146 research outputs found

    Mimikri dalam Novel-Novel Karya Suparto Brata

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    Abstrak Novel Jemini dan Kadurakan ing Kidul Dringu merupakan karya sastra yang diciptakan oleh Suparto Brata yang menggambarkan tentang berbagai wujud upaya mimikri yang dilakukan oleh para pribumi. Wujud upaya mimikri tersebut memiliki hubungan dengan praktek kolonialisme yang terjadi saat jaman penjajahan di Negara Republik Indonesia. Untuk mengulik lebih dalam mengenai upaya mimikri yang dilakukan oleh para pribumi maka di dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan postkolonialisme. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan wujud upaya mimikri dalam penggunaan bahasa, gaya hidup, dan cara berpikir. Tata cara dalam mengumpulkan data yakni menggunakan teknik kepustakaan, teknik baca, dan teknik mencatat. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling dan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Sedangkan hasil dari penelitian ini adalah (1) Mimikri dalam penggunaan bahasa Belanda dan bahasa Indonesia, (2) Mimikri dalam gaya hidup, dan (3) Mimikri dalam cara berpikir. Kata kunci      : mimikri, postkolonialisme, penjajah, dan pribumi

    Measurable Gender Differences in Moral Standards

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    In 1982, Carol Gilligan tested Kohlberg’s theory of moral reasoning claiming that his research favored men. Lawrence Kohlberg limited his research to studying 75 boys from adolescents through young adulthood (Kohlberg, 1981). His theory of moral reasoning stemmed from that research. The purpose of this project was to test Carol Gilligan’s claims that women have different moral tendencies than men. The hypothesis for this study was that there would be measurable differences between the way men and women judge different scenarios. The survey used for this study was the Defining Issues Test 2 which included demographic information created by James Rest in 1975. Statistical significance was found in the difference between men and women in their moral tendencies. This was distinguished by comparing the participants’ genders and type indicator. The results of this study supported Carol Gilligan’s claim that women and men do indeed have different moral tendencies. It was found that men and women approach moral scenarios in a different manner

    Problematika Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 61 Tahun 2014 Tentang Kesehatan Reproduksi Terhadap Aborsi Akibat Perkosaan di Indonesia

