280 research outputs found

    Un pueblo y una clave para filosofar

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    Unprecedent times to reflect and ponder: Is it possible to claim an unified way of thinking? Will these circumstances help us catch a glimpse of another way to be in the world? To tear modern and post-modern parameters we need to view things from a different perspective. Dussel describes this as a new way of creating the world, transmodernity. The means to recognize and live other worlds are diverse and unknown, we will show one that existed centuries ago, when we weren't America yet and colonization, an imposition that tried to silence native peoples, didn't exist. By aiming at a decolonizing atitute, we invite ourselves to experiment an "insertion or interculturation" or an "indigenization"; they are possibilities to surpass the dominant racional paradigm and acess the ‘ayxa sk’ujol, to be between humans "with heart" and "not between cerebrals". A possible way to acess this ancestral knowledge requires a contextual key upon an unknown and disregarded language. We'll use Lenkersdorf in his book “Filosofar en clave tojolabal” as well as some papers written by mayan people on the contemporary resistance's struggle. The Mayan language has the sound "tic" as sufix and it's the key that makes we, westerns, baffled, confused or is beyond our understanding.Tiempos inéditos para reflexionar y preguntarnos ¿Será posible sospechar que hay un pensamiento único? ¿Ayudará la situación a vislumbrar una forma diferente de estar en el mundo? Para romper los parámetros de la modernidad y posmodernidad necesitamos situarnos en otro lugar, Dussel lo describe como una nueva manera de construir el mundo, la transmodernidad. Los caminos para reconocer y vivir otros mundos son desconocidos y diversos, presentaremos uno existente desde hace varios siglos, cuando no era América y no existía la colonización, imposición que intentó silenciar a pueblos originarios. Pretender una actitud descolonizadora invita a experimentar una inserción - inculturación o una indigenización; son posibilidades para superar el paradigma racional dominante y accesar el ‘ayxa sk’ujol, ser entre los humanos “con corazón” y “no entre los cerebrales”. Un posible acceso a este saber ancestral, requiere de una clave en contexto mediante una lengua desconocida y desconsiderada. Seguiremos a Lenkersdorf  en su libro Filosofar en clave tojolabal y también nos ayudaremos de algunos comunicados de pueblos mayas en lucha contemporánea de resistencia. Esta lengua maya contiene el sonido “tic”, como desinencia y es la clave que a nosotros los occidentales desconcierta, confunde o de plano no entendemos


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    A destinação correta final de resíduos de qualquer tipo sempre foi uma grande problemática das cidades, a tentativa de implantação de sistemas de coleta seletiva voluntária é o início de uma reciclagem de sucesso. A falta de informação da população dificulta o processo desde seu início, o mesmo ocorre com o RCD (resíduo da construção e demolição). Apesar das leis, normas, resoluções e decretos, o processo é descontrolado já na sua origem, desencadeado em uma série de dificuldades do seu uso para reciclagem. Sem a plantas bem localizadas e sem a informação correta, o RCD  acaba sendo depositado em local impróprio causando danos ao meio ambiente. As soluções sustentáveis são as mais lógicas, gerando menos resíduos. Nosso estudo de caso é sobre a obra do Bairro Ilha Pura, construído para os Jogos Olímpicos de 2016, no Rio de Janeiro. Focando as certificações internacionais de construções verdes, buscou de muitas maneiras fazer uma obra ambientalmente sustentável

    AVNP2 protects against cognitive impairments induced by C6 glioma by suppressing tumour associated inflammation in rats

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    © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/BY-NC-ND/4.0/).Glioblastoma is a kind of malignant tumour and originates from the central nervous system. In the last century, some researchers and clinician have noticed that the psychosocial and neurocognitive functioning of patients with malignant gliomas can be impaired. Many clinical studies have demonstrated that part of patients, adults or children, diagnosed with glioblastoma will suffer from cognitive deficiency during their clinical course, especially in long-term survivors. Many nanoparticles (NPs) can inhibit the biological functions of tumours by modulating tumour-associated inflammation, which provokes angiogenesis and tumour growth. As one of the best antiviral nanoparticles (AVNPs), AVNP2 is the 2nd generation of AVNP2 that have been conjugated to graphite-graphene for improving physiochemical performance and reducing toxicity. AVNP2 inactivates viruses, such as the H1N1 and H5N1influenza viruses and even the SARS coronavirus, while it inhibits bacteria, such as MRSA and E. coli. As antimicrobials, nanoparticles are considered to be one of the vectors for the administration of therapeutic compounds. Yet, little is known about their potential functionalities and toxicities to the neurotoxic effects of cancer. Herein, we explored the functionality of AVNP2 on inhibiting C6 in glioma-bearing rats. The novel object-recognition test and open-field test showed that AVNP2 significantly improved the neuro-behaviour affected by C6 glioma. AVNP2 also alleviated the decline of long-term potentiation (LTP) and the decreased density of dendritic spines in the CA1 region induced by C6. Western blot assay and immunofluorescence staining showed that the expressions of synaptic-related proteins (PSD-95 and SYP) were increased, and these findings were in accordance with the results mentioned above. It revealed that the sizes of tumours in C6 glioma-bearing rats were smaller after treatment with AVNP2. The decreased expression of inflammatory factors (IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α) by Western blotting assay and ELISA, angiogenesis protein (VEGF) by Western blotting assay and other related proteins (BDNF, NF-ĸB, iNOS and COX-2) by Western blotting assay in peri-tumour tissue indicated that AVNP2 could control tumour-associated inflammation, thus efficiently ameliorating the local inflammatory condition and, to some extent, inhibiting angiogenesis in C6-bearing rats. In conclusion, our results suggested that AVNP2 could have an effect on the peri-tumor environment, obviously restraining the growth progress of gliomas, and eventually improving cognitive levels in C6-bearing rats.Peer reviewedProo

