12 research outputs found

    A Bibliometric Analysis of Online Extremism Detection

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    The Internet has become an essential part of modern communication. People are sharing ideas, thoughts, and beliefs easily, using social media. This sharing of ideas has raised a big problem like the spread of the radicalized extremist ideas. The various extremist organizations use the social media as a propaganda tool. The extremist organizations actively radicalize and recruit youths by sharing inciting material on social media. Extremist organizations use social media to influence people to carry out lone-wolf attacks. Social media platforms employ various strategies to identify and remove the extremist content. But due to the sheer amount of data and loopholes in detection strategies, extremism remain undetected for a significant time. Thus, there is a need of accurate detection of extremism on social media. This study provides Bibliometric analysis and systematic mappings of existing literature for radicalisation or extremism detection. Bibliometric analysis of Machine Learning and Deep Learning articles in extremism detection are considered. This is performed using SCOPUS database, with the tools like Sciencescape and VOS Viewer. It is observed that the current literature on extremist detection is focused on a particular ideology. Though it is noted that few researchers are working in the extremism detection area, it is preferred among researchers in the recent years

    Cloud Based Location and Message Sharing System

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    It has been observed in the last few years that android technology is emerging very rapidly. Because of the android technology the smart phones have come into boom. There are various applications developed using the android technology like games, music, shopping, maps etc. One of the most used applications is the chatting application. Chatting application is the most convenient medium to chat or communicate with each other. There are many chat applications developed earlier, but they have some or the other drawbacks. In previous papers there was a major problem related to the security of the messages. But this drawback has been overcome in this paper. Now-a-days most of the communication is preferred to do on mobile, this communication may contain normal talks, personal information or any other sensitive data. For this purpose the security implementation is very necessary. Security can be implemented in many ways like encryption and decryption of the messages, stegnography, hashing etc. In the face of widespread Internet surveillance, we need a secure and practical means of talking to each other from our phones and computers. Many companies offer “secure messaging” products—but are these systems actually secure? Is your communication encrypted in transit? Is your communication encrypted with a key the provider doesn't have access to? Can you independently verify your correspondent's identity? Are past communications secured if your keys are stolen? Is the previous database centralized? And many such questions arise when you use the chatting application. This paper provides solution to the above questions in a more prominent manner. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150316

    A Bibliometric Analysis of Online Extremism Detection

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    The Internet has become an essential part of modern communication. People are sharing ideas, thoughts, and beliefs easily, using social media. This sharing of ideas has raised a big problem like the spread of the radicalized extremist ideas. The various extremist organizations use the social media as a propaganda tool. The extremist organizations actively radicalize and recruit youths by sharing inciting material on social media. Extremist organizations use social media to influence people to carry out lone-wolf attacks. Social media platforms employ various strategies to identify and remove the extremist content. But due to the sheer amount of data and loopholes in detection strategies, extremism remain undetected for a significant time. Thus, there is a need of accurate detection of extremism on social media. This study provides Bibliometric analysis and systematic mappings of existing literature for radicalisation or extremism detection. Bibliometric analysis of Machine Learning and Deep Learning articles in extremism detection are considered. This is performed using SCOPUS database, with the tools like Sciencescape and VOS Viewer. It is observed that the current literature on extremist detection is focused on a particular ideology. Though it is noted that few researchers are working in the extremism detection area, it is preferred among researchers in the recent years

    Cutting edge strategies for screening of novel anti-HIV drug candidates against HIV infection: A concise overview of cell based assays