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    PP RI Nomor 61 Tahun 2014 tentang Kesehatan Reproduksi di dalamnya menjelaskan tentang indikasi kedaruratan medis dan perkosaan sebagai pengecualian atas larangan aborsi atau dengan kata lain memperbolehkan aborsi berdasarkan indikasi kedaruratan medis atau akibat dari korban perkosaan secara lebih rinci. Dalam PP ini menjelaskan bahwa, untuk tindakan aborsi akibat dari korban perkosaan, batas usia kehamilan haruslah tidak lebih dari 40 hari dihitung dari sejak hari pertama menstruasi terakhir. Keberadaan PP ini cukup menimbulkan polemik dalam masyarakat. Pasalnya, perempuan korban perkosaan umumnya harus menanggung beban psikologis sekaligus ekonomis. Korban perkosaan ini mayoritas harus menghidupi anak yang dilahirkan dan menanggung konsekuensi, salah satunya adalah mendapat cercaan dari masyarakat. Sebagian kalangan termasuk KPAI (Komisi Perlindungan Anak Indonesia) dan IDI (Ikatan Dokter Indonesia). Penolakan terhadap PP ini umumnya disebabkan kekhawatiran terhadap penyalahgunaan Pasal yang ada di dalam PP tersebut sehingga bisa menumbuhkan budaya pergaulan bebas secara subur dan bertentangan dengan KUHP tentang kejahatan terhadap nyawa serta melanggar sumpah dokter dan kode etik kedokteran. Penelitian ini disusun dengan menggunakan tipe penelitian yuridis normatif, yaitu penelitian yang difokuskan untuk mengkaji penerapan kaidah-kaidah atau norma-norma dalam hukum positif. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode pendekatan yuridis normatif yaitu penelitian hukum yang dilakukan dengan cara meneliti bahan pustaka atau data sekunder dengan inventarisasi hukum positif. Spesifikasi yang digunakan adalah penelitian ini adalah deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, diperoleh simpulan bahwa peraturan ini bersifat kontradiktif dengan peraturan lain sehingga menimbulkan problematika. Faktor – faktor yang menjadi kendala pelaksanaan aborsi akibat perkosaan yang diatur dalam PP Nomor 61 Tahun 2014 tentang Kesehatan Reproduksi ini adalah ketentuan – ketentuan prosedural yang harus dipenuhi sebagai prasyarat diperbolehkannya aborsi tersebut secara batasan waktu sulit dipenuhi oleh korban dan sulitnya pembuktian serta alat bukti dalam tindak pidana perkosaan. Ketidakjelasan kewenangan, dan ketidaksesuaian dalam hal peraturan yang mengatur legalitas mengenai aborsi ini, khususnya atas indikasi kedaruratan medis dan kehamilan akibat perkosaan. Government Regulation No. 61 of 2014 concerning reproductive health explains the indications of medical emergencies and rape as a plan to prohibit abortion or in other words allow based on indications of medical emergencies, or the consequences of rape victims in more detail. In this Government Regulation, it is explained that for an abortion as a result of a rape victim, the gestational age limit is not more than 40 days, calculated from the first day of the last menstruation. The existence of this Government Regulation is enough to cause polemics in society. It is because women who are rape victims generally have to bear the psychological and economic burden. The majority of these rape victims have to support the children they are born with and bear the consequences, one of which is getting ridiculed by the community. Some groups include Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) and Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI). In general, the rejection of this Government Regulation is due to concerns about the misuse of the articles contained in the Government Regulation. So that, it could cause a culture of promiscuity and contrary to the Criminal Code (KUHP) regarding crimes against life and violating the doctor's oath and the medical code of ethics. This research uses a normative juridical research type. This research focused on examining the application of the rules or norms in positive law. The approach method used in this study is normative juridical. It is legal research conducted by examining library materials or secondary data with a positive law inventory. This research is descriptive. The results of this research indicate that this regulation is contradictory to other laws so, it can cause problems. The factors that become obstacles to the implementation of abortion due to rape as regulated in Government Regulation Number 61 of 2014 concerning Reproductive Health are procedural provisions as a prerequisite for allowing abortion, in terms of gestational age, it is difficult to fulfill by the victim and the difficulty of proving and evidence in criminal acts rape, unclear of authority, and discrepancies in regulations governing the law of abortion, especially on indications of medical emergencies and pregnancy due to rape

    Single implant-supported two-unit cantilever fixed partial dentures in the posterior region:a retrospective case series with a mean follow-up of 6.5 years

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the implant survival, clinical and radiographic outcomes, and patient satisfaction of single implant-supported two-unit cantilever fixed partial dentures in the posterior region.METHODS: Patients who received a single implant-supported fixed partial denture with a cantilever in the posterior region between January 2004 and February 2018 were included. Survival rate of the implants and the fixed partial dentures and data regarding the marginal bone level, presence of plaque, calculus, bleeding on probing, mucosa health, pocket probing depth, and patient satisfaction were collected during an evaluation visit. Complications were recorded from the medical records.RESULTS: Twenty-three patients (mean age 64 ± 13 years) with 28 implants could be included in the study. The mean follow-up period was 6.5 ± 4.8 years at the time of data collection. The survival rate of the implants and fixed partial dentures was 100%. Mean marginal bone loss for the mesial and distal side of the implants was 0.41 mm (SD 1.18 mm) and 0.63 mm (SD 0.98 mm) respectively. A high prevalence of peri-implant-mucositis (89.3%) and peri-implantitis (17.9%) was observed as well as a limited number of technical complications. Patients were quite satisfied, as reflected by a mean VAS score of 94.0 ± 7.2 points (range 0-100) and a OHIP-NL49 score of 10.8 (range 0-196).CONCLUSIONS: Single implant-supported fixed partial dentures with a mesial or distal cantilever can be a predictable treatment option in the posterior region, with stable peri-implant bone levels, minor technical complications, and very content patients. However, the prevalence of peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis was high.TRIAL REGISTRATION: ISRCTN, ISRCTN79055740 , Registered on March 14, 2021 - -Retrospectively registered.</p

