48,024 research outputs found


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    After the beginning of the Safavid State and expansion of the Ottoman Empire in Europe, the presence of European states citizens and evangelistic missionary associations in Iran highly intensified. These associations who mostly were entering Iran for political and religious purposes, in some periods like Shah Abbas I reign could establish bases for themselves in Iran and could work there for long whiles. Among these missionary associations, the Carmelite missionaries who in the beginning entered Iran as Pope`s ambassadors are very significant. The Carmelites had a continuous presence in the Iran`s Shi`ite community for about 160 years (1608-1768 AD / 1018-1182 AH) and performed various religious, political and cultural activities. They converted some Shi`ites of Iran into Christianity during 1618-1621 AD/ 1027-1030 AH that this their attempt faced the intense reaction of Shia scholars. The authors in this study at the first order attend to discuss the contexts and the quality of the presence of the Carmelite missionaries in Iran, then analyze the interaction and opposition between them and the Shi`ite clerics as well as people`s masses and explain its consequences by noting some evidence

    Uniqueness of positive solutions to semilinear elliptic equations with double power nonlinearities

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    We consider semilinear elliptic equations with double power nonlineaities. The condition to assure the existence of positive solutions is well-known. In the present paper, we remark that the additional condition to assure uniqueness proposed by Ouyang and Shi is unnecessary

    Pemaknaan Dari Simbol-simbol Alam Dalam Haiku Karya Matsuo Basho Dan Shi Karya Kanai Choku (Sebuah Kajian Semiotika)

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    Poetry is a literary work that has existed since long time ago. There are many types of poetry in Japanese Literature, namely, tanka, haiku, shi, kashi, and another. In this thesis, the type of Japanese poem, haiku and shi have similarity. Both of them have similarity in using natural symbols, but they have different meanings. The purpose of this thesis are to determine the meaning of haiku and shi, and also the meaning of the natural symbols in those poems. The methods that are used to analyze the meaning of the natural symbols in the poem are structural method and semiotic method. Structural method is used to analyze the structure of the physical poem and inner structure poem. Analysis of the physical structure consists of diction, imagery, concrete word, and the figure of speech. Analysis of the inner structure consists of theme, tone, atmosphere, feel, and message. This structural method is used to determine the meaning of the whole poem. Semiotic method is used to determine the meaning of the natural symbols in poem. Natural symbols consist of phenomenon of plant, animal phenomenon, phenomenon of water, air phenomenon, phenomenon of soil and other natural symbols. Results of this thesis explain that haiku describes the implicit meaning of the circumstances at the time of the Edo period. Shi explains the feelings of the author. In addition, there are twenty natural symbols that contain in haiku and shi. There are six symbols of the plant phenomena, five animal phenomena, three water phenomena, an air phenomenon, two soil phenomena, and three another natural phenomena. All symbols have different meanings

    The syntactic coercion between “N1Adv shi N2” and “S bi N1 hai N2” constructions

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    Though many researchers have studied “N1Adv shi N2” and “S bi N1 hai N2” constructions, none of them have done some research on the correlation between them. In view of it, this thesis analyzes the syntactic coercion of the construction “N1Adv shi N2” on the construction “S bi N1 hai N2” from the perspective of the Cognitive Construction Grammar. The findings are: the latter inherits from the former the characteristics of nouns as adjectives, generic reference of nouns, and no negation, etc., but blocks the characteristic of personal names with specific reference; the latter partially inherits from the former some characteristics of nouns, such as the nouns referring to people, but blocks the information of geographical and personal names. In addition, the metonymic thinking model link proposed in this thesis has complemented the four types of links between constructions by Goldberg. 

