170 research outputs found

    Diseño e implementación de un prototipo multimodal en tiempo real para emergencias ambulatorias utilizando tarjetas de desarrollo.

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    En el presente trabajo de titulación, se diseñó e implemento un prototipo multimodal en tiempo real para emergencias ambulatorias usando redes de sensores inalámbricos (WSN) y tecnología móvil de envió de paquetes vía radio (GPRS). En la implementación del prototipo se elaboró un módulo transmisor portátil encargado de la toma de las medidas fisiológicas humanas mediante los respectivos sensores inalámbricos los mismos que van conectados a una placa E-Health Sensor Shield y encima de esta un Arduino UNO, el cual almacena esta información y se comunica con un Arduino nano el cual es el encargado mediante un display mostrar estos datos en la caja del transmisor así como almacenar la cédula de identidad del paciente para posteriormente enviarla utilizando un módem SIM900 GSM/GPRS. Se implementó un módulo receptor cuya ubicación es fija con un Raspberry Pi 3, el cual consta de un Arduino UNO y su módem SIM900 que se comunican por el puerto serial del Arduino hacia el USB del Raspberry para recibir los datos del módulo transmisor a través del lenguaje de programación PYTHON y posteriormente almacenarlos en la base de datos realizada en libre office cuyo nombre es “BASE”. La interfaz gráfica de la base de datos permite almacenar la frecuencia respiratoria, flujo de aire, etc, de los pacientes. En esta se encontrará información básica de las personas. Para la validación de los resultados obtenidos con el prototipo, la comparación se realizó con equipos que lleva la ambulancia. Se concluyó que las emergencias ambulatorias pueden ser manejadas de mejor manera ya que la casa de salud se prepararía con anticipación al saber el estado en el que está siendo trasladado el paciente y así profesional adecuado pueda acudir para solventar la emergencia de manera eficiente. Es recomendable dotar a las ambulancias de tecnologías como esta para poder salvar más vidas.In the present titling work, a multimodal prototype was designed and implemented in real time for ambulatory emergencies using wireless sensor networks (WSN) and mobile technology of packet transmission via radio (GPRS). In the implementation of the prototype, a portable transmitter module was created which is responsible for taking human physiological measurements through the respective wireless sensors, which are connected to an E-Health Sensor Shield and on top of this an Arduino UNO that stores this information and communicates with an Arduino Nano which is responsible of displaying this data in the transmitter box as well as storing the patient's identity card to later send it using a SIM900 GSM / GPRS modem. We implemented a receiver module whereof location is fixed with a Raspberry Pi 3 that consists of an Arduino UNO and its modem SIM900 that communicate through the serial port of the Arduino to the USB of the Raspberry to receive the data from the transmitter module through the PYTHON programming language and then store them in the database made in the free office whereof name is "BASE". The graphical interface of the database allows to store the respiratory frequency, air flow, etc., of the patients. In this it could be found basic information about people. For the validation of the results obtained with the prototype, a comparison was made with equipment carried by the ambulance. It was concluded that outpatient emergencies can be handled in a better way since the health house would be prepared in advance knowing the state in which the patient is being transferred and so the appropriate professional can go to solve the emergency in an efficient manner. It is advisable to equip the ambulances with technology like this in order to save more lives

    Plan comunicacional corporativo para el proyecto vinculativo “Consultorios Jurídicos Gratuitos” aplicado por la Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo en la ciudad de Riobamba.

