340 research outputs found

    Implementasi Konsep Arsitektur Ekologi pada Rancang Bangun Rumah Minimalis

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    — The need for housing for everyone is increasing, making the property developers need various innovations in the provision of housing facilities. Additionally, pemanfaataan natural resources are no longer counted how much impact it will have, add to the damage of this nature. In this study, the authors analyzed the problem of materials, technology, structure, lighting, building orientation, for building both traditional and modern minimalist as well as design application that can be applied in developing ecological architecture and environmentally friendly in terms of the health of its inhabitants. In order to look more real and interesting, the authors make a minimalist home architecture design ecologically oriented interactive animations. The method used in this paper is a qualitative method with descriptive approach. The results of this study indicate that the ecological building, especially in terms of the science of architecture. In terms of lighting and choosing the material does not cause the nature, the location of the building facing south is the most excellent in the ability to withstand heat

    Implementasi Konsep Arsitektur Ekologi pada Rancang Bangun Rumah Minimalis

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    — The need for housing for everyone is increasing, making the property developers need various innovations in the provision of housing facilities. Additionally, pemanfaataan natural resources are no longer counted how much impact it will have, add to the damage of this nature. In this study, the authors analyzed the problem of materials, technology, structure, lighting, building orientation, for building both traditional and modern minimalist as well as design application that can be applied in developing ecological architecture and environmentally friendly in terms of the health of its inhabitants. In order to look more real and interesting, the authors make a minimalist home architecture design ecologically oriented interactive animations. The method used in this paper is a qualitative method with descriptive approach. The results of this study indicate that the ecological building, especially in terms of the science of architecture. In terms of lighting and choosing the material does not cause the nature, the location of the building facing south is the most excellent in the ability to withstand heat

    Doctrine of Rebus Sic Stantibus And Law of International Treaty

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    Rebus Sic Stantibus doctrine becomes a dispute as a result from reckless application of States, started from the period towards 1914, to escape from burdensome treaties, and it continued to the period between the First and the Second World War. Rebus Sic Stantibus principle has been applied by many countries and it has been accepted by the majority of international law experts as part of international law. Even though there was a debate about the doctrine application. oktrik The first commentary said by applying negative form would make the fundamental change of circumstances principle. On the other hand, it is not the duty of legislation to define the scope of the fundamental change of circumstances principle, and this duty is granted to law. In the end it depends on the consideration of interested government body in terminating international treaties

    Effect of sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and chlorine on the high temperature corrosion of IN-100, U-700, IN-792, and Mar M-509

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    The effects of potential impurities such as Na, K, Mg, Ca, and Cl, in coal-derived liquid fuels on accelerated corrosion of IN-100, U-700, IN-792, and Mar M-509 were investigated using a Mach 0.3 burner rig for times to 200 hours in one hour cycles. These impurities were injected in combination as aqueous solutions into the combustor. Other variables were time, temperature, and fuel-to-air ratio. The experimental matrix was a central composite fractional fractorial design divided into blocks to allow modification of the design as data was gathered. The extent of corrosion was determined by metal consumption. The time exponent was near 1.0 for the least corrosion resistant alloys, U-700 and IN-100; near 0.8 for the moderately resistant IN-792; and close to Mar M-509, the most corrosion resistant alloy. As anticipated, corrosion rapidly increased with increasing temperature as well as Na and K concentrations, while corrosion decreased somewhat as the Ca concentration increased for all alloys. Mg was beneficial for the Ni-base alloys but had little effect on the Co-base alloy. Surprisingly, the effect of increasing Cl was to decrease the corrosion of all alloys. Little interaction among the dopants was noted

    High temperature alkali corrosion in high velocity gases

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    The effects of potential impurities in coal derived liquids such as Na, K, Mg, Ca and Cl on the accelerated corrosion of IN-100, U-700, IN-792 and Mar-M509 were investigated using a Mach 0.3 burner rig for times to 1000 hours in one hour cycles. These impurities were injected in combination as aqueous solutions into the combustor of the burner rig. The experimental matrix utilized was designed statistically. The extent of corrosion was determined by metal recession. The metal recession data were fitted by linear regression to a polynomial expression which allows both interpolation and extrapolation of the data. As anticipated, corrosion increased rapidly with Na and K, and a marked maximum in the temperature response was noted for many conditions. In contrast, corrosion decreased somewhat as the Ca, Mg and Cl contents increased. Extensive corrosion was observed at concentrations of Na and K as low as 0.1 PPM at long times

    Prediksi Alokasi Jumlah Produksi Minyak Sawit dengan Metode Regresi Linier Berganda pada PT. Palm Lampung Persada

