2,722 research outputs found

    Unified procurement information system to control intergovernmental cooperation

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    This paper concentrates on the prospects for the intergovernmental cooperation which can create a stable basis for improving existing information tools and setting up the innovative means of legal regulation in the field of digital public procurement. The purpose of the study is to propose a modern model for the state regulation of procurement activities. The study supports the idea of the universal digital transformation of public procurement systems all over the world. It is also supposed to demonstrate what problems a newly developed model, aimed at introducing well-based digital public procurement, might face at the legislative level. The dataset has been obtained using dialectical, logical, comparative, and legal research methods. The tools used to assess the possibility of developing an legal regulation model in the field of public procurement can be applied by public authorities in various countries and international communities.&nbsp

    Theoretical model of temperature dynamics of solid surface of material under action of laser radiation

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    We have developed a theoretical model that describes the interaction of intense pulsed flows of energy with matter and is based on the account of local phase transitions at the destruction of a surface. In the frame of a problem concerning the influence of a laser radiation on the surface prior to the beginning of the solid surface destruction, we have solved the equation for the energy flow. The general solution of the equation for the temperature change of a local area of the irradiated solid surface in time is obtained with regard for the coefficient of surface dissipative losses and the volume absorption coefficient. It is shown that the temperature dynamics stimulated by the intense laser radiation depends substantially on properties of the surface layer of the irradiated material

    Innovation Potential of Acmeological Approach to Teaching Staff Training

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    The article deals with the conditions of the formation of innovative competences of the teachers and students. The full view of the content of innovation in higher education, working conditions and factors of its optimization can be formed on the basis of the acmeological approach. Acmeology focuses on the allocation of productivity factors that promote the development of the object, definition of the strategies to achieve qualitative results, which can be relied upon in choosing technologies and solutions to educational problems. The acmeological approach allows to optimally realize the innovative potential of the professional development to its best.В статье рассматриваются условия формирования инновационных компетенций преподавателей и студентов. Целостное представление о содержании инновационной деятельности в вузах, условиях и факторах ее оптимизации может быть сформировано на основе акмеологического подхода. Акмеология ориентирует на выделение факторов продуктивности, стимулирующих развитие объекта, определение стратегий достижения качественного результата, на которые можно опираться в выборе технологий и способов решения педагогических задач. Акмеологический подход позволяет оптимально реализовывать инновационный потенциал профессионального развития

    Metonymy in the city onomasticon

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    The article discusses the names of urban onomasticon in terms of using such a stylistic device as metonymy. Although metonymy is used in the name of various urban establishments (ШПИЛЬКА, КОЛЕСО, ЛОКОН), the focus is on the names of food establishments. It is shown how the designation of all elements of a food situation becomes from such a name - from its preparation to the effect of satiety: eater, cook, dish, its quality, food and cooking tools, place of eating, satiety as a result of the development of the situation. In each of the cases, both Russian and borrowed vocabulary are used, including in writing in the original language (ЕДА / FOOD). It is argued that metonymy as a creative strategy is combined with other modern tendencies in the formation of urban names - replicas, precedent names, rhyming, beating homonyms and the graphic appearance of the word.В статье рассматриваются имена городского ономастикона в плане использования такого стилистического приема, как метонимия. Хотя метонимия используется в наименовании разных городских заведений (ШПИЛЬКА, КОЛЕСО, ЛОКОН), в центре внимания оказываются имена заведений еды. Показано, как таким именем становятся обозначения всех элементов ситуации еды – от ее приготовления до эффекта сытости: едок, повар, блюдо, его качество, инструменты еды и приготовления пищи, место еды, сытость как результат развития ситуации. В каждом из случаев используется как русская лексика, так и заимствованная, в том числе в написании на языке оригинала (ЕДА / FOOD). Утверждается, что метонимия как креативная стратегия совмещается с другими современными тенденция образования городских имен – репликами, прецедентными именами, рифмовкой, обыгрыванием омонимов и графического облика слова

    Research of collision probability for small bodies in the asteroid belt of the Solar system by numerical methods

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    В данном исследовании для определения вероятности столкновения астероидов друг с другом используется метрика пространства кеплеровых орбит.In this research the metric in the space of Keplerian orbits is used to determine the collision probability for asteroids with each other


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    In the modern conditions of tourism development, thermal springs are widely presented as they perform recreational functions. Thermal springs are becoming popular tourist attractions in Russia, while their concentration on Russian territory is rather uneven. In comparison with other countries, where thermal springs play a leading role and represent a dynamically growing recreational and tourist segment, in Russia this segment is still an insignificant part of national tourism. In our research, we studied natural conditions of the territories where thermal springs are located, as well as their quality and convenience for people. We also analyzed the regime of meteorological parameters of the territories of thermal springs located in the Ural Federal District for the period 2015-2017. The analysis of the territory showed that the most comfortable climatic conditions are the characteristic of the southwestern part of the district, which comprises the thermal springs located in the Chelyabinsk region and Sverdlovsk region

    Features of the metal flow in the cylindrical channel of the matrix at the compacting with intermixing

