157 research outputs found

    What Determines Exit from Aid-dependence?

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    At the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, the African Union stated that ?the post-Busan agenda for Africa is in essence a programme to reduce aid dependency and ultimately exit aid? (AU, 2011: 11). This One Pager sketches out the attributes of an aid exit strategy to inform such an agenda. We ranked 132 countries based on their aid-to-GDP ratio and grouped them into deciles for the past five decades. The Figure plots the deciles for the 1960s relative to the 2000s. The additional horizontal and vertical lines correspond to the 5th deciles as a threshold for higher and lower degrees of aid-dependence. The 45° line is the locus of countries that have experienced no change in their ranking of aid-dependence between the decades. (?)What Determines Exit from Aid-dependence?

    Evaluation of genetic diversity in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) from Wollo high land areas using agromorphological traits and hordein

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    This study aimed to determine the genetic diversity and relationships among barley varieties (Hordeum vulgare L.) growing at Wollo Highland areas by using hordein and agro-morphological traits. Twenty (20) varieties were laid down in randomized complete block design (RCBD) design with three replications; they were planted by irrigation at Wollo University, Dessie Campus from January to May 2014. The genetic analysis using hordein was done in the laboratory of Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute (EBI) in July 2014. Ten (10) competitive random plants from the rows of the experimental plots were taken for recording their agromorphological characters. Electrophoretic separation of barley storage proteins or hordeins was done using acid polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (A-PAGE). The traits: day of heading, day of maturity, grain yield (kg/ha), plant height, spike length, number of spiklet per spike, kernel number per spike, weight of seed per spike and biomass yield (g/plot) were highly significant for the diversity of barely, whereas thousand seed weight was less significant. The results reveal positive correlation between spike length and number of spiklet per spike (the highest correlations from the agro morphological traits); the next highly correlated traits were kernel weight per spike and thousand seed weight. The A-PAGE analysis showed limited variation among the analysed accessions. The Nei’s genetic distance for all varieties of barely varied from 0.0000 to 1.6094. It is found that the 20 genotypes of barely investigated in this research were having a gene diversity (h) of overall populations (0.138) using hordein. The cluster analysis grouped the 20 barely genotypes into three different clusters using agro-morphological traits and into four clusters using hordein. This indicates the presence of wide diversity among the tested genotypes. From cluster mean values of agro-morphological traits, genotypes in cluster III deserve consideration for directly developing high yielding barely varieties. The result of the principal components analysis revealed that the first three principal components having greater than 1 eigenvalue contributed 84.22% of the total variation. From this study, it can be concluded that the presence of high morphological variation indicated the potential of Wollo Highland areas in contributing to barley improvement and conservation activities of land areas.Key words: Acid polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, agro-morphological traits, hordein, genetic distance, hordeum vulgare, variability

    The Role of Environmental Factors in the Etiology of Nonsyndromic Orofacial Clefts

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    Background: Nonsyndromic orofacial clefts (NSOFCs) represent the most common congenital anomalies in the head and neck region. Multiple factors contribute to the occurrence of this anomaly. The etiology of NSOFCs in the Ethiopian population has not been investigated prior to this study.Aims of the Study: To assess the role of maternal environmental factors in the occurrence of NSOFCs in the Ethiopian Population.Methods: The authors used unmatched case control study design and evaluated the role of environmental factors to the occurrence of NSOFCs in the Ethiopian population. The participants were recruited from the same institution (Yekatit 12 Hospital Medical College). The authors studied 760 mothers (359 mothers of children born with NSOFCs and 401 mothers of children born without any congenital anomalies). Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to calculate relative risk by odds ratio and 95% confidence interval.Results: Mothers who gave history of bronchial asthma and mothers who were admitted for threatened abortion had a higher risk of delivering a child with NSOFCS P value=0.013; AOR=0.194, 95% CI [0.053-0.712], P value &lt;0.001; AOR= 0.179, 95% CI [0.091-0.352] respectively. Higher number of children with NSOFCs were born to mothers who were exposed to diagnostic X-ray investigation during early pregnancy than those who were not exposed P value 0.048; AOR=0.375, 95% CI [0.142-0.990].Conclusion: Maternal exposure to diagnostic x-ray, maternal chronic illness like bronchial asthma and threatened abortion were found to be associated with the occurrence of NSOFCS in the studied population.</p

    Water use of Prosopis juliflora and its impacts on catchment water budget and rural livelihoods in Afar Region, Ethiopia

