252 research outputs found

    Spherical and tubule nanocarriers for sustained drug release

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    © 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd. We discuss new trends in Layer-by-Layer (LbL) encapsulation of spherical and tubular cores of 50-150 nm diameter and loaded with drugs. This core size decrease (from few micrometers to a hundred of nanometers) for LbL encapsulation required development of sonication assistant non-washing technique and shell PEGylation to reach high colloidal stability of drug nanocarriers at 2-3 mg/mL concentration in isotonic buffers and serum. For 120-170 nm spherical LbL nanocapsules of low soluble anticancer drugs, polyelectrolyte shell thickness controls drug dissolution. As for nanotube carriers, we concentrated on natural halloysite clay nanotubes as cores for LbL encapsulation that allows high drug loading and sustains its release over tens and hundreds hours. Further drug release prolongation was reached with formation of the tube-end stoppers

    Estimation of the possibility of using autochton species for landscaping urbanized spaces in the territory of Belarus

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    Objective of the research. Based on the analysis of the composition of highly decorative representatives of the flora of Belarus, growing in places with a high level of anthropogenic impact, to assess the possibility of using autochthonous species for planting greenery in urban areas. Materials and methods. Standard methods of analytical chemistry. Results. The article presents the main results of ecological and botanical research on changes in phytocenotic parameters and aesthetics of the vegetation cover during the growing season. Highly decorative plants were found most of all among eutrophic eumezophytes (Leucanthemum vulgare Lam., Primula veris L., Agrimonia eupatoria L., etc.) and xeromesophytes (Centaurea jacea L., Origanum vulgare L., etc.). Most sites show the presence of species such as Achillea millefolium L., Centaurea jacea L., Knautia arvensis (L.) Coult., Plantago lanceolata L., Daucus carota L., Potentilla erecta (L.) Raeusch., Trifolium pratense L., Viscaria vulgaris Bernh., Echium vulgare L., Dianthus deltoides L., Leucanthemum vulgare Lam., Cota tinctoria (L.) J. Gay., Betonica officinalis L., Origanum vulgare L. were found in areas with less intense anthropogenic load. Conclusion. The composition of soils, pollution and highly ornamental species of the autochthonous flora of Belarus in areas with increased anthropogenic significance were analyzed.Цель работы. На основе анализа состава высокодекоративных представителей флоры Беларуси, произрастающих в местах с высоким уровнем антропогенного воздействия, дать оценку возможности использования автохтонных видов для озеленения урбанизированных пространств. Материалы и методы. Стандартные методы аналитической химии. Результаты. В статье представлены основные результаты проведенных эколого-ботанических исследований по изменению фитоценотических показателей и эстетичности растительного покрова на протяжении вегетационного периода. Высокодекоративных растений выявлено больше всего среди эвтрофных эумезофитов (Leucanthemum vulgare Lam., Primula veris L., Agrimonia eupatoria L. и др.) и ксеромезофитов (Centaurea jacea L., Origanum vulgare L. и др.). На большинстве участков показано присутствие таких видов, как Achillea millefolium L., Centaurea jacea L., Knautia arvensis (L.) Coult., Plantago lanceolata L., Daucus carota L., Potentilla erecta (L.) Raeusch., Trifolium pratense L., менее распространены Viscaria vulgaris Bernh., Echium vulgare L., Dianthus deltoides L., Leucanthemum vulgare Lam., Cota tinctoria (L.) J.Gay., Betonica officinalis L., Origanum vulgare L. встречались на участках с менее интенсивной антропогенной нагрузкой. Заключение. Проанализирован состав почв, загрязнение и высокодекоративные виды автохтонной флоры Беларуси на участках с повышенным антропогенным значением

    Laccaria bicolor pectin methylesterases are involved in ectomycorrhiza development with Populus tremula x Populus tremuloides

