1,969 research outputs found

    Metrology, Mirrors and Gratings Advances and Challenges in Synchrotron Optics

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    Ultra precise reflective and diffractive optical elements like blazed diffraction gratings or ultra precise mirrors of flat, elliptic, parabolic, or other shapes have become key components in today s synchrotron optics. These optical components feature nanometre accuracy on a macroscopic length scale. Beamlines with extreme lengths of 100m to 1km or more as planned for the European XFEL will require plane mirrors characterized by a residual slope error of 50nrad rms and a curvature radius of gt; 1000km on a length of 800mm or even more. Diffraction limited focusing mirrors for hard X ray application show residual slope deviations of 50nrad rms on a length of 350mm. The current slope limit for focusing mirrors in VUV application lies at around 0.5 rad rms, one order of magnitude inferior compared to hard X ray focusing optics, and it can still not be exceeded due to technological restrictions. The requirements for diffraction gratings are even more challenging. In addition to the challenges posed by perfect substrate quality, special attention is needed to guaranty a precise positioning of the grooves along the full aperture length. A positioning accuracy of about 20nm for the carriage system of a ruling engine is mandatory to meet the Marechal tolerance for gratings. For the manufacture of blazed and laminar gratings, we are currently establishing a new technological laboratory at the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin HZB , including instrumentation from Carl Zeiss. Besides the present Zeiss technology, we are also developing an advanced technology line, including a new ultra precise ruling machine, ion etching technology as well as laser holograph

    Transfer of autocollimator calibration for use with scanning gantry profilometers for accurate determination of surface slope and curvature of state of the art x ray mirrors

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    X ray optics, desired for beamlines at free electron laser and diffraction limited storage ring x ray light sources, must have almost perfect surfaces, capable of delivering light to experiments without significant degradation of brightness and coherence. To accurately characterize such optics at an optical metrology lab, two basic types of surface slope profilometers are used the long trace profilers LTPs and nanometer optical measuring NOM like angular deflectometers, based on electronic autocollimator AC ELCOMAT 3000. The inherent systematic errors of the instrument s optical sensors set the principle limit to their measuring performance. Where autocollimator of a NOM like profiler may be calibrated at a unique dedicated facility, this is for a particular configuration of distance, aperture size, and angular range that does not always match the exact use in a scanning measurement with the profiler. Here we discuss the developed methodology, experimental set up, and numerical methods of transferring the calibration of one reference AC to the scanning AC of the Optical Surface Measuring System OSMS , recently brought to operation at the ALS Xray Optics Laboratory. We show that precision calibration of the OSMS performed in three steps, allows us to provide high confidence and accuracy low spatial frequency metrology and not print into measurements the inherent systematic error of tool in use. With the examples of the OSMS measurements with a state of the art x ray aspherical mirror, available from one of the most advanced vendors of X ray optics, we demonstrate the high efficacy of the developed calibration procedure. The results of our work are important for obtaining high reliability data, needed for sophisticated numerical simulations of beamline performance and optimization of beamline usage of the optics. This work was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under contract number DE AC02 05CH1123

    Verkalkung der Falx cerebri: Ein pathognomonisches Zeichen beim Gorlin-Goltz-Syndrom

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    Zusammenfassung: Hintergrund: Das Gorlin-Goltz-Syndrom (syn. Basalzellnävussyndrom) ist ein autosomal-dominant vererbtes Krankheitsbild, das sich in charakteristischer Weise anhand von Keratozysten der Kiefer, multiplen Basaliomen, skelettalen Deformationen und intrakraniellen Kalzifizierungen manifestiert. Methode: In der vorliegenden Studie wurden 4787 Röntgenaufnahmen mit okzipitomentalem Strahlengang aus dem Archiv der Klinik für Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde der Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel auf das Vorliegen von Kalzifikationen im Bereich der Falx cerebri geprüft. Ergebnisse: Dabei kristallisierten sich charakteristische Erscheinungsbilder dieser Abweichungen heraus, die 4 lamellaren Strukturgruppen zugeordnet werden konnten. Die Strukturen der Gruppe4 konnten nur bei Gorlin-Goltz-Syndrom-Patienten gefunden werden und unterschieden sich in Form und Ausmaß von den restlichen 3Gruppen. Schlussfolgerung: Das plurilamellare Erscheinungsbild dieser Gruppe konnte als pathognomonisches Zeichen für das Basalzellnävussyndrom gewertet werde

