32 research outputs found

    Viren „bilden“. Visualisierungen des Tabakmosaikvirus (TMV) und anderer infektiöser Agenten

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    Wissensformationen sind immer auch Bildformationen. Naturwissenschaftliche Erkenntnisprozesse gehören daher einer kulturellen Praxis an, die Sehtraditionen und Wissenstraditionen gleichermaßen umfasst. Die in diesem Band versammelten Aufsätze untersuchen naturwissenschaftliche und künstlerische Visualisierungen in den Übergangszonen zwischen Kunst und Wissenschaft und verbinden auf diese Weise wissenschaftsgeschichtliche und bildwissenschaftliche Fragestellungen. Die Themen reichen von der Mikroskopie in populärwissenschaftlichen Büchern des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts und der Debatte um die Geisterfotografie im ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert bis hin zu Visualisierungen des Tabakmosaikvirus in der Gegenwart.Knowledge formations are always also image information. Scientific processes of knowledge therefore belong to a cultural practice that encompasses both visual and knowledge traditions. The essays collected in this volume examine scientific and artistic visualizations in the transitional zones between art and science and thus combine historical and pictorial issues. The topics range from microscopy in popular science books of the 17th and 18th centuries and the debate about ghost photography in the late 19th century to visualizations of the tobacco mosaic virus in the present

    The Big Ten IPE Academic Alliance: A regional approach to developing Interprofessional Education and practice

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    Interprofessional practice and education (IPE) efforts has greatly increased in the past few years, primarily through the leadership of several national and international organizations. These organizations have sponsored forums for information exchange and best practices, which has significantly influenced the development of programs across various educational institutions and practice environments. Several regional groups have emerged, organized around a common purpose and geographic proximity, to share ideas and implement new IPE programs across the cooperating organizations. This article describes the history and growth of one of the newer regional groups, the Big Ten IPE Academic Alliance. Included in this discussion is how the group was created, its governing structure and the various results of its efforts. The intent is to provide expanded guidance how to develop regional groups that are effective vehicles for the successful implementation of IPE within educational and health settings

    Deep transformation models for functional outcome prediction after acute ischemic stroke

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    In many medical applications, interpretable models with high prediction performance are sought. Often, those models are required to handle semi-structured data like tabular and image data. We show how to apply deep transformation models (DTMs) for distributional regression which fulfill these requirements. DTMs allow the data analyst to specify (deep) neural networks for different input modalities making them applicable to various research questions. Like statistical models, DTMs can provide interpretable effect estimates while achieving the state-of-the-art prediction performance of deep neural networks. In addition, the construction of ensembles of DTMs that retain model structure and interpretability allows quantifying epistemic and aleatoric uncertainty. In this study, we compare several DTMs, including baseline-adjusted models, trained on a semi-structured data set of 407 stroke patients with the aim to predict ordinal functional outcome three months after stroke. We follow statistical principles of model-building to achieve an adequate trade-off between interpretability and flexibility while assessing the relative importance of the involved data modalities. We evaluate the models for an ordinal and dichotomized version of the outcome as used in clinical practice. We show that both, tabular clinical and brain imaging data, are useful for functional outcome prediction, while models based on tabular data only outperform those based on imaging data only. There is no substantial evidence for improved prediction when combining both data modalities. Overall, we highlight that DTMs provide a powerful, interpretable approach to analyzing semi-structured data and that they have the potential to support clinical decision making.Comment: Preprint under revie

    Initial Efforts to Manage IPE during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Reports from the Big Ten Academic Alliance

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    Purpose: The COVID-19 pandemic required higher education institutions to quickly transition to a virtual platform. This was challenging for those involved in interprofessional education (IPE), given the goal that students from two or more professions learn about, from, and with one another. The Big Ten IPE Alliance is a subgroup of the larger Big Ten Academic Alliance. The purpose of this paper is to share the collective experiences of multiple large, research intensive universities in addressing the challenge of implementing IPE programs under the conditions established by the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: To better understand how the Big Ten schools dealt with the transition to virtual learning for didactic and clinical IPE given the COVID-19 pandemic, a subset of representatives from the Big Ten IPE Alliance met to discuss best practices for virtual learning in the IPE realm. Each participating university completed an electronic 14 question survey related to their IPE curriculum during the COVID-19 pandemic from March 2020 thru August 2020 and the responses were analyzed. Results: Four categories were identified as needing to be addressed to develop and implement successful interprofessional didactic and clinical experiences. The categories identified included content/assessment, virtual technologies, faculty and facilitators, and learners. Conclusions/Recommendations: Consider including authentic and innovative mechanisms to deliver IPE experiences that meet the learning needs and accreditation requirements. Interinstitutional collaborations such as within the Big Ten IPE Alliance can be beneficial in assessing current and future best practices in IPE