    Tumor innate immunity primed by specific interferon-stimulated endogenous retroviruses.

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    Mesenchymal tumor subpopulations secrete pro-tumorigenic cytokines and promote treatment resistance1-4. This phenomenon has been implicated in chemorefractory small cell lung cancer and resistance to targeted therapies5-8, but remains incompletely defined. Here, we identify a subclass of endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) that engages innate immune signaling in these cells. Stimulated 3 prime antisense retroviral coding sequences (SPARCS) are oriented inversely in 3' untranslated regions of specific genes enriched for regulation by STAT1 and EZH2. Derepression of these loci results in double-stranded RNA generation following IFN-γ exposure due to bi-directional transcription from the STAT1-activated gene promoter and the 5' long terminal repeat of the antisense ERV. Engagement of MAVS and STING activates downstream TBK1, IRF3, and STAT1 signaling, sustaining a positive feedback loop. SPARCS induction in human tumors is tightly associated with major histocompatibility complex class 1 expression, mesenchymal markers, and downregulation of chromatin modifying enzymes, including EZH2. Analysis of cell lines with high inducible SPARCS expression reveals strong association with an AXL/MET-positive mesenchymal cell state. While SPARCS-high tumors are immune infiltrated, they also exhibit multiple features of an immune-suppressed microenviroment. Together, these data unveil a subclass of ERVs whose derepression triggers pathologic innate immune signaling in cancer, with important implications for cancer immunotherapy

    Novel 3D Microscopic Analysis of Human Placental Villous Trees Reveals Unexpected Significance of Branching Angles

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    The villous trees of human placentas delineate the fetomaternal border and are complex three-dimensional (3D) structures. Thus far, they have primarily been analyzed as thin, two-dimensional (2D) histological sections. However, 2D sections cannot provide access to key aspects such as branching nodes and branch order. Using samples taken from 50 normal human placentas at birth, in the present study we show that analysis procedures for 3D reconstruction of neuronal dendritic trees can also be used for analyzing trees of human placentas. Nodes and their branches (e.g., branching hierarchy, branching angles, diameters, and lengths of branches) can be efficiently measured in whole-mount preparations of isolated villous trees using high-end light microscopy. Such data differ qualitatively from the data obtainable from histological sections and go substantially beyond the morphological horizon of such histological data. Unexpectedly, branching angles of terminal branches of villous trees varied inversely with the fetoplacental weight ratio, a widely used clinical parameter. Since branching angles have never before been determined in the human placenta, this result requires further detailed studies in order to fully understand its impact

    Protein expression differs between neural progenitor cells from the adult rat brain subventricular zone and olfactory bulb

