15 research outputs found

    Analisa Postur Tubuh Pekerja Penjemuran Batako di Batam ( Studi Kasus UKM Batako Pak Sirom)

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    Pekerjaan pembuatan batako dimulai dari proses pengadukan semen dan pasir, pencetakan,pengangkatan batako hasil cetakan untuk dijemur dan setelah kering batako siap dijual.Dari keseluruhan prosespembuatan batako posisi kerja berdiri mendominasi aktivitas ini dengan keadaan membungkuk mulai darimengaduj bahan baku utama sampai dengan menjemur batako sehingga resiko cidera memungkinkan terjadi.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisa resiko cidera pada tulang belakang yang mungkin diderita olehpara pekerja akibat aktivitas kerja dengan menghitung gaya kompresi yang diterima oleh punggung (L5/S1) danbesarnya energy expenditureyang mencakup aspek biomekanika statis dan fisiologi. Hasil penenelitianmenunjukkan denyut nadi berada pada nilai 107 pulse/menit dimana nilai tersebut masih dalam batas sedang.Selain itu gaya kompresi gaya kompresi rata-rata karyawan adalah 664,7 N yang masih berada pada batasmaksimum yaitu 3400 N (masih dalam batas aman). Dari analisa fisiologi rata-rata 2,351 kkal/menit danmaksimum energinya dalah 2,897 kkal/menit yang masing dalam batas aman (2,2 – 4,7 kkal/menit)

    Perancangan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Pada Laboratorium Desain Produk dan Inovasi

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    Dalam menjalankan fungsinya sebagai tempat pembelajaran mahasiswa terkait desain produk, maka perancangan sistem manajemen kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja di Laboratorium Desain Produkdan Inovasi (Lab Desprin) menjadi bagian penting agar proses pembelajaran dapat berjalan lancar dan terhindar dari potensi bahaya dan resiko. Implementasi metode HIRARC (Hazard Identification, Risk Asessment, and Risk Control) pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi bahaya dan risiko pada beberapa fasilitas di Lab Desprin. Pada aktivitas penggunaan meja dan kursi komputer terdapat potensi dan meja dan kursi tutorial terdapat potensi ergonomi sebanyak 28 potensi risiko, 1 potensi risiko bahaya fisik, 1 potensi risiko bahaya mekanik, dan 2 potensi risiko bahaya listrik. Pada aktivitas penggunaan 3D printer terdapat 2 potensi risiko bahaya fisik, 1 potensi risiko bahaya kimia, dan 3 potensi risiko bahaya listrik. Pada aktivitas penggunaan acetone terdapat 4 potensi bahaya kimia. Sementara penggunaan ruangan kedap suara dan karpet pada lantai laboratorium terdapat potensi bahaya biologi masing-masing 2 potensi risiko

    Design of Preventive Maintenance System for A Product Design Lab using Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Methodology

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    The product design and innovation laboratory, which is still relatively new, does not yet have a maintenance model to anticipate damages that may occur in the future. The purpose of this research is to build preventive maintenance to anticipate unwanted events such as sudden damage and Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) for laboratory facilities. The method used is Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) using EasyFit 5.5 software, obtained a repair schedule with minimum downtime. The results of the Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) method obtained maintenance recommendations in the form of Condition Directed (CD) on 14 components that might damage the product design and innovation laboratory facilities, Finding Failure (FF) on 8 components that might damage the design laboratory facilities. products and innovations and Time Directed (TD) on 5 components that may cause damage to product design and innovation laboratory facilities, and also Based on the results of preventive maintenance built, there is a Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) which includes the use of laboratory facilities following work instructions for the use of equipment, use of facilities the laboratory follows the work instructions for use, all validation results must be stored in the form of records in the for

    Desain Meja dan Kursi Tutorial Laboratorium Desain Produk dan Inovasi Menggunakan Metode 12 Prinsip Ergonomi dan Pendekatan Antropometri

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    The laboratory has an important thing to in producing graduates who are ready to work. In the laboratory itself, of course, it requires supporting facilities so that the participants can carry out learning activities properly. This is the same as the activity of developing a Product Design and Innovation laboratory at the Institut Teknologi Del which requires supporting facilities for its users. The purpose of this research is to design ergonomic desk and chair tutorial facilities that meets to users requirement. The method this research uses 12 ergonomic principles to identify user needs and translate them into Ergonomic Function Deployment (EFD) to develop House of Quality(HOQ) and designed by an anthropometric approach. The results of this study are the design of the tutorial desk and chair facilities with the 5-95th percentile of student body to meet their design use

    Perancangan alat pencacah limbah material 3D printer dengan metode Axiomatic House of Quality (AHOQ)

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    Del Institute of Technology has Laboratorium Desain Produk (Lab Desprin) that based on additive manufacturing and 3D printer facilities. In its operation, the 3D printer uses acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) filament raw materials, polycarbonate (PC), polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), nylon, Poly Lactic Acid (PLA), Polyethylene (PE), Polypropylene (PP), and Investation Casting Wax. . The remaining filament and 3D printer printouts from the practical process require storage space in the laboratory. The material that makes up this filament itself is difficult to decompose by nature and has the potential to become harmful waste. This study aims to design a safe and practical 3D printer waste material chopper to recycle the remaining filament and 3D Printer printing results. With the Axiomatic House of Quality (AHOQ) method, the customer requirements for the enumerator are obtained, namely the appropriate size of the chop, has an indicator that it is on or not, safe in operation, not noisy, easy to move, and saves electricity. To meet this requirement, a waste chopper has been designed with specifications that it has a filter with a size that is adjusted to the desired chopping size, a cover on the material input channel as a security function and reduces noise, and uses a bicycle as a source of motion and saving electricity. The working system of the tool is a chopper tool by utilizing mechanical motion by rowing a bicycle as a source of motion for the chopper blade. This designed tool has been successfully built with the ability to chop materials with a thickness of > 15 mm and a noise level of less than 85 dB

