1,018 research outputs found

    Threat or boost: Social comparison affects older people’s performance differently depending on task domain

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    Objectives. In this research, we investigate whether social comparison with younger people can result in either a stereotype-based threat or boost in older people’s performance. Methods. Study 1 used nationally representative data to establish domains of performance in which older people are either stereotypically disadvantaged or advantaged relative to younger people. Study 2 was an experiment to test how a potentially threatening versus control versus enhancing comparison with younger people would affect performance in negatively and positively stereotyped task domains. Results. As predicted, compared with the control condition, stereotype threat caused performance decrements in both task domains. This effect was partially mediated by anxiety. Moreover, the enhancing social comparison boosted performance, but only on a crossword task, a task on which older people’s abilities are favorably stereotyped. Discussion. The research demonstrates that a threatening comparison can result in underperformance by older people both in negatively and positively self-stereotyped task domains. It also demonstrates that social comparison with younger people can enhance older people’s performance in a positively stereotyped task domain. The implications for creating circumstances likely to enable older people to achieve their full potential are discussed

    Beyond Identity: the Dynamic Self at the Intersection of Performance Philosophy and the Philosophy of Science

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    In this article we advocate the methodological feedback loop in the study of the dynamical self at the crossroads of performance philosophy, (artistic) performance, and the philosophy of science. We point to the importance of the dynamics of methodology transfer between arts and sciences and the “interactive continuum” proposed by Newman & Benz in 1998. In the first part of this paper we give a comparative review of the research context relevant for our field of study, and we explain our research hubs in approaching the concept of “performance”. We suggest the possibility to define our filed of research in three equally legitimate ways: as philosophy-of-performance, philosophy-as-performance and performance-as-philosophy. In our recent work we are primarily interested in artistic performances that incorporate elements of artistic practice in the methodology of research output (Frayling 1993), as well as in the potentials of performative aspects of scientific praxis and methodology. However, the conceptual background relevant for this paper is in the field of process philosophy and its relation to science (Birkhard’s “interactivist model” 2009; Campbell’s “process-based model for an interactive ontology” 2009). We attribute particular importance to the notion of “autopoietic feedback” (Maturana and Varela 1974; Luhmann 1990). The second part addresses the issue of transcending identity in the representations of the self and the other; the relationship between Theory-Theory (TT) and Simulation Theory (ST), as well as some recent attempts at combining different theories of mind (e.g. Barlassina 2013). We also deal with the notion of “embodied praxis” (Gallagher and Meltzoff 1996); we mention some neuroscientific insights into the similar phenomena, and – commenting on the importance of the dialogue between neuroscientists and philosophers (Changeux and Ricour) – we give an example of an enactive approach to understanding acting (Zarrilli 2007). In the third part of this article, we critique the notion of “interpassivity” (Žižek 1997; Pfaller 2000). In the concluding part we mention the importance of exploring the concept of “expanded self” (Gallagher 2000; Jeannerod 2003; Kim and Johnson 2013). Being aware of the impossibility to reach final conclusions in the scientific approach to the dynamics of the self, instead of a formal conclusion, we offer a quote from Yeats’ poem “Balloons of Mind”

    Avaliação da qualidade fisiológica e sanitária da geração F2 de híbridos de canola (Brassica napus) produzidas no município de Curitibanos-SC

