945 research outputs found

    Improved solid-state triode construction

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    Triode is constructed from rectangular filament made of near-intrinsic n-type silicon. Collector and emitter are formed on opposite faces of filament and are spaced approximately 0.13 mm apart. Gate electrodes are alloyed to filament and extend longitudinally along midsection of other two opposite sides, approximately 0.06 mm apart

    Synchronized voltage contrast display analysis system

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    An apparatus and method for comparing internal voltage potentials of first and second operating electronic components such as large scale integrated circuits (LSI's) in which voltage differentials are visually identified via an appropriate display means are described. More particularly, in a first embodiment of the invention a first and second scanning electron microscope (SEM) are configured to scan a first and second operating electronic component respectively. The scan pattern of the second SEM is synchronized to that of the first SEM so that both simultaneously scan corresponding portions of the two operating electronic components. Video signals from each SEM corresponding to secondary electron signals generated as a result of a primary electron beam intersecting each operating electronic component in accordance with a predetermined scan pattern are provided to a video mixer and color encoder

    Photocurrent images of amorphous-silicon solar-cell modules

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    Results obtained in applying the unique characteristics of the solar cell laser scanner to investigate the defects and quality of amorphous silicon cells are presented. It is concluded that solar cell laser scanners can be effectively used to nondestructively test not only active defects but also the cell quality and integrity of electrical contacts

    Теоpетичні аспекти інформаційних війн та національна безпека

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    A wide and comprehensive analysis of methods of conducting information war to create an effective mechanism of counteraction has extremely important significance. Information warfare ­ acts committed to achieve information superiority in support of national military strategy due to the impact of information and information systems enemy while ensuring the security of its own information and information systems. Today the term «information war» is used in two areas: in the broadest sense ­ to determine confrontation in the information sphere in the media to achieve various political goals; in a narrow sense ­ to determine the military confrontation, military information sector to achieve unilateral advantages in obtaining, collecting, processing and using information on the battlefield. Actions connected with maintenance of information security should include: observation, analysis, evaluation and prognosis of threats and hazards;  working out strategy and tactics, planning attack prevention, strengthening of potential relationships, gain resources information security;  selection of forces and means opposition, neutralization, prevent attacks and minimize damage from the attack; actions of ensuring information security;  managing the consequences of the incident (cyber attacks, information operations, information warfare). Organization of effective ensuring information security system provides centralized control of specific functions that provide monitoring and control of all components of the national information space.Широкий та всебічний аналіз методів проведення інформаційної війни для формування дієвого механізму протидії має надзвичайно актуальне значення. Інформаційна війна – дії, що вчиняються для досягнення інформаційної переваги у підтримці національної воєнної стратегії через вплив на інформацію та інформаційні системи противника при одночасному гарантування безпеки власної інформації і інформаційних систем. На сьогодні термін «інформаційна війна» використовується в двох площинах: у широкому розумінні – для визначення протиборства в інформаційній сфері в засобах масової інформації для досягнення різних політичних цілей; у вузькому розумінні – для визначення воєнного протиборства, у військовій інформаційній сфері для досягнення односторонніх переваг в отриманні, зборі, обробці та використанні інформації на полі бою. Дії, пов’язані із забезпеченням інформаційної безпеки, мають включати:  спостереження, аналіз, оцінку і прогноз загроз та небезпек; відпрацювання стратегії і тактики, планування попередження нападу, зміцнення потенційних зв’язків, підсилення ресурсів забезпечення інформаційної безпеки;  відбір сил і засобів протидії, нейтралізації, недопущення нападу, мінімізації шкоди від нападу; дії із забезпечення інформаційної безпеки; управління наслідками інциденту (кібератаки, інформаційні операції, інформаційні війни). Організація ефективної системи забезпечення інформаційної безпеки передбачає централізоване управління із конкретними функціями, які забезпечують моніторинг і контроль за всіма компонентами національного інформаційного простору.Широкий та всебічний аналіз методів проведення інформаційної війни для формування дієвого механізму протидії має надзвичайно актуальне значення. Інформаційна війна – дії, що вчиняються для досягнення інформаційної переваги у підтримці національної воєнної стратегії через вплив на інформацію та інформаційні системи противника при одночасному гарантування безпеки власної інформації і інформаційних систем. На сьогодні термін «інформаційна війна» використовується в двох площинах: у широкому розумінні – для визначення протиборства в інформаційній сфері в засобах масової інформації для досягнення різних політичних цілей; у вузькому розумінні – для визначення воєнного протиборства, у військовій інформаційній сфері для досягнення односторонніх переваг в отриманні, зборі, обробці та використанні інформації на полі бою. Дії, пов’язані із забезпеченням інформаційної безпеки, мають включати:  спостереження, аналіз, оцінку і прогноз загроз та небезпек; відпрацювання стратегії і тактики, планування попередження нападу, зміцнення потенційних зв’язків, підсилення ресурсів забезпечення інформаційної безпеки;  відбір сил і засобів протидії, нейтралізації, недопущення нападу, мінімізації шкоди від нападу; дії із забезпечення інформаційної безпеки; управління наслідками інциденту (кібератаки, інформаційні операції, інформаційні війни). Організація ефективної системи забезпечення інформаційної безпеки передбачає централізоване управління із конкретними функціями, які забезпечують моніторинг і контроль за всіма компонентами національного інформаційного простору