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    PT. Palm Lampung Persada Way Kanan is a company engaged in oil palm plantations that produce crude palm oil. This company often experiences problems in the allocation of palm oil production.This research was conducted using multiple linear regression method to predict the allocation of the amount of palm oil production based on learning data using Microsft Excel 2010 and RapidMiner applications. In this study there are dependent variables (free) and independent variables (bound), namely: dependent variable (raw material, amount of labor, rainfall and land area) while the independent variable (palm oil).Calculations using multiple linear regression methods in determining the allocation of the amount of palm oil production can be used to assist companies in making a decision with predictive value close to the original data processed as learning data with a result of 170.811 and original data of 170 and an error value of 0.002

    Studi In Vitro Potensi Kurkuminoid (Curcuma Domestica Vahl) dan Senyawa-senyawanya terhadap Superoksidadismutase dan pada Proses Peroksidasi Lipid Sel Monosit.

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    Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui apakah masing-masing sampel ( kurkuminoid,kurkumin, desmetoksikurkumin dan bisdesmetoksikurkumin ) dengan dosis sama (3,68 ug/50ul)yang diisolasi dan dimurnikan dari rimpang kunyit (Curcuma domestica Vahl) memiliki efekterhadap aktivitas superoksidadismutase dan terhadap proses peroksidasi lipid secara in vitro.Subjek penelitian menggunakan sel monosit yang diisolasi dari darah pria dewasa normaldengan metode Boyum.Masing-masing sampel dibagi ke dalam dua grup, grup (a) dilarutkan dalam dimetilsulfoksida(DMSO), dan grup (b) dilarutkan dalam air suling. Kedua grup sampel tersebut diuji terhadapaktivitas superoksidadismutase, dilakukan dengan metode Murakami, dan juga diuji terhadapproses peroksidasi lipid sel monosit dilakukan dengan metode TBARS.Hasil penelitian dari kedua grup sampel, memiliki efek meningkatkan aktivitassuperoksidadismutase secara bermakna (p< 0,05), demikian pula dapat menghambat terhadapproses peroksidasi lipid, yang ditunjukan dengan penurunan kadar malondialdehid secarabermakna (p< 0,05).Sampel grup (a) memiliki kekuatan lebih besar terhadap peningkatan aktivitas superoksidadismutasejika dibandingkan dengan sampel grup (b), khususnya terlihat pada kurkuminoidaktivitasnya hampir menyamai α-tokoferol.Kurkumin baik dari grup (a) maupun dari grup (b) memiliki aktivitas yang lebih besar terhadappenghambatan proses peroksidasi lipid dibandingkan dengan kurkuminoid, desmetoksikurkumindan bisdesmetoksi-kurkumin. Bahkan lebih kuat dari α-tokoferol


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelimpahan Ikan Manggaba’i (Glossogobius giuris) dan karakteristik fisik dan kimia air di perairan danau Limboto. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif yang stasiun pengamatannya berada di kawasan Keramba Jaring Apung (stasiun I), kawasan eceng gondok (stasiun II), dan bagian tengah danau (stasiun III). Pengambilan sampel ikan dilakukan dengan menggunakan pukat dan bunggo (meriam tradisional dari bambu). Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah Ikan Manggaba’i (Glossogobius giuris) dan diidentifikasi dengan Buku Identifikasi Ikan Air Tawar Indonesia Bagian Barat dan Sulawesi. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan rumus kelimpahan. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa stasiun I memiliki nilai kelimpahan 40% dengan kategori sedang, stasiun II memiliki nilai kelimpahan 27% dengan kategori sedang, dan stasiun III memiliki nilai kelimpahan sebesar 31% dengan kategori sedang. Kelimpahan rata-rata Ikan Manggaba’i di perairan Danau Limboto adalah 32,66% atau termasuk dalam kategori sedang. Sedangkan kondisi fisik perairan Danau Limboto masih memenuhi kriteria kelangsungan hidup Ikan Manggaba’i