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    The development of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) symbioses between soil fungi and tree roots requires modification of root cell walls. The pectin-mediated adhesion between adjacent root cells loosens to accommodate fungal hyphae in the Hartig net, facilitating nutrient exchange between partners. We investigated the role of fungal pectin modifying enzymes in Laccaria bicolor for ECM formation with Populus tremula x Populus tremuloides. We combine transcriptomics of cell-wall-related enzymes in both partners during ECM formation, immunolocalisation of pectin (Homogalacturonan, HG) epitopes in different methylesterification states, pectin methylesterase (PME) activity assays and functional analyses of transgenic L. bicolor to uncover pectin modification mechanisms and the requirement of fungal pectin methylesterases (LbPMEs) for ECM formation. Immunolocalisation identified remodelling of pectin towards de-esterified HG during ECM formation, which was accompanied by increased LbPME1 expression and PME activity. Overexpression or RNAi of the ECM-induced LbPME1 in transgenic L. bicolor lines led to reduced ECM formation. Hartig Nets formed with LbPME1 RNAi lines were shallower, whereas those formed with LbPME1 overexpressors were deeper. This suggests that LbPME1 plays a role in ECM formation potentially through HG de-esterification, which initiates loosening of adjacent root cells to facilitate Hartig net formation

    Влияние стабилизирующих добавок на свойства коллоидных частиц альгината кальция

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    In the process of 210-240 nm calcium alginate nanoparticles (AlgNP) non-emulsion synthesis from solutions with the 50-250-fold weight excess of stabilizers, polyethelyneglycol (PEG 1500) and Tween 80, as compared to polysaccharide, their molecules are incorporated in the forming gel in minimal concenrations (less than 64 ± 14 and 19 ± 9 mg/g on dry weight basis, accordingly). Their presence in solution decreases AlgNP size and stabilizes colloids. PEG 1500 macromolecules embedded into AlgNP slightly decrease gel polarity, while in AlgNP obtained with Tween 80, the local pockets formed by surfactant hydrophobic tails have been found.В процессе неэмульсионного синтеза частиц альгината кальция (АлгНЧ) диаметром 210-240 нм из растворов с 50-250-кратным избытком стабилизаторов, полиэтиленгликоля (ПЭГ 1500) и Твин 80, по отношению к массе полисахарида их молекулы включаются в гель в минимальных концентрациях (не более 64 ± 14 и 19 ± 9 мг/г в пересчете на сухую массу соответственно). Однако их присутствие в растворе уменьшает размер АлгНЧ и стабилизирует образующийся коллоид. Включенные в АлгНЧ макромолекулы ПЭГ 1500 незначительно уменьшают полярность геля, а в АлгНЧ, полученных с Твин 80, присутствуют локальные области, сформированные гидрофобными хвостами сурфактанта


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    Nanocapsules consisted of magnetic core and polyelectrolyte shell on the basis of chitosan or its polyethylene glycol (PEG) grafted copolymers (CH) and polystyrene sulfonate (PSS) were obtained by layer-by-layer assembly. The influence of the number of CH/PSS bilayers in a shell, polymerization degree of CH, and the presence of grafted PEG chains on aggregative and sedimentation stability of the obtained nanocapsules in different media (water, 0.9 % NaCl solution, fetal bovine serum (FBS)) was discussed. It was shown that the diameter of PSS-terminated (CH/PSS)n nanocapsules in FBS does not change at 37 °С for 6–8 h. Adsorption of bovine serum albumin on the surface of the layer-by-layer nanocapsules stabilizes them in isotonic 0.9 % solution of NaCl and FBS. Co-introduction of copolymer and albumin in the shells improves generally the aggregative stability of nanocapsules in water and allows one to obtain stable nanocapsules with magnetic core for fewer adsorption cycles.Нанокапсулы, состоящие из магнитного ядра и мультислойной полиэлектролитной оболочки на основе хитозана и его сополимеров с полиэтиленгликолем (ХН) и полистиролсульфоната (ПСС), получены методом послойной сборки. Изучено влияние числа бислоев ХН/ПСС в оболочке, степени полимеризации хитозана и наличия боковых цепей полиэтиленгликоля на агрегативно-седиментационную устойчивость нанокапсул в различных средах (воде, 0,9 %-ном растворе NaCl, эмбриональной телячьей сыворотке (ЭТС)). Показано, что диаметр нанокапсул (ХН/ПСС)n со слоем ПСС на поверхности в ЭТС не изменяется при 37 °С в течение 6–8 ч. Адсорбция альбумина на поверхности нанокапсул позволяет стабилизировать их в изотоническом 0,9 %-ном растворе NaCl и ЭТС. Совместное использование сополимера и альбумина в составе оболочек в целом улучшает агрегативно-седиментационную устойчивость нанокапсул в воде и позволяет получить устойчивые нанокапсулы с магнитным ядром за меньшее число циклов адсорбции