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    CITATION: Shiferaw, H. et al. 2021. Water use of Prosopis juliflora and its impacts on catchment water budget and rural livelihoods in Afar Region, Ethiopia. Scientific Reports, 11:2688,doi:10.1038/s41598-021-81776-6.The original publication is available at https://www.nature.comDense impenetrable thickets of invasive trees and shrubs compete with other water users and thus disrupt ecosystem functioning and services. This study assessed water use by the evergreen Prosopis juliflora, one of the dominant invasive tree species in semi-arid and arid ecosystems in the tropical regions of Eastern Africa. The objectives of the study were to (1) analyze the seasonal water use patterns of P. juliflora in various locations in Afar Region, Ethiopia, (2) up-scale the water use from individual tree transpiration and stand evapotranspiration (ET) to the entire invaded area, and 3) estimate the monetary value of water lost due to the invasion. The sap flow rates of individual P. juliflora trees were measured using the heat ratio method while stand ET was quantified using the eddy covariance method. Transpiration by individual trees ranged from 1–36 L/day, with an average of 7 L of water per tree per day. The daily average transpiration of a Prosopis tree was about 3.4 (± 0.5) mm and the daily average ET of a dense Prosopis stand was about 3.7 (± 1.6) mm. Using a fractional cover map of P. juliflora (over an area of 1.18 million ha), water use of P. juliflora in Afar Region was estimated to be approximately 3.1–3.3 billion m3/yr. This volume of water would be sufficient to irrigate about 460,000 ha of cotton or 330,000 ha of sugar cane, the main crops in the area, which would generate an estimated net benefit of approximately US320millionandUS 320 million and US 470 million per growing season from cotton and sugarcane, respectively. Hence, P. juliflora invasion in the Afar Region has serious impacts on water availability and on the provision of other ecosystem services and ultimately on rural livelihoods.https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-81776-6Publisher's versio

    Cost of childhood cancer treatment in Ethiopia

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    Background: Despite the recent interest in expanding pediatric oncology units in Ethiopia, reflected in the National Childhood and Adolescent Cancer Control Plan (NCACCP), little is known about the cost of running a pediatric oncology unit and treating childhood cancers. Methods: We collected historical cost data and quantity of services provided for the pediatric oncology unit and all other departments in Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital (TASH) from 8 July 2018 to 7 July 2019, using a provider perspective and mixed (top-down and bottom-up) costing approaches. Direct costs (human resources, drugs, supplies, medical equipment) of the pediatric oncology unit, costs at other relevant clinical departments, and overhead cost share are summed up to estimate the total annual cost of running the unit. Further, unit costs were estimated at specific childhood cancer levels. Results: The estimated annual total cost of running a pediatric oncology unit was USD 776,060 (equivalent to USD 577 per treated child). The cost of running a pediatric oncology unit per treated child ranged from USD 469 to USD 1,085, on the scenario-based sensitivity analysis. Drugs and supplies, and human resources accounted for 33% and 27% of the total cost, respectively. Outpatient department and inpatient department shared 37% and 63% of the cost, respectively. For the pediatric oncology unit, the cost per OPD visit, cost per bed day, and cost per episode of hospital admission were USD 36.9, 39.9, and 373.3, respectively. The annual cost per treated child ranged from USD 322 to USD 1,313 for the specific childhood cancers. Conclusion: Running a pediatric oncology unit in Ethiopia is likely to be affordable. Further analysis of cost effectiveness, equity, and financial risk protection impacts of investing in childhood cancer programs could better inform the prioritization of childhood cancer control interventions in the Ethiopia Essential Health Service Package.publishedVersio

    Oral Health-Related Quality of Life of Children Born With Orofacial Clefts in Ethiopia and Their Parents

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    Objective: To assess the oral health–related quality of life (OH-RQoL) using a translated standardized measure in an understudied population of Ethiopian children born with orofacial clefts (OFCs) and their parents. Methods: Using a descriptive study design, we assessed the OH-RQoL of 41 patients with OFCs between the ages of 8 and 17 years and their parents. Participants received multidisciplinary cleft care from 2008 to 2016. They completed an Amharic translation of the Child Oral Health Impact Profile (COHIP). Results: There was strong internal reliability with the translated COHIP for parents and patients. Parents’ COHIP scores ranged from 67 to 186, and patients’ scores were 78 to 190. The mean for patients and parents was 155, indicating good OH-RQoL. Conclusion: The Amharic translation of the COHIP appears appropriate for use with families in Ethiopia. Both parents and patients reported OH-RQoL at similar levels as other international populations. </jats:sec

    Response of maize yield to nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur rates on Andosols and Nitisols in Ethiopia

