163 research outputs found

    SynapseJ: An Automated, Synapse Identification Macro for ImageJ

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    While electron microscopy represents the gold standard for detection of synapses, a number of limitations prevent its broad applicability. A key method for detecting synapses is immunostaining for markers of pre- and post-synaptic proteins, which can infer a synapse based upon the apposition of the two markers. While immunostaining and imaging techniques have improved to allow for identification of synapses in tissue, analysis and identification of these appositions are not facile, and there has been a lack of tools to accurately identify these appositions. Here, we delineate a macro that uses open-source and freely available ImageJ or FIJI for analysis of multichannel, z-stack confocal images. With use of a high magnification with a high NA objective, we outline two methods to identify puncta in either sparsely or densely labeled images. Puncta from each channel are used to eliminate non-apposed puncta and are subsequently linked with their cognate from the other channel. These methods are applied to analysis of a pre-synaptic marker, bassoon, with two different post-synaptic markers, gephyrin and N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor subunit 1 (NR1). Using gephyrin as an inhibitory, post-synaptic scaffolding protein, we identify inhibitory synapses in basolateral amygdala, central amygdala, arcuate and the ventromedial hypothalamus. Systematic variation of the settings identify the parameters most critical for this analysis. Identification of specifically overlapping puncta allows for correlation of morphometry data between each channel. Finally, we extend the analysis to only examine puncta overlapping with a cytoplasmic marker of specific cell types, a distinct advantage beyond electron microscopy. Bassoon puncta are restricted to virally transduced, pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPN) axons expressing yellow fluorescent protein. NR1 puncta are restricted to tyrosine hydroxylase labeled dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc). The macro identifies bassoon-NR1 overlap throughout the image, or those only restricted to the PPN-SNc connections. Thus, we have extended the available analysis tools that can be used to study synapses in situ. Our analysis code is freely available and open-source allowing for further innovation

    Factores psicosociales que, en consonancia con el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas y pérdidas naturales de la etapa evolutiva, son generadores de ideación suicida en tres adolescentes de la Institución Educativa Marco Fidel Suárez en el muncipio de Bello, Antioquia

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    Tesis de la Sede Bello Uniminuto-Seccional BelloLa presente investigación tiene como propósito, examinar las ideas suicidas de tres adolescentes de la Institución Educativa Marco Fidel Suárez, situada en el centro del municipio de Bello (Antioquia). Con el objetivo de acercarnos al conocimiento de algunos factores relacionados con las ideas suicidas. Este trabajo, entonces, se enmarca en la problemática del suicidio que se ha evidenciado en diversos estudios tanto a nivel municipal como departamental. Se tiene como enfoque metodológico el cualitativo y como tipo de estudio el fenomenológico con entrevista semiestructurada, en la cual se evidencian, de un modo final y concreto, los desencadenantes de las ideas suicidas y los medios para que estas aparezcan; un fuerte sentimiento de soledad y abandono atraviesan los tres intentos suicidas analizados,también adjudicados por la presencia de sustancias psicoactivas.Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dio

    Factores psicosociales que, en consonancia con el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas y pérdidas naturales de la etapa evolutiva, son generadores de ideación suicida en tres adolescentes de la Institución Educativa Marco Fidel Suárez en el muncipio de Bello, Antioquia

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    Tesis de la Sede Bello Uniminuto-Seccional BelloLa presente investigación tiene como propósito, examinar las ideas suicidas de tres adolescentes de la Institución Educativa Marco Fidel Suárez, situada en el centro del municipio de Bello (Antioquia). Con el objetivo de acercarnos al conocimiento de algunos factores relacionados con las ideas suicidas. Este trabajo, entonces, se enmarca en la problemática del suicidio que se ha evidenciado en diversos estudios tanto a nivel municipal como departamental. Se tiene como enfoque metodológico el cualitativo y como tipo de estudio el fenomenológico con entrevista semiestructurada, en la cual se evidencian, de un modo final y concreto, los desencadenantes de las ideas suicidas y los medios para que estas aparezcan; un fuerte sentimiento de soledad y abandono atraviesan los tres intentos suicidas analizados,también adjudicados por la presencia de sustancias psicoactivas.Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dio

    PRINT.ed #4

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    PRINTed es proposa com una fira de petit format dedicada a l’àmbit de les publicacions singulars, entenent com a tals tota mena de treballs d’edició on s’especula al voltant de la idea de llibre en el seu sentit més ampli. L’objectiu és oferir als participants un esdeveniment i un context interdisciplinar, des d’on comunicar-se mútuament i amb el públic, donant alhora sortida, de manera professional, al producte de les especulacions generades de portes endins. Establir ponts i provocar encreuaments i encontres ens enriqueix i genera un teixit d’interessos comuns que s’ha d’expandir a través d’aquests contactes, més enllà del centres de producció. PRINTed es genera des d’un entorn acadèmic, amb la pretensió de generar vincles entre diversos centres educatius d’arreu del món on es desenvolupin activitats formatives relacionades amb la impressió, l’edició i el disseny. També persegueix generar continguts i activar dinàmiques productives i en aquest sentit proposa activitats que poden anar des de la marató de impressions realitzada en paral·lel a la segona edició (24 hours printing people) als tallers conduïts per artistes convidats o centres de producció.PRINTed is proposed as a small-format fair dedicated to the field of singular publications, understanding this to include all kinds of editions that contemplate the idea of the book in the broadest possible sense. The aim is to offer participants an event and an interdisciplinary context, where participants can communicate with each other as well as with a broader public. An arena for the publications generated through experimentation and research within the confines of the studio to be disseminated further afield, in the professional setting of a book fair. The hope is to build bridges, to provoke enriching encounters and exchanges, and to generate a network of shared interests that will expand through the contacts established in these fairs for the development of future projects. PRINTed is generated from within an educational environment, with the aim of generating links between different centres from around the world where teaching and research is undertaken in the fields of printmaking, editions, and design. It also aims to generate content and activate dynamics for the production of prints and in this sense proposes activities that go from the 24 hours print marathon carried out during the second edition of PRINTed (24 hours printing people) to workshops led by guest artists and visiting production centres

