163 research outputs found

    Going chiral: overlap versus twisted mass fermions

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    We compare the behavior of overlap fermions, which are chirally invariant, and of Wilson twisted mass fermions at full twist in the approach to the chiral limit. Our quenched simulations reveal that with both formulations of lattice fermions pion masses of O(250 MeV) can be reached in practical applications. Our comparison is done at a fixed value of the lattice spacing a=0.123 fm. A number of quantities are measured such as hadron masses, pseudoscalar decay constants and quark masses obtained from Ward identities. We also determine the axial vector renormalization constants in the case of overlap fermions.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure

    {\eta} and {\eta}' mesons from Nf=2+1+1 twisted mass lattice QCD

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    We determine mass and mixing angles of eta and eta' states using Nf=2+1+1 Wilson twisted mass lattice QCD. We describe how those flavour singlet states need to be treated in this lattice formulation. Results are presented for three values of the lattice spacing, a=0.061 fm, a=0.078 fm and a=0.086 fm, with light quark masses corresponding to values of the charged pion mass in a range of 230 to 500 MeV and fixed bare strange and charm quark mass values. We obtain 557(15)(45) MeV for the eta mass (first error statistical, second systematic) and 44(5) degrees for the mixing angle in the quark flavour basis, corresponding to -10(5) degrees in the octet-singlet basis.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figures, version to appear in JHEP, extended discussion of autocorrelation times and comparison to results available in the literature, added a comment for FS-effects and clarified the description of our blocking procedur

    Non-perturbative Test of the Witten-Veneziano Formula from Lattice QCD

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    We compute both sides of the Witten-Veneziano formula using lattice techniques. For the one side we perform dedicated quenched simulations and use the spectral projector method to determine the topological susceptibility in the pure Yang-Mills theory. The other side we determine in lattice QCD with Nf=2+1+1N_f=2+1+1 dynamical Wilson twisted mass fermions including for the first time also the flavour singlet decay constant. The Witten-Veneziano formula represents a leading order expression in the framework of chiral perturbation theory and we also employ leading order chiral perturbation theory to relate the flavor singlet decay constant to the relevant decay constant parameters in the quark flavor basis and flavor non-singlet decay constants. After taking the continuum and the SU(2)(2) chiral limits we compare both sides and find good agreement within uncertainties.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figures, version accepted for publicatio

    The running coupling of 8 flavors and 3 colors

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    We compute the renormalized running coupling of SU(3) gauge theory coupled to N_f = 8 flavors of massless fundamental Dirac fermions. The recently proposed finite volume gradient flow scheme is used. The calculations are performed at several lattice spacings allowing for a controlled continuum extrapolation. The results for the discrete beta-function show that it is monotonic without any sign of a fixed point in the range of couplings we cover. As a cross check the continuum results are compared with the well-known perturbative continuum beta-function for small values of the renormalized coupling and perfect agreement is found.Comment: 15 pages, 17 figures, published versio

    Enterprise Education Competitions: A Theoretically Flawed Intervention?

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    The demand for including enterprise in the education system, at all levels and for all pupils is now a global phenomenon. Within this context, the use of competitions and competitive learning activities is presented as a popular and effective vehicle for learning. The purpose of this chapter is to illustrate how a realist method of enquiry – which utilises theory as the unit of analysis – can shed new light on the assumed and unintended outcomes of enterprise education competitions. The case developed here is that there are inherent flaws in assuming that competitions will ‘work’ in the ways set out in policy and guidance. Some of the most prevalent stated outcomes – that competitions will motivate and reward young people, that they will enable the development of entrepreneurial skills, and that learners will be inspired by their peers – are challenged by theory from psychology and education. The issue at stake is that the expansion of enterprise education policy into primary and secondary education increases the likelihood that more learners will be sheep dipped in competitions, and competitive activities, without a clear recognition of the potential unintended effects. In this chapter, we employ a realist-informed approach to critically evaluate the theoretical basis that underpins the use of competitions and competitive learning activities in school-based enterprise education. We believe that our findings and subsequent recommendations will provide those who promote and practice the use of competitions with a richer, more sophisticated picture of the potential flaws within such activities.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Probing exotic phenomena at the interface of nuclear and particle physics with the electric dipole moments of diamagnetic atoms: A unique window to hadronic and semi-leptonic CP violation