    Microcondylaea bonellii as a new host for the European bitterling Rhodeus amarus

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    We report for the first time that the freshwater mussel Microcondylaea bonellii (Ferussac, 1827) functions as a suitable host for the European bitterling Rhodeus amarus (Bloch, 1782). Given the recent expansion of R. amarus in Europe, the possible physiological cost (e.g. competition for oxygen, reduction in water circulation, and consequent impairment of filter-feeding) of this interaction may further affect the already poor conservation status of M. bonellii populations.We acknowledge the two anonymous referees for the helpful suggestions that improve the clarity of our manuscript. This research was funded by FCT under project ConBiomics No NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-030286, cofinanced by COMPETE 2020, Portugal 2020 and the European Union through the ERDF

    The role of anthropogenic habitats in freshwater mussel conservation

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    Anthropogenic freshwater habitats may provide undervalued prospects for long-term conservation as part of species conservation planning. This fundamental, but overlooked, issue requires attention considering the pace that humans have been altering natural freshwater ecosystems and the accelerated levels of biodiversity decline in recent decades. We compiled 709 records of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia, Unionida) inhabiting a broad variety of anthropogenic habitat types (from small ponds to large reservoirs and canals) and reviewed their importance as refuges for this faunal group. Most records came from Europe and North America, with a clear dominance of canals and reservoirs. The dataset covered 228 species, including 34 threatened species on the IUCN Red List. We discuss the conservation importance and provide guidance on how these anthropogenic habitats could be managed to provide optimal conservation value to freshwater mussels. This review also shows that some of these habitats may function as ecological traps owing to conflicting management practices or because they act as a sink for some populations. Therefore, anthropogenic habitats should not be seen as a panacea to resolve conservation problems. More information is necessary to better understand the trade-offs between human use and the conservation of freshwater mussels (and other biota) within anthropogenic habitats, given the low number of quantitative studies and the strong biogeographic knowledge bias that persists.This publication is based upon work from COST Action CA18239, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). A.M.L. was financed by the Institute of Environmental Sciences Jagiellonian University (N18/DBS/000003) and K.N. by the Aragón Government. The authors acknowledge Jarosław Andrzejewski, Bartosz Czader, Anna Fica, Marcin Horbacz, Tomasz Jonderko, Steinar Kålås, Tomasz Kapela, Bjørn Mejdell Larsen, Maciej Pabijan, Katarzyna Pawlik, Ilona Popławska, Joanna Przybylska, Tomasz Przybył, Mateusz Rybak, Kjell Sandaas, Jarosław Słowikowski, Tomasz Szczasny, Michał Zawadzki and Paweł Zowada for providing detailed information on specific examples concerning freshwater mussels in anthropogenic habitats. We thank the editor and two anonymous referees for the valuable suggestions made, which increased the clarity of our manuscript.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Machine Learning based tool for CMS RPC currents quality monitoring

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    The muon system of the CERN Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment includes more than a thousand Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC). They are gaseous detectors operated in the hostile environment of the CMS underground cavern on the Large Hadron Collider where pp luminosities of up to 2×10342\times 10^{34} cm2s1\text{cm}^{-2}\text{s}^{-1} are routinely achieved. The CMS RPC system performance is constantly monitored and the detector is regularly maintained to ensure stable operation. The main monitorable characteristics are dark current, efficiency for muon detection, noise rate etc. Herein we describe an automated tool for CMS RPC current monitoring which uses Machine Learning techniques. We further elaborate on the dedicated generalized linear model proposed already and add autoencoder models for self-consistent predictions as well as hybrid models to allow for RPC current predictions in a distant future

    Integrative phylogenetic, phylogeographic and morphological characterisation of the Unio crassus species complex reveals cryptic diversity with important conservation implications