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    The advent of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy has majorly contributed towards reducing the morbidity and mortality associated with HIV infected people, thus improving the quality of their life. Still, the eradication of HIV infection has not been achieved due to some important limitations such as non-adherence to therapy, cellular toxicity, restricted bioavailability of antiretroviral drugs and emergence of drug resistant viruses. Moreover, persistence of latent HIV-reservoirs even under antiviral-drug pressure is the major obstacle in HIV cure. Currently used antiretrovirals can suppress the viral replication in activated CD4+ cells, however, it has been observed that the available antiretroviral therapy appears inadequate to reduce latent reservoirs established in resting memory CD4+ T cells. Therefore, for eradication or reduction of latent reservoirs many immunotherapeutic and pharmacologic approaches including latency reversing agents are being studied constantly. Additionally, promising therapeutic strategies including discovery of novel drugs and drug targets are continuously being explored. Therefore, preclinical testing has become an important step of drug development process, continuously demanding innovative, but less time consuming evaluation strategies. Present review attempts to gather and line-up the information on existing cell-based methodologies applied for assessing drug candidates for their antiretroviral potential. Further, we intend to outline the advanced and reliable cell based methodologies that would expedite the process of discovery and development of antiretrovirals

    Flexural strength of surface-treated heat-polymerized acrylic resin after repair with aluminum oxide-reinforced autopolymerizing acrylic resin

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    Background: A fracture of denture base in situ often occurs through a fatigue mechanism, which over a period of time leads to the formation of small cracks, resulting in fracture. Aim and Objective: To evaluate the flexural strength of repaired heat-polymerized acrylic resin, with different percentage of aluminum oxide (Al2O3) added to the repair resin and effect of two different surface treatments on the flexural strength of repaired heat-polymerized acrylic resin and also to evaluate quantification of filler particles using scanning electron microscopy. Materials and Methodology: Fifty specimens of heat-polymerized acrylic resin were prepared according to the American Dental Association specification no. 12 (65 mm Ă— 10 mm Ă— 2.5 mm). Al2O3<50 nm particle size was silanized using metal alloy primer before incorporation in polymer. Two different percentages of Al2O3nanoparticles, that is, 1% and 1.5% were added to autopolymerizing acrylic resin which was used as repairing material. Results: The study showed that repair resin incorporated with 1.5% Al2O3in the group surface treated with silicon carbide paper improved the flexural strength of denture base resin. A proper filler distribution and deep penetration within the polymer matrix were observed by scanning electron microscope in the same group

    Role of diosgenin extracted from Helicteres isora L in suppression of HIV-1 replication: An in vitro preclinical study

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    Background: Diosgenin, an essential sapogenin steroid with significant biological implications, is composed of a hydrophilic sugar moiety intricately linked to a hydrophobic steroid aglycone. While the antiviral properties of diosgenin against numerous RNA viruses have been extensively documented, its potential in combating Human Immunodeficiency Virus infections remains unexplored. Experimental procedure: This current investigation presents a comprehensive and systematic analysis of extracts derived from the leaves of Helicteres isora, which are notably enriched with diosgenin. Rigorous methodologies, including established chromatographic techniques and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy were employed for the characterization of the active diosgenin compound followed by molecular interaction analyses with the key HIV enzymes and mechanistic validation of HIV inhibition. Key results: The inhibitory effects of extracted diosgenin on the replication of HIV-1 were demonstrated using a permissive cellular system, encompassing two distinct subtypes of HIV-1 strains. Computational analyses involving molecular interactions highlighted the substantial occupancy of critical active site pocket residues within the key HIV-1 proteins by diosgenin. Additionally, the mechanistic underpinnings of diosgenin activity in conjunction with standard controls were elucidated through specialized colorimetric assays, evaluating its impact on HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase and Integrase enzymes. Conclusions: To our current state of knowledge, this study represents the inaugural demonstration of the anti-HIV efficacy inherent to diosgenin found in the leaves of Helicteres isora, and can be taken further for drug design and development for the management of HIV infection

    Withania somnifera extracts induced attenuation of HIV-1: a mechanistic approach to restrict viral infection