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    El objetivo radica en la implementación de un plan comunicacional corporativo para el proyecto vinculativo “Consultorios Jurídicos Gratuitos” aplicado por la Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, en la entidad la comunicación se maneja de forma abierta y sin ningún tipo de control, por lo cual la población Riobambeña de escasos recursos desconocen de los servicios y la ubicación de sus oficinas. Verificando la problemática descrita se elaboró un diagnóstico tanto de la comunicación interna como externa, requiriendo para ello la aplicación de una guía de observación y una entrevista. La muestra de 384 personas fue delimitada por personas de escasos recursos en relación a las Necesidades Básicas Insatisfechas con un índice o tasa de 56,10% de una total de 255.766 de población. Posteriormente se aplicaron las encuestas donde se evidenció que el 93,75% desconocen de la existencia de los Consultorios, esta razón permitió la realización del Plan Comunicacional Corporativo que con el diagnóstico de la problemática se pudo determinar estrategias, las cuales se describen en un plan que consta de objetivos, planificación, alcance, desarrollo de las herramientas, cronograma y presupuesto. Con la aplicación de la propuesta se obtuvieron resultados favorables los cuales fueron demostrados mediante el método del Chi Cuadrado, con un resultado calculado de 255,45 superior al tabular de 3,84 aceptando así la hipótesis alternativa. De esta manera se puede concluir que la implementación de un plan comunicacional corporativo para el proyecto vinculativo “Consultorios Jurídicos Gratuitos” aplicado por la Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo en la ciudad de Riobamba incide en el incremento del número de beneficiarios y se recomienda tener como referencia el presente trabajo de investigación para los futuros proyectos vinculativos aplicados por la Universidad.The objective of the current investigation is to implement a corporate communication plan for the project “Consultorios Jurídicos Gratuitos” which was applied by Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo. In this establishment, communication is handled in an open way and without any kind of control. For these reasons, poor people from Riobamba don’t know about the services and location of its offices. After verifying the problem beforementioned, a diagnosis of the internal and external communication was made. Aiming to this, an observation guide and an interview were applied. The sample of 384 people was defined for poor people taking into account their unsatisfied basic needs with a rate of 56,10 % out of a total population of 255.766. After that, surveys were applied in which it could be appreciated that 93,75 % of this population don’t know about the project “Consultorios Jurídicos Gratuitos”. That is why, a corporate communication plan could be done. The diagnosis of the problem allowed to design strategies, which are described in a plan that has objectives, planning, scope of action, tools development, schedule and budget. The results obtained after applying the proposal were favorable and they could be proved using the Chi-squared test with a calculated result of 255,45 superior when tabulating to 3,84. This way, the alternative hypothesis was accepted. Finally, it can be concluded that the implementation of a corporate communication plan for the project “Consultorios Jurídicos Gratuitos” applied by Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo has an influence in the increase of the number of beneficiaries. It is recommended to use this investigation as a reference for future linking projects applied by the university

    Análisis de diseño centrado en el usuario en interfaces web para la enseñanza de edición de imágen digital

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    El Análisis de Diseño Centrado en el Usuario en interfaces web para enseñanza de Edición de imagen digital, fue realizado en la Escuela de Ingeniería en Diseño Gráfico de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. En base a la recolección sistemática de información y al proceso de análisis que va de lo general a lo específico, analizando el diseño centrado en el usuario en las interfaces existentes dedicadas a la enseñanza de edición de imagen digital, se determinó parámetros útiles para descartar elementos que no aportan al diseño de interfaces. Se creó un manual de parámetros de calidad, previo análisis de los sitios web existentes para aplicarlo en la Escuela de Diseño Gráfico de la ESPOCH. Se utilizó equipos y software informáticos y dispositivos digitales de alta tecnología. Terminado el estudio y análisis de las interfaces existentes en la web, se obtuvo como resultado que la calidad de funcionalidad de las cuatro seleccionadas, llegan al 49%. Tomando en consideración que los parámetros establecidos para determinar el grado de calidad es el 70%. Concluimos que el Nivel de Calidad de Diseño Centrado en el Usuario en interfaces web para enseñanza de imagen digital es bajo. Se recomienda hacer uso de los parámetros de calidad encontrados, en la elaboración de sitios web dentro de la Escuela de Diseño Gráfico de la ESPOCH. Y además seguir el proceso de Investigación de acuerdo a las nuevas tendencias e innovaciones tecnológicas y pedagógicas

    Efectividad de la cirugía bariátrica en el tratamiento de la obesidad

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    La obesidad constituye un problema de salud a nivel mundial que favorece el desarrollo de múltiples enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles. Así, se desarrolló una investigación con el objetivo de determinar la efectividad de la cirugía bariátrica como tratamiento de la obesidad en pacientes operados en el Hospital General del Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social (IESS) de la ciudad de Riobamba, Chimborazo, Ecuador, durante el año 2019. Se realizó una investigación no experimental comparativa, para la que se recolectaron datos a partir de las historias clínicas de los usuarios en el entorno investigado. Los principales resultados mostraron un promedio de edad de 43,58 años, predominio de pacientes femeninas (60,61%) y de aquellos con presencia de comorbilidades (82,58%). El 68,94% de los pacientes presentó obesidad grado III antes de la cirugía, la mayoría presentó comorbilidades (82,59%), entre las que sobresalió la diabetes mellitus. Se concluyó que en los pacientes sometidos al procedimiento quirúrgico se produjo una reducción estadísticamente significativa de la incidencia de obesidad grado II y III, lo que evidenció la efectividad del tratamiento.Obesity is a global health problem that favors the development of multiple chronic non-communicable diseases. Thus, this research aimed to determine the effectiveness of bariatric surgery as a treatment for obesity in patients operated on at the General Hospital of the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security (IESS) in the city of Riobamba, Chimborazo, Ecuador, during the year 2019. Non-experimental comparative research was carried out. Data were collected from the medical records of users in the investigated environment. The main results showed an average age of 43.58, a predominance of female patients (60.61%) and those ones with the presence of comorbidities (82.58%). 68.94% of the patients presented grade III obesity before surgery, the majority presented comorbidities (82.59%), among which diabetes mellitus stood out. It was concluded that patients undergoing the surgical procedure showed a statistically significant reduction in the incidence of grade II and III obesity. This evidenced the effectiveness of the treatment

