17 research outputs found

    Usefulness of Microcatheters Inserted Overnight for Additional Injection of Sclerosant after Initial Balloon-Occluded Retrograde Transvenous Obliteration of Gastric Varices

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    In patients with large gastric varices, dose limitation of the sclerosant can cause difficulties in achieving complete thrombosis of varices during a single balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration (BRTO) procedure. For patients with incomplete variceal thrombosis after the first BRTO, additional sclerosant must be injected in a second BRTO. We report a successful case of BRTO for large gastric varices in whom additional sclerosant was injected through a microcatheter that remained inserted overnight. To achieve complete variceal thrombosis in a patient with incomplete thrombosis of large gastric varices after a first BRTO, a retained microcatheter can be used to inject additional sclerosant in a second BRTO the next day

    Emergence of neuronal diversity from patterning of telencephalic progenitors.

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    During central nervous system (CNS) development, hundreds of distinct neuronal subtypes are generated from a single layer of multipotent neuroepithelial progenitor cells. Within the rostral CNS, initial regionalization of the telencephalon marks the territories where the cerebral cortex and the basal ganglia originate. Subsequent refinement of the primary structures determines the formation of domains of differential gene expression, where distinct fate-restricted progenitors are located. To understand how diversification of neural progenitors and neurons is achieved in the telencephalon, it is important to address early and late patterning events in this context. In particular, important questions include: How does the telencephalon become specified and regionalized along the major spatial axes? Within each region, are the differences in neuronal subtypes established at the progenitor level or at the postmitotic stage? If distinct progenitors exist that are committed to subtype-specific neuronal lineages, how does the diversification emerge? What is the contribution of positional and temporal cues and how is this information integrated into the intrinsic programs of cell identity? WIREs For further resources related to this article, please visit the WIREs website.This work was supported by Medical Research Council (MRC) grants G0700758 and MR/K018329/1 and Doctoral Training Award (LH); RA is supported by an MRC postdoctoral fellowship.This is the accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/wdev.174/abstract

    Balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration for gastric varices via the intercostal vein

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    Gastric varices are usually associated with a gastro-renal (G-R) shunt. However, the gastric varices described in this case report were not associated with a G-R shunt. The inflow vessel was the posterior gastric vein and the outflow vessels were the narrow inferior phrenic vein and the dilated cardio-phrenic vein. First, percutaneous transhepatic obliteration of the posterior gastric vein was performed, but the gastric varices remained patent. Then, micro-balloon catheterization of the subphrenic vein was carried out via the jugular vein, pericardial vein and cardio-phrenic vein, however, micro-balloon-occluded inferior phrenic venography followed by micro-coil embolization of the cardio-phrenic vein revealed no delineation of gastric varices resulting in no further treatment. Thereafter, as a gastro-subphrenic-intercostal vein shunt developed, a micro-balloon catheter was advanced to the gastric varices via the intercostal vein and balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration (BRTO) was performed resulting in the eradication of gastric varices. BRTO for gastric varices via the intercostal vein has not previously been documented

    Distribution of Functional Liver Volume in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients with Portal Vein Tumor Thrombus in the 1st Branch and Main Trunk Using Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography—Application to Radiation Therapy

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    Purpose: To analyze the distribution of functional liver volume (FLV) in the margin volume (MV) surrounding hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) with portal vein tumor thrombus (PVTT) before radiation therapy (RT) and to verify the safety of single photon emission computed tomography-based three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (SPECT-B3DCRT) by exploring the relation of FLV in MV to radiation-induced liver disease (RILD). Methods and Materials: Clinical target volume (CTV) included main tumor and PVTT, and planning target volume (PTV) included CTV with a 10 mm margin. MV was defined as PTV–CTV. FLV ratio in MV was calculated as FLV in MV/MV × 100 (%). The two high-dose beams were planned to irradiate FLV as little as possible. Fifty-seven cases of HCC (26/57, 46%; Child–Pugh grade B) with PVTT underwent SPECT-B3DCRT which targeted the CTV to a total dose of 45 Gy/18 fractions. The destructive ratio was defined as radiation induced dysfunctional volume/FLV × 100 (%). Results: We observed a significant negative correlation between FLV ratio in MV and CTV (p < 0.001). Three cases with CTVs of 287, 587 and 1184 cm3 experienced transient RILD. The FLV ratio in MV was highest in patients with RILD: nine patients with CTV of 200–300 cm3, three with CTV of 500–600 cm3, and two with CTV of 1100–1200 cm3. The destructive ratio yielded a mean value of 24.2 ± 1.5%. Conclusions: Radiation planning that takes into account the distribution of FLV appears to result in the least possible RILD