264 research outputs found

    The Propagation of the Temperature Wave in Myocardium

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    The method for estimating the rate of propagation of temperature waves in the myocardium during hypothermia and hyperthermia of the heart based on noninvasive temperature control on the heart surface in conditions of cardiopulmonary bypass is proposed. The solution of the heat conduction equation for temperature waves in the myocardium is presented, which allows determining at each point of the medium the temperature change function, as well as the amplitude and phasing velocity of the temperature wave upon cooling and warming of the heart in conditions of cardiopulmonary bypass. The velocity distribution for the temperature field on the surface of the myocardium and in the depth of tissues during the hypothermia and hyperthermia of the heart is obtained.The thermographic images of the heart during controlled hypothermia and hyperthermia of the heart under cardiopulmonary bypass are obtained. The study of the conditions for spreading the temperature wave in the myocardium is performed, which allows to improve the means of intraoperative protection of vital organs and tools for controlling its effectiveness. The results of introduction of methods of non-invasive temperature control in cardiac surgery and the process of intraoperative cardiac protection in the temperature range from +10°С to +38°С are presented


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    The method for estimating the rate of propagation of temperature waves in the myocardium during hypothermia and hyperthermia of the heart based on noninvasive temperature control on the heart surface in conditions of cardiopulmonary bypass is proposed. The solution of the heat conduction equation for temperature waves in the myocardium is presented, which allows determining at each point of the medium the temperature change function, as well as the amplitude and phasing velocity of the temperature wave upon cooling and warming of the heart in conditions of cardiopulmonary bypass. The velocity distribution for the temperature field on the surface of the myocardium and in the depth of tissues during the hypothermia and hyperthermia of the heart is obtained. The thermographic images of the heart during controlled hypothermia and hyperthermia of the heart under cardiopulmonary bypass are obtained. The study of the conditions for spreading the temperature wave in the myocardium is performed, which allows to improve the means of intraoperative protection of vital organs and tools for controlling its effectiveness. The results of introduction of methods of non-invasive temperature control in cardiac surgery and the process of intraoperative cardiac protection in the temperature range from +10°С to +38°С are presented

    Optimized strategies for the quantum-state preparation of single trapped nitrogen molecular ions

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    This work examines optimized strategies for the preparation of single molecular ions in well-defined rotational quantum states in an ion trap with the example of the molecular nitrogen ion N2+. It advances a two-step approach consisting of an initial threshold-photoionization stage which produces molecular ions with a high probability in the target state, followed by a measurement-based state purification of the sample. For this purpose, a resonance-enhanced threshold photoionization scheme for producing N2+ in its rovibrational ground state proposed by Gardner et al. [Sci. Rep. 9, 506 (2019)] was characterized. The molecular state was measured using a recently developed quantum-non-demolition state-detection method finding a total fidelity of 38(7)% for producing ground-state N2+ under the present experimental conditions. By discarding ions from the trap not found to be in the target state, essentially state-pure samples of single N2+ ions can be generated for subsequent state-specific experiments

    Вакфы в Османской империи XVIII – начала XX в: кризис развития традиционного института и пути его «обновления»

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    In the 20th century waqf as the institution of Islamic social charity went through the serious institutional crisis that manifested itself in incompatibility waqfʼs bases with aims and goals of modernization of the Ottoman society and state. At the beginning of the 19th century inefficiency of waqfs and growth of corruption among its administrators and beneficiaries prejudiced public reputation of this institution. In the aggregate all these factors prepared the ground for total confiscation of waqf property in the early of 20th century in several parts of the Ottoman Empire.В XIX в. институт исламской социальной благотворительности вакф переживал серьезный институциональный кризис, выразившийся, в первую очередь, в несоответствии его фундаментальных основ целям и задачам модернизации османского общества и государства. К XIX в. неэффективность деятельности вакфов и рост коррупции в среде их распорядителей и бенефициаров серьезно испортили общественную «репутацию» самого института. В совокупности все эти факторы подготовили почву для масштабной конфискации вакуфной собственности, осуществлявшейся в начале XX столетии в разных частях Османской империи