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    A high antimicrobial activity of сarvaсrol, citral, and linalool is confirmed. The features of the antibacterial activity of pinene and limonene enantiomers are determined. A high antimicrobial activity of the essential oils of Satureja montana and Monarda fistulosa regarding test-cultures, which allows one to consider essential oils of these plants as effective antimicrobial agents, is shown.Установлена высокая антимикробная активность карвакрола, цитраля и линалоола. Определены особенности антибактериальной активности энантиомеров пинена и лимонена. Показана высокая антимикробная активность эфирных масел чабера горного и монарды дудчатой в отношении тест-культур, что позволяет рассматривать эфирные масла этих растений в качестве эффективных антимикробных агентов


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    The essential oils of Thuja species introduced in Central botanical gfrden of NAS of Belarus have been analysed by GC-technique. A β-cyclodextrin capillary column has been used for the separation of enantiomers. The dominant monoterpene enantiomers of essential oils of Thuja are R-(+)-forms of α-pinene, camphene, limonene. Sabinene and β-pinene are presented only in R-(+)-isomers.Методом газожидкостной хроматографии проанализированы эфирные масла некоторых видов туи из коллекции Центрального ботанического сада НАН Беларуси. Для разделения энантиомеров монотерпеновых соединений использовали капиллярную колонку с неподвижной фазой на основе β-циклодекстрина. Для исследованных образцов характерно преобладание правовращающих форм α-пинена, камфена и лимонена. Сабинен и β-пинен представлены только 1R-(+)-изомерами


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    Using NMR analysis, the composition of the aqueous extracts of pot marigold inflorescence of cultivars “Geisha”, “Mahrovy 2000”, “Dragon”, “Prince of India” were investigated. Inflorescences of pot marigold were used for the analysis. Plants were grown in the experimental area of the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology of Plants of Central Botanical Garden of the NAS of Belarus. Inflorescence of “Mahrovy 2000” was collected in July 2013–2016, other varieties – in 2016. The raw materials were air dried and kept in the dark, then crushed in an agate mortar or in a coffee grinder. The extraction was performed with distilled and deuterated water (D2O) at a ratio of plant raw material : extractant = 1 : 15. As a result, the qualitative and quantitative composition of aqueous extracts of cultivars was determined. In the investigated samples 11 aminoacids: alanine, γ-aminobutyric acid, asparagine, valine, glutamine, isoleucine, leucine, proline, tyrosine, threonine and phenylalanine were determined, asparagine and proline prevailed. Monosaccharides, such as 2 isoforms of glucose and 3 isoforms of fructose, were determined as well. Analysis of the spectra on 31Р showed that phosphate is present in significant amounts in the aqueous extract of pot marigold flowers. “Geisha”, “Mahrovy 2000” and “Prince of India” varieties were shown to have similar qualitative and quantitative composition of carbohydrates and sugars. Spectrum of extracts of the variety “Dragon” was different from the others with the asparagine predomination in the pool of amino acids, and the content of β-fructopyranose lower in comparison with other varieties.  Методом ЯМР исследован состав водных экстрактов соцветий календулы лекарственной сортов «Гейша», «Махровый 2000», «Дракон», «Принц Индии». Для анализа использовали соцветия календулы. Растения выращивали на экспериментальном участке отдела биохимии и биотехнологии растений Центрального ботанического сада НАН Беларуси. Соцветия сорта «Махровый 2000» собирали в июле 2013–2016 гг., остальных сортов – в 2016 г. Сырье высушивали до воздушно-сухого состояния и хранили в темноте, а затем измельчали в агатовой ступке либо в кофемолке. Экстракцию осуществляли дистиллированной и дейтерированной водой (D2O) в соотношении расти-тельное сырье : экстрагент = 1:15. В результате установлены качественный и количественный составы водных экстрактов изучаемых сортов. В исследованных образцах обнаружено 11 аминокислот: аланин, γ-аминомасляная кислота, аспарагин, валин, глутамин, изолейцин, лейцин, пролин, тирозин, треонин и фенилаланин, среди которых преоблада-ли аспарагин и пролин. Кроме того, определены моносахариды: 2 изоформы глюкозы и 3 изоформы фруктозы. Анализ спектров на ядрах 31Р показал, что в водном экстракте цветков календулы в заметных количествах присутствуют и фосфаты. Показано, что сорта календулы «Гейша», «Махровый 2000», «Принц Индии» имели сходный качественный и количественный составы углеводов и сахаров. Спектрально отличались экстракты сорта «Дракон», в пуле аминокислот преобладал аспарагин, а содержание β-фруктопиранозы было понижено по сравнению с другими сортами. 