    Propagation of Coherent Light Pulses with PHASE

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    The current status of the software package PHASE for the propagation of coherent light pulses along a synchrotron radiation beamline is presented. PHASE is based on an asymptotic expansion of the Fresnel Kirchhoff integral stationary phase approximation which is usually truncated at the 2nd order. The limits of this approximation as well as possible extensions to higher orders are discussed. The accuracy is benchmarked against a direct integration of the Fresnel Kirchhoff integral. Long range slope errors of optical elements can be included by means of 8th order polynomials in the optical element coordinates w and l. Only recently, a method for the description of short range slope errors has been implemented. The accuracy of this method is evaluated and examples for realistic slope errors are given. PHASE can be run either from a built in graphical user interface or from any script language. The latter method provides substantial flexibility. Optical elements including apertures can be combined. Complete wave packages can be propagated, as well. Fourier propagators are included in the package, thus, the user may choose between a variety of propagators. Several means to speed up the computation time were tested among them are the parallelization in a multi core environment and the parallelization on a cluste

    Cosmology in the Solar System: Pioneer effect is not cosmological

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    Does the Solar System and, more generally, a gravitationally bound system follow the cosmic expansion law ? Is there a cosmological influence on the dynamics or optics in such systems ? The general relativity theory provides an unique and unambiguous answer, as a solution of Einstein equations with a local source in addition to the cosmic fluid, and obeying the correct (cosmological) limiting conditions. This solution has no analytic expression. A Taylor development of its metric allows a complete treatment of dynamics and optics in gravitationally bound systems, up to the size of galaxy clusters, taking into account both local and cosmological effects. In the solar System, this provides an estimation of the (non zero) cosmological influence on the Pioneer probe: it fails to account for the " Pioneer effect " by about 10 orders of magnitude. We criticize contradictory claims on this topic

    A Robust and Universal Metaproteomics Workflow for Research Studies and Routine Diagnostics Within 24 h Using Phenol Extraction, FASP Digest, and the MetaProteomeAnalyzer

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    The investigation of microbial proteins by mass spectrometry (metaproteomics) is a key technology for simultaneously assessing the taxonomic composition and the functionality of microbial communities in medical, environmental, and biotechnological applications. We present an improved metaproteomics workflow using an updated sample preparation and a new version of the MetaProteomeAnalyzer software for data analysis. High resolution by multidimensional separation (GeLC, MudPIT) was sacrificed to aim at fast analysis of a broad range of different samples in less than 24 h. The improved workflow generated at least two times as many protein identifications than our previous workflow, and a drastic increase of taxonomic and functional annotations. Improvements of all aspects of the workflow, particularly the speed, are first steps toward potential routine clinical diagnostics (i.e., fecal samples) and analysis of technical and environmental samples. The MetaProteomeAnalyzer is provided to the scientific community as a central remote server solution at www.mpa.ovgu.de.Peer Reviewe

    Lava channel formation during the 2001 eruption on Mount Etna: evidence for mechanical erosion

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    We report the direct observation of a peculiar lava channel that was formed near the base of a parasitic cone during the 2001 eruption on Mount Etna. Erosive processes by flowing lava are commonly attributed to thermal erosion. However, field evidence strongly suggests that models of thermal erosion cannot explain the formation of this channel. Here, we put forward the idea that the essential erosion mechanism was abrasive wear. By applying a simple model from tribology we demonstrate that the available data agree favorably with our hypothesis. Consequently, we propose that erosional processes resembling the wear phenomena in glacial erosion are possible in a volcanic environment.Comment: accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    The Variable Polarization XUV Beamline P04 at PETRA III Optics, mechanics and their performance

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    The layout of the Variable Polarization XUV Beamline P04 at PETRAIII is described with emphasison selected examples of optics, mirrors and gratings. A precise characterization of the optics, their performance inside the holder and of the surrounding mechanics is presented. This also includes a detailed characterization of the different beamline mechanics as a whole gratingunit, exit slit unit, re focusing unit including the environmen

    Growth of nano dots on the grazing incidence mirror surface under FEL irradiation Analytic approach to modeling

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    Simple analytic equation is deduced to explain new physical phenomenon detected experimentally growth of nano dots 40 55 nm diameter, 8 13 nm height, 9.4 dots amp; 956;m2 surface density on the grazing incidence mirror surface under the three years irradiation by the free electron laser FLASH 5 45 nm wavelength, 3 degrees grazing incidence angle . The growth model is based on the assumption that the growth of nano dots is caused by polymerization of incoming hydrocarbon molecules under the action of incident photons directly or photoelectrons knocked out from a mirror surface. The key feature of our approach consists in that we take into account the radiation intensity variation nearby a mirror surface in an explicit form, because the polymerization probability is proportional to it. We demonstrate that the simple analytic approach allows to explain all phenomena observed in experiment and to predict new effects. In particular, we show that the nano dots growth depends crucially on the grazing angle of incoming beam and its intensity growth of nano dots is observed in the limited from above and below intervals of the grazing angle and the radiation intensity. Decrease in the grazing angle by 1 degree only from 3 to 2 degree may result in a strong suppression of nanodots growth and their total disappearing. Similarly, decrease in the radiation intensity by several times replacement of free electron laser by synchrotron results also in disappearing of nano dots growt
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