96 research outputs found

    Coserius Normkonzept und das systemisch-funktionale Sprachmodell: Ein Vorschlag zur AnnÀherung

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    L’article suivant se veut un mĂ©diateur entre la linguistique systĂ©mique fonction-nelle (LSF, SFL en anglais), trĂšs rĂ©pandue dans la linguistique anglophone et la thĂ©orie linguistique d’Eugenio Coseriu, mieux connue dans les Ă©tudes des langues romanes. Les deux thĂ©ories se basent, au moins en partie, sur les concepts saussu-riens de langue et parole. Coseriu y a dĂ©couvert des lacunes laissant inexpliquĂ©s certains phĂ©nomĂšnes langagiers. A partir de ces lacunes l’article explique pour-quoi Coseriu et Elisabeth Burr propagent la nĂ©cessitĂ© d’un troisiĂšme plan linguis-tique, celui de la norme. Continuant par la reformulation des points critiques de Burr, selon lesquelles le modĂšle linguistique de la LSF ne dispose d’une norme ni pourrait en disposer, on Ă©tudie comment la LSF gĂšre les lacunes saussuriennes identifiĂ©es par Coseriu. A la base de certains concepts centraux de la LSF, dont les mĂ©ta-fonctions, l’instanciation et le modĂšle du systĂšme linguistique, on vise Ă  montrer que le modĂšle linguistique de la LSF a dĂ©jĂ  partiellement intĂ©grĂ© des con-cepts comparables Ă  celui de la norme, mais que la LSF pourrait aussi profiter de certaines idĂ©es dĂ©veloppĂ©es par Coseriu.The following article aims at mediating between Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) and the linguistic theory of Eugenio Coseriu, the former well established in English linguistics, the latter better known by linguists of Romance languages. Both theories are based at least partially on the Saussurean concepts of langue and parole. Within these concepts, Coseriu has discovered certain gaps leaving unex-plained several linguistic phenomena. Taking these gaps as a starting point, the article explains why Coseriu and Elisabeth Burr advocate the necessity of a third linguistic layer, the one of the norm. Continuing by some of Burr’s claims towards SFL, according to which its linguistic model does not and will not be able to con-tain the idea of a normative layer, the article asks how SFL treats the gaps identi-fied by Coseriu. On the basis of certain key concepts of SFL, like meta-functions, instantiation and the linguistic system, the article wants to show that SFL has par-tially integrated concepts comparable to the one of norm, but that it could benefit from some aspects of Coseriu’s linguistic theory anyway

    Application of RAPID Guidance on an International Policy

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    As higher level in terms of geo-political integration policy making goes as larger the impact of policies and consequently benefits and hazards related to policies can be. In the globalized world nations states give up their policy making roles on certain areas of policy making to higher, international or transnational level of policy making. Therefore a policy risk assessment tool should be able to assess risks related to such international or transnational policies and strategies. Previous chapters of this book described development of RAPID guidance both top-down and bottom-up methodology on level of national policies. This sub-chapter is going to discuss testing of the top-down RAPID guidance on level of a European Union (EU) policy. The EU Health Strategy 2008-2013 "Together for health" was subjected to the assessment after a negotiation process with the Executive Agency for health and Consumers (EAHC) and the Directorate for health and consumer protection (DG SANCO) of the European Commission. The main objective of testing the developed policy risk assessment tool on a real case on international level was to identify weaknesses and missing elements which could be applicable on international level, but not necessarily relevant on national level policies. The chapter describes results of this testing.

