1,197 research outputs found

    Influence of prohexadione-calcium, trinexapac-ethyl and hexaconazole on lodging characteristic and gibberellin biosynthesis of rice (Oryza sativa L.)

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    We investigated the influence of prohexadione-calcium (Pro-Ca), trinexapac-ethyl (TNE) and hexaconazole (HX) on lodging and gibberellin (GA) biosynthesis pathway of rice cultivar, Hwayeongbyeo. It was observed that these novel synthetic growth retardants suppressed lodging of rice under field conditions through blocking GA biosynthesis pathway. These growth retarding chemicals were applied at basic (20 uM) and elevated (40 uM) rates either 10 days before heading (10 DBH) or 5 days before heading (5 DBH). We found that Pro-Ca, TNE and their combined application (Pro-Ca + TNE) were most effective in decreasing rice length and lodging index, when applied at 10 DBH. Similarly, the endogenous bioactive GA1 contents of rice significantly declined with application of Pro-Ca, TNE and Pro-Ca + TNE, while they were less effected by basic and elevated rates of HX as compared to the control. The growth retardants were more effective in decreasing rice lodging and blocking GA biosynthesis when applied in elevated rates. The levels of the endogenous gibberellins in rice shoots were measured by GC/MS-SIM using 2H2-labeled gibberellins as internal standards. Effect of these synthetic chemicals on growth and GA inhibition were stronger initially but eroded rapidly under field conditions. It was thus concluded that Pro-Ca and TNE were most effective in reducing plant length and suppressing lodging of rice crop under field conditions, where lodging is a major constraint to higher productivity.Key words: Growth retardants, plant growth, gibberellin biosynthesis, lodging index, rice

    Interaction between host cell proteins and open reading frames of porcine circovirus type 2

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    Postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) is caused by a systemic inflammation after porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) infection. It was one of the most economically important pathogens affecting pig production worldwide before PCV2 vaccine was first introduced in 2006. After the development of a vaccine against PCV2a type, pig farms gradually restored enormous economic losses from PMWS. However, vaccine against PCV2a type could not be fully effective against several different PCV2 genotypes (PCV2b – PCV2h). In addition, PCV2a vaccine itself could generate antigenic drift of PCV2 capsid. Therefore, PCV2 infection still threats pig industry worldwide. PCV2 infection was initially found in local tissues including reproductive, respiratory, and digestive tracks. However, PCV2 infection often leads to a systemic inflammation which can cause severe immunosuppression by depleting peripheral lymphocytes in secondary lymphoid tissues. Subsequently, a secondary infection with other microorganisms can cause PMWS. Eleven putative open reading frames (ORFs) have been predicted to encode PCV2 genome. Among them, gene products of six ORFs from ORF1 to ORF6 have been identified and characterized to estimate its functional role during PCV2 infection. Acquiring knowledge about the specific interaction between each PCV2 ORF protein and host protein might be a key to develop preventive or therapeutic tools to control PCV2 infection. In this article, we reviewed current understanding of how each ORF of PCV2 manipulates host cell signaling related to immune suppression caused by PCV2

    Intraventricular Hemorrhage Caused by Lateral Ventricular Meningioma: A Case Report

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    Meningiomas causing intracranial hemorrhage are rare, and hemorrhage from a lateral ventricular meningioma seems to be even rarer. We report a case of trigonal meningioma in a 43-year-old woman who presented with intraventricular hemorrhage, and describe the CT, MRI and angiographic findings

    Flexor Tenorrhaphy Using Absorbable Suture Materials

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    BackgroundNonabsorbable sutures are favorable for repairing flexor tendons. However, absorbable sutures have performed favorably in an animal model.MethodsTwo-strand sutures using the interlocking modified Kessler method with polydioxanone absorbable sutures 4-0 were used to repair completely ruptured flexor tendons in 55 fingers from 41 consecutive patients. The medical records of average 42 follow up weeks were analyzed retrospectively. The data analyzed using the chi-squared test, and Fisher's exact test was used for postoperative complications. The results were compared with those of other studies.ResultsAmong the index, middle, ring, and little fingers were injured in 9, 17, 16, and 13 fingers, respectively. The injury levels varied from zone 1 to 5. Of the 55 digits in our study, there were 26 (47%) isolated flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) injuries and 29 (53%) combined FDP and with flexor digitorum superficialis injuries. Pulley repair was also conducted. Concomitant injuries of blood vessels and nerves were found in 17 patients (23 fingers); nerve injuries occurred in 5 patients (10 fingers). Two patients had ruptures (3.6%), and one patient had two adhesions (3.6%). Using the original Strickland criteria, all the patients were assessed to be excellent or good. Also, fibrosis and long-term foreign body tissue reactions such as stitch granuloma were less likely occurred in our study. Compared to the Cullen's report that used nonabsorbable sutures, there was no significant difference in the rupture or adhesion rates.ConclusionsTherefore, this study suggests that appropriate absorbable core sutures can be used safely for flexor tendon repairs

    A Case of Portal Vein Thrombosis by Protein C and S Deficiency Completely Recanalized by Anticoagulation Therapy

