184 research outputs found

    Parallel Processing Implementations of a Contextual Classifier for Multispectral Remote Sensing Data

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    Contextual classifiers are being developed as a method to exploit the spatial/spectral context of a pixel to achieve accurate classification. Classification algorithms such as the contextual classifier typically require large amounts of computation time. One way to reduce the execution time of these tasks is through the use of parallelism. The applicability of the CDC Flexible Processor system and of a proposed multimicroprocessor system (PASM) for implementing contextual classifiers is examined

    The ACS Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters: M54 and Young Populations in the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy

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    We present new Hubble Space Telescope photometry of the massive globular cluster M54 (NGC 6715) and the superposed core of the tidally disrupted Sagittarius (Sgr) dSph galaxy as part of the ACS Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters. Our deep (F606W~26.5), high-precision photometry yields an unprecedentedly detailed color-magnitude diagram showing the extended blue horizontal branch and multiple main sequences of the M54+Sgr system. The distance and reddening to M54 are revised usingboth isochrone and main-sequence fitting to (m-M)_0=17.27 and E(B-V)=0.15. Preliminary assessment finds the M54+Sgr field to be dominated by the old metal-poor populations of Sgr and the globular cluster. Multiple turnoffs indicate the presence of at least two intermediate-aged star formation epochs with 4 and 6 Gyr ages and [Fe/H]=-0.4 to -0.6. We also clearly show, for the first time, a prominent, 2.3 Gyr old Sgr population of near-solar abundance. A trace population of even younger (0.1-0.8 Gyr old), more metal-rich ([Fe/H]\sim0.6) stars is also indicated. The Sgr age-metallicity relation is consistent with a closed-box model and multiple (4-5) star formation bursts over the entire life of the satellite, including the time since Sgr began disrupting.Comment: Accepted to ApJ Letter; 11 pages, 2 figures; figure 1 uploaded as jpg; paper in ApJ format with full-resolution figures available at: http://www.astro.ufl.edu/~ata/public_hstgc/paperIV/paperIV.p

    Model for an Intelligent Operating System for Executing Tasks on a Reconfigurable Parallel Architecture

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    Parallel processing is one approach to achieve the large computational processing capabilities required by many real-time computing tasks. One of the problems that must be addressed in the use of reconfigurable multiprocessor systems is matching the architecture configuration to the algorithms to be executed. This paper presents a conceptual model that explores the potential of artificial intelligence tools, specifically expert systems, to design an Intelligent Operating System for multiprocessor systems. The target task is the implementation of image understanding systems on multiprocessor architectures. PASM is used as an example multiprocessor. The Intelligent Operating System concepts developed here could also be used to address other problems requiring real-time processing. An example image understanding task is presented to illustrate the concept of intelligent scheduling by the Intelligent Operating System. Also considered is the use of the conceptual model when developing an image understanding system in order to test different strategies for choosing algorithms, imposing execution order constraints, and integrating results from various algorithms

    Contextual Classification of Multispectral Remote Sensing Data Using a Multiprocessor System

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    Abstract-A statistical model of spatial context is described and procedures for classifying remote sensing data using a context classifier are outlined. Experimental results are presented. Because the computational requirements of the context classifier are very large, its implementation on multiprocessor systems is investigated. Some of the special considerations necessary for such implementations are described, with particular reference to implementation on an array of Control Data Corporation Flexible Processors

    The ACS Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters. I. Overview and Clusters without PreviousHubble Space Telescope Photometry

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    We present the first results of a large Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) survey of Galactic globular clusters. This Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Treasury project is designed to obtain photometry with S/N (signal-to-noise ratio) 10 for main-sequence stars with masses 0.2 M⊙ in a sample of globulars using the ACS Wide Field Channel. Here we focus on clusters without previous HST imaging data. These include NGC 5466, NGC 6779, NGC 5053, NGC 6144, Palomar 2, E3, Lyngå 7, Palomar 1, and NGC 6366. Our color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) extend reliably from the horizontal branch to as much as 7 mag fainter than the main-sequence turnoff and represent the deepest CMDs published to date for these clusters. Using fiducial sequences for three standard clusters (M92, NGC 6752, and 47 Tuc) with well-known metallicities and distances, we perform main-sequence fitting on the target clusters in order to obtain estimates of their distances and reddenings. These comparisons, along with fitting the cluster main sequences to theoretical isochrones, yield ages for the target clusters. We find that the majority of the clusters have ages that are consistent with the standard clusters at their metallicities. The exceptions are E3, which appears ~2 Gyr younger than 47 Tuc, and Pal 1, which could be as much as 8 Gyr younger than 47 Tuc