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    Projeto acadêmico (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Curitibanos. Ciências Rurais.A procura por combustíveis renováveis vem em uma crescente demanda a fim de reduzir os impactos econômicos e ambientais. Entretanto, a produção de biodiesel ser dependente apenas de uma cultura é fator preocupante na produção energética. Devido a isso, a busca por novas culturas que apresentem potencial similar são necessárias. A canola (Brassica napus) é uma cultura oleaginosa que apresenta alto potencial para produção de biodiesel, gerando farelo como coproduto, além da utilização como óleo vegetal. Sendo uma cultura de inverno, insere-se na rotação de culturas entre soja e milho utilizando os mesmos maquinários e implementos agrícolas empregados nos cultivos já existentes, agregando valor na produção do agricultor. Somado a isso, essa alternância de cultivos contribui para o controle de pragas, doenças e plantas daninhas, evitando também a perda de nutrientes do solo devido à cobertura vegetal existente. Atualmente se utiliza sementes híbridas, resultando em um alto potencial e uniformidade, contudo não se comprova o fato dessas características se manterem estáveis na geração F2 desse híbrido, as quais resultam em uma qualidade fisiológica e sanitária boa. Diante disso, o objetivo desse trabalho é avaliar a qualidade fisiológica e sanitária da geração F2 de híbridos de canola produzidas em Curitibanos-SC. As sementes da geração F2 de híbridos comerciais de canola Hyola 60 e Hyola 61 serão coletadas no mês de julho de 2014 em área experimental da Fazenda Experimental da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, campus de Curitibanos, onde serão avaliadas juntamente com as sementes híbridas Hyola 60 e 61, utilizadas como testemunha. Com as sementes F2 coletadas serão realizados testes para avaliar a qualidade fisiológica e sanitária das sementes no Laboratório de Morfofisiologia e Botânica da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, campus de Curitibanos. Serão realizados os testes de germinação, tetrazólio, condutividade elétrica e sanidade, utilizando o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. Os dados obtidos com base na qualidade fisiológica e sanitária das sementes serão analisados com base na análise de variância pelo teste F, bem como comparação de médias através do teste de Tukey ao nível de 5% de probabilidade, pelo programa SISVAR v.4.2. Espera-se com o presente trabalho, obter informações a cerca da qualidade fisiológica e sanitária das sementes F2 dos híbridos, chamadas “sementes salvas”. Com base nessas informações dar suporte ao produtor quanto ao uso de “sementes salvas” de canola. Ressalta-se ainda que este será apenas um estudo preliminar, tendo em vista novos estudos correlacionados com experimentos a campo

    Djelovanje regulatora rasta na preživljenje fragmenata hipokotila bundeve

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    Basic Heller’s medium is not suitable for the growth and development of fragments of pumpkin hypocotyls. On this medium the fragments hardly survive a culture period of one month. The addition of growth regulators (IAA, 2,4-D or kinetin) to Heller’s medium delays the senescence of the tissue and its decay. Moreover, it provokes cell divisions resulting in an increase of fresh and dry weight

    An Early Concept of the Theatre of Interplay: The Relevance of Branko Gavella’s Theory for the Development of Performance Philosophy

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    The aim of this paper is to contribute to the shift in the perception of Branko Gavella’s theoretical work based on the phenomenology of intersubjectivity, and to point to the relevance of his theory of acting for the autochthonous development of the European branch of the modern philosophy of performance, as an interdisciplinary filed of research different form the methods traditionally employed by aestheticians of theatre. This paper—based on several decades of work on the systematization and comparative contextualization of Gavella’s theoretical ouvre—makes an attempt at demonstrating the operability of Gavella’s concepts in the context of some recent interdisciplinary insights into the performance phenomenon. Gavella’s theory can clearly distinguish concepts that we bracket today under the rubric of meaning, as opposed to use, i.e. language-reference, as opposed to speaker’s reference. Already in the 1930s, he applied the relation of semantics to pragmatics, as it would eventually be understood in speech act theory from Austin on, to the problems peculiar to theatre. The core of this paper deals with Gavella’s “speech situations”, and the dynamism of exchange in the relational space of culture

    Association of pre-diagnostic vitamin D level with postmenopausal breast cancer risk: A systematic review

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    Introduction: Breast cancer is a disease in which there is a rapid multiplying of cells in the breast. It has been a serious concern as it is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women, especially in the old-age group. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is consumed via diet or produced when the ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun make contact with the skin. Its putative anticarcinogenic property might play a role to minimize the increasing burden of breast cancer. Thus, this study focuses on vitamin D level as a risk factor for postmenopausal breast cancer. Methodology: A systematic review of prospective cohort studies was conducted. The search was performed in MEDLINE (Ovid) using the mesh terms and keywords of the modified PICOS diagram. The free-text search was done in Google Scholar. The reference lists of relevant systematic reviews were screened manually. The population for the review was healthy women, the exposure was vitamin D level, and the outcome was postmenopausal breast cancer. The information from the eligible studies was extracted and presented in the table. The Risk of bias (RoB) assessment was done using a CASP tool. Results: Eight studies met the inclusion criteria. All the studies were prospective cohorts. The included studies were conducted in high-resource settings. The study population was diverse. Vitamin D was measured in various forms and the data was collected using a questionnaire. Breast cancer occurrence was self-reported but was confirmed through reports. The effect estimates of the fully adjusted models in the included studies ranged from 0.87 to 1.30. The result showed that there was no association between pre-diagnostic vitamin D level and postmenopausal breast cancer risk. Conclusion: The review does not have enough evidence to conclude the association between pre-diagnostic vitamin D level and postmenopausal breast cancer risk. Further research is necessary to assess the relationship

    Razvitak abnormalnih embrioida u embriogenom kalusu bundeve (Cucurbita pepo L.)