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    The current status of electric dipole moments of diamagnetic atoms which involves the synergy between atomic experiments and three different theoretical areas -- particle, nuclear and atomic is reviewed. Various models of particle physics that predict CP violation, which is necessary for the existence of such electric dipole moments, are presented. These include the standard model of particle physics and various extensions of it. Effective hadron level combined charge conjugation (C) and parity (P) symmetry violating interactions are derived taking into consideration different ways in which a nucleon interacts with other nucleons as well as with electrons. Nuclear structure calculations of the CP-odd nuclear Schiff moment are discussed using the shell model and other theoretical approaches. Results of the calculations of atomic electric dipole moments due to the interaction of the nuclear Schiff moment with the electrons and the P and time-reversal (T) symmetry violating tensor-pseudotensor electron-nucleus are elucidated using different relativistic many-body theories. The principles of the measurement of the electric dipole moments of diamagnetic atoms are outlined. Upper limits for the nuclear Schiff moment and tensor-pseudotensor coupling constant are obtained combining the results of atomic experiments and relativistic many-body theories. The coefficients for the different sources of CP violation have been estimated at the elementary particle level for all the diamagnetic atoms of current experimental interest and their implications for physics beyond the standard model is discussed. Possible improvements of the current results of the measurements as well as quantum chromodynamics, nuclear and atomic calculations are suggested.Comment: 46 pages, 19 tables and 16 figures. A review article accepted for EPJ

    Tratamiento de efluentes acuosos contaminados con compuestos organoclorados

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    [ES] Los compuestos organoclorados son un tipo de residuos que han adquirido especial relevancia en los últimos tiempos, debido a sus características tóxicas y peligrosas, tanto para el medio ambiente como para los seres humanos. Su especial peligrosidad ha potenciado la búsqueda de alternativas para su tratamiento en las distintas corrientes donde se presentan. En este artículo se describe la problemática real de este tipo de compuestos, se exponen los principales contaminantes y se muestra una visión general de las alternativas para la eliminación de estos organoclorados de corrientes acuosas, detallándose en profundidad una de las alternativas de eliminación consideradas: la hidrodecloración catalítica en fase acuosa.Padilla Vivas, B.; Díez Sanz, FV.; Ordóñez García, S. (2005). Tratamiento de efluentes acuosos contaminados con compuestos organoclorados. Ingeniería del agua. 12(4):361-375. https://doi.org/10.4995/ia.2005.2571OJS361375124Alejandre A., Medina F., Rodríguez X., Salagre P., Cesteros Y., Sueiras J. E. (2000). Cu/Ni/Al layered double hydroxides as precursors of catalysts for the wet air oxidation of phenol aqueous solutions. Appl. Catal. B. 30:195-207Ali M., Sreekrishnan T. R. (2001). Aquatic toxicity from pulp and paper mill effluents: a reviewAdvances in Environmental Research. 5:175-196Aramendia M. A., Boráu V., García I. M., Jiménez C., Marinas A., Marinas J. M., Urbano F. J. (2002). Liquid-phase hydrodehalogenation of substituted chlorobenzenes over palladium supported catalysts. Appl. Catal. B.43:71-79Araujo J. (1993). Naturaleza y Ecología en España. La Muerte Silenciosa. Ed. Círculo de LectoresATSDR. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (2002). ToxFAQs™. EEUU.Brauer H. (1985). Biotechnology Fundamentals of Biochemical Engineering. Volumen 2.Buitrón G., González A., López-Martín L. M. (1998). 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    Advanced glycation end-products, a pathophysiological pathway in the cardiorenal syndrome

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    The prevalence of heart failure (HF) is increasing. A distinction is made between diastolic HF (preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF)) and systolic HF (reduced LVEF). Advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) are crystallized proteins that accumulate during ageing, but are particularly increased in patients with diabetes mellitus and in patients with renal failure. Through the formation of collagen crosslinks, and by interaction with the AGE-receptor, which impairs calcium handling and increases fibrosis, AGE-accumulation has pathophysiologically been associated with the development of diastolic and renal dysfunction. Interestingly, diastolic dysfunction is a frequent finding in elderly patients, diabetic patients and in patients with renal failure. Taken together, this suggests that AGEs are related to the development and progression of diastolic HF and renal failure. In this review, the role of AGEs as a possible pathophysiological factor that link the development and progression of heart and renal failure, is discussed. Finally, the role of AGE intervention as a possible treatment in HF patients will be discussed