1,416 research outputs found


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    Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah rendahnya hasil belajar sisiwa siswa kelas IV SD RK Budi Luhur Medan. Model pembelajaran mind mapping diduga sebagai model pembelajaran yang tepat untuk diterapkan pada siswa tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran mind mapping terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa SD RK Budi Luhur Medan. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari dua kelas yaitu Kelas IV A yang berjumlah 40 siswa (sebagai kelas eksperimen) dan Kelas IV B yang berjumlah 40 siswa (sebagai kelas kontrol). dengan model mind mapping dan di kelas kontrol menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional. Alat pengumpul data yang digunakan adalah tes pilihan ganda berjumlah 30 item yang telah diuji validasi. Hasil belajar di kelas IV A (sebagai kelas eksperimen) menggunakan model pembelajaran mind mapping. Nilai rata-rata pretes adalah 60.675, kemudian setelah dilakukan perlakuan nilai rata-rata postes adalah 83.825. Dan hasil belajar untuk kelas IV B (kelas kontrol) yang menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional memiliki rata-rata nilai pretest 62,15. nilai rata-rata postes adalah 70,05. Dari hasil uji-t diperoleh tarikan = 6,615 sedangkan t tabel = 0,024 karena thitung> t tabel (6,615> 0,024) maka H0 diterima. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran mind mapping mempengaruhi hasil belajar siswa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan analisis data yang telah dilakukan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara model pembelajaran Mind Mapping terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas IV SD RK Budi Luhur Medan

    Penggunaan Media Pop Up Book untuk Meningkatkan Minat Baca Siswa Kelas II SD Negeri Malaka

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    This research aims to increase interest in reading by using pop up book media in class II students at SD Negeri Malaka. This research is collaborative classroom action research. The subjects of this research were class II students at SD Negeri Malaka for the 2023/2024 academic year, totaling 20 students. The research design used is the Kemmis and Mc model. Taggart. The data collection techniques used in this research are: 1) scale, 2) observation, and 3) documentation. Data analysis techniques use quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of the research show that class II students' interest in reading at SD Negeri Malaka can be increased by using pop up book media through the steps of observing pop up book media, listening to and reading poetry, asking and answering questions and directing attention to learning. In pre-action, the percentage of students who had a minimum interest in reading had reached a good predicate of 0%. In the first cycle, the percentage increase in the number of students who had a minimum interest in reading reached a good predicate of 45%. In cycle II, the percentage increase in the number of students who had a minimum interest in reading reached a good predicate of 85%

    Penyuluhan Pemasaran E-Commerce Untuk Meningkatkan Penjualan Bagi UMKM Pemuda-Pemudi di Kecamatan Rajeg Kabupaten Tangerang

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    Technological developments that occur today are growing rapidly. All aspects of human life in their activities use information technology as a tool to facilitate and speed up the activities carried out. On the other hand, competition in the economic field is also getting tougher. All manufacturers are competing in marketing their products to consumers. Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce) is the process of doing business through a computer network which in general is a business activity that is closely related to: Consumers (Consumers), Manufacturing, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), Intermediaries (Intermediateries), using electronic media and facilities Internet to buy or sell its products. Unlike traditional trade which is done physically with someone trying to go & come to get the product. E-Commerce which started in the early 1990s has taken a big leap in the world of computers, but the fact that hinders the growth of e-commerce is the security factor. Security is a challenge facing e-commerce today and much progress is still being made in the area of security. The main advantage of e-commerce over traditional commerce is that users can browse online stores, compare prices, and order merchandise from home via their personal computers, and receive orders for the goods they buy also at home, making it much more convenient, easy, effective with higher quality. can compete with traditional trade in which the physical goods can be seen and touched. To increase the use of e-commerce in developing countries like Indonesia, B2B e-commerce is implemented to increase access to global markets. The research strategy shows the importance of e-commerce in developing countries for business application