    Highly Scalable, Closed-Loop Synthesis of Drug-Loaded, Layer-by-Layer Nanoparticles

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    Layer-by-layer (LbL) self-assembly is a versatile technique from which multi­component and stimuli-responsive nanoscale drug-carriers can be constructed. Despite the benefits of LbL assembly, the conventional synthetic approach for fabricating LbL nanoparticles requires numerous purification steps that limit scale, yield, efficiency, and potential for clinical translation. In this report, a generalizable method for increasing throughput with LbL assembly is described by using highly scalable, closed-loop diafiltration to manage intermediate purification steps. This method facilitates highly controlled fabrication of diverse nanoscale LbL formulations smaller than 150 nm composed from solid-polymer, mesoporous silica, and liposomal vesicles. The technique allows for the deposition of a broad range of polyelectrolytes that included native polysaccharides, linear polypeptides, and synthetic polymers. The cytotoxicity, shelf life, and long-term storage of LbL nanoparticles produced using this approach are explored. It is found that LbL coated systems can be reliably and rapidly produced: specifically, LbL-modified liposomes could be lyophilized, stored at room temperature, and reconstituted without compromising drug encapsulation or particle stability, thereby facilitating large scale applications. Overall, this report describes an accessible approach that significantly improves the throughput of nanoscale LbL drug-carriers that show low toxicity and are amenable to clinically relevant storage conditions.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant 1F32EB017614–02)Swiss National Science Foundation (Postdoctoral Fellowship

    Electrochemistry of nanozeolite-immobilized cytochrome c in aqueous and nonaqueous solutions

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    peer-reviewedThe electrochemical properties of cytochrome c (cyt c) immobilized on multilayer nanozeolite-modified electrodes have been examined in aqueous and nonaqueous solutions. Layers of Linde type-L zeolites were assembled on indium tin oxide (ITO) glass electrodes followed by the adsorption of cyt c, primarily via electrostatic interactions, onto modified ITO electrodes. The heme protein displayed a quasi-reversible response in aqueous solution with a redox potential of +324 mV (vs NHE), and the surface coverage (Gamma*) increased linearly for the first four layers and then gave a nearly constant value of 200 pmol cm(-2). On immersion of the modified electrodes in 95% (v/v) nonaqueous solutions, the redox potential decreased significantly, a decrease that originated from changes in both the enthalpy and entropy of reduction. On reimmersion of the modified electrode in buffer, the faradic response immediately returned to its original value. These results demonstrate that nanozeolites are potential stable supports for redox proteins and enzymes.ACCEPTEDpeer-reviewe