    Penerapan Proses Integrasi Kegiatan Pemindahan Hasil Rebusan Sari Kedelai Ke Bak Penyaringan Pabrik Tahu Di Batam (Studi Kasus Pabrik Tahu Pak Joko Dan Pak Udin)

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    Pabrik tahu Pak Udin dan Pak Joko adalah pabrik pembuat tahu yang seluruh proses dilakukan secara manual, khususnya di bagian pemindahan sari kedelai dari bak rebus ke bak saring. Berat beban yang diangkat adalah ± 30 kg dengan suhu 85-90oC dan repetisi sebanyak 30 kali. Hal tersebut melebihi batas angkat yang di tetapkan oleh NIOSH yaitu 24.5 Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan perbaikan proses dengan menerapkan proses terintegrasi pada bak perebusan dan bakpenyaringan agar dapat mengeliminasi proses angkat dan meningkatkan efesiensi waktu dengan menggunakan metode Ovako Work Analysis System, Antropometri dengan postur kerja berdiri dan jam henti. Hasil data OWAS meenunjukkan bahwa postur tubuh pengangkatan air rebus kedelai berbahaya bagi kesehatan dan keselamatan pekerja (nilai OWAS yang diperoleh 3,5). Selanjutnya desain dikembangkan dengan mengintegrasikan stasiun bak perebusan dan penyaringan menggunakan mesin pompa dan pipa penghubung sehingga nilai OWAS menjadi nilai 1 yang berarti tidak ada masalah pada postur akhir. Untuk dimensi antropometri yang digunakan adalah Tinggi bahu berdiri 136,4 cm untuk tinggi keran output, tinggi mata berdiri 148,8 untuk tinggi sakelar mesin, dan jangkauan tangan kedepan untuk jarak keran input. Waktu siklus yang awal dan setelah perancangan adalah 4,8 menit menjadi 3,2 menit

    Perancangan Mesin Bending untuk Menurunkan Reject Mechanical Packing Kapasitor

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    In order to increase productivity required synergizing and balancing all components in the work system. The achievement of labor productivity through activity sustainable done at one manufacturing companies who produce capacitor. In the packing process is done manually using bending tools that cause fatigue 90-95% tired on the right foot and right hand, with the average reject 14% and only meet 66% output target. The purpose of this research is make a bending machine to increase the capacity process of packing, so it expected to decrease reject mechanical and indirectly decrease the work load operator. The design of the bending machine is done by testing the T-test statistic (paired T-test) against the mechanical reject by making the machine system semi-automatic with motor and engine control on the machine table design using the average height of the operator seat with the aim that the standard time can be faster, The human workload based on the man machine system may decrease.  The result of bending machine design shows that the standard time after design is increased from 1.52 seconds to 1.02 seconds so the average output increase from 16578 capacitors to 24705 capacitors. The reject mechanical fell significantly from the average total of 2210  to an average total of 446  and the man workload in this study decreased from 25.29 minutes to 6.23 minutes, so the production target could be met

    Rancang Bangun Alat Pengering Andaliman dengan Menggunakan Metode Quality Function Deployment (QFD)

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    Andaliman is a typical seasoning plant of Sumatra which can be used as a flavouring traditional Batak (arsik) and other derivative products such as crackers, bandrek which have a taste of andaliman. One process that is passed so that Andaliman can be used as a seasoning and other product is drying process. Generally, andaliman drying is done by solar power or dryer. The current condition at the UMKM of Taman Eden 100 is the length of time of drying and limited capacity so that it is unable to meet the demand of arsik instant flavor. This research was conducted by applying the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method through a questionnaire distributed to owners and workers at the UMKM to determine the desirable desiccant needs. The results of the QFD are mapped into the House of Quality which is expected to be a picture of the new dryer. From this HOQ, it is produced that the user wants a dryer with a larger capacity than before which has a heat control device so that the heat is evenly distributed in the drying chamber. The aroma of andaliman also remains even though the water content in dry andaliman has decreased

    Perancangan stasiun kerja instruktur laboratorium desain produk dan inovasi menggunakan metode ergonomic function deployment

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    The Product Design and Innovation Laboratory (Desprin), Faculty of Technology, Institute of Technology is a necessary facility in an effort to support the implementation of an educational process that implements a competency-based curriculum. This study aims to produce an ergonomic instructor workstation design in the laboratory by applying the Ergonomic Function Deployment (EFD), 12 ergonomic principles, and anthropometric data with the 5-95th percentile with selecting concepts from several concepts that have been designed. The final result of this research is a workstation design in the form of a drawing table, computer desk, and instructor chair designed using Solidworks 2018 software. The drawing table can be folded when not in use and attached to a computer table so that user movement is more effective and the selected chair is able to work synergistically with the two tables.