    Analysis of Wt1 function using a conditional knock-out mouse model

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    The Wilms tumor suppressor protein 1 Wt1 is a zinc-finger transcription factor and essential for the development of several organs including heart, gonads and kidneys. WT1 mutations are associated with a variety of human diseases such as Wilms tumor, a frequent pediatric kidney cancer, as well as Denys-Drash and Frasier syndrome. The latter are characterized by genitourinary malformations and impairment of kidney function. In mammals Wt1 is expressed throughout all stages of kidney development and is specifically required for the onset of kidney formation. Wt1 knock-out mice do not form kidneys and die shortly before birth, most probably due to heart failure. In the adult kidney Wt1 is restricted to a single cell population termed podocytes. This particular cell type forms a major part of the renal filtration barrier. Podocyte defects result in severe kidney malfunction. In this work a conditional knock-out mouse model was generated allowing the deletion of Wt1 specifically in podocyte precursor cells of the developing kidney. Mice with podocyte-specific Wt1 inactivation died 24 hours after birth and showed no signs of urine production (anuria). The number of glomeruli, being the basic filtration units of the kidney, was significantly reduced in newborn animals due to enhanced apoptosis. Electron microscopic analyses of remaining glomeruli revealed the degeneration of podocyte structures (foot-processes) essential for the renal filtration capacity. In addition, proximal tubuli were degenerated to a great extent. Thus, Wt1 is important for podocyte development and functionality. Degeneration of developing podocytes as a consequence of Wt1 inactivation leads to the loss of integral parts of the renal filtration apparatus and to loss of kidney function. To assess the role of Wt1 in the maintenance of podocyte and kidney function a system was used whereby Wt1 deletion can be induced by administration of the drug doxycycline. Podocyte restricted inactivation of the gene in adult mice resulted in severe proteinuria, which was accompanied by a significant reduction in the number of foot-processes. In most cases mice were viable over a short period of time. After four months of continuous doxycycline treatment, however, two out of three mice had died. In this study it was demonstrated for the first time that Wt1 is essential for the maintenance and functional integrity of podocytes in adult mice.Das Wilms Tumorsuppressorprotein 1, WT1, ist ein Zink-Finger Transkriptionsfaktor, der eine essentielle Rolle in der Entwicklung von Herz, Gonaden, Nieren und anderen Organen spielt. WT1-Mutationen stehen im Zusammenhang mit verschiedenen Erkrankungen des Menschen. Dazu gehören Wilms Tumorerkrankungen, das Denys-Drash- und das Frasier-Syndrom. Wilms Tumore gehören zu den hĂ€ufigsten Nierentumoren bei Kindern. Die beiden genannten Syndrome sind gekennzeichnet durch urogenitale Fehlbildungen und den Verlust der Nierenfunktion. In SĂ€ugetieren wird Wt1 wĂ€hrend der gesamten Nierenentwicklung exprimiert und ist vor allem fĂŒr die Einleitung der Nierenentwicklung von besonderer Bedeutung. Wt1-knock-out-MĂ€use bilden keine Nieren und sterben, vermutlich aufgrund von Herzfehlern, kurz vor der Geburt. In der adulten Niere ist die Expression von Wt1 begrenzt auf eine einzige Zellpopulation. Hierbei handelt es sich um die Podozyten, welche einen Hauptbestandteil des renalen Filtrationsapparates darstellen. Podozytendefekte fĂŒhren zu schweren Nierenfunktionsstörungen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein konditionales Wt1-knock-out-Mausmodell generiert, das es ermöglicht, Wt1 ausschließlich in Podozyten-VorlĂ€uferzellen der sich entwickelnden Niere zu inaktivieren. Entsprechende MĂ€use starben spĂ€testens 24 Stunden nach der Geburt; Harnausscheidung war zu keinem Zeitpunkt nachweisbar (Anurie). Zudem konnte eine signifikante Reduktion der Nierenkörperchen (Glomeruli) in neugeborenen MĂ€usen mit podozyten-spezifischer Wt1 Inaktivierung festgestellt werden. Die Nierenkörperchen, in denen unter anderem auch die Podozyten lokalisiert sind, sind verantwortlich fĂŒr die Ultrafiltration des Blutes und somit fĂŒr die PrimĂ€rharnbildung. Mithilfe elektronenmikroskopischer Untersuchungen an noch vorhandenen Nierenkörperchen konnte gezeigt werden, dass Podozyten starken strukturellen VerĂ€nderungen unterworfen waren. Dies fĂŒhrte zum Verlust von fĂŒr die Filtrationsfunktion der Niere essentiellen Strukturen, den sogennannten FußfortsĂ€tzen. Außerdem war eine ausgeprĂ€gte Degeneration der proximalen Tubuli evident. Aus diesen Befunden lĂ€ĂŸt sich schlussfolgern, dass Wt1 ein wichtiger Faktor fĂŒr die Entwicklung und Funktion von Podozyten ist. Wt1-Deletion in sich entwickelnden Podozyten fĂŒhrt demnach zur Degeneration dieser Zellpopulation und dies wiederum zum Verlust der Nierenfunktion. Ein weiteres Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Rolle von Wt1 in der Erhaltung und Funktion der Podozyten in adulten MĂ€usen zu untersuchen. Zu diesem Zweck wurde ein System angewendet, mit dem die Inaktivierung von Wt1 ĂŒber die Applikation des Antibiotikums Doxyzyklin induziert werden kann. Podozyten-begrenzte Wt1-Deletion in adulten MĂ€usen fĂŒhrte zur Ausscheidung hoher Proteinmengen mit dem Urin (Proteinurie). Die Podozyten dieser Tiere wiesen eine starke Reduktion der FußfortsĂ€tze auf. Letzteres war vermutlich die Ursache fĂŒr die Proteinurie. Die Tiere waren ĂŒber einen kurzen Zeitraum lebensfĂ€hig. Nach viermonatiger Doxyzyklin-Behandlung jedoch starben zwei von drei Tieren. Diese Studie konnte demnach zum ersten Mal belegen, dass Wt1 auch fĂŒr die Erhaltung und funktionelle IntegritĂ€t der Podozyten in adulten Tieren essentiell ist