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    The global decline of freshwater mussels and their crucial ecological services highlight the need to understand their phylogeny, phylogeography and patterns of genetic diversity to guide conservation efforts. Such knowledge is urgently needed for Unio crassus, a highly imperilled species originally widespread throughout Europe and southwest Asia. Recent studies have resurrected several species from synonymy based on mitochondrial data, revealing U. crassus to be a complex of cryptic species. To address long-standing taxonomic uncertainties hindering effective conservation, we integrate morphometric, phylogenetic, and phylogeographic analyses to examine species diversity within the U. crassus complex across its entire range. Phylogenetic analyses were performed using cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (815 specimens from 182 populations) and, for selected specimens, whole mitogenome sequences and Anchored Hybrid Enrichment (AHE) data on ∼ 600 nuclear loci. Mito-nuclear discordance was detected, consistent with mitochondrial DNA gene flow between some species during the Pliocene and Pleistocene. Fossil-calibrated phylogenies based on AHE data support a Mediterranean origin for the U. crassus complex in the Early Miocene. The results of our integrative approach support 12 species in the group: the previously recognised Unio bruguierianus, Unio carneus, Unio crassus, Unio damascensis, Unio ionicus, Unio sesirmensis, and Unio tumidiformis, and the reinstatement of five nominal taxa: Unio desectus stat. rev., Unio gontierii stat. rev., Unio mardinensis stat. rev., Unio nanus stat. rev., and Unio vicarius stat. rev. Morphometric analyses of shell contours reveal important morphospace overlaps among these species, highlighting cryptic, but geographically structured, diversity. The distribution, taxonomy, phylogeography, and conservation of each species are succinctly described.We thank Ana-Maria Benedek, Monica Sîrbu and Jouni Leinikki for their assistance with the fieldwork, and to Jeroen Goud, Sankurie Pye, Fiona Ware, Emily Mitchell, and Aleksandra Skawina for their assistance with the taxonomic investigation. We would also like to thank the editor, Dr. Guillermo Ortí, and two anonymous reviewers for their time and effort in reviewing our manuscript and for their insightful comments and valuable improvements to our work. This publication is based upon work from COST Action CA18239: CONFREMU - Conservation of freshwater mussels: a pan-European approach, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), including STSMs, the interaction of the authors and the writing of the paper. This work was supported by the project ConBiomics: The Missing Approach for the Conservation of Freshwater Bivalves Project No. POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030286, co-financed by FEDER through POCI and by FCT - Fundaç˜ao para a Ciˆencia e a Tecnologia, through national funds. Strategic funding UIDB/04423/2020 and UIDP/04423/2020 was provided by FCT. FCT also supported DVG (2020.03848.CEECIND), EF (CEECINST/00027/ 2021/CP2789/CT0003) and MLL (2020.03608.CEECIND). INB, AVK and IVV were supported by the Russian Science Foundation under grants (19-14-00066-P), (21-17-00126) and (21-74-10130) respectively. BVB acknowledges the bioinformatics platform of UMR 8198 for the computing resources to perform time-calibrated phylogenetic analyses; this platform is in part funded by CPER research project CLIMIBIO through the French Minist`ere de l’Enseignement Sup´erieur et de la Recherche, the Agence Nationale de la Recherche, the European Fund for Regional Development (FEDER) and the region Hauts-de-France (HdF). Support to KD came from the Czech Science Foundation (19–05510S). TT and MT were supported by the National Science Fund of Bulgaria under the project ‘Conservation of freshwater mussels on the Balkan Peninsula’ (KP-06-COST-9/20.07.2022). Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the United States Government.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Measurement of the Higgs boson inclusive and differential fiducial production cross sections in the diphoton decay channel with pp collisions at s \sqrt{s} = 13 TeV

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    The measurements of the inclusive and differential fiducial cross sections of the Higgs boson decaying to a pair of photons are presented. The analysis is performed using proton-proton collisions data recorded with the CMS detector at the LHC at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 137 fb1^{−1}. The inclusive fiducial cross section is measured to be σfidσ_{fid}=73.45.3+5.4^{+5.4}_{−5.3}(stat)2.2+2.4^{+2.4}_{−2.2}(syst) fb, in agreement with the standard model expectation of 75.4 ± 4.1 fb. The measurements are also performed in fiducial regions targeting different production modes and as function of several observables describing the diphoton system, the number of additional jets present in the event, and other kinematic observables. Two double differential measurements are performed. No significant deviations from the standard model expectations are observed

    Search for a vector-like quark T′ → tH via the diphoton decay mode of the Higgs boson in proton-proton collisions at s \sqrt{s} = 13 TeV

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    A search for the electroweak production of a vector-like quark T′, decaying to a top quark and a Higgs boson is presented. The search is based on a sample of proton-proton collision events recorded at the LHC at = 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb−1. This is the first T′ search that exploits the Higgs boson decay to a pair of photons. For narrow isospin singlet T′ states with masses up to 1.1 TeV, the excellent diphoton invariant mass resolution of 1–2% results in an increased sensitivity compared to previous searches based on the same production mechanism. The electroweak production of a T′ quark with mass up to 960 GeV is excluded at 95% confidence level, assuming a coupling strength κT = 0.25 and a relative decay width Γ/MT′ < 5%