    The effect of capital adequacy ratio, net interest margin and non-performing loans on bank profitability : the case of Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study is to test and determine the Bank's health level consisting of capital adequacy ratio (CAR), net interest margin (NIM), and non performing loans (NPL) partially or simultaneously on bank profitability based on data from the Indonesian Stock Exchange. The population of this study is all state and private banks listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange (ISE) amounting to 40. Observations are conducted from 2012 to 2016. The results indicate that capital adequacy ratio (CAR) does not have a significant effect on bank profitability. Net interest margin (NIM) improves the growth of bank profitability. This can happen because NIM has a component of net interest in its ratio. Non performing loans (NPL) have a negative effect on bank profitability.peer-reviewe


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh peran auditor internal terhadap efektivitas pengendalian internal dengan enterprise risk management sebagai variabel moderating. Unit analisis penelitian ini adalah satuan pengawas intern (SPI) pada BUMN yang berkantor pusat di Kota Bandung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dan asosiatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan alat bantu kuesioner yang disebarkan kepada responden yaitu staf Satuan Pengawas Intern (SPI) pada BUMN yang berkantor pusat di Kota Bandung, Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling. Pengujian hipotesis pada penelitian ini menggunakan regresi sederhana dan uji interaksi (Moderated Regression Analysis). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peran auditor internal berpengaruh positif terhadap efektivitas pengendalian internal pada BUMN yang berkantor pusat di Kota Bandung sebesar 80,3% dan sisanya sebesar 13,8% dipengaruhi oleh factor lain. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa enterprise risk management memoderasi positif pengaruh peran auditor internal terhadap efektivitas pengendalian internal sebesar 87,2% dan sisanya sebesar 13,8% dijelaskan oleh factor lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini. ---------- This research is conducted to know the influence of the role of internal auditor on the effectiveness of internal control using enterprise risk management as the moderating variable. The analyzing unit in this research was the Internal Supervision Unit in state-owned enterprises centered in Bandung. The method used in this research was descriptive and associative methods, by using questioner for the staff in Internal Supervision Unit in Bandung to collect the data. The sampling technic used in this research was Proportionated Stratified Random Sampling. The hypothesis in this research was examined by using the Moderated Regression Analysis. The result of this research shows that the internal auditor give a positive influence on the effectiveness of internal control in State-owned Enterprises in Bandung which is 80,3% and the other 9.7% is influenced by other factors. In addition to that, the result also shows that the enterprise risk management also positively moderated the role of internal auditor on the effectiveness of internal control at 87.2% and the other 12.8% is affected by other factors which will not be analyzed in this research

    Density and width-weight relationship of blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) in Letman Waters, Southeast Maluku

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    Blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) is a fishery commodity with a fairly high selling value, both as a local commodity and as an export commodity. The high level of utilization and trade of blue swimming crabs is not matched by knowledge of how to conserve these resources so that it can result in a decrease in blue swimming crab resource stocks. Sampling was carried out in November 2021 using a selected random sampling method. The density of the male blue swimming crab is 94,118 ind/km2 and the female is 58,824 ind/km2. The results of the analysis of the width-weight relationship of the blue swimming crab showed the nature of the blue swimming crab growth was negative allometric with a b value of 2.579.Keywords: blue swimming crab; density; Letman; width-weight relationshi


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    Abstract                In Indonesia, severe pre-eclampsia and eclampsia contribute to maternal mortality ranging from 1.5% to 25%, while infant mortality is between 45% to 50%. Eclampsia is an acute disorder in pregnant women, at 20 weeks gestation or more or during the puerperium which is characterized by seizures or coma, previously preceded by signs of pre-eclampsia. The incidence of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia in North Sumatra according to Riskesdas 2018 is 0.2% or the same as the national prevalence. Accuracy in making decisions in seeking antenatal health services greatly determines the prognosis or success in preventing maternal deaths due to pre-eclampsia and eclampsia.                The purpose of this study was to determine the knowledge of pregnant women about emergency management of eclampsia in pregnant women at the Sidikalang Regional General Hospital, Dairi Regency 2021.                This research is a descriptive observational survey study, conducted at the Sidikalang Regional General Hospital in May and ends in December 2021. The population in this study were pregnant women from May to November 2021 who came to check their pregnancy at the Obgyn Polyclinic of the Regional General Hospital. Sidikalang as many as 1106 people. In this study, the number of samples was 10% of the total population, namely 111 people.                The results showed that the knowledge of pregnant women about emergency management of eclampsia in pregnant women was less than 64 people (57.66%) and sufficient knowledge was 35 people (31.53%) and good knowledge was only 12 people (10.81%). ).                The conclusion that the knowledge of pregnant women about the emergency management of eclampsia at the Sidikalang Regional General Hospital in 2021 is less by 57.66%

    High-Temperature High-Pressure Carbon Dioxide Removal From Coal Gas.

