235 research outputs found

    Comparative Study of foF2 Measurements with IRI-2007 Model Predictions During Extended Solar Minimum

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    The unusually deep and extended solar minimum of cycle 2324 made it very difficult to predict the solar indices 1 or 2 years into the future. Most of the predictions were proven wrong by the actual observed indices. IRI gets its solar, magnetic, and ionospheric indices from an indices file that is updated twice a year. In recent years, due to the unusual solar minimum, predictions had to be corrected downward with every new indices update. In this paper we analyse how much the uncertainties in the predictability of solar activity indices affect the IRI outcome and how the IRI values calculated with predicted and observed indices compared to the actual measurements.Monthly median values of F2 layer critical frequency (foF2) derived from the ionosonde measurements at the mid-latitude ionospheric station Juliusruh were compared with the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI-2007) model predictions. The analysis found that IRIprovides reliable results that compare well with actual measurements, when the definite (observed and adjusted) indices of solar activityare used, while IRI values based on earlier predictions of these indices noticeably overestimated the measurements during the solar minimum.One of the principal objectives of this paper is to direct attention of IRI users to update their solar activity indices files regularly.Use of an older index file can lead to serious IRI overestimations of F-region electron density during the recent extended solar minimum

    Suppression of phase transitions and glass phase signatures in mixed cation halide perovskites

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    Cation engineering provides a route to control the structure and properties of hybrid halide perovskites, which has resulted in the highest performance solar cells based on mixtures of Cs, methylammonium, and formamidinium. Here, we present a multi-technique experimental and theoretical study of structural phase transitions, structural phases and dipolar dynamics in the mixed methylammonium/dimethylammonium MA1-xDMAxPbBr3 hybrid perovskites (0 ≀ x ≀ 1). Our results demonstrate a significant suppression of the structural phase transitions, enhanced disorder and stabilization of the cubic phase even for a small amount of dimethylammonium cations. As the dimethylammonium concentration approaches the solubility limit in MAPbBr3, we observe the disappearance of the structural phase transitions and indications of a glassy dipolar phase. We also reveal a significant tunability of the dielectric permittivity upon mixing of the molecular cations that arises from frustrated electric dipoles

    High Throughput Discovery of Lightweight Corrosion-Resistant Compositionally Complex Alloys

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    Compositionally complex alloys hold the promise of simultaneously attaining superior combinations of properties such as corrosion resistance, light-weighting, and strength. Achieving this goal is a challenge due in part to a large number of possible compositions and structures in the vast alloy design space. High throughput methods offer a path forward, but a strong connection between the synthesis of a given composition and structure with its properties has not been fully realized to date. Here we present the rapid identification of light weight highly corrosion-resistant alloys based on combinations of Al and Cr in a Cantor-like base alloy (Al-Co-Cr-Fe-Ni). Previously unstudied alloy stoichiometries were identified using a combination of high throughput experimental screening coupled with key metallurgical and electrochemical corrosion tests, identifying alloys with excellent passivation behavior. Importantly, the electrochemical impedance modulus of the exposure-modified, air-formed film at the corrosion potential was found as an accurate non-destructive predictor of corrosion and passivation characteristics. Multi-element EXAFS analyses connected more ordered type chemical short range order in the Ni-Al 1st nn shell to poorer corrosion. This report underscores the utility of high throughput exploration of compositionally complex alloys for the identification and rapid screening of vast stoichiometric space

    Distribution of plantar pressure in healthy controls and patients with type 1 and 2 diabetes