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    Portal vein thrombosis (PVT) is a rare form of venous thrombosis that affects the hepatic portal vein flow, which can lead to portal hypertension. Treatment of PVT includes anticoagulants, thrombolysis, insertion of shunts, bypass surgery, and liver transplantation. Single anticoagulation therapy is not regarded as a curative treatment but can be associated with a reduction in new thrombotic episodes. We experienced a case of acute total occlusion of PVT provoked by protein C and S deficiency syndrome. PVT was completely recanalized with oral anticoagulant therapy following low molecular weight heparin therapy

    Preclinical evaluation of injectable sirolimus formulated with polymeric nanoparticle for cancer therapy

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    Nanoparticles are useful delivery vehicles for promising drug candidates that face obstacles for clinical applicability. Sirolimus, an inhibitor of mammalian target of rapamycin has gained attention for targeted anticancer therapy, but its clinical application has been limited by its poor solubility. This study was designed to enhance the feasibility of sirolimus for human cancer treatment. Polymeric nanoparticle (PNP)–sirolimus was developed as an injectable formulation and has been characterized by transmission electron microscopy and dynamic light scattering. Pharmacokinetic analysis revealed that PNP–sirolimus has prolonged circulation in the blood. In addition, PNP–sirolimus preserved the in vitro killing effect of free sirolimus against cancer cells, and intravenous administration displayed its potent in vivo anticancer efficacy in xenograft tumor mice. In addition, PNP–sirolimus enhanced the radiotherapeutic efficacy of sirolimus both in vitro and in vivo. Clinical application of PNP–sirolimus is a promising strategy for human cancer treatment

    Photophysical Properties of Pheophorbide-a Derivatives and Their Photodynamic Therapeutic Effects on a Tumor Cell Line In Vitro

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    Pheophorbide-a derivatives have been reported to be potential photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy (PDT). In this study, photophysics of pheophorbide-a derivatives (PaDs) were investigated along with their photodynamic tumoricidal effect in vitro. PaDs were modified by changing the coil length and/or making the hydroxyl group (–OH) substitutions. Their photophysical properties were studied by steady-state and time-resolved spectroscopic methods. The photodynamic tumoricidal effect was evaluated in the mouse breast cancer cell line (EMT6). Lifetime and quantum yield of fluorescence and quantum yields of triplet state and singlet oxygen were studied to determine the dynamic energy flow. The coil length of the substituted alkyl group did not significantly affect the spectroscopic properties. However, the substitution with the hydroxyl group increased the quantum yields of the triplet state and the singlet oxygen due to the enhanced intersystem crossing. In order to check the application possibility as a photodynamic therapy agent, the PaDs with hydroxyl group were studied for the cellular affinity and the photodynamic tumoricidal effect of EMT6. The results showed that the cellular affinity and the photodynamic tumoricidal effect of PaDs with the hydroxyl group depended on the coil-length of the substituted alkyl group

    Immunolocalization of anion exchanger 1 (Band 3) in the renal collecting duct of the common marmoset

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the expression and distribution of band 3 in the collecting duct and connecting tubules of the kidney of the marmoset monkey (Callithrix jacchus), and to establish whether band 3 is expressed in type A intercalated cells. The intracellular localization of band 3 in the different populations of intercalated cells was determined by double-labeling immunohistochemistry. Immunohistochemical microscopy demonstrated that band 3 is located in the basolateral plasma membranes of all type A intercalated cells in the connecting tubule (CNT), cortical collecting duct (CCD), and outer medullary collecting duct (OMCD) of the marmoset. However, type B intercalated cells and non-A/non-B intercalated cells did not show band 3 labeling. Electron microscopy of the CNT, CCD and OMCD confirmed the light microscopic observation of the basolateral plasma membrane staining for band 3 in a subpopulation of interacted cells. Basolateral staining was seen on the plasma membrane and small coated vesicles in the perinuclear structure, some of which were located in the Golgi region. In addition, there was no labeling of band 3 in the mitochondria of the CNT, CCD and in OMCD cells. The intensity of the immunostaining of the basolateral membrane was less in the CNT than in the CCD and OMCD. In contrast, band 3 immunoreactivity was greater in the intracellular vesicles of the CNT. From these results, we suggest that the basolateral Cl-/HCO3- exchanger in the monkey kidney is in a more active state in the collecting duct than in the CNT

    Recent trends in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C

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    Pegylated interferon and ribavirin combination therapy is accepted as the standard antiviral treatment for chronic hepatitis C regardless of HCV genotype. This combination therapy achieves higher response rates than previous therapy, but, nevertheless, a large proportion of patients suffer from treatment failure or adverse events. Recent clinical studies of viral kinetics during antiviral treatment have led to the introduction of response-guided therapy, the concept of 'customized therapy depending on viral response', which focuses on modulation of the treatment period depending on the viral response to create a sustained viral response without unnecessary medication and costs. New upcoming direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) maximize response rate, and triple therapy including DAAs along with pegylated interferon and ribavirin combination therapy could soon be the standard therapy. In this article, we reviewed the factors affecting treatment, response guided treatment, retreatment after failure of standard treatment, management of adverse events during treatment, and new treatment options