    The ACS Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters XI: The Three-Dimensional Orientation of the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy and its Globular Clusters

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    We use observations from the ACS study of Galactic globular clusters to investigate the spatial distribution of the inner regions of the disrupting Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy (Sgr). We combine previously published analyses of four Sgr member clusters located near or in the Sgr core (M54, Arp 2, Terzan 7 and Terzan 8) with a new analysis of diffuse Sgr material identified in the background of five low-latitude Galactic bulge clusters (NGC 6624, 6637, 6652, 6681 and 6809) observed as part of the ACS survey. By comparing the bulge cluster CMDs to our previous analysis of the M54/Sgr core, we estimate distances to these background features. The combined data from four Sgr member clusters and five Sgr background features provides nine independent measures of the Sgr distance and, as a group, provide uniformly measured and calibrated probes of different parts of the inner regions of Sgr spanning twenty degrees over the face of the disrupting dwarf. This allows us, for the first time, to constrain the three dimensional orientation of Sgr's disrupting core and globular cluster system and compare that orientation to the predictions of an N-body model of tidal disruption. The density and distance of Sgr debris is consistent with models that favor a relatively high Sgr core mass and a slightly greater distance (28-30 kpc, with a mean of 29.4 kpc). Our analysis also suggests that M54 is in the foreground of Sgr by ~2 kpc, projected on the center of the Sgr dSph. While this would imply a remarkable alignment of the cluster and the Sgr nucleus along the line of sight, we can not identify any systematic effect in our analysis that would falsely create the measured 2 kpc separation. Finally, we find that the cluster Terzan 7 has the most discrepant distance (25 kpc) among the four Sgr core clusters, which may suggest a different dynamical history than the other Sgr core clusters.Comment: 41 pages, 16 figures, accepted to Ap

    Mode equivalence and acceptability of tablet computer-, interactive voice response system-, and paper-based administration of the U.S. National Cancer Institute’s Patient-Reported Outcomes version of the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (PRO-CTCAE)

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    Background PRO-CTCAE is a library of items that measure cancer treatment-related symptomatic adverse events (NCI Contracts: HHSN261201000043C and HHSN 261201000063C). The objective of this study is to examine the equivalence and acceptability of the three data collection modes (Web-enabled touchscreen tablet computer, Interactive voice response system [IVRS], and paper) available within the US National Cancer Institute (NCI) Patient-Reported Outcomes version of the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (PRO-CTCAE) measurement system. Methods Participants (n = 112; median age 56.5; 24 % high school or less) receiving treatment for cancer at seven US sites completed 28 PRO-CTCAE items (scoring range 0–4) by three modes (order randomized) at a single study visit. Subjects completed one page (approx. 15 items) of the EORTC QLQ-C30 between each mode as a distractor. Item scores by mode were compared using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC); differences in scores within the 3-mode crossover design were evaluated with mixed-effects models. Difficulties with each mode experienced by participants were also assessed. Results 103 (92 %) completed questionnaires by all three modes. The median ICC comparing tablet vs IVRS was 0.78 (range 0.55–0.90); tablet vs paper: 0.81 (0.62–0.96); IVRS vs paper: 0.78 (0.60–0.91); 89 % of ICCs were ≥0.70. Item-level mean differences by mode were small (medians [ranges] for tablet vs. IVRS = −0.04 [−0.16–0.22]; tablet vs paper = −0.02 [−0.11–0.14]; IVRS vs paper = 0.02 [−0.07–0.19]), and 57/81 (70 %) items had bootstrapped 95 % CI around the effect sizes within +/−0.20. The median time to complete the questionnaire by tablet was 3.4 min; IVRS: 5.8; paper: 4.0. The proportion of participants by mode who reported “no problems” responding to the questionnaire was 86 % tablet, 72 % IVRS, and 98 % paper. Conclusions Mode equivalence of items was moderate to high, and comparable to test-retest reliability (median ICC = 0.80). Each mode was acceptable to a majority of respondents. Although the study was powered to detect moderate or larger discrepancies between modes, the observed ICCs and very small mean differences between modes provide evidence to support study designs that are responsive to patient or investigator preference for mode of administration, and justify comparison of results and pooled analyses across studies that employ different PRO-CTCAE modes of administration. Trial registration NCT Clinicaltrials.gov identifier: NCT0215863