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    WSTĘP. Celem pracy jest ocena rozkΕ‚adu podeszwowych naciskΓ³w w grupie osΓ³b zdrowych i chorych na cukrzycΔ™ typu 1 i 2 przy obecnoΕ›ci lub braku neuropatii ruchowo-czuciowej. Opisane badania stanowiΔ… wstΔ™p do opracowania pierwszego polskiego obuwia profilaktycznego, uwzglΔ™dniajΔ…cego odciΔ…ΕΌenie miejsc wysokiego ryzyka owrzodzenia na stopie. MATERIAŁ I METODY. Przebadano grupΔ™ 215 zdrowych osΓ³b, 56 osΓ³b chorych na cukrzycΔ™ typu 1, 61 chorych na cukrzycΔ™ typu 2. Badano zaawansowanie przewlekΕ‚ych powikΕ‚aΕ„ cukrzycy, szczegΓ³lnie neuropatii, ktΓ³rΔ… oceniano na podstawie skali NDS, NSS i przewodnictwa nerwowego. Pomiar nacisku [N/cm2] wykonano za pomocΔ… systemu Emed-SF V2.1. WYNIKI BADAΕƒ. WΕ›rΓ³d osΓ³b zdrowych stwierdzono najwiΔ™ksze naciski pod 2 (38,8 N/cm2) i 3 gΕ‚owΔ… (33,4 N/cm2) koΕ›ci Ε›rΓ³dstopia. Podobne wyniki uzyskano w populacji osΓ³b chorych na cukrzycΔ™ typu 1. U chorych na cukrzycΔ™ typu 2 ciΕ›nienie pod 2 (45,5 N/cm2), 3 (39,6 N/cm2), 4 (31,8 N/cm2) gΕ‚owΔ… koΕ›ci Ε›rΓ³dstopia byΕ‚o statystycznie istotnie wyΕΌsze w porΓ³wnaniu z populacjΔ… zdrowych osΓ³b. Podobnie wysokie ciΕ›nienie stwierdzono pod 3 i 4 gΕ‚owΔ… koΕ›ci Ε›rΓ³dstopia w cukrzycy typu 2 powikΕ‚anej neuropatiΔ…. WNIOSKI. 1. Miejscami najwiΔ™kszego nacisku u osΓ³b zdrowych sΔ…: paluch, piΔ™ta, 2 i 3 gΕ‚owa koΕ›ci Ε›rΓ³dstopia. 2. U chorych na cukrzycΔ™ typu 2 naciski na 2, 3, 4 i 5 gΕ‚owie koΕ›ci Ε›rΓ³dstopia sΔ… istotnie statystycznie wiΔ™ksze niΕΌ u osΓ³b zdrowych i chorych na cukrzycΔ™ typu 1. 3. U chorych na cukrzycΔ™ typu 2 powikΕ‚anΔ… neuropatiΔ… ruchowΔ… i czuciowΔ… najwyΕΌsze naciski wystΔ™pujΔ… na 3 i 4 gΕ‚owie koΕ›ci Ε›rΓ³dstopia i rΓ³ΕΌniΔ… siΔ™ one istotnie statystycznie od grupy osΓ³b zdrowych. 4. SzczegΓ³lnych zabiegΓ³w prewencyjnych w postaci odciΔ…ΕΌenia gΕ‚Γ³wek koΕ›ci Ε›rΓ³dstopia wymagajΔ… chorzy na cukrzycΔ™ typu 2, zwΕ‚aszcza powikΕ‚anΔ… neuropatiΔ… ruchowo-czuciowΔ….OBJECTIVE. To investigate the distribution of plantar pressures in healthy subjects and in patients with type 1 and 2 diabetes with or without sensorimotor neuropathy (SMN). The paper opens a series of studies aiming at the construction of the first Polish prophylactic footwear, which would offload the sites at high risk of plantar foot ulceration. MATERIAL AND METHODS. We studied 215 healthy subjects, 56 patients with type 1 diabetes, and 61 patients with type 2 diabetes. Chronic complications of diabetes were evaluated, especially neuropathy based upon NDS score, NSS score and neural conduction. We used the Emed-SF V2.1 system to measure plantar pressures [N/cm2]. RESULTS. Among the healthy individuals the highest pressures were observed below the second and the third metatarsal head (38,8 N/cm2 and 33,4 N/cm2, respectively). Similar results were found in the group of type 1 diabetes patients. However, the patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus had statistically significant higher pressures below the second, the third, and the fourth metatarsal head when compared with non-diabetic controls (45,5 N/cm2, 39,6 N/cm2, 31,8 N/cm2, respectively). Similar results below the third and fourth metatarsal head were observed in the group of type 2 diabetes patients complicated by diabetic neuropathy. CONCLUSIONS. 1. The highest pressures in healthy subjects were identified under great toe, the second and third metatarsal head. 2. Patients with type 2 diabetes have significantly higher pressures under the second through fifth metatarsal heads as compared with healthy subjects and type 1 diabetics. 3. In patients with type 2 diabetes complicated by SMN the highest pressures are found under the third and fourth metatarsal head, being significantly different from healthy subjects. 4. Special preventive procedures i.e. offloading metatarsal heads are necessary in patients with type 2 diabetes, especially those with concomitant SMN

    The effect of insulin and sulodexide (Vessel Due F) on diabetic foot syndrome. Pilot study in elderly patients