    The Method of Determining Conductibility for Coronary Vessels by Termography

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    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the conductibity of coronary vessels for the study of blood flow in the surface layer of the myoc ardium during warming up and cooling of the heart in conditions of cardiopulmonary bypass. Results. The numerical value of the quantitative criterion obtained is calculated by determining the difference in temperature between the blood and the myocardium, calculated as the difference between the geometric areas under the temperature distribution curves in the temperature field equation for the constant and the current fluxing temperature. The contouring method for determining the conductibity of coronary vessels allows to select areas on the surface of the myocardium, in which the change in temperature significantly lags behind the average temperature on the surface during warming or cooling of the heart, which indirectly allows evaluating the state of small coronary vessels in the myocardium.Метою дослідження є оцінювання провідності коронарних судин для дослідження кровоплину у поверхневому шарі міокарда під час зігрівання та охолодження серця в умовах штучного кровообігу. Результати.Числове значення кількісного критерію отримано шляхом визначення різниці температур між кров'ю і міокардом, яке обчислюють як різницю геометричних площ під кривими розподілу температур у рівнянні температурного поля для постійного і поточного температурного напору. Метод контурування для визначення провідності коронарних судин дає змогу виділити ділянки на поверхні міокарда, в яких зміна температури значно відстає від середньої температури на поверхні під час зігрівання або охолодження серця, що уможливлює оцінювання стану дрібних коронарних судин в міокарді.Целью исследования является оценка проводимости коронарных сосудов для исследования кровотока в поверхностном слое миокарда во время согревания и охлаждения сердца в условиях искусственного кровообращения. Результаты. Получено числовое значение количественного критерия, который рассчитывается путем определения разницы температур между кровью и миокардом, что косвенно позволяет оценивать состояние мелких коронарных сосудов в миокарде

    High-Power, Narrow-Linewidth Distributed-Feedback Quantum-Cascade Laser for Molecular Spectroscopy

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    Quantum cascade lasers are versatile light sources in the mid-infrared range for molecular spectroscopy which find a wide range of applications from high-resolution studies to sensing. While devices with either high power or narrow spectral linewidth have previously been reported, there is still a lack of sources combining both of these characteristics which are particularly important for precision measurements of weak spectroscopic transitions. In this article, we describe and characterize a novel master-oscillator power-amplifier distributed-feedback quantum cascade laser designed to fill this gap. At an output power of 300 mW, the device features a free-running linewidth of 1.3 MHz, measured with a frequency discriminator technique, at an emission wavenumber of 2185 cm−1. This linewidth is sufficiently narrow to enable a further reduction by a tight lock to a high-Q oscillator

    Automated design systems. Workshop in FreeCAD

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    У навчальному посібнику розглянуто особливості роботи та основні теоретичні основи проектування механічних вузлів медичних приладів та систем, а також основні компоненти інтерфейсу у середовищі моделювання FreeCAD. Теоретичні та практичні результати комп’ютерного практикуму у FreeCAD можуть бути використані при проектуванні та експлуатації медичних пристроїв. Практична частина спрямована на науково-аналітичний огляд, проектування та конструювання медичних приладів і систем, комп’ютерне моделювання медичної діагностичної та лікувальної техніки.The workshop discusses the features of work and the theoretical foundations of the design of mechanical components of medical devices and systems, as well as the main components of the interface in the FreeCAD modeling environment. The theoretical and practical results of the FreeCAD computer workshop can be used in the design and operation of medical devices. The practical part is aimed at scientific and analytical review, design and construction of medical devices and systems, computer modeling of medical diagnostic and therapeutic equipment.В учебном пособии рассмотрены особенности работы и теоретические основы проектирования механических узлов медицинских приборов и систем, а также основные компоненты интерфейса в среде моделирования FreeCAD. Теоретические и практические результаты компьютерного практикума FreeCAD могут быть использованы при проектировании и эксплуатации медицинских устройств. Практическая часть направлена ​​на научно-аналитический обзор, проектирование и конструирование медицинских приборов и систем, компьютерное моделирование медицинской диагностической и лечебной техники

    Effect of Age on the Hemostatic Function in Patients with Degenerative Diseases of the Large Joints

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    Background: Aging is associated with an increased hypercoagulable state. Degenerative diseases of the large joints are also accompanied by increased coagulation activity. We investigated the effect of age on the hemostatic function in patients with osteoarthritis. Material and Methods: The study included 192 patients with osteoarthritis admitted to the clinic for primary hip or knee arthroplasty. The patients were categorized into 5 age groups: the age group under 40 years, the 41–to-50 -year age group, the 51–to-60-year age group, the 61-to-70- year age group, and the age group over 70 years. The general blood clotting tests, platelet number, fibrinogen, antithrombin, protein C, TAT, D-dimer, vonWillebrand factor (vWF), PAI-1, ß-thromboglobulin were determined. Results: Among patients with osteoarthritis, the antithrombin III level significantly decreased by the age of 50; however, above the age of 60 there was a distinct decrease in platelet count, and over the age of 70 the activity of the extrinsic coagulation pathway and the plasminogen level dropped significantly. TAT and D-dimer levels were elevated in most of the patients. Conclusion: The decrease in platelet count coupled with the activity of the extrinsic coagulation pathway in elderly osteoarthritic patients may increase blood loss during total arthroplasty; also, the drop in the anticoagulant and fibrinolytic potential may play a negative role in strengthening the prothrombotic state during the postoperative period