    A Genome-Wide Association Study of Attention Function in a Population-Based Sample of Children

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    BACKGROUND: Attention function filters and selects behaviorally relevant information. This capacity is impaired in some psychiatric disorders and has been proposed as an endophenotype for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder; however, its genetic basis remains largely unknown. This study aimed to identify single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) associated with attention function. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The discovery sample included 1655 children (7-12 years) and the replication sample included 546 children (5-8 years). Five attention outcomes were assessed using the computerized Attentional Network Test (ANT): alerting, orienting, executive attention, Hit Reaction time (HRT) and the standard error of HRT (HRTSE). A Genome-wide Association Study was conducted for each outcome. Gene set enrichment analyses were performed to detect biological pathways associated with attention outcomes. Additional neuroimaging analyses were conducted to test neural effects of detected SNPs of interest. RESULTS: Thirteen loci showed suggestive evidence of association with attention function (P<10-5) in the discovery sample. One of them, the rs4321351 located in the PID1 gene, was nominally significant in the replication sample although it did not survive multiple testing correction. Neuroimaging analysis revealed a significant association between this SNP and brain structure and function involving the frontal-basal ganglia circuits. The mTOR signaling and Alzheimer disease-amyloid secretase pathways were significantly enriched for alerting, orienting and HRT respectively (FDR<5%). CONCLUSION: These results suggest for the first time the involvement of the PID1 gene, mTOR signaling and Alzheimer disease-amyloid secretase pathways, in attention function during childhood. These genes and pathways have been proposed to play a role in neuronal plasticity, memory and neurodegenerative disease

    Plan estratégico de la alianza Endurance-Shimano Bike

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    El presente trabajo de investigación plantea un plan estratégico para una alianza de tipo contractual bajo el modelo de joint venture entre Endurance, una empresa dedicada a la fabricación y comercialización de bicicletas de fibra de carbono con un diseño personalizado usando impresión 3D, y la empresa Shimano, líder del sector de componentes de bicicletas a nivel mundial, a través de la creación de la marca conjunta ANKU-BIKE, cuyo objetivo es alcanzar una cuota de mercado del 7,5 % del subsegmento de alta gama de los segmentos Montaña y Carretera del mercado español. La inversión del proyecto ANKU-BIKE se financiará de manera equitativa con aportes de capital de Endurance y Shimano, que ascienden a EUR1,500,000. Con respecto a la evaluación financiera, la tasa requerida por los accionistas para el nivel de riesgo del proyecto se calculó en 8,01% y se estima que el periodo de retorno de la inversión inicial será de dos años, con un valor actual neto (VAN) de EUR2,327,315 y una tasa interna de retorno (TIR) de 44%, demostrando que el proyecto ANKU-BIKE es viable y rentable.This research work proposes a strategic plan for the contractual alliance under the joint venture model between the companies Endurance, dedicated to the manufacture and commercialization of carbon fiber bicycles with a personalized design using 3D printing, and Shimano, the worldwide leader of bicycle components, who together develop the ANKU-BIKE bicycle brand aiming at a market share of 7.5% of the high-end sub-segment of the Mountain and Road segments of the Spanish market. The ANKU-BIKE project will require EUR1,500,000 of investment, amount that will be financed equally with equity contributions from Endurance and Shimano. Regarding the financial indicators, investing companies expect a minimum opportunity cost of capital of 8.01% and a payback period of 2 years, with a net present value (VAN) of EUR2,327,315 and an internal rate of return (IRR) of 44%, demonstrating that the ANKU-BIKE project is financially viable and profitable

    Study protocol of a randomized controlled trial to assess safety of teleconsultation compared with face-to-face consultation: the ECASeT study

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    BackgroundThe use of remote consultation modalities has exponentially grown in the past few years, particularly since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although a huge body of the literature has described the use of phone (tele) and video consultations, very few of the studies correspond to randomized controlled trials, and none of them has assessed the safety of these consultation modalities as the primary objective. The primary objective of this trial was to assess the safety of remote consultations (both video and teleconsultation) in the follow-up of patients in the hospital setting.MethodsMulticenter, randomized controlled trial being conducted in four centers of an administrative healthcare area in Catalonia (North-East Spain). Participants will be screened from all individuals, irrespective of age and sex, who require follow-up in outpatient consultations of any of the departments involved in the study. Eligibility criteria have been established based on the local guidelines for screening patients for remote consultation. Participants will be randomly allocated into one of the two study arms: conventional face-to-face consultation (control) and remote consultation, either teleconsultation or video consultation (intervention). Routine follow-up visits will be scheduled at a frequency determined by the physician based on the diagnostic and therapy of the baseline disease (the one triggering enrollment). The primary outcome will be the number of adverse reactions and complications related to the baseline disease. Secondary outcomes will include non-scheduled visits and hospitalizations, as well as usability features of remote consultations. All data will either be recorded in an electronic clinical report form or retrieved from local electronic health records. Based on the complications and adverse reaction rates reported in the literature, we established a target sample size of 1068 participants per arm. Recruitment started in May 2022 and is expected to end in May 2024.DiscussionThe scarcity of precedents on the assessment of remote consultation modalities using randomized controlled designs challenges making design decisions, including recruitment, selection criteria, and outcome definition, which are discussed in the manuscript.Trial registrationNCT05094180. The items of the WHO checklist for trial registration are available in Additional file 1. Registered on 24 November 2021