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    Celem pracy była ocena skuteczności stosowania insuliny wraz z sulodeksydem (mieszanina 80% pochodnych heparyny i 20% siarczanu dermatanu) w leczeniu owrzodzeń stóp oraz określenie ich wpływu na mikrokrążenie skórne i neuropatię cukrzycową. Chorzy z zaawansowaną neuropatią cukrzycową i owrzodzeniem stopy losowo przydzielono do grupy leczonej insuliną (I) z sulodeksydem (S) (n = 12) lub do grupy kontrolnej leczonej insuliną z placebo (P) (n = 6) przez 10 tygodni. Za pomocą metody dopplerowskiego lasera oceniano skórny przepływ krwi w stopach (LDF, laser doppler flow) w spoczynku oraz po 30- i 60-sekundowym niedokrwieniu. Ocenie poddano również przewodnictwo nerwowe na podstawie czuciowych i ruchowych potencjałów wywołanych. U chorych na cukrzycę skórny przepływ po niedokrwieniu był 2,5 raza krótszy w kończynie z owrzodzeniem niż w stopie zdrowej. Obserwowano znamienny wzrost przepływów skórnych po 30- i 60-sekundowym niedokrwieniu po zakończeniu terapii (grupa IS, owrzodzenie stopy, LDF - 60 s; od 99,1 &plusmn; 14,3 do 218,6 &plusmn; 28,6 PU, p < 0,001, grupa od 110,5 &plusmn; 13,0 do 164,8 &plusmn; 15,4 PU, p < 0,05). Czas przekrwienia reaktywnego uległ wydłużeniu w grupie IS (IS: od 30,3 &plusmn; 2,9 do 43,9 &plusmn; 2,2 s, p < 0,001; IP: od 28,7 &plusmn; 3,0 do 33,3 &plusmn; 3,3 s, NS). W grupie IS 92% owrzodzeń stóp uległo zagojeniu w ciągu 46,4 dnia, natomiast w grupie IP 83% w ciągu 63,0 dnia. Badania przewodnictwa nerwowego nie wykazały różnic nasilenia neuropatii w obrębie grup i pomiędzy grupami. W stopach z owrzodzeniami sulodeksyd i insulina poprawiają przepływ skórny w odpowiedzi na niedokrwienie, nie wpływając na przewodnictwo nerwowe. Kliniczne efekty działania sulodeksydu, sumując się z działaniami insuliny, mogą istotnie skracać czas niezbędny do całkowitego wyleczenia owrzodzenia. Ostateczne potwierdzenie przedstawionych wstępnych wyników wymaga dalszych badań klinicznych.To assess the efficacy of insulin plus sulodexide (a mixture of 80% heparin-like substances and 20% dermatan sulphate) on diabetic ulcers, and its influence on foot skin microcirculation and diabetic neuropathy. Two groups of diabetic patients, suffering from severe neuropathy and ulceration, were randomly assigned to insulin (I) plus sulodexide (S) (n = 12) or insulin plus placebo (P) (n = 6) therapy, for 10 weeks. Laser Doppler assessment of foot skin flow (LDF), at rest and 30 or 60 s after arterial occlusion, and nerve conduction tests (sensorial evoked and motoric conduction potentials) have been evaluated in both groups. Postischaemic flow was 2.5 times shorter in ulcerated vs. non-ulcerated feet in diabetic patients. A significant increase in flows after 30 and 60 s ischaemia was detected in both groups at the end of therapy (IS group, ulcerated foot, LDF = 60 s: from 99.1 &#177; 14.3 to 218.6 &#177; 28.6 PU, P < 0.001. IP group = from 110.5 &#177; 13.0 to 164.8 &#177; 15.4 PU, P < 0.05). The length of reactive hyperaemia was higher in IS vs. IP group (IS: from 30.3 &#177; 2.9 to 43.9 &#177; 2.2 s, P < 0.001; IP: from 28.7 &#177; 3.0 to 33.3 &#177; 3.3 s, ns). Ninety-two percent of ulcers heals in a mean time of 46.4 days (IS group) vs. 83% and 63.0 days, respectively, in IP group. Nerve conduction studies have not demonstrated within- and between-group differences. Sulodexide and insulin improve the postischaemic skin flow in ulcerated feet, without affecting nerve conduction tests. The effect of sulodexide results additive to insulin; it is clinically relevant, in the view of the possibility of reducing the time needed to completely heal ulcers. The ultimate validation of these preliminary results requires extensive trials