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    The noncatalytic gas-solid reaction between CO\sb2(g) and CaO(s) to form CaCO\sb3(s) has been studied at high temperature and high pressure (HTHP) using a thermobalance reactor. This reaction could serve as the basis for a HTHP process for the separation of CO\sb2 from coal-derived gas. The kinetics of the calcination and carbonation reactions were studied as a function of temperature, pressure, CO\sb2 concentration, and background gas composition. Three sorbent precursors which produced CaO having a wide range of structural properties were selected for detailed kinetic studies. They were (i) reagent grade calcium carbonate, (ii) reagent grade calcium acetate, and (iii) commercial grade dolomite containing essentially equimolar quantities of CaCO\sb3 and MgCO\sb3. Multicycle runs were conducted in order to have a better understanding of sorbent durability. Almost complete carbonation was possible using both calcium acetate and dolomite sorbent precursors; carbonation was incomplete when calcium carbonate precursor was used. The following operating conditions were found to be most appropriate: (UNFORMATTED TABLE OR EQUATION FOLLOWS)\vbox{\halign{#\hfil&&\qquad#\hfil\cr &Calcination temperature: &750$\sp\circ$C\cr &Calcination pressure: &1--15 atm\cr &Calcination atmosphere: &any inert gas with low\cr &&CO$\sb2$ partial pressure\cr &Carbonation temperature: &650--750$\sp\circ$C\cr &Carbonation pressure: &15 atm\cr &Carbonation atmosphere: &any sulfur-free or\cr &&low-sulfur coal gas\cr}}. When sulfur-free simulated coal gas was tested, improved sorbent reactivity, capacity, and capacity maintenance were observed. The increase in reactivity was consistent with a higher concentration of CO\sb2, possibly formed by the water-gas shift reaction. The distributed pore size model (Christman and Edgar, 1983) was used to analyze the carbonation results using the reagent grade calcium carbonate precursor. Good agreement between the model and experiment was achieved for runs at 650\sp\circC with varying CO\sb2 mol fraction and reaction pressure. At different carbonation temperatures, however, it was necessary to assign zero activation energies to the intrinsic rate constant and product layer diffusion coefficient in order to match the experimental data. Both of these parameters should have quite large activation energies


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    After the issurance of the Law No. 40/2014 on Insurance, insurance or reinsurance companies either conventional or sharia are obliged to stipulate minimal one control, and every control is determined by the companies to submit reports to the OJK (Financial Service Authority). In case there are other controls that have not been determined by insurance, sharia insurance, reinsurance or sharia reinsurance companies, OJK is authorized to determine a control outside the controls determined by the companies. This thesis discusses the legal liability of a controlling shareholder for the loss endured by the companies outside his control. Normative juridical approach is employed as the research method. It analyzes library materials or secondary data. This is a descriptive analytical research which analyzes the data qualitatively. The internal controlling shareholder of an insurance company has to be liable outside the shares he has for the company’s loss because of the party in his control under one condition i.e. the role of the Controlling Shareholder is proven to be liable for the loss endured by the company. It is different from the shareholder outside the controlling shareholder, referring to the Law on Limited Liability Company; he is only liable for the shares he has, yet this limited liability can be eliminated if the requirements of the company as a legal entity are not or not yet met and if there is any involvement in actions against the law. The legal principle that grounds the controlling shareholder’s legal liability for the loss endured by the company listed in the insurance companies in Indonesia is the theory of piercing the corporate veil or revealing the veil of limited liability companies i.e. a legal process that charges personal liability to the company employees, board of directors and shareholders in case of any violation done by the company
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