    Auftrag und Grenzen der Sozialen Krankenversicherung

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    This contribution seeks to answer two questions, (1) What are the reasons for a demand for social health insurance (SHI)?, and (2) What are the limits to the growth of SHI? A review of the reasons for the existence of SHI reveals that while economists have emphasized the possible contribution of SHI to efficiency, the available evidence points to public choice reasons, which also seem to explain better the growth of SHI. Indeed, since private insurance redistributes as well (albeit governed by chance), it is tempting for politicians to use SHI for systematic redistribution (the extent of which cannot easily be detected by net payers). Turning to the supply of SHI, two dimensions are studied in some detail, viz. efforts at product innovation and at risk selection. Competing suppliers of SHI, while hampered by risk adjustment which sanctions innovators for attracting the young, are predicted to invest in innovation. A monopolistic public SHI scheme, by way of contrast, does not need to select risks and, on the other hand, it is predicted to refrain from product innovation. This is but one limit to the growth of SHI; the ultimate one is citizens' lack of willingness to pay for its continuing expansion, about which some evidence for the case of Switzerland is presente


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    In this paper the author discusses the making of tanabata-uma, one of the many customs of tanabata, an annual Japanese festival of stars, from many aspects associated with it, including the techniques for making it, in different areas of Japan. Various elements have been combined intricately and transmitted throughout Japan as events related with tanabata: that of kikkoden introduced from China, of wheat harvest festival, and of nanoka-bon, one of the many bon events. At the same time, because of the custom of bathing at tanabata in some areas, it also has an element of a purification ceremony. Tanabata-uma is a horse made of wild rice plant or wheat straw early in the morning of the 6 th or 7 th of July in the lunar calendar. It is placed together with bamboo decorations and is floated down a river or put on top of a roof at the end of the festival. People believed that tanabata-sama, interpreted by some as the god of the fields, or their ancestors visited them riding this horse. The transmission of tanabata-uma is significantly seen in East Japan. In the present investigation, tanabata-uma of Mobara-shi in Chiba prefecture, Iwaki-shi in Fukushima prefecture and Sendai-shi in Miyagi prefecture were studied from various aspects, including the way it is made. The characteristic of tanabata-uma at Mobara-shi is that although people originally made tanabata-uma at their homes, later it began to be sold at rokusai-ichi markets which were held regularly in this area. With the sale of tanabata-uma, villages and homes that specifically made it began to appear and it became more ornate. This means that the making of tanabata-uma became professionalized. In this sense, the making of tanabata-uma at Mobara-shi is an example that shows the process of the transmission of folk techniques. On the other hand, tanabata-uma of Iwaki-shi and Sendai-shi were made of wheat straw or rice straw. They were not sold at markets and, at least until the 1950 s, were made at homes. This may explain the reason that the design of these tanabata-uma is simpler compared with that of Mobara-shi. It is clear that there was no attempt to create sophisticated design and it does not show professionalization of the techniques

    On the first place antitonicity in QL-implications

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    To obtain a demanded fuzzy implication in fuzzy systems, a number of desired properties have been proposed, among which the first place antitonicity, the second place isotonicity and the boundary conditions are the most important ones. The three classes of fuzzy implications derived from the implication in binary logic, S-, R- and QL-implications all satisfy the second place isotonicity and the boundary conditions. However, not all the QL-implications satisfy the first place antitonicity as S- and R-implications do. In this paper we study the QL-implications satisfying the first place antitonicity. First we establish the relationship between the first place antitonicity and other required properties of QL-implications. Second we work on the conditions under which a QL-implication generated by different combinations of a t-conorm S, a t-norm T and a strong fuzzy negation N satisfy the first place antitonicity, especially in the cases that both S and T are continuous. We further investigate the interrelationships between S- and R-implications generated by left-continuous t-norms on one hand and QL-implications satisfying the first place antitonicity on the other

    Free filtrations of affine Weyl arrangements and the ideal-Shi arrangements

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    In this article we prove that the ideal-Shi arrangements are free central arrangements of hyperplanes satisfying the dual-partition formula. Then it immediately follows that there exists a saturated free filtration of the cone of any affine Weyl arrangement such that each filter is a free subarrangement satisfying the dual-partition formula. This generalizes the main result in \cite{ABCHT} which affirmatively settled a conjecture by Sommers and Tymoczko \cite{SomTym}