their different specificities towards cellulose. From an ecological perspective, we could speculate that the capacity to feed on distinct polymorphs of cellulose retained in soil might have enabled this termite species to widely colonise the different habitats of the Amazon basin. CONCLUSIONS: Our study provides interesting insights into the distribution of the hydrolytic potential of the highly compartmentalised higher termite gut. The large number of expressed enzymes targeting the different lignocellulose components make the Labiotermes worker gut a relevant lignocellulose-valorising model to mimic by biomass conversion industries.Explor‑ ing the higher termite lignocellulolytic system to optimise the conversion of biomass into energy and useful platform molecule