    Genetic Pathway in Acquisition and Loss of Vancomycin Resistance in a Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Strain of Clonal Type USA300

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    An isolate of the methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) clone USA300 with reduced susceptibility to vancomycin (SG-R) (i.e, vancomycin-intermediate S. aureus, VISA) and its susceptible β€œparental” strain (SG-S) were recovered from a patient at the end and at the beginning of an unsuccessful vancomycin therapy. The VISA phenotype was unstable in vitro generating a susceptible revertant strain (SG-rev). The availability of these 3 isogenic strains allowed us to explore genetic correlates of antibiotic resistance as it emerged in vivo. Compared to the susceptible isolate, both the VISA and revertant strains carried the same point mutations in yycH, vraG, yvqF and lspA genes and a substantial deletion within an intergenic region. The revertant strain carried a single additional frameshift mutation in vraS which is part of two component regulatory system VraSR. VISA isolate SG-R showed complex alterations in phenotype: decreased susceptibility to other antibiotics, slow autolysis, abnormal cell division and increased thickness of cell wall. There was also altered expression of 239 genes including down-regulation of major virulence determinants. All phenotypic properties and gene expression profile returned to parental levels in the revertant strain. Introduction of wild type yvqF on a multicopy plasmid into the VISA strain caused loss of resistance along with loss of all the associated phenotypic changes. Introduction of the wild type vraSR into the revertant strain caused recovery of VISA type resistance. The yvqF/vraSR operon seems to function as an on/off switch: mutation in yvqF in strain SG-R turns on the vraSR system, which leads to increase in vancomycin resistance and down-regulation of virulence determinants. Mutation in vraS in the revertant strain turns off this regulatory system accompanied by loss of resistance and normal expression of virulence genes. Down-regulation of virulence genes may provide VISA strains with a β€œstealth” strategy to evade detection by the host immune system

    Modified cantilever arrays improve sensitivity and reproducibility of nanomechanical sensing in living cells

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    Mechanical signaling involved in molecular interactions lies at the heart of materials science and biological systems, but the mechanisms involved are poorly understood. Here we use nanomechanical sensors and intact human cells to provide unique insights into the signaling pathways of connectivity networks, which deliver the ability to probe cells to produce biologically relevant, quantifiable and reproducible signals. We quantify the mechanical signals from malignant cancer cells, with 10 cells per ml in 1000-fold excess of non-neoplastic human epithelial cells. Moreover, we demonstrate that a direct link between cells and molecules creates a continuous connectivity which acts like a percolating network to propagate mechanical forces over both short and long length-scales. The findings provide mechanistic insights into how cancer cells interact with one another and with their microenvironments, enabling them to invade the surrounding tissues. Further, with this system it is possible to understand how cancer clusters are able to co-ordinate their migration through narrow blood capillaries

    Evolution of Multidrug Resistance during Staphylococcus aureus Infection Involves Mutation of the Essential Two Component Regulator WalKR

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    Antimicrobial resistance in Staphylococcus aureus is a major public health threat, compounded by emergence of strains with resistance to vancomycin and daptomycin, both last line antimicrobials. Here we have performed high throughput DNA sequencing and comparative genomics for five clinical pairs of vancomycin-susceptible (VSSA) and vancomycin-intermediate ST239 S.Β aureus (VISA); each pair isolated before and after vancomycin treatment failure. These comparisons revealed a frequent pattern of mutation among the VISA strains within the essential walKR two-component regulatory locus involved in control of cell wall metabolism. We then conducted bi-directional allelic exchange experiments in our clinical VSSA and VISA strains and showed that single nucleotide substitutions within either walK or walR lead to co-resistance to vancomycin and daptomycin, and caused the typical cell wall thickening observed in resistant clinical isolates. Ion Torrent genome sequencing confirmed no additional regulatory mutations had been introduced into either the walR or walK VISA mutants during the allelic exchange process. However, two potential compensatory mutations were detected within putative transport genes for the walK mutant. The minimal genetic changes in either walK or walR also attenuated virulence, reduced biofilm formation, and led to consistent transcriptional changes that suggest an important role for this regulator in control of central metabolism. This study highlights the dramatic impacts of single mutations that arise during persistent S.Β aureus infections and demonstrates the role played by walKR to increase drug resistance, control metabolism and alter the virulence potential of this pathogen
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