    Coserius Normkonzept und das systemisch-funktionale Sprachmodell: Ein Vorschlag zur AnnÀherung

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    L’article suivant se veut un mĂ©diateur entre la linguistique systĂ©mique fonctionnelle (LSF, SFL en anglais), trĂšs rĂ©pandue dans la linguistique anglophone et la thĂ©orie linguistique d’Eugenio Coseriu, mieux connue dans les Ă©tudes des langues romanes. Les deux thĂ©ories se basent, au moins en partie, sur les concepts saussuriens de langue et parole. Coseriu y a dĂ©couvert des lacunes laissant inexpliquĂ©s certains phĂ©nomĂšnes langagiers. A partir de ces lacunes l’article explique pourquoi Coseriu et Elisabeth Burr propagent la nĂ©cessitĂ© d’un troisiĂšme plan linguistique, celui de la norme. Continuant par la reformulation des points critiques de Burr, selon lesquelles le modĂšle linguistique de la LSF ne dispose d’une norme ni pourrait en disposer, on Ă©tudie comment la LSF gĂšre les lacunes saussuriennes identifiĂ©es par Coseriu. A la base de certains concepts centraux de la LSF, dont les mĂ©ta-fonctions, l’instanciation et le modĂšle du systĂšme linguistique, on vise Ă  montrer que le modĂšle linguistique de la LSF a dĂ©jĂ  partiellement intĂ©grĂ© des concepts comparables Ă  celui de la norme, mais que la LSF pourrait aussi profiter de certaines idĂ©es dĂ©veloppĂ©es par Coseriu


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    Einleitung. Vielfalt und Integration – das sind die Schlagworte, in denen wir meinen, das Schaffen und Denken von Elisabeth Burr angemessen bĂŒndeln zu können. Ihr zu Ehren und anlĂ€sslich ihres Ausscheidens als ordentliches Mitglied einer UniversitĂ€t ist diese Festschrift entstanden, an der sich ehemalige und aktuelle Kolleginnen und Kollegen, WeggefĂ€hrtinnen und WeggefĂ€hrten, SchĂŒler und SchĂŒlerinnen beteiligt haben

    Vielfalt und Integration - diversitĂĄ ed integrazione - diversitĂ© et intĂ©gration: Sprache(n) in sozialen und digitalen RĂ€umen: Eine Festschrift fĂŒr Elisabeth Burr

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    Diese Festschrift fĂŒr Elisabeth Burr stellt Vielfalt und Integration in der Sprachwissenschaft und in den Digital Humanities in den Mittelpunkt. Die BeitrĂ€ge berĂŒhren zentrale Fragen im Schaffen Burrs: Wie kann Sprache und ihre Variation in AbhĂ€ngigkeit von sozialen und geographischen Faktoren adĂ€quat beschrieben werden? Wie lassen sich informatische und digitale ZugĂ€nge dafĂŒr nutzen? VerknĂŒpft werden sie mit ihr wichtigen und aktuellen Themen aus Sozio-, Gender- und Korpuslinguistik, Dialektologie und Sprachgeographie sowie den digitalen Geisteswissenschaften. Die Beitragenden sind u. a. Stefania Spina, Thomas Krefeld, Annette Gerstenberg, Lazslo Hinyadi, Carol Chiodo und Lauren Tilton, Manuel Burghardt, Øyvind Eide, JĂŒrgen Hermes, Andreas Witt. Ray Siemens, Arianna Ciula, Alejandro BĂ­a sowie Rob Evans

