1,015 research outputs found

    Structure and mineralogy of a gold ore body of shear zone origin: the Fosas de Vila ore. La Coruña. Spain

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    [Abstract] This paper studies a shear zone containing a gold-bearing milonitic body, in which, evidences of several mining works are still visible. The geometry of the structure is described, as well as the different evolutive stages of the milonitic body and the mineralizations associated with them

    Conceptualization in the circular economy: analysing the influence of thinking profiles in creative groups

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    Eco-innovation initiatives include eco-ideation processes for proposing ideas that are innovative and represent an environmental improvement. The evaluation of the results of eco-ideation has been focused on evaluating these two aspects, but it is necessary to know how related factors, such as the thinking profile of group members, influence the generation of concepts during the creative process. This study proposes a metric that analyses the results of the creative process within conceptualization from three approaches: innovation, circularity and group activity. The group activity approach is related to the influence of the leader in the management of a creative group. The proposed metric allows us to observe the creative process, the interactions among the participants, the design decisions made, and the evaluation of the creative product which will determine which type of creative groups obtain better results. The application of the results and the proposed metric allow the creation of groups oriented to objectives, for both specific or permanent workgroups. This can be used for the initial selection of participants for eco-ideation groups, or to improve the group functionality during intermediate stages

    Promoting sustainable consumption in Higher Education Institutions through integrative co-creative processes involving relevant stakeholders

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    The United Nations proposes to ensure a sustainable future for all through the Sustainable Development Goals, assigning a new role to each individual in all sectors of society. Higher Education Institutions are outstanding agents of change, introducing and implementing sustainability in a holistic way, connecting people, and including social and institutional considerations, with students being a key component of change. This study presents a co-creation model to incorporate sustainability in Higher Education Institutions, integrating all members of the university community with a multidisciplinary approach, seeking to address global needs with development tools for new products and services to facilitate the transition of consumers towards responsible consumption. The model aims to analyze the daily consumption pattern of the community at the university, to identify the degree of commitment to sustainability of its members, and to co-create in search of solutions related to responsible consumption and production. This is achieved through five phases of a model, each with specific tasks and objectives based on co-creation processes and tools. As a result, the model enables stakeholders to understand the needs of their community by actively participating within the five phases for developing more democratic solutions and social involvement regarding sustainability issues that can be solved through a co-creative process. The model combines the benefits through ethnographic techniques to discover habits, tools to involve participation, and co-creation to manage complex problems. Future research will focus on the application of the proposed model to more generalist contexts of society, addressing potential challenges due to vertical collaboration and barriers pre-established by society for the adoption of a sustainable lifestyle

    New and Old Mechanisms Associated with Hypertension in the Elderly

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    Hypertension is a widely prevalent and important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases that increase with aging. The hallmark of hypertension in the elderly is increased vascular dysfunction. However, the molecular mechanisms by which increased blood pressure leads to vascular injury and impaired endothelial function are not well defined. In the present paper, we will analyze several mechanisms described in the scientific literature involved in hypertension in the elderly as endothelial dysfunction, increased oxygen delivery to tissues, inflammation, cellular apoptosis, and increased concentration of active metabolites. Also, we will focus on new molecular mechanisms involved in hypertension such as telomeres shortening, progenitor cells, circulating microparticles, and epigenetic factors that have appeared as possible causes of hypertension in the elderly. These molecular mechanisms may elucidate different origin for hypertension in the elderly and provide us with new targets for hypertension treatment

    A Study of Archiving Strategies in Multi-Objective PSO for Molecular Docking

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    Molecular docking is a complex optimization problem aimed at predicting the position of a ligand molecule in the active site of a receptor with the lowest binding energy. This problem can be formulated as a bi-objective optimization problem by minimizing the binding energy and the Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD) difference in the coordinates of ligands. In this context, the SMPSO multi-objective swarm-intelligence algorithm has shown a remarkable performance. SMPSO is characterized by having an external archive used to store the non-dominated solutions and also as the basis of the leader selection strategy. In this paper, we analyze several SMPSO variants based on different archiving strategies in the scope of a benchmark of molecular docking instances. Our study reveals that the SMPSOhv, which uses an hypervolume contribution based archive, shows the overall best performance.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Comportamiento de 13 modelos de cinta de riego en condiciones de invernadero con agua regenerada

