45 research outputs found

    Research on Talent Localization in Japanese Enterprises in China:Take Muji as an Example

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    本文研究的课题是在华日企人才本土化。随着中国改革开放的不断深入,尤其在中国加入WTO后,越来越多的跨国企业将目光投向中国这一新兴且快速发展的市场。日本企业由于地理位置和历史渊源,纷纷来华投资发展,企业人才适应策略是日本企业展开全球化业务非常重要的组成部分,在华日企的人才本土化必然是业务进程中不可回避的课题。 本文从人才本土化的相关基础理论出发,阐述了文化与管理的辩证关系以及跨文化管理理论,总结当前跨国公司人才本土化研究成果,为摸索和实践人才本土化提供探讨框架,其中跨文化管理的研究是贯穿本文的核心理论。 笔者基于霍氏文化五维度理论分析中日两国企业文化差异,阐述日本文化影响下传统的日本企业人力...The subject of this paper lies in the talent localization of Japanese enterprises in China. With the China's deepening reform, especially after China's accession to the WTO, more and more multinational enterprises are turning their attention to China, this new and rapidly developing market. Due to their geographical location and historical origins, more and more Japanese enterprises have come to C...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_企业管理学号:1762013115448

    ニホン ノ ニンゲン ノ アンゼン ホショウ セイサク ト ソノ ガイコウテキ ジッセン

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    Dramatic Values’ Representations of Christ’s Sufferings in the Modern European Paintings

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    اعتنى البحث الحالي في دراسة: تمثلات القيم الدرامية لآلام المسيح في الرسم الأوروبي الحديث, وقد اشتمل على أربعة فصول, احتوى الفصل الأول على مشكلة البحث, أهمية البحث والحاجة اليه, وهدف البحث وهو: تعرّف تمثلات القيم الدرامية لآلام المسيح في الرسم الأوروبي الحديث, كما اشتمل الفصل على حدود البحث, وتحديد المصطلحات. والفصل الثاني احتوى على الاطار النظري والدراسات السابقة, اذ تضمن الاطار النظري مبحثين, المبحث الأول:القيم الدرامية لآلام المسيح مفاهيمياً, والمبحث الثاني: تمثلات القيم الدرامية للصورة الدينية في الرسم الأوروبي الحديث. كما اشتمل الفصل على مؤشرات الاطار النظري التي أستعملت كمحكات في بناء الأداة والتحليل في اجراءات البحث. أما الفصل الثالث فتناول إجراءات البحث التي تضمنت مجتمع البحث, وعينة البحث, وأداة البحث التي أصبحت جاهزة للتطبيق بعد تحقيق الصدق والثبات, كما اشتمل الفصل على الوسائل الإحصائية المستخدمة في تحقيق الصدق والثبات لأداة البحث, ثم تحليل نماذج عينة البحث المؤلفة من (6) نماذج فقط. وبالاستناد الى تحليل نماذج عينة البحث, تضمن الفصل الرابع على نتائج البحث, والاستنتاجات, التوصيات والمقترحات, ومن بعض الاستنتاجات التي تمخض عنها البحث:   ان صفة التشبّه أو التوحد مع صورة السيد المسيح(ع) التي ظهرت في أغلب نماذج عينة البحث, تعطي انطباعاً عن صفة الذات الانسانية وهيمنتها على المشهد الفكري الحداثي السائد آنذاك, وبالتالي محاولة التقديس للذات الانسانية بدلاً من التقديس الديني المرتبط بالقضية المسيحية. أصبحت صورة السيد المسيح (ع) بما تحمل من قيم درامية مختلفة لآلامه وعذاباته أيقونة فنية, وجد فيها معظم فناني الرسم الأوروبي الحديث, مبتغاهم الفكري والفني, بالرغم من اختلاف توجهاتهم الفكرية وأساليبهم الفنية, مما يعطي انطباعا عن مدى تمدد القيم الدرامية لآلام المسيح في الفكر الأوروبي الحديث بما تحمله تلك القيم من ارث حضاري فكري ديني وفني.     The current research took care of a study: representations dramatic values ​​of Christ’s pain in modern European painting. It included four chapters. The first chapter contained the research problem, the importance of research and the need for it, and the aim of the research, which is: Identify representations dramatic values ​​of Christ’s pain in modern European painting, as well The chapter included search terms and definitions. And the second chapter contained the theoretical framework and previous studies, as the theoretical framework included two topics, the first topic: the dramatic values ​​of Christ’s conceptual pain, and the second topic: representations of the dramatic values ​​of the religious image in modern European painting. The chapter also included theoretical framework indicators that were used as tools in building the tool and analysis in research procedures. As for the third chapter, it deals with the research procedures that included the research community, the research sample, and the research tool that became ready for application after achieving honesty and consistency. The chapter also included the statistical methods used in achieving the honesty and consistency of the research tool, then analyzing the sample of the research sample consisting of (6) forms Just. According to the analysis of the sample's research samples, the fourth chapter included the results of the research, the conclusions, recommendations and proposals, and some of the conclusions that emerged from the research: The characteristic of likeness or unity with the image of Christ (PBUH) that appeared in most models of the research sample gives an impression of the character of the human self and its domination of the prevailing modernist intellectual scene, and thus the attempt to sanctify the human self instead of the religious sanctification associated with the Christian cause. The image of Christ (PBUH) with its various dramatic values ​​of his pain and torments became an artistic icon, in which most modern European painting artists found their intellectual and artistic aspirations, despite their different intellectual orientations and artistic styles, which gives an impression on the extent of the expansion of the dramatic values ​​of the pain of Christ In modern European thought, with the civilizational, religious, and artistic legacy of these values

    Inhibitory effect of genistein on the invasive potential of human cervical cancer cells via modulation of matrix metalloproteinase-9 and tissue inhibitiors of matrix metalloproteinase-1 expression

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    Background: One of the most challenging stumbling blocks for the treatment of cancer is the ability of cancer cells to break the natural barriers and spread from its site of origin to non-adjacent regional and distant sites, accounting for high cancer mortality rates. Gamut experimental and epidemiological data advocate the use of pharmacological or nutritional interventions to inhibit or delay various stage(s) of cancer such as invasion and metastasis. Genistein, a promising chemopreventive agent, has gained considerable attention for its powerful anti-carcinogenic, anti-angiogenic and chemosensitizing activities. Methods: In this study, the cytotoxic potential of genistein on HeLa cells by cell viability assay and the mode of cell death induced by genistein were determined by nuclear morphological examination, DNA laddering assay and cell cycle analysis. Moreover, to establish its inhibitory effect on migration of HeLa cells, scratch wound assay was performed and these results were correlated with the expression of genes involved in invasion and migration (MMP-9 and TIMP-1) by RT-PCR. Results: The exposure of HeLa cells to genistein resulted in significant dose- and time-dependent growth inhibition, which was found to be mediated by apoptosis and cell cycle arrest at G2/M phase. In addition, it induced migration-inhibition in a time-dependent manner by modulating the expression of MMP-9 and TIMP-1. Conclusion: Our results signify that genistein may be an effective anti-neoplastic agent to prevent cancer cell growth and invasion and metastasis. Therefore therapeutic strategies utilizing genistein could be developed to substantially reduce cancer morbidity and mortality. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd

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