    Terapi Humor Untuk Menurunkan Intensitas Nyeri Pada Pasien Pasca Bedah Invasive

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    Tindakan pembedahan merupakan ancaman potensial atau aktual kepada integritas seseorang baik biopsikososial dan spiritual yang dapat menimbulkan respon berupa nyeri. Nyeri muncul karena terputusnya kontinuitas jaringan. Nyeri yang tidak diatasi dapat menganggu proses penyembuhan paska bedah. Metode untuk mengatasi nyeri dapat dilakukan secara farmakologi dan non farmakologi. Metode non farmakologi yang sering digunakan untuk mengatasi nyeri adalah teknik distraksi.Teknik distraksi dapat dilakukan dengan terapi humor. Terapi humor dilakukan dengan beberapa cara dengan melihat film lucu, mendengarkan kelompok lawak, melihat kartun, komik dan karikatur yang lucu serta membaca kumpulan cerita lucu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pengaruh terapi humor terhadap intensitas nyeri pada pasien paska bedah invasif minimal hari kedua. Desain penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif. Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini adalah 40 orang. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah konsekutif sampling. Analisa dengan melihat presentasi penurunan pada tabel distribusi frekuensi. Hasil analisa menunjukkan perbedaan persentase penurunan skala nyeri yang lebih besar pada kelompok perlakuan. Terapi humor mampu menurunkan nyeri pada pasien paska bedah invasif minimal hari kedua

    Pemanfaatan Nilai Struktur Vegetasi dan Nilai Serapan Karbon Mangrove Dalam Pengembangan Buku Ajar Ekologi Pesisir: (Utilization the vegetation structure value and carbon absorption value of mangrove to develop the coastal ecological Teaching book)

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    This study aims to describe the effectiveness of using smartphone-based learning media on ecosystem materials in developing students' environmental care attitudes. This study aims to develop textbooks using the value of the structure of mangrove vegetation and the value of carbon uptake. The value of the mangrove vegetation structure value and the value of carbon uptake have been obtained from the results of previous studies conducted in the mangrove area of ​​Tabongo Village, Dulupi District, Boalemo Regency, Gorontalo Province. In this study focused on the development of coastal ecology textbooks based on the value of the mangrove vegetation structure and its carbon absorption value. The method used is the 4-D model (four D) which includes the defining stage, the planning stage (design), the development stage (develop) and the dissemination stage. The dissemination stage is carried out by implementing textbooks that have been developed in coastal ecology lectures. The data was collected using a validation sheet, which includes material validation, design validation, and legibility testing involving biology students. The data obtained were analyzed using the formula for the average validation score, with the eligibility criteria, namely very feasible (3.26 - 4.00), feasible (2.51 - 2.25), quite feasible (1.76 - 2.50), less feasible (1.00 - 1.75). The research results obtained that, the material expert's assessment of all aspects of assessment for textbook validation is 93.75% which means that it has very good quality, because it is in the range of 81% to 100%, the design expert's assessment of all aspects of the assessment for textbook design validation is 91.67 % which means that the design quality is very good, because it is in the range of 81% to 100%, the student response to the quality aspects of textbooks is at a percentage of 94%, meaning this book is included in the very good category because it is in the range of 81 to 100%. Thus, the textbook produced in this study can be used as a reference in coastal ecology courses. Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan buku ajar dengan menggunakan materi nilai struktur vegetasi mangrove dan nilai serapan karbon. Nilai nilai struktur vegetasi mangrove dan nilai serapan karbon telah diperoleh dari hasil penelitian sebelumnya yang dilakukan di kawasan mangrove desa Tabongo Kecamatan Dulupi Kabupaten Boalemo, Provinsi Gorontalo. Dalam penelitian ini difokuskan pada pengembangan buku ajar ekologi pesisir yang berbasis pada nilai struktur vegetasi mangrove dan nilai serapan karbonnya. Metode yang digunakan adalah model 4-D (four D) yang meliputi tahapan pendefinisian (define), tahapan perencanaan (design), tahapan pengembangan (develop) dan tahapan penyebaran (disseminate). Untuk tahapan penyebarluasan dilakukan dengan mengimlementasikan buku ajar yang telah dikembangkan pada kegiatan perkuliahan ekologi pesisir. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan lembar validasi, yang meliputi validasi materi, validasi desain, dan uji keterbacaan yang melibatkan mahasiswa biologi. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan rumus rata-rata skor validasi, dengan kriteria kelayakan yakni sangat layak (3,26 – 4,00),  layak (2.51 – 2.25), cukup layak (1,76 – 2,50),  kurang layak (1,00 – 1,75). Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh bahwa, penilaian ahli materi dari keseluruhan aspek penilaian untuk validasi buku ajar adalah 93.75 % yang berarti memiliki kualitas sangat baik, karena berada pada rentang 81% sampai 100%, penilaian ahli desain keselurah aspek penilaian untuk validasi desain buku ajar adalah 91.67 % yang berarti memiliki kualitas desain sangat baik, karena berada pada rentang 81% sampai 100%, respon mahasiswa untuk aspek kualitas buku ajar berada pada persentase 94 % artinya buku ini termasuk pada kategori sangat baik karena berada pada rentang 81 sampai 100%. Dengan demikian buku ajar yang dihasilkan dalam penelitian ini dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai salah satu referensi dalam mata kuliah ekologi pesisi
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