56 research outputs found

    Upper-ocean Ekman current dynamics: a new perspective

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    The work examines upper-ocean response to time-varying winds within the Ekman paradigm. Here, in contrast to the earlier works we assume the eddy viscosity to be both time and depth dependent. For self-similar depth and time dependence of eddy viscosity and arbitrary time dependence of wind we find an exact general solution to the Navier–Stokes equations which describes the dynamics of the Ekman boundary layer in terms of the Green’s function. Two basic scenarios (a periodic wind and an increase of wind ending up with a plateau) are examined in detail. We show that accounting for the time dependence of eddy viscosity is straightforward and that it substantially changes the ocean response, compared to the predictions of the models with constant-in-time viscosity. We also examine the Stokes–Ekman equations taking into account the Stokes drift created by surface waves with an arbitrary spectrum and derive the general solution for the case of a linearly varying with depth eddy viscosity. Stability of transient Ekman currents to small-scale perturbations has never been examined. We find that the Ekman currents evolving from rest quickly become unstable, which breaks down the assumed horizontal uniformity. These instabilities proved to be sensitive to the model of eddy viscosity, they have small ( ) spatial scales and can be very fast compared to the inertial period, which suggests spikes of dramatically enhanced mixing localized in the vicinity of the water surface. This picture is incompatible with the Ekman paradigm and thus prompts radical revision of the Ekman-type models

    Coupling of acoustic and intrinsic modes in 1-D combustor models

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    The work is concerned with the theoretical examination of a new type of thermo-acoustic instability in combustors not reported in the literature. The instability results from linear coupling between the conventional acoustic mode and the recently discovered “flame intrinsic modes.” Within the framework of a 1D model of a quarter wave resonator with the standard n−τ model of flame heat release, intrinsic-acoustic mode coupling occurs when the real parts of the frequencies of neighboring acoustic and flame-intrinsic modes at small interaction index n are close. While at small n the Eigen-functions of close acoustic and flame intrinsic modes clearly exhibit their distinctive identities, with increase of n the mode identities become blurred and the Eigen-functions of acoustic modes resemble more and more those of flame intrinsic modes and at a certain n become indistinguishable. We refer them as coupled intrinsic-acoustic modes or coupled modes. When the “Rayleigh index” for a coupled mode behaving as an acoustic mode at small n is negative, at a larger n such a mode can nevertheless become unstable at one of the nearby intrinsic mode frequencies. We find analytically the instability domain due to coupling in the parameter space. Near the instability boundary, we reduce the transcendental dispersion relation to a quadratic or, if higher accuracy is desired, to a quartic equation. These models capture well all four possible coupling scenarios

    Extreme dynamics of wave groups on jet currents

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    Rogue waves are known to be much more common on jet currents. A possible explanation was put forward in Shrira and Slunyaev [“Nonlinear dynamics of trapped waves on jet currents and rogue waves,” Phys. Rev. E 89, 041002(R) (2014)] for the waves trapped on current robust long-lived envelope solitary waves localized in both horizontal directions become possible, such wave patterns cannot exist in the absence of the current. In this work, we investigate interactions between envelope solitons of essentially nonlinear trapped waves by means of the direct numerical simulation of the Euler equations. The solitary waves remain localized in both horizontal directions for hundreds of wave periods. We also demonstrate a high efficiency of the developed analytic nonlinear mode theory for description of the long-lived solitary patterns up to remarkably steep waves. We show robustness of the solitons in the course of interactions and the possibility of extreme wave generation as a result of solitons' collisions. Their collisions are shown to be nearly elastic. These robust solitary waves obtained from the Euler equations without weak nonlinearity assumptions are viewed as a plausible model of rogue waves on jet currents

