109 research outputs found

    Exact results for curvature-driven coarsening in two dimensions

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    We consider the statistics of the areas enclosed by domain boundaries (`hulls') during the curvature-driven coarsening dynamics of a two-dimensional nonconserved scalar field from a disordered initial state. We show that the number of hulls per unit area that enclose an area greater than AA has, for large time tt, the scaling form Nh(A,t)=2c/(A+λt)N_h(A,t) = 2c/(A+\lambda t), demonstrating the validity of dynamical scaling in this system, where c=1/8π3c=1/8\pi\sqrt{3} is a universal constant. Domain areas (regions of aligned spins) have a similar distribution up to very large values of A/λtA/\lambda t. Identical forms are obtained for coarsening from a critical initial state, but with cc replaced by c/2c/2.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Geometric properties of two-dimensional coarsening with weak disorder

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    The domain morphology of weakly disordered ferromagnets, quenched from the high-temperature phase to the low-temperature phase, is studied using numerical simulations. We find that the geometrical properties of the coarsening domain structure, e.g., the distributions of hull enclosed areas and domain perimeter lengths, are described by a scaling phenomenology in which the growing domain scale R(t) is the only relevant parameter. Furthermore, the scaling functions have forms identical to those of the corresponding pure system, extending the 'super-universality' property previously noted for the pair correlation function.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Curvature-driven coarsening in the two dimensional Potts model

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    We study the geometric properties of polymixtures after a sudden quench in temperature. We mimic these systems with the qq-states Potts model on a square lattice with and without weak quenched disorder, and their evolution with Monte Carlo simulations with non-conserved order parameter. We analyze the distribution of hull enclosed areas for different initial conditions and compare our results with recent exact and numerical findings for q=2q=2 (Ising) case. Our results demonstrate the memory of the presence or absence of long-range correlations in the initial state during the coarsening regime and exhibit super-universality properties.Comment: 12 pages, 16 figure

    Kibble-Zurek mechanism and infinitely slow annealing through critical points

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    We revisit the Kibble-Zurek mechanism by analyzing the dynamics of phase ordering systems during an infinitely slow annealing across a second order phase transition. We elucidate the time and cooling rate dependence of the typical growing length and we use it to predict the number of topological defects left over in the symmetry broken phase as a function of time, both close and far from the critical region. Our results extend the Kibble-Zurek mechanism and reveal its limitations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 fig

    A domain categorisation of vocabularies based on a deep learning classifier.

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    The publication of large amounts of open data has become a major trend nowadays. This is a consequence of pro-jects like the Linked Open Data (LOD) community, which publishes and integrates datasets using techniques like Linked Data. Linked Data publishers should follow a set of principles for dataset design. This information is described in a 2011 document that describes tasks as the consideration of reusing vocabularies. With regard to the latter, another project called Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV) attempts to compile the vocabularies used in LOD. These vocabularies have been classified by domain following the subjective criteria of LOV members, which has the inherent risk introducing personal biases. In this paper, we present an automatic classifier of vocabularies based on the main categories of the well-known knowledge source Wikipedia. For this purpose, word-embedding models were used, in combination with Deep Learning techniques. Results show that with a hybrid model of regular Deep Neural Network (DNN), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), vocabularies could be classified with an accuracy of 93.57 per cent. Specifically, 36.25 per cent of the vocabularies belong to the Culture category.pre-print304 K

    On the graph structure of the Web of Data

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    This article describes how the Web of Data has emerged as the realization of a machine readable web relying on the resource description framework language as a way to provide richer semantics to datasets. While the web of data is based on similar principles as the original web, being interlinked in the principal mechanism to relate information, the differences in the structure of the information is evident. Several studies have analysed the graph structure of the web, yielding important insights that were used in relevant applications. However, those findings cannot be transposed to the Web of Data, due to fundamental differences in the production, link creation and usage. This article reports on a study of the graph structure of the Web of Data using methods and techniques from similar studies for the Web. Results show that the Web of Data also complies with the theory of the bow-tie. Other characteristics are the low distance between nodes or the closeness and degree centrality are low. Regarding the datasets, the biggest one is Open Data Euskadi but the one with more connections to other datasets is Dbpedia.European Commissio

    Geometry of phase separation

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    We study the domain geometry during spinodal decomposition of a 50:50 binary mixture in two dimensions. Extending arguments developed to treat non-conserved coarsening, we obtain approximate analytic results for the distribution of domain areas and perimeters during the dynamics. The main approximation is to regard the interfaces separating domains as moving independently. While this is true in the non-conserved case, it is not in the conserved one. Our results can therefore be considered as a first-order approximation for the distributions. In contrast to the celebrated Lifshitz-Slyozov-Wagner distribution of structures of the minority phase in the limit of very small concentration, the distribution of domain areas in the 50:50 case does not have a cut-off. Large structures (areas or perimeters) retain the morphology of a percolative or critical initial condition, for quenches from high temperatures or the critical point respectively. The corresponding distributions are described by a cAτc A^{-\tau} tail, where cc and τ\tau are exactly known. With increasing time, small structures tend to have a spherical shape with a smooth surface before evaporating by diffusion. In this regime the number density of domains with area AA scales as A1/2A^{1/2}, as in the Lifshitz-Slyozov-Wagner theory. The threshold between the small and large regimes is determined by the characteristic area, A[λ(T)t]2/3{\rm A} \sim [\lambda(T) t]^{2/3}. Finally, we study the relation between perimeters and areas and the distribution of boundary lengths, finding results that are consistent with the ones summarized above. We test our predictions with Monte Carlo simulations of the 2d Ising Model.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Combining VIVO and Google Scholar data as sources for CERIF linked data: a case in the agricultural domain

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    The needs of global science have fostered open access to the results and contextual information of research organizations at an international scale. This requires the use of standards or shared data models to exchange information preserving its semantics when transferred between systems. In that direction, standards as CERIF or projects as VIVO were developed to exchange or expose the scientific knowledge. Also, there are other sources of scientific information in the Web that are useful to complement institutional repositories and CRISes. The heterogeneity of data models behind each source in turn raises the need for mappings between them to ease interchange and aggregate information. In this paper, we present a tool that integrates three sources of research information and enables their aggregating and export into both VIVO and CERIF models. We present a case study in agriculture using OpenAGRIS, a bibliographic database linked to Web sources with more than 7 million records. Concretely, we describe the methods to combine Google Scholar data for the scholarly content indexed in OpenAGRIS and aggregating new information provided by the first one, using our tool. Finally the information is stored in a VIVO instance and then translated into CERIF using a conversion process mapping both data models. The case demonstrates the possibilities of mapping tools to aggregate and translate CRIS information

    Can BODIPY Dimers Act as Photosensitizers in Photodynamic Therapy? A Theoretical Prediction

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    The photophysical properties of some monomeric and dimeric BODIPY systems were investigated at the density functional theory level and herein reported. In particular, the absorption spectra were fully characterized, low energy singlet and triplet excited states were discussed also focusing on the energy difference gaps between them and computing the spin-orbit couplings values for the possible intersystem crossing channels. The heavy atom effect of iodine substituents on the photophysical properties of a monomer and on a dimer under investigation was also estimated. Results obtained on the considered compounds allow us to predict which is the most promising candidate to be suggested as a photosensitizer in photodynamic therapy