    High Incidence of Non-Random Template Strand Segregation and Asymmetric Fate Determination In Dividing Stem Cells and their Progeny

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    Decades ago, the “immortal strand hypothesis” was proposed as a means by which stem cells might limit acquiring mutations that could give rise to cancer, while continuing to proliferate for the life of an organism. Originally based on observations in embryonic cells, and later studied in terms of stem cell self-renewal, this hypothesis has remained largely unaccepted because of few additional reports, the rarity of the cells displaying template strand segregation, and alternative interpretations of experiments involving single labels or different types of labels to follow template strands. Using sequential pulses of halogenated thymidine analogs (bromodeoxyuridine [BrdU], chlorodeoxyuridine [CldU], and iododeoxyuridine [IdU]), and analyzing stem cell progeny during induced regeneration in vivo, we observed extraordinarily high frequencies of segregation of older and younger template strands during a period of proliferative expansion of muscle stem cells. Furthermore, template strand co-segregation was strongly associated with asymmetric cell divisions yielding daughters with divergent fates. Daughter cells inheriting the older templates retained the more immature phenotype, whereas daughters inheriting the newer templates acquired a more differentiated phenotype. These data provide compelling evidence of template strand co-segregation based on template age and associated with cell fate determination, suggest that template strand age is monitored during stem cell lineage progression, and raise important caveats for the interpretation of label-retaining cells

    Endoscopic Biliary Darinage (EBD) versus Percutaneous Transhepatic Biliary Drainage (PTBD) for biliary drainage in patients with Perihilar Cholangiocarcinoma (PCCA): A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Biliary drainage for Perihilar Cholangiocarcinoma (PCCA) can be performed either by endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography or Percutaneous Transhepatic Biliary Drainage (PTBD). To date there is no consensus about which method is preferred. Taking that into account, the aim of this study is to compare Endoscopic Biliary Drainage (EBD) versus percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage in patients with perihilar cholangiocarcinoma through a systematic review and metanalysis. A comprehensive search of multiple electronic databases was performed. Evaluated outcomes included technical success, clinical success, post drainage complications (cholangitis, pancreatitis, bleeding, and major complications), crossover, hospital length stay, and seeding metastases. Data extracted from the studies were used to calculate Mean Differences (MD). Seventeen studies were included, with a total of 2284 patients (EBD = 1239, PTBD = 1045). Considering resectable PCCA, the PTBD group demonstrated lower rates of crossover (RD = 0.29; 95% CI 0.07‒0.51; p = 0.009 I² = 90%), post-drainage complications (RD = 0.20; 95% CI 0.06‒0.33; p < 0.0001; I² = 78%), and post-drainage pancreatitis (RD = 0.10; 95% CI 0.05‒0.16; p < 0.0001; I² = 64%). The EBD group presented reduced length of hospital stay (RD = -2.89; 95% CI -3.35 ‒ -2,43; p < 0.00001; I² = 42%). Considering palliative PCCA, the PTBD group demonstrated a higher clinical success (RD = -0.19; 95% CI -0.27 ‒ -0.11; p < 0.00001; I² = 0%) and less post-drainage cholangitis (RD = 0.08; 95% CI 0.01‒0.15; p = 0.02; I² = 48%) when compared to the EBD group. There was no statistical difference between the groups regarding: technical success, post-drainage bleeding, major post-drainage complications, and seeding metastases

    Haematopoietic stem cells do not asymmetrically segregate chromosomes or retain BrdU

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    Stem cells are proposed to segregate chromosomes asymmetrically during self-renewing divisions so that older ('immortal') DNA strands are retained in daughter stem cells whereas newly synthesized strands segregate to differentiating cells(1-6). Stem cells are also proposed to retain DNA labels, such as 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU), either because they segregate chromosomes asymmetrically or because they divide slowly(5,7-9). However, the purity of stem cells among BrdU-label-retaining cells has not been documented in any tissue, and the 'immortal strand hypothesis' has not been tested in a system with definitive stem cell markers. Here we tested these hypotheses in haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), which can be highly purified using well characterized markers. We administered BrdU to newborn mice, mice treated with cyclophosphamide and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, and normal adult mice for 4 to 10 days, followed by 70 days without BrdU. In each case, less than 6% of HSCs retained BrdU and less than 0.5% of all BrdU-retaining haematopoietic cells were HSCs, revealing that BrdU has poor specificity and poor sensitivity as an HSC marker. Sequential administration of 5-chloro-2-deoxyuridine and 5-iodo-2-deoxyuridine indicated that all HSCs segregate their chromosomes randomly. Division of individual HSCs in culture revealed no asymmetric segregation of the label. Thus, HSCs cannot be identified on the basis of BrdU-label retention and do not retain older DNA strands during division, indicating that these are not general properties of stem cells.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/62821/1/nature06115.pd