    Pushing the boundaries of school-university partnerships: Engaging the community

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    The editors of the journal conclude this issue with a call to action. We call on those who do the work of PDS to reflect on and examine how we can better engage all three groups of stakeholders – university, school, and community – to better serve students at all levels. Creation of third spaces focused on engaging the community and advocacy efforts that advance the profession are essential to strengthening Professional Development Schools and Systems. It is in these spaces and communities where we see partnerships continue to move towards mutually beneficial action

    Introduction to the themed issue: Furthering the education profession: partnerships in action

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    The purpose of this special issue is to highlight innovative practices and research within Professional Development Systems. The articles featured in this themed issue fall into three sections, with the first two sections focused on two core NAPDS essentials: Essential 2 and 3. In the third section, we showcase work that push the boundaries of traditional school-university partnerships and include community partners. These projects support the need for discussion around what we suggest is a new, emerging NAPDS essential: Engaging the Community

    Interactions Between the Amazonian Rainforest and Cumuli Clouds: A Large‐Eddy Simulation, High‐Resolution ECMWF, and Observational Intercomparison Study

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    The explicit coupling at meter and second scales of vegetation's responses to the atmospheric‐boundary layer dynamics drives a dynamic heterogeneity that influences canopy‐top fluxes and cloud formation. Focusing on a representative day during the Amazonian dry season, we investigate the diurnal cycle of energy, moisture and carbon dioxide at the canopy top, and the transition from clear to cloudy conditions. To this end, we compare results from a large‐eddy simulation technique, a high‐resolution global weather model, and a complete observational data set collected during the GoAmazon14/15 campaign. The overall model‐observation comparisons of radiation and canopy‐top fluxes, turbulence, and cloud dynamics are very satisfactory, with all the modeled variables lying within the standard deviation of the monthly aggregated observations. Our analysis indicates that the timing of the change in the daylight carbon exchange, from a sink to a source, remains uncertain and is probably related to the stomata closure caused by the increase in vapor pressure deficit during the afternoon. We demonstrate quantitatively that heat and moisture transport from the subcloud layer into the cloud layer are misrepresented by the global model, yielding low values of specific humidity and thermal instability above the cloud base. Finally, the numerical simulations and observational data are adequate settings for benchmarking more comprehensive studies of plant responses, microphysics, and radiation

    Putting knowledge to work in clinical practice: understanding experiences of preceptorship as outcomes of interconnected domains of learning.

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    AIM: To explore how preceptor support can assist newly qualified nurses (NQNs) to put knowledge to work across interconnected forms of knowledge when delegating to health care assistants (HCAs). BACKGROUND: Current literature on preceptorship in nursing has failed to explore how competence is underpinned by knowledge frameworks in clinical practice. DESIGN: An ethnographic case study in three hospital sites in England (2011-2014). METHODS: Data collection included participant observation, interviews with 33 newly qualified nurses, 10 HCAs and 12 ward managers. Data were analysed using thematic analysis. A tool to assist NQNs to delegate and supervise NQNs during the preceptorship period was developed and piloted with thirteen NQNs in the same sites. A process evaluation was undertaken. FINDINGS: Focusing on a key task for NQNS, delegation to HCAs, we argue that preceptorship can support NQNs as they put knowledge to work in the transition from qualifying student to NQN. In supportive ward cultures, limited access to formal preceptorship can be bolstered by team support. NQNs in less supportive ward cultures may have both a greater need for preceptorship and have fewer compensatory mechanisms available to them when formal preceptorship is not available. We argue that organisational learning contexts and individual learning styles (interconnected domains of learning) are key to understanding effective preceptorship. CONCLUSIONS: We suggest that putting knowledge to work early in their careers with preceptorship support may assist NQNs to develop confidence and competence in delegation and supervision of health care assistants. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved