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Neural progenitor cells can be isolated from various regions of the adult mammalian brain, including the forebrain structures of the subventricular zone and the olfactory bulb. Currently it is unknown whether functional differences in these progenitor cell populations can already be found on the molecular level. Therefore, we compared protein expression profiles between progenitor cells isolated from the subventricular zone and the olfactory bulb using a proteomic approach based on two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. The subventricular zone and the olfactory bulb are connected by the Rostral Migratory Stream (RMS), in which glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)-positive cells guide neuroblasts. Recent literature suggested that these GFAP-positive cells possess neurogenic potential themselves. In the current study, we therefore compared the cultured neurospheres for the fraction of GFAP-positive cells and their morphology of over a prolonged period of time.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found significant differences in the protein expression patterns between subventricular zone and olfactory bulb neural progenitor cells. Of the differentially expressed protein spots, 105 were exclusively expressed in the subventricular zone, 23 showed a lower expression and 51 a higher expression in the olfactory bulb. The proteomic data showed that more proteins are differentially expressed in olfactory bulb progenitors with regard to proteins involved in differentiation and microenvironmental integration, as compared to the subventricular zone progenitors. Compared to 94% of all progenitors of the subventricular zone expressed GFAP, nearly none in the olfactory bulb cultures expressed GFAP. Both GFAP-positive subpopulations differed also in morphology, with the olfactory bulb cells showing more branching. No differences in growth characteristics such as doubling time, and passage lengths could be found over 26 consecutive passages in the two cultures.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this study, we describe differences in protein expression of neural progenitor populations isolated from two forebrain regions, the subventricular zone and the olfactory bulb. These subpopulations can be characterized by differential expression of marker proteins. We isolated fractions of progenitor cells with GFAP expression from both regions, but the GFAP-positive cells differed in number and morphology. Whereas in vitro growth characteristics of neural progenitors are preserved in both regions, our proteomic and immunohistochemical data suggest that progenitor cells from the two regions differ in morphology and functionality, but not in their proliferative capacity.</p

    Signal transduction in a covalent post-assembly modification cascade

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    Natural reaction cascades control the movement of biomolecules between cellular compartments. Inspired by these systems, we report a synthetic reaction cascade employing post-assembly modification reactions to direct the partitioning of supramolecular complexes between phases. The system is composed of a self-assembled tetrazine-edged FeII8L12 cube and a maleimide-functionalized FeII4L6 tetrahedron. Norbornadiene (NBD) functions as the stimulus that triggers the cascade, beginning with the inverse-electron-demand Diels–Alder reaction of NBD with the tetrazine moieties of the cube. This reaction generates cyclopentadiene as a transient by-product, acting as a relay signal that subsequently undergoes a Diels–Alder reaction with the maleimide-functionalized tetrahedron. Cyclooctyne can selectively inhibit the cascade by outcompeting NBD as the initial trigger. Initiating the cascade with 2-octadecyl NBD leads to selective alkylation of the tetrahedron upon cascade completion. The increased lipophilicity of the C18-tagged tetrahedron drives this complex into a non-polar phase, allowing its isolation from the initially inseparable mixture of complexes

    Disc1 variation leads to specific alterations in adult neurogenesis

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    Disrupted in schizophrenia 1 (DISC1) is a risk factor for a spectrum of neuropsychiatric illnesses including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder. Here we use two missense Disc1 mouse mutants, described previously with distinct behavioural phenotypes, to demonstrate that Disc1 variation exerts differing effects on the formation of newly generated neurons in the adult hippocampus. Disc1 mice carrying a homozygous Q31L mutation, and displaying depressive-like phenotypes, have fewer proliferating cells while Disc1 mice with a homozygous L100P mutation that induces schizophrenia-like phenotypes, show changes in the generation, placement and maturation of newly generated neurons in the hippocampal dentate gyrus. Our results demonstrate Disc1 allele specific effects in the adult hippocampus, and suggest that the divergence in behavioural phenotypes may in part stem from changes in specific cell populations in the brain

    The influence of long chain polyunsaturate supplementation on docosahexaenoic acid and arachidonic acid in baboon neonate central nervous system

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    BACKGROUND: Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic acid (ARA) are major components of the cerebral cortex and visual system, where they play a critical role in neural development. We quantitatively mapped fatty acids in 26 regions of the four-week-old breastfed baboon CNS, and studied the influence of dietary DHA and ARA supplementation and prematurity on CNS DHA and ARA concentrations. METHODS: Baboons were randomized into a breastfed (B) and four formula-fed groups: term, no DHA/ARA (T-); term, DHA/ARA supplemented (T+); preterm, no DHA/ARA (P-); preterm and DHA/ARA supplemented (P+). At four weeks adjusted age, brains were dissected and total fatty acids analyzed by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. RESULTS: DHA and ARA are rich in many more structures than previously reported. They are most concentrated in structures local to the brain stem and diencephalon, particularly the basal ganglia, limbic regions, thalamus and midbrain, and comparatively lower in white matter. Dietary supplementation increased DHA in all structures but had little influence on ARA concentrations. Supplementation restored DHA concentrations to levels of breastfed neonates in all regions except the cerebral cortex and cerebellum. Prematurity per se did not exert a strong influence on DHA or ARA concentrations. CONCLUSION: 1) DHA and ARA are found in high concentration throughout the primate CNS, particularly in gray matter such as basal ganglia; 2) DHA concentrations drop across most CNS structures in neonates consuming formulas with no DHA, but ARA levels are relatively immune to ARA in the diet; 3) supplementation of infant formula is effective at restoring DHA concentration in structures other than the cerebral cortex. These results will be useful as a guide to future investigations of CNS function in the absence of dietary DHA and ARA