    Cumulative signal transmission in nonlinear reaction-diffusion networks

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    Quantifying signal transmission in biochemical systems is key to uncover the mechanisms that cells use to control their responses to environmental stimuli. In this work we use the time-integral of chemical species as a measure of a network’s ability to cumulatively transmit signals encoded in spatiotemporal concentrations. We identify a class of nonlinear reaction-diffusion networks in which the time-integrals of some species can be computed analytically. The derived time-integrals do not require knowledge of the solution of the reaction-diffusion equation, and we provide a simple graphical test to check if a given network belongs to the proposed class. The formulae for the time-integrals reveal how the kinetic parameters shape signal transmission in a network under spatiotemporal stimuli. We use these to show that a canonical complex-formation mechanism behaves as a spatial low-pass filter, the bandwidth of which is inversely proportional to the diffusion length of the ligand

    Freunde zählen. Das Private im Format eines aufgespeicherten Verrats

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    Andrea SickCounting your friends. The private formatted as stored treason (Verrat)A steadily expanding network including websites such as Facebook, StudiVZ, Youtube,Xing, and especially Twitter and similar microblogs serves to make and publicize friends, store communications created by the spilling of intimacies, multiply references and enable evaluations. In this realm, the media society reproduces secrets that circulate in a loop of endless repetition. Friendship turns into a sign of attention and the number of friends turns into a measure of successful networking. Building on André Gorz’ concept of the traitor and Walter Benjamin’s concept of the destructive character, we’ll raise the question under which conditions tattling and twittering turn into preconditions and functions of treason. Within the reproductive circuitry of the social network, these mechanisms of “telling it all” constantly move references, leading to an interleaving of previously established spheres of public and private life that can be termed stored treason. This inevitably raises the question of how to read, interpret and sort the collected data

    Virusne strukture kiberfeminizma

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    If cyberfeminsm is a virus, it will denote an operation of infection and replication which subverts, disassembles, expands and discloses existing systems - and not only bio- and systems of information-technology. Models of viruses as they are found in bio- and information-technological discourses serve as a foil to question the political and theoretical functions of cyberfeminism. Here the virus cannot be investigated without taking into account the effect of the media - inflating every virus into an epidemic situation.Če je kiberfeminizem virus, označuje operacijo infekcije in replikacije, ki subvertira, razstavlja, širi in razkriva obstoječe sisteme, in to ne samo bio- ter informacijske in tehnološke sisteme. Modeli virusov, kakršne najdemo v bio- in informacijsko-tehnoloških diskurzih, naj bi služili kot kontrastno ozadje za spraševanje o političnih in teoretskih funkcijah kiberfeminizma. Pri tem virusa ni mogoče preiskovati, ne da bi upoštevali učinek medijev, ki vsak virus napihnejo v epidemično situacijo

    Some important issues involving real options: an overview

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    This paper provides an introduction to real options, as well as highlighting some important issues that are often neglected by real options analysts. While many books and surveys have been written on real options, there are some ubiquitous concepts that are not well-understood by many authors and practitioners. The objective of this paper is to redress this shortfall. The paper discusses organizational issues that impede adoption of real options strategies. It discusses modeling and analytic techniques for real options

    Investment under Uncertainty, Debt, and Taxes

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    We present an approach for valuing real investment projects taking into account both personal and corporate taxation, and assuming that the project may also be financed by issuing incremental debt. The setting is a generalized Miller equilibrium economy with differential taxation for bond-holders and equity-holders and with cross-sectional variation in corporate tax rates. We use valuation neutrality (the martingale operator is not affected by taxes) and holding-period neutrality (there are no tax-based incentives to adjust the investment holding period) of the tax scheme. Accordingly, we provide a certainty equivalent (risk-neutral) valuation framework taking into account taxation and valuation of tax shields, for capital budgeting projects both in case the firm can and can prevent default on debt payment. The certainty-equivalent operator is not affected by tax shields and is the same before and after personal taxes. Interest tax shields can be incorporated by either adjusting the discount rate for interest tax shields (depending on the financing system) or with an APV-like approach with interest tax shields being additive. We also analyze also the effect of debt financing on the value of the option to invest and on the exercise policy, including the effect of default risk. One of the findings of this work is that for low uncertainty a higher leverage can reduce the time-value of the real options and increases the probability of exercising these options. This effect is completely offset in case either the uncertainty or the leverage is high; i.e., when the firm is close to default