    Immortalized, premalignant epithelial cell populations contain long-lived, label-retaining cells that asymmetrically divide and retain their template DNA

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    Abstract Introduction During selective segregation of DNA, a cell asymmetrically divides and retains its template DNA. Asymmetric division yields daughter cells whose genome reflects that of the parents, simultaneously protecting the parental cell from genetic errors that may occur during DNA replication. We hypothesized that long-lived epithelial cells are present in immortal, premalignant cell populations, undergo asymmetric division, retain their template DNA strands, and cycle both during allometric growth and during pregnancy. Methods The glands of 3-week-old immune-competent Balb/C female mice were used intact or cleared of host epithelium and implanted with ductal-limited, lobule-limited, or alveolar-ductal progenitor cells derived from COMMA-D1 pre-malignant epithelial cells. 5-Bromo-2-deoxyuridine (5-BrdU) was administered to identify those cells that retain their template DNA. Nulliparous mice were then either injected with [3H]-thymidine (3H-TdR) to distinguish 5-BrdU label-retaining cells that enter the cell cycle and euthanized, or mated, injected with 3H-TdR, and euthanized at various days after coitus. Sections were stained for estrogen receptor-α (ER-α) or progesterone receptor (PR) with immunohistochemistry. Cells labeled with both 5-BrdU and 3H-TdR were indicative of label-retaining epithelial cells (LRECs). Results Cells that retained a 5-BrdU label and cells labeled with [3H]-thymidine were found in all mice and were typically detected along the branching epithelium of mature mouse mammary glands. Cells containing double-labeled nuclei (LRECs) were found in the intact mammary glands of both pregnant and nulliparous mice, and in mammary glands implanted with premalignant cells. Double-labeled cells (3H-TdR/5-BrdU) represent a small portion of cells in the mammary gland that cycle and retain their template DNA (5-BrdU). Some label-retaining cells were also ER-α or PR positive. LRECs distributed their second label (3H-TdR) to daughter cells, and this effect persisted during pregnancy. LRECs, and small focal hyperplasia, were found in all immortalized premalignant mammary-implant groups. Conclusions The results indicate that a subpopulation of long-lived, label-retaining epithelial cells (LRECs) is present in immortal premalignant cell populations. These LRECs persist during pregnancy, retain their original DNA, and a small percentage express ER-α and PR. We speculate that LRECs in premalignant hyperplasia represent the long-lived (memory) cells that maintain these populations indefinitely.Peer Reviewe

    Human Milk Protein Production in Xenografts of Genetically Engineered Bovine Mammary Epithelial Stem Cells

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    BACKGROUND: In the bovine species milk production is well known to correlate with mammary tissue mass. However, most advances in optimizing milk production relied on improvements of breeding and husbandry practices. A better understanding of the cells that generate bovine mammary tissue could facilitate important advances in milk production and have global economic impact. With this possibility in mind, we show that a mammary stem cell population can be functionally identified and isolated from the bovine mammary gland. We also demonstrate that this stem cell population may be a promising target for manipulating the composition of cow's milk using gene transfer. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We show that the in vitro colony-forming cell assay for detecting normal primitive bipotent and lineage-restricted human mammary clonogenic progenitors are applicable to bovine mammary cells. Similarly, the ability of normal human mammary stem cells to regenerate functional bilayered structures in collagen gels placed under the kidney capsule of immunodeficient mice is shared by a subset of bovine mammary cells that lack aldehyde dehydrogenase activity. We also find that this activity is a distinguishing feature of luminal-restricted bovine progenitors. The regenerated structures recapitulate the organization of bovine mammary tissue, and milk could be readily detected in these structures when they were assessed by immunohistochemical analysis. Transplantation of the bovine cells transduced with a lentivirus encoding human β-CASEIN led to expression of the transgene and secretion of the product by their progeny regenerated in vivo. CONCLUSIONS: These findings point to a common developmental hierarchy shared by human and bovine mammary glands, providing strong evidence of common mechanisms regulating the maintenance and differentiation of mammary stem cells from both species. These results highlight the potential of novel engineering and transplant strategies for a variety of commercial applications including the production of modified milk components for human consumption