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    Abstract Background Several anti-retroviral drugs are available against Human immunodeficiency virus type-1, but have multiple adverse side effects. Hence, there is an incessant compulsion for effectual anti-retroviral agents with minimal or no intricacy. Traditionally, natural products have been the most successful source for the development of new medications. Withania somnifera, also known as Ashwagandha, is the utmost treasured medicinal plant used in Ayurveda, which holds the potential to give adaptogenic, immunomodulatory, and antiviral effects. However, its effect on HIV-1 replication at the cellular level has never been explored. Herein, we focused on the anti-HIV-1 activity and the probable mechanism of action of hydroalcoholic and aqueous extracts of Withania somnifera roots and its phytomolecules. Methods The cytotoxicity of the extracts was determined through MTT assay, while the in vitro anti-HIV-1 activity was assessed in TZM-bl cells against the HIV-1 strains of X4 and R5 subtypes. Results were confirmed in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, using the HIV-1 p24 antigen assay. Additionally, the mechanism of action was determined through the Time of Addition assay, which was further validated through the series of enzymatic assays, i.e. HIV-1 Integrase, Reverse transcriptase, and Protease assays. To explore the role of the identified active metabolites of Withania somnifera in antiretroviral activity, molecular docking analyses were performed against these key HIV-1 replication enzymes. Results The hydroalcoholic and aqueous extracts of Withania somnifera roots were found to be safer at the sub-cytotoxic concentrations and exhibited their ability to inhibit replication of two primary isolates of HIV-1 through cell-associated and cell-free assays, in dose-dependent kinetics. Several active phytomolecules found in Withania somnifera successfully established hydrogens bonds in the active binding pocket site residues responsible for the catalytic activity of HIV replication and therefore, signifying their role in the attenuation of HIV-1 infection as implied through the in silico molecular docking studies. Conclusions Our research identified both the hydroalcoholic and aqueous extracts of Withania somnifera roots as potent inhibitors of HIV-1 infection. The in silico analyses also indicated the key components of Withania somnifera with the highest binding affinity against the HIV-1 Integrase by 12-Deoxywithastramonolide and 27-Hydroxywithanone, HIV-1 Protease by Ashwagandhanolide and Withacoagin, and HIV-1 Reverse transcriptase by Ashwagandhanolide and Withanolide B, thereby showing possible mechanisms of HIV-1 extenuation. Overall, this study classified the role of Withania somnifera extracts and their active compounds as potential agents against HIV-1 infection

    Laboratory Investigations on the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis in the Malnourished Tribal Population of Melghat, India

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    <div><p>Background</p><p>Malnutrition is a major risk factor for the development of tuberculosis (TB). In India, Melghat is among the tribal regions which consist of highest number of malnutrition cases. Because of the paucity of TB data from these malnourished areas there is an urgent need for the development and evaluation of improved TB diagnostic tests. In the present study, three in house developed diagnostic tests namely TB-Ag(antigen) ELISA, Adenosine deaminase (ADA) estimation and IS<i>6110</i> polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay were investigated for the detection of <i>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</i> (<i>M. tb.</i>) infection.</p> <p>Methods</p><p>For investigation, blood samples were collected from 128 study subjects from six villages of Melghat tribal area and evaluated using three in house developed assays, namely TB-Ag ELISA, ADA estimation and IS<i>6110</i> PCR.</p> <p>Results</p><p>The TB-Ag ELISA method yielded 83% sensitivity and 94% specificity. The ADA and PCR assay gave a sensitivity of 61% and 49% and specificity of 62% and 98% respectively. A considerable good agreement of 82.81% (k=0.472) between TB-Ag ELISA and PCR was observed. The overall sensitivity of TB-Ag ELISA was significantly higher (p<0.05) than the ADA and PCR while PCR yielded highest specificity among all the three evaluated tests.</p> <p>Conclusions</p><p>We concluded that the routine use of TB-Ag ELISA can be useful for screening of suspected TB patients in the malnourished population where sophisticated laboratory set up is difficult.</p> </div