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    Розглянуто особливості течії металу в циліндричному каналі матриці в новому процесі пресування з перемішуванням. При русі всередині робочого каналу метал обтікає циліндричний інструмент, який обертається навколо своєї осі. Визначення швидкостей переміщення матеріальних часток виконано з використанням загальних рівнянь механіки суцільних середовищ і гідродинаміки, а також декомпозиції кінематики процесу деформування. Загальне рішення для поля швидкостей отримано на основі розгляду складових процесів обтікання циліндра суцільний середовищем з урахуванням обертання інструменту. Показано, що отримання компоненти вектора швидкостей дозволяє виконати аналіз напружено-деформованого стану та енергосилових параметрів процесу пресування з перемішуванням при використанні замкнутої системи рівнянь теорії пластичної течії металів. Застосування нового процесу забезпечує отримання великих деформацій зсуву при пресової обробці металів і сплавів, у тому числі в твердожидком стані і для порошкових матеріалів.Features of the metal flow in the cylindrical channel of the matrix in new process of pressing with intermixing are considered. At the motion in the working channel the metal flows around the cylindrical instrument which has axial rotation. Definition of velocity of travel of the particles is executed with use of the general equations of a continuum mechanics and hydrodynamics, and also decomposition of kinematics of the deformation process. The general solution for the velocity field is received on the basis of consideration of the flow around of the cylinder by the continuum mechanics taking into account tool rotation. It is shown that deriving vector component of velocities allows making the analysis of the intense-deformed state and of the energy-power parameters of pressing process with intermixing at use of the equations closed system of the theory plastic flow of metals. Application of new process secures deriving of major shear strains at the press processing of the metals and alloys, including the solid-liquid state and for powder materials.Рассмотрены особенности течения металла в цилиндрическом канале матрицы в новом процессе прессования с перемешиванием. Получено общее решение для поля скоростей перемещений на основании рассмотрения составляющих процессов обтекания цилиндра сплошной среды вследствие вращения инструмента. Показано, что полученные компоненты вектора скоростей позволяют выполнить анализ напряженно-деформированного состояния и энергосиловых параметров процесса. Применение нового процесса обеспечивает получение больших деформаций сдвига при прессовой обработке металлов и сплавов, в том числе в твердожидком состоянии и для порошковых материалов

    The role of the cannabinoid system in cancer

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    The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a complex cellular signaling network that plays a crucial role in maintaining homeostasis in the body. It has been proven that the ECS can play a role in cancer development, cancer cell metabolism, and influence cancer treatment. This paper describes the basic components of the ECS, including cannabinoid receptors, endocannabinoids, and enzymes involved in their metabolism and summarizes the current state of research dealing with the connection between the ECS on cancer. Subsequently, the mechanisms by which the ECS affects cellular proliferation, apoptosis, angiogenesis, and metastasis, which are key processes in carcinogenesis, are analyzed. Research suggests that modulation of the ECS could offer new approaches to cancer treatment, but further research is needed to fully understand the complex functions and interactions of the ECS. Key words: cannabinoid receptors, cannabinoid system, cancerEndokanabinoidní systém (ECS) je komplexní buněčná signalizační síť, která hraje klíčovou roli v udržování homeostázy v těle. Bylo prokázáno, že ECS může hrát roli v rozvoji rakoviny, metabolismu rakovinných buněk a ovlivňuje léčbu rakoviny. Tato práce popisuje základní komponenty ECS, včetně kanabinoidních receptorů, endokanabinoidů a enzymů, které se účastní jejich metabolismu a shrnuje současný stav výzkumu zabývajícího se souvislostmi mezi ECS a nádorovými onemocněními. Následně jsou analyzovány mechanismy, kterými ECS ovlivňuje buněčnou proliferaci, apoptózu, angiogenezi a metastázování, což jsou klíčové procesy v karcinogenezi. Výzkum naznačuje, že modulace ECS by mohla nabídnout nové přístupy k léčbě rakoviny, ale k plnému pochopení komplexních funkcí a interakcí ECS je zapotřebí dalšího výzkumu. Klíčová slova: Kanabinoidní receptory, kanabinoidní systém, rakovinaDepartment of PhysiologyKatedra fyziologieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Perceiving Quality of Life in Modern Urban Space: Regional Aspect

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    The article discusses the problem of modern urban space planning, taking an individual Russian region (Nizhny Novgorod) as an example. The authors argue that neither the policy nor the mentality of government authorities and professionals in the field of architecture can ignore the habits, needs, expectations and views of city residents regarding the best comfortable urban space layout. A sociological survey conducted in Nizhny Novgorod has shown that a modern city dweller’s priorities include quality education, access to culture, visual uniqueness of the city and aesthetisation of its space (referring not only to the historic center but also to the residential district areas) that should define modern urban planning strategies. Various forms of social alienation caused by improper structuring of urban space are considered a problem for a modern Russian region: leisure isolationism, discomfort from perceiving residential district areas as periferic with simultaneously preferring virtual space to the physical urban one. In conclusion, recommendations for setting up urban environment layout are offered to urban planners