2,316 research outputs found

    Counting statistics of coherent population trapping in quantum dots

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    Destructive interference of single-electron tunneling between three quantum dots can trap an electron in a coherent superposition of charge on two of the dots. Coupling to external charges causes decoherence of this superposition, and in the presence of a large bias voltage each decoherence event transfers a certain number of electrons through the device. We calculate the counting statistics of the transferred charges, finding a crossover from sub-Poissonian to super-Poissonian statistics with increasing ratio of tunnel and decoherence rates.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Reciprocal Influence of British and United States Law

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    The influence of British and United States courts on each other\u27s statutory and decisional law has been primarily indirect. Although few fundamental differences exist between the legal principles, methods, and concepts of the two major common law jurisdictions, the courts in both countries have resisted the use of the other\u27s case law. This is unfortunate because a United States or an English case might provide a fresh perspective for a domestic court that otherwise feels bound by a previous line of reasoning. Since cases from foreign jurisdictions are most relevant in dealing with a question of international or transnational law, it is not surprising that one of the few examples of a direct reciprocal influence between British and American courts is a mixed question of international and domestic law, the problem of sovereign immunity. The development of similar concepts of foreign sovereign immunity law by British and United States courts not only provides a rare example of direct reciprocal influence, but also provides a useful case study in this unusual process. The dual nature of foreign sovereign immunity law at first encouraged British and American courts to draw upon each other\u27s precedents and later, to be more reluctant to use them. Few other areas of British-American legal interaction allow as clear an illustration of interaction\u27s usefulness or difficulties. This note will describe and explain the evolution of Anglo-American foreign sovereign immunity concepts from the first formulation by Chief Justice Marshall in The Schooner Exchange v. McFadden, to the final codification of the restrictive theory of immunity in the United States Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act of 1976 and the United Kingdom\u27s State Immunity Act 1978. On one hand, this interaction between United States and British law demonstrates that the use of foreign common law precedents by domestic courts can be misleading and can produce wrong conclusions and doctrines. On the other hand, this interaction demonstrates that careful use of another country\u27s common law precedents can provide a fresh perspective on a similar legal doctrine and speed development of the law. The passage into law of the State Immunity Act 1978 provides a useful vantage point from which to survey the entire process as a study of British-American legal interaction because the act is the most advanced development of Anglo-American foreign sovereign immunity law

    Flight/ground sample comparison relating to flight experiment M552, exothermic brazing

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    Comparisons were made between Skylab and ground-based specimens of nickel and stainless steel which were vacuum brazed using silver-copper-lithium alloy with various joint configurations. It was established that the absence of gravity greatly extends the scope of brazing since capillary flow can proceed without gravity interference. There was also evidence of enhanced transport, primarily in that liquid silver copper alloy dissolves nickel to a much greater extent in the zero gravity environment

    Quantum information transport to multiple receivers

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    The importance of transporting quantum information and entanglement with high fidelity cannot be overemphasized. We present a scheme based on adiabatic passage that allows for transportation of a qubit, operator measurements and entanglement, using a 1-D array of quantum sites with a single sender (Alice) and multiple receivers (Bobs). Alice need not know which Bob is the receiver, and if several Bobs try to receive the signal, they obtain a superposition state which can be used to realize two-qubit operator measurements for the generation of maximally entangled states.Comment: Modified in view of referee's comments, new author added, natural scheme for operator measurements identified, hence W state preparation replaced with GHZ state preparation via operator measurements. 4 pages, 3 figure

    Perforatationstrauma im Gesichtsschädel: Eine ungewöhnliche Verletzung beim Skifahren

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    Zusammenfassung: Pfählungsverletzungen am Kopf und im Gesicht sind selten. Wir berichten über den Fall eines 48-jährigen Patienten, der sich beim Skifahren eine Pfählungsverletzung des Gesichtschädels mit einem 11cm langen Ast zugezogen hatte. Der Patient präsentierte sich bei der Einlieferung in die Klinik neurologisch unauffällig und kreislaufstabil. In den CT-Untersuchungen des Kopfs konnten Frakturen im Gesichtschädel und ein 11cm langer Fremdkörper, ausgehend vom Sinus maxillaris durch den Gesichtschädel bis paravertebral reichend, ohne Verletzung von Gefäßen nachgewiesen werden. Zusätzlich zog sich der Patient Frakturen an der Hand und an den Rippen zu. Er wurde in ein Zentrum für Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie verlegt, mehrfach operiert und konnte 8Monate nach dem Unfall wieder in sein gewohntes privates und berufliches Leben zurückkehre

    Correlation constraints and the Bloch geometry of two qubits

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    We present an inequality on the purity of a bipartite state depending solely on the length difference of the local Bloch vectors. For two qubits this inequality is tight for all marginal states and so extends the previously known solution for the two-qubit marginal problem. With this inequality we construct a three-dimensional Bloch model of the two-qubit quantum state space in terms of Bloch lengths, providing a pleasing visualization of this high-dimensional state space. This allows to characterize quantum states by a strongly reduced set of parameters and to investigate the interplay between local properties of the marginal systems and global properties encoded in the correlations

    Perforatationstrauma im Gesichtsschädel. Eine ungewöhnliche Verletzung beim Skifahren

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    Facial perforation injuries are very rare. We describe a case of a 48-year-old man who sustained a perforation trauma from an 11 cm long wooden tree branch in the middle of the face in a skiing accident. He suffered from additional injuries, such as fractures of the ribs and hand, but was neurologically without pathologic findings and was cardiopulmonary stable.The branch penetrated the head from the sinus maxillaris through the maxilla just missing the internal and external carotid arteries and ending just short of the cervical vertebra. The patient was transported to a center for oral and maxillofacial surgery and underwent several operations.He could return to his normal social and professional life 8 months after the accident

    On the formation of the welding seams with high speed

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    Целью настоящей работы является определение направлений исследований по установлению возможности повышения качества формирования сварочных швов с повышенной скоростью формирования тела шва. В статье вопрос решается путём отклонения сварочной дуги углом вперед, поперечным магнитным полем. Дополнительное магнитное поле в зоне сварки генерируют, пропуская часть сварочного тока по присадочной проволоке. Проволока подается в сварочную ванну позади дуги параллельно электроду в плоскости свариваемого стыка, в направлении, противоположном току дуги. Проведенный анализ отечественных и зарубежных литературных источников по рассматриваемой теме показал, что современный подход к определению влияния на повышение качества формирования сварочных швов с повышенной скоростью формирования тела шва, за счет дополнительного поперечного магнитного поля является актуальным в настоящее время и недостаточно изучен. Приведены сведения о формировании тела шва при скоростной сварке вольфрамовым электродом с присадочной проволокой, которые могут быть использованы для повышения производительности сварочных работ.The aim of this work is to determine the areas of research to establish the possibility of improving the quality of the formation of welds with an increased rate of formation of the joint body. In the article the problem is solved by the deviation of the arc angle forward transverse magnetic field. Additional magnetic field generated in the welding zone by passing part of the welding current for the filler wire. The wire is fed into the weld puddle behind the arc electrode in the plane parallel to the welded joint, in a direction opposite to the arc current. The analysis of domestic and foreign literature on the topic has shown that the modern approach to determine the effect on the improvement of quality of formation of welds with an increased rate of formation of the joint body, due to the additional transverse magnetic field is relevant in the present and not fully understood. Information is given about the formation of a seam in the tungsten electrode welding with filler wire, which can be used to improve the performance of welding