    Sporadic wind wave horse-shoe patterns

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    International audienceThe work considers three-dimensional crescent-shaped patterns often seen on water surface in natural basins and observed in wave tank experiments. The most common of these 'horse-shoe-like' patterns appear to be sporadic, i.e., emerging and disappearing spontaneously even under steady wind conditions. The paper suggests a qualitative model of these structures aimed at explaining their sporadic nature, physical mechanisms of their selection and their specific asymmetric form. First, the phenomenon of sporadic horse-shoe patterns is studied numerically using the novel algorithm of water waves simulation recently developed by the authors (Annenkov and Shrira, 1999). The simulations show that a steep gravity wave embedded into widespectrum primordial noise and subjected to small nonconservative effects typically follows the simple evolution scenario: most of the time the system can be considered as consisting of a basic wave and a single pair of oblique satellites, although the choice of this pair tends to be different at different instants. Despite the effective low-dimensionality of the multimodal system dynamics at relatively sho ' rt time spans, the role of small satellites is important: in particular, they enlarge the maxima of the developed satellites. The presence of Benjamin-Feir satellites appears to be of no qualitative importance at the timescales under consideration. The selection mechanism has been linked to the quartic resonant interactions among the oblique satellites lying in the domain of five-wave (McLean's class II) instability of the basic wave: the satellites tend to push each other out of the resonance zone due to the frequency shifts caused by the quartic interactions. Since the instability domain is narrow (of order of cube of the basic wave steepness), eventually in a generic situation only a single pair survives and attains considerable amplitude. The specific front asymmetry is found to result from the interplay of quartic and quintet interactions and non-conservative effects: the growing and grown satellites have a specific value of phase with respect to the basic wave that corresponds to downwind orientation of the convex sides of wave fronts. As soon as the phase relation is violated, the satellite's amplitude quickly decreases down to the noise level

    Localized wave structures: Solitons and beyond

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    The review is concerned with solitary waves and other localized structures in the systems described by a variety of generalizations of the Korteweg–de Vries (KdV) equation. Among the topics we focus upon are “radiating solitons,” the generic structures made of soliton-like pulses, and oscillating tails. We also review the properties of solitary waves in the generalized KdV equations with the modular and “sublinear” nonlinearities. Such equations have an interesting class of solutions, called compactons, solitary waves defined on a finite spatial interval. Both the properties of single solitons and the interactions between them are discussed. We show that even minor non-elastic effects in the soliton–soliton collisions can accumulate and result in a qualitatively different asymptotic behavior. A statistical description of soliton ensembles (“soliton gas”), which emerges as a major theme, has been discussed for several models. We briefly outline the recent progress in studies of ring solitons and lumps within the framework of the cylindrical KdV equation and its two-dimensional extension. Ring solitons and lumps (2D solitons) are of particular interest since they have many features in common with classical solitons and yet are qualitatively different. Particular attention is paid to interactions between the objects of different geometries, such as the interaction of ring solitons and shear flows, ring solitons and lumps, and lumps and line solitons. We conclude our review with views of the future developments of the selected lines of studies of localized wave structures in the theory of weakly nonlinear, weakly dispersive waves

    Beyond the KdV: post-explosion development

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    Several threads of the last 25 years’ developments in nonlinear wave theory that stem from the classical Korteweg–de Vries (KdV) equation are surveyed. The focus is on various generalizations of the KdV equation which include higher-order nonlinearity, large-scale dispersion, and a nonlocal integral dispersion. We also discuss how relatively simple models can capture strongly nonlinear dynamics and how various modifications of the KdV equation lead to qualitatively new, non-trivial solutions and regimes of evolution observable in the laboratory and in nature. As the main physical example, we choose internal gravity waves in the ocean for which all these models are applicable and have genuine importance. We also briefly outline the authors’ view of the future development of the chosen lines of nonlinear wave theory

    The laminar-turbulent transition in a fibre laser

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    Studying the transition from a linearly stable coherent laminar state to a highly disordered state of turbulence is conceptually and technically challenging, and of great interest because all pipe and channel flows are of that type. In optics, understanding how a system loses coherence, as spatial size or the strength of excitation increases, is a fundamental problem of practical importance. Here, we report our studies of a fibre laser that operates in both laminar and turbulent regimes. We show that the laminar phase is analogous to a one-dimensional coherent condensate and the onset of turbulence is due to the loss of spatial coherence. Our investigations suggest that the laminar-turbulent transition in the laser is due to condensate destruction by clustering dark and grey solitons. This finding could prove valuable for the design of coherent optical devices as well as systems operating far from thermodynamic equilibrium

    Surface gravity waves in deep fluid at vertical shear flows

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    Special features of surface gravity waves in deep fluid flow with constant vertical shear of velocity is studied. It is found that the mean flow velocity shear leads to non-trivial modification of surface gravity wave modes dispersive characteristics. Moreover, the shear induces generation of surface gravity waves by internal vortex mode perturbations. The performed analytical and numerical study provides, that surface gravity waves are effectively generated by the internal perturbations at high shear rates. The generation is different for the waves propagating in the different directions. Generation of surface gravity waves propagating along the main flow considerably exceeds the generation of surface gravity waves in the opposite direction for relatively small shear rates, whereas the later wave is generated more effectively for the high shear rates. From the mathematical point of view the wave generation is caused by non self-adjointness of the linear operators that describe the shear flow.Comment: JETP, accepte