    Assessment of health risks of policies

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    The assessment of health risks of policies is an inevitable, although challenging prerequisite for the inclusion of health considerations in political decision making. The aim of our project was to develop a so far missing methodological guide for the assessment of the complex impact structure of policies. The guide was developed in a consensual way based on experiences gathered during the assessment of specific national policies selected by the partners of an EU project. Methodological considerations were discussed and summarized in workshops and pilot tested on the EU Health Strategy for finalization. The combined tool, which includes a textual guidance and a checklist, follows the top-down approach, that is, it guides the analysis of causal chains from the policy through related health determinants and risk factors to health outcomes. The tool discusses the most important practical issues of assessment by impact level. It emphasises the transparent identification and prioritisation of factors, the consideration of the feasibility of exposure and outcome assessmentwith special focus on quantification. The developed guide provides useful methodological instructions for the comprehensive assessment of health risks of policies that can be effectively used in the health impact assessment of policy proposals.

    M Protein and Hyaluronic Acid Capsule Are Essential for In Vivo Selection of covRS Mutations Characteristic of Invasive Serotype M1T1 Group A Streptococcus

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    The initiation of hyperinvasive disease in group A Streptococcus (GAS) serotype M1T1 occurs by mutation within the covRS two-component regulon (named covRS for control of virulence regulatory sensor kinase), which promotes resistance to neutrophil-mediated killing through the upregulation of bacteriophage-encoded Sda1 DNase. To determine whether other virulence factors contribute to this phase-switching phenomenon, we studied a panel of 10 isogenic GAS serotype M1T1 virulence gene knockout mutants. While loss of several individual virulence factors did not prevent GAS covRS switching in vivo, we found that M1 protein and hyaluronic acid capsule are indispensable for the switching phenotype, a phenomenon previously attributed uniquely to the Sda1 DNase. We demonstrate that like M1 protein and Sda1, capsule expression enhances survival of GAS serotype M1T1 within neutrophil extracellular traps. Furthermore, capsule shares with M1 protein a role in GAS resistance to human cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide LL-37. We conclude that a quorum of GAS serotype M1T1 virulence genes with cooperative roles in resistance to neutrophil extracellular killing is essential for the switch to a hyperinvasive phenotype in vivo

    Incompetence of Neutrophils to Invasive Group A streptococcus Is Attributed to Induction of Plural Virulence Factors by Dysfunction of a Regulator

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    Group A streptococcus (GAS) causes variety of diseases ranging from common pharyngitis to life-threatening severe invasive diseases, including necrotizing fasciitis and streptococcal toxic shock-like syndrome. The characteristic of invasive GAS infections has been thought to attribute to genetic changes in bacteria, however, no clear evidence has shown due to lack of an intriguingly study using serotype-matched isolates from clinical severe invasive GAS infections. In addition, rare outbreaks of invasive infections and their distinctive pathology in which infectious foci without neutrophil infiltration hypothesized us invasive GAS could evade host defense, especially neutrophil functions. Herein we report that a panel of serotype-matched GAS, which were clinically isolated from severe invasive but not from non-invaive infections, could abrogate functions of human polymorphnuclear neutrophils (PMN) in at least two independent ways; due to inducing necrosis to PMN by enhanced production of a pore-forming toxin streptolysin O (SLO) and due to impairment of PMN migration via digesting interleukin-8, a PMN attracting chemokine, by increased production of a serine protease ScpC. Expression of genes was upregulated by a loss of repressive function with the mutation of csrS gene in the all emm49 severe invasive GAS isolates. The csrS mutants from clinical severe invasive GAS isolates exhibited high mortality and disseminated infection with paucity of neutrophils, a characteristic pathology seen in human invasive GAS infection, in a mouse model. However, GAS which lack either SLO or ScpC exhibit much less mortality than the csrS-mutated parent invasive GAS isolate to the infected mice. These results suggest that the abilities of GAS to abrogate PMN functions can determine the onset and severity of invasive GAS infection
