87 research outputs found

    Standards for providing marketing research in the digital economy

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    1. Козицька Г.В., Сергєєв І.А. Розвиток маркетингових інтенет-досліджень в умовах глобалізації економічного простору. Ефективна економіка. 2017. № 7. URL: https://www.economy.nauka.com.ua/?op=1&z=5688#. дата звернення: 01.02.2022). 2. Лилик І. Ринок маркетингових досліджень в Україні 2020 рік: експертна оцінка та аналіз УАМ. Маркетинг в Україні. 2021. № 1. С. 4-25. 3. Лилик І.В. Становлення ринку маркетингових досліджень в Україні: історична ретроспектива. Вчені записки: зб. наук. пр. М-во освіти і науки України, ДВНЗ «Київ. нац. екон. ун-т ім. Вадима Гетьмана»; [редкол.: А.Ф. Павленко (відп. ред.) та ін.]. Київ : КНЕУ, 2008. Вип. 10. С. 55-62. URL: https://ir.kneu.edu.ua:443/handle/2010/5853. дата звернення: 31.01.2022). Й інше.У статті обґрунтовано необхідність проведення маркетингових досліджень. Окреслено основні аспекти регулювання взаємовідносин між учасниками дослідницького процесу. Розглянуто основні регулюючі організації міжнародного та вітчизняного рівня та їх вимоги щодо якісного проведення дослідницьких процедур у сфері маркетингу. Узагальнено основні положення Міжнародного кодексу ESOMAR. Окреслено основні етичні норми ведення бізнесу в дослідницькій сфері, які засновані на принципах та директивах ESOMAR. Розглянуто основні вимоги ESOMAR до проведення маркетингових інтернет-досліджень. Розкрито особливості формування ринку маркетингових досліджень в Україні. Зазначено ключові аспекти діяльності Української асоціації маркетингу (УАМ), що сприяли розвитку ринку маркетингових досліджень. Проаналізована динаміка обсягу ринку маркетингових досліджень за період 2003-2020 роки. Визначено основних операторів ринку маркетингових досліджень в Україні.The article substantiates the need for marketing research. The main aspects of regulating the relationship between participants in the research process are outlined. The main regulatory organizations of international and domestic level and their requirements for quality research procedures are considered. The main provisions of the International Code ESOMAR (European Society of Marketing Research Professionals) are summarized. The basic ethical norms of doing business in the research sphere, which are based on the principles and directives of ESOMAR, are outlined. The main requirements of ESOMAR for conducting Internet marketing research are considered. The peculiarities of the formation of the market of market research in Ukraine are revealed. The key aspects of the Ukrainian Marketing Association (UAM) that contributed to the development of the marketing research market are identified. The dynamics of the market volume of marketing research for the period 2003–2020 in hryvnia and US dollars is analyzed. The main operators of the market of market researches in Ukraine are defined. The impact of the pandemic on the market of marketing research in Ukraine is noted. Analyzed as the introduction of the digital economy and the accelerated digitalization of all areas is reflected in the activities of companies conducting marketing research. Marketing research in Ukraine has a redistribution of methods towards increasing the share of online in the context of accelerating the digitalization process during a pandemic. The main consumer preferences have definitely changed. In times of uncertainty, companies need more marketing information to make decisions. We are confident that in the context of the ongoing transformation of consumer behavior, the demand for marketing research will continue to grow. Trends include greater flexibility for both customers and agencies, who try to get not just the service itself, but sell and buy quality, not price. The main challenges for companies conducting marketing research are the innovative component of marketing research and compliance with the standards specified in the main provisions of regulatory organizations at the international and domestic levels

    Создание медиарынка в Грузии

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    The article examines the establishment of media market in Georgia – one of republics of the former Soviet Union. Today Georgia is one of the leading countries of the Caucasian region recognized in various international ratings. Georgia holds the first place in the index of freedom of mass media in the region, which demonstrates a real democratic transformation in the country. The article considers national legislation regulating mass media and analyses the key media market players. While describing the major stages of the establishment of the Georgian radio and television, authors pay attention to the fact that some media genres, for example, radio-performances, were very popular in all post-Soviet space and abroad. Nowadays Georgia is a country with the developed media market with leading world players present in all media segments (television, radio, press, cable television, satellite television, internet, blogosphere, independent TV studios). