228 research outputs found

    Non-commutative Quantum Mechanics in Three Dimensions and Rotational Symmetry

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    We generalize the formulation of non-commutative quantum mechanics to three dimensional non-commutative space. Particular attention is paid to the identification of the quantum Hilbert space in which the physical states of the system are to be represented, the construction of the representation of the rotation group on this space, the deformation of the Leibnitz rule accompanying this representation and the implied necessity of deforming the co-product to restore the rotation symmetry automorphism. This also implies the breaking of rotational invariance on the level of the Schroedinger action and equation as well as the Hamiltonian, even for rotational invariant potentials. For rotational invariant potentials the symmetry breaking results purely from the deformation in the sense that the commutator of the Hamiltonian and angular momentum is proportional to the deformation.Comment: 21 page

    Image method in the calculation of the van der Waals force between an atom and a conducting surface

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    Initially, we make a detailed historical survey of van der Waals forces, collecting the main references on the subject. Then, we review a method recently proposed by Eberlein and Zietal to compute the dispersion van der Waals interaction between a neutral but polarizable atom and a perfectly conducting surface of arbitrary shape. This method has the advantage of relating the quantum problem to a corresponding classical one in electrostatics so that all one needs is to compute an appropriate Green function. We show how the image method of electrostatics can be conveniently used together with the Eberlein and Zietal mehtod (when the problem admits an image solution). We then illustrate this method in a couple of simple but important cases, including the atom-sphere system. Particularly, in our last example, we present an original result, namely, the van der Waals force between an atom and a boss hat made of a grounded conducting material.Comment: This is a pedagogical and introductory paper on van der Waals forces between an atom and a conducting surfac

    Environmental Factors in the Relapse and Recurrence of Inflammatory Bowel Disease:A Review of the Literature

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    The causes of relapse in patients with Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) are largely unknown. This paper reviews the epidemiological and clinical data on how medications (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, estrogens and antibiotics), lifestyle factors (smoking, psychological stress, diet and air pollution) may precipitate clinical relapses and recurrence. Potential biological mechanisms include: increasing thrombotic tendency, imbalances in prostaglandin synthesis, alterations in the composition of gut microbiota, and mucosal damage causing increased permeability

    Neuroevolutionary reinforcement learning for generalized control of simulated helicopters

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    This article presents an extended case study in the application of neuroevolution to generalized simulated helicopter hovering, an important challenge problem for reinforcement learning. While neuroevolution is well suited to coping with the domain’s complex transition dynamics and high-dimensional state and action spaces, the need to explore efficiently and learn on-line poses unusual challenges. We propose and evaluate several methods for three increasingly challenging variations of the task, including the method that won first place in the 2008 Reinforcement Learning Competition. The results demonstrate that (1) neuroevolution can be effective for complex on-line reinforcement learning tasks such as generalized helicopter hovering, (2) neuroevolution excels at finding effective helicopter hovering policies but not at learning helicopter models, (3) due to the difficulty of learning reliable models, model-based approaches to helicopter hovering are feasible only when domain expertise is available to aid the design of a suitable model representation and (4) recent advances in efficient resampling can enable neuroevolution to tackle more aggressively generalized reinforcement learning tasks

    Structure and dynamics of reentrant nematics: Any open questions after almost 40 years?

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    Liquid crystals have attracted enormous interest because of the variety of their phases and richness of their application. The interplay of general physical symmetries and specific molecular features generates a myriad of different phenomena. A surprising behavior of liquid crystals is the reentrancy of phases as temperature, pressure, or concentration are varied. Here, we review the main experimental facts and the different theoretical scenarios that have guided the understanding of bulk reentrant nematics. Recently, some computer simulations of a system confined to nanoscopic scales have found new dynamical features of the reentrant nematic phase. We discuss this prediction in relation with the available experimental evidence on reentrant nematics and with the dynamics of liquids in strongly confined environments

    The HEV Ventilator

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    HEV is a low-cost, versatile, high-quality ventilator, which has been designed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The ventilator is intended to be used both in and out of hospital intensive care units, and for both invasive and non-invasive ventilation. The hardware can be complemented with an external turbine for use in regions where compressed air supplies are not reliably available. The standard modes provided include PC-A/C(Pressure Assist Control),PC-A/C-PRVC(Pressure Regulated Volume Control), PC-PSV (Pressure Support Ventilation) and CPAP (Continuous Positive airway pressure). HEV is designed to support remote training and post market surveillance via a web interface and data logging to complement the standard touch screen operation, making it suitable for a wide range of geographical deployment. The HEV design places emphasis on the quality of the pressure curves and the reactivity of the trigger, delivering a global performance which will be applicable to ventilator needs beyond theCOVID-19 pandemic. This article describes the conceptual design and presents the prototype units together with their performance evaluation.Comment: 34 pages, 18 figures, Extended version of the article submitted to PNA

    DNA Damage and Reactive Nitrogen Species are Barriers to Vibrio cholerae Colonization of the Infant Mouse Intestine

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    Ingested Vibrio cholerae pass through the stomach and colonize the small intestines of its host. Here, we show that V. cholerae requires at least two types of DNA repair systems to efficiently compete for colonization of the infant mouse intestine. These results show that V. cholerae experiences increased DNA damage in the murine gastrointestinal tract. Agreeing with this, we show that passage through the murine gut increases the mutation frequency of V. cholerae compared to liquid culture passage. Our genetic analysis identifies known and novel defense enzymes required for detoxifying reactive nitrogen species (but not reactive oxygen species) that are also required for V. cholerae to efficiently colonize the infant mouse intestine, pointing to reactive nitrogen species as the potential cause of DNA damage. We demonstrate that potential reactive nitrogen species deleterious for V. cholerae are not generated by host inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) activity and instead may be derived from acidified nitrite in the stomach. Agreeing with this hypothesis, we show that strains deficient in DNA repair or reactive nitrogen species defense that are defective in intestinal colonization have decreased growth or increased mutation frequency in acidified nitrite containing media. Moreover, we demonstrate that neutralizing stomach acid rescues the colonization defect of the DNA repair and reactive nitrogen species defense defective mutants suggesting a common defense pathway for these mutants

    Performance studies of the CMS strip tracker before installation

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