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    The use of fertilizers in balanced and adequate amounts is a prerequisite for increasing crop productivity and production. Unbalanced plant nutrient management continues to be a major factor contributing to low maize (Zea mays L.) yields due to lack of information on the dose–responses to macronutrients on different soil types in Ethiopia. This study was carried out to quantify maize yield response and agronomic efficiency of varying application rates of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and sulphur (S) under balanced application of other nutrients across two soil types in Ethiopia. Field trials were set up on 29 farmers’ fields in four districts of Oromia and Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region (SNNPR) for three consecutive cropping seasons (2014–2017). The treatments consisted of six rates of N, P and S each and eight rates of K combined with balanced application of the remaining macronutrients, zinc (Zn) and boron (B). The treatments were laid out in randomised complete blocks design with three replicates per farm. Using nutrient dose–response modelling, the agronomic optimum rates of N, P, K and S were estimated at 46, 40, 17 and 10 kg ha−1 on Nitisols, with balanced application of the other nutrients. On Andosols, the optimum rates of N, P and S were estimated at 184, 20 and 30 kg ha−1, respectively, but the optimum K rate could not be estimated. The predicted maximum yields obtained with balanced nutrient application were lower on Andosols (3397–3640 kg ha−1) than on Nitisols (4630–6094 kg ha−1). Using the Mitscherlich dose–response model, the percentage deficiencies of N, P, K and S were estimated to be 1.3–3.3 times more on Nitisols than Andosols. Consequently, agronomic efficiencies of N, P, K and S were significantly lower on Andosols than on Nitisols. It is concluded that balanced application of 46 kg N ha−1 , 40 kg P ha−1 , 17 kg K ha−1 , 10 kg ha−1 S, 2 kg Zn ha−1 and 0.5 kg B ha−1 could be recommended for maize on Nitisols in the study area. Although this recommendation may also apply to Andosol, further research is needed as the productivity of Andosols appears to be limited by constrains other than N, P, K, S, Zn and B. We also recommend a shift from the blanket fertilizer recommendations to site-specific nutrient management based on good understanding of the variations in crop response with soil type and agroecology and appropriate soil and plant analyses

    Population Genomics of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Ethiopia Contradicts the Virgin Soil Hypothesis for Human Tuberculosis in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Colonial medical reports claimed that tuberculosis (TB) was largely unknown in Africa prior to European contact, providing a "virgin soil" for spread of TB in highly susceptible populations previously unexposed to the disease [1, 2]. This is in direct contrast to recent phylogenetic models which support an African origin for TB [3-6]. To address this apparent contradiction, we performed a broad genomic sampling of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Ethiopia. All members of the M. tuberculosis complex (MTBC) arose from clonal expansion of a single common ancestor [7] with a proposed origin in East Africa [3, 4, 8]. Consistent with this proposal, MTBC lineage 7 is almost exclusively found in that region [9-11]. Although a detailed medical history of Ethiopia supports the view that TB was rare until the 20(th) century [12], over the last century Ethiopia has become a high-burden TB country [13]. Our results provide further support for an African origin for TB, with some genotypes already present on the continent well before European contact. Phylogenetic analyses reveal a pattern of serial introductions of multiple genotypes into Ethiopia in association with human migration and trade. In place of a "virgin soil" fostering the spread of TB in a previously naive population, we propose that increased TB mortality in Africa was driven by the introduction of European strains of M. tuberculosis alongside expansion of selected indigenous strains having biological characteristics that carry a fitness benefit in the urbanized settings of post-colonial Africa

    Spatial distribution of podoconiosis in relation to environmental factors in Ethiopia: a historical review

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    BACKGROUND An up-to-date and reliable map of podoconiosis is needed to design geographically targeted and cost-effective intervention in Ethiopia. Identifying the ecological correlates of the distribution of podoconiosis is the first step for distribution and risk maps. The objective of this study was to investigate the spatial distribution and ecological correlates of podoconiosis using historical and contemporary survey data. METHODS Data on the observed prevalence of podoconiosis were abstracted from published and unpublished literature into a standardized database, according to strict inclusion and exclusion criteria. In total, 10 studies conducted between 1969 and 2012 were included, and data were available for 401,674 individuals older than 15 years of age from 229 locations. A range of high resolution environmental factors were investigated to determine their association with podoconiosis prevalence, using logistic regression. RESULTS The prevalence of podoconiosis in Ethiopia was estimated at 3.4% (95% CI 3.3%-3.4%) with marked regional variation. We identified significant associations between mean annual Land Surface Temperature (LST), mean annual precipitation, topography of the land and fine soil texture and high prevalence of podoconiosis. The derived maps indicate both widespread occurrence of podoconiosis and a marked variability in prevalence of podoconiosis, with prevalence typically highest at altitudes >1500 m above sea level (masl), with >1500 mm annual rainfall and mean annual LST of 19-21°C. No (or very little) podoconiosis occurred at altitudes 24°C. CONCLUSION Podoconiosis remains a public health problem in Ethiopia over considerable areas of the country, but exhibits marked geographical variation associated in part with key environmental factors. This is work in progress and the results presented here will be refined in future work
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