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    In addition to normal forms of embryoids in an embryogenic callus of pumpkin, various abnormal forms also appear. They can be characterized, according to their morphology, as monocotyleous, heterocotyleous, tricotyleous, quadricotyleous, syncotyleous, and embryoids with leaf-like cotyledons. Other forms observed include: twins, forms with undeveloped roots, undeveloped hypocotyls, callus formed on the surface of the plantlet, multiple growth and forms of undifferentiated masses. The anomalies described, with the exception of certain differences in the size of the embryoids are not dependent on the presence of a specific growth substances in the nutrient medium

    Tecnología educativa constructivista - humanista

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    Este trabajo es una evidencia sobre una experiencia educativa de nuestra institución Escuela Secundaria Yeshiva Keter Torá (México D.F.) Conscientes del nuevo paradigma educativo promovemos el desarrollo de las múltiples inteligencias, de una nueva mente humanista. Es una innovación educativa, que parte del binomio teoría-práctica, diseñando un modelo educativo y curricular, con un enfoque constructivista-humanista. Sin pretender ser una reforma educativa, con los honestos deseos de una comunidad que no tuvo miedo a cambiar, esta propuesta está basada en un fundamento filosófico, cuyo fin primordial es preparar jóvenes auto responsables, creativos, emprendedores, despertando el gusto y el deseo de estar en un continuo proceso de aprender

    Rizogeneza na eksplantatima hipokotila bundeve

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    Hypocotyl fragments of pumpkin were grown on Heller’s synthetic medium or MS-medium with 3°/o glucose and 0.9% Difco Bacto agar and some growth regulators. Heller’s basic medium is not suitable for the growth and development of hypocotyls. On this medium the fragments never show any signs of differentiation and hardly survive the culture period of one month. Moroever, as shown earlier, IAA with kinetin or 2,4-D with kinetin in Heller’s medium provoke cell divisions resulting in an increase of fresh and dry weight but never in rooting. In a small number of expiants with only 2,4-D at the concentrations of 10-7 and 10-6 very weak rhizogenesis was induced. The MS-medium has proved to be much more suitable. The medium consisting of MS-salts and sugar only is sufficient for root iduction on the root side of the fragment; for the vigorous root growth, however, the complete MS-medium is necessary. The addition of some substances, e. g. of autoclaved water-melon sap (15% vol.) or autoclaved water-melon sap combined with 2,4-D (3.10-7) further intensifies the vigorous growth of the roots; low concentrations of NAA, high concentrations of IBA and IAA (10-6) with kinetin (3.10-7) show the same effect.Fragmenti hipokotila bundeve veličine 1 cm bili su uzgajani na osnovnom Hellerovom mediju ili MS-mediju uz dodatak 3% glukoze, 0,9% Difco Bacto agara i različitih regulatora rasta. Osnovni Hellerov medij nije bio pogodan za rast i razvitak eksplan- tata hipokotila bundeve. Na ovom osnovnom mediju, bez regulatora rasta, fragmenti nisu pokazivali nikakvu diferencijaciju, pa ni rizogenezu, i nisu preživjeli period kultiviranja od mjesec dana. Dodatak 2,4-D, IAA i kinetina produžio je preživljenje eksplantata preko mjesec dana, no niti na j različiti je kombinacije 2,4-D i kinetina, a tako ni IAA i kinetina, nikada nisu potakle stvaranje korijena. Jedino je na manjem broju kultura uočena pojava slabih korjenčića nakon dodatka same 2,4-D u visokim koncentracijama. MS-medij bio je mnogo pogodniji. Sama podloga MS-soli uz dodatak 3% glukoze bila je dovoljna da se korijenje inducira na proksimalnoj (korijenskoj) strani eksplantata. Bujno korijenje naraslo je međutim na kompletnom MS-mediju. Bez dodatka šećera na kompletnom MS-mediju nije bilo moguće izazvati rizogenezu. Dodatkom izvjesnih supstancija rasta pojačao se broj induciranog korijenja i njegov razvoj. Tako je npr. dodatak od 15% soka lubenice osnovnom mediju MS-soli djelovao poput dodatka aminokiselina i vitamina iz kompletnog MS-medija. Dodavanjem 2,4-D u koncentracijama 10 na-6 i 10 na-7 te NAA u nižim koncentracijama (10 na-9 i 10 na -8), kombinacija IAA 10 na -6) i kinetina (3.10 na-7) te IBA u visokim koncentracijama (10 na-6) kompletnom MS-mediju postignut je bujni rast korijenja na eksplantatima hipokotila bundeve