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    El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido seleccionar modelos de cinta de riego con una mejor adaptación a las condiciones de invernadero y riego con aguas regeneradas. Se ha evaluado el comportamiento de 13 modelos comerciales de cintas de riego seleccionados de entre los más utilizados en los cultivos hortícolas al aire libre, y aquellos que, las empresas instaladoras y fabricantes consideren que, por sus características, pueden tener un buen comportamiento con este tipo de aguas. En la evaluación de campo todos los emisores han presentado valores de uniformidad elevados al comienzo de la campaña de riego. Cinco de las cintas se clasifican como excelentes y el resto como buenas. Al finalizar las 114 horas de trabajo decae sustancialmente la uniformidad. El comportamiento tras la finalización de la primera campaña de riego se puede considerar equiparable al obtenido en un estudio previo con una selección de 20 emisores en ramal convencional y este tipo de aguas. Se puede concluir que las cintas de riego localizado pueden ser una alternativa a los ramales de riego convencionales cuando se riega con aguas residuales urbanas regeneradas, siempre que se elija un material de una mínima calidad y el ratio de sustitución garantice una uniformidad alta

    Influence of Dynamic Balance on Jumping-Based Asymmetries in Team Sport: A between-Sports Comparison in Basketball and Handball Athletes

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    The aims of the present study were to analyze mobility, dynamic balance and lower-limb strength and the prevalence of asymmetry according to the type of sport and assess the association between inter-limb asymmetry and sports performance. A total of 23 basketball and 25 handball players performed a test battery consisting of functional movements and a jump test. Inter-limb asymmetry was calculated using a standard percentage difference equation. A between-groups comparison analysis was carried out, and Pearson’s correlation coefficients (r) were calculated to establish a relationship between asymmetries and physical performance. The results found athletes in different sports to exhibit different performance in functional movements and the jump test, but no bilateral asymmetries. The reactive strength index (RSI) and stiffness asymmetries were significantly associated with the anterior reach Y-balance test (YBT) (r = -0.412; p < 0.01 and r = -0.359; p < 0.05, respectively), and the unilateral triple hop test (THTU) was negatively correlated to anterior reach, posterior lateral reach YBT and YBT composite YBT (r = -0.341 to -0.377; p < 0.05). These findings suggest that the asymmetries exhibited important dispersion not dependent upon the type of sport but on each individual and the applied test. In addition, asymmetry in anterior direction YBT showed the strongest association to the rest of the sports performance variables

    Estudio ecológico-edáfico de algunas especies de interés farmacéutico que viven en Sierra Nevada (Granada): II. Los acónitos de Sierra Nevada

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    The more interesting vegetal species with pharmaceutical interest are those two taxons of types Aconitum of the Ranumculaceae family. Acording to Flora European is Aconitum Nevadense Vechtr. ex Gayer so as Aconitum lamarkii Reichenb. respectively. They are loeated proteeted from edaphic humidity near of gutter on soil of the groups Litosols, District Regosol, Gleysol whose common charaeteristics is having a deep epipedon which is rieh in organic matter with degree of humification.Entre las especies interesantes de Sierra Nevada, de interés farmacéutico, hay que destacar dos taxones dentro del género Aconitum, de la familia de las Ranunculáceas, se trata según Flora Europea del Aconitum Nevadense Vechtr. ex Gayer y del Aconitum lamarkii Reichenb. respectivamente. Viven al abrigo de la humedad edáfica en las proximidades de los arroyos, sobre suelos pertenecientes a tres unidades diferentes, de acuerdo con la clasificación de la FAO: Litosoles, Regosoles dístricos y Gleisoles, cuyo denominador común es el presentar un epipedón más o menos profundo y rico en materia orgánica, en el que se desarrolla las raíces del acónito. Se asocian estos dos taxones con una serie de plantas pertenecientes a clases fitosociológicas muy variadas, que se inventarían e incluye dando la relación abundancia-dominancia de cada una de ellas

    Análisis del Sistema de Información SEC95 bajo una metodología contable

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    We try to study National Accounting System from an accounting point of view in this paper. The last System of National Account by Europena Union (EAS95) uses conceptual topics that it permits its study from accounting approach. We are going to use a logical deductive schedule - typical from conceptual framework - to obtain interesting conclusions.En este trabajo se retoma el estudio de la Contabilidad Nacional desde una perspectiva meramente contable. Concretamente, las novedades conceptuales que ofrece el último Sistema de Cuentas Nacionales publicado en la Unión Europea, el SEC95, nos posibilita abordar nuestro estudio bajo un enfoque contable y corroborar si esta norma es factible desde el punto de vista de nuestra disciplina. Para su estudio, aplicaremos el esquema lógico deductivo típico de los estudios del Marco Conceptual, lo que nos permite obtener interesantes conclusiones al respecto. En este trabajo se retoma el estudio de la Contabilidad Nacional desde una perspectiva meramente contable. Concretamente, las novedades conceptuales que ofrece el último Sistema de Cuentas Nacionales publicado en la Unión Europea, el SEC95, nos posibilita abordar nuestro estudio bajo un enfoque contable y corroborar si esta norma es factible desde el punto de vista de nuestra disciplina. Para su estudio, aplicaremos el esquema lógico deductivo típico de los estudios del Marco Conceptual, lo que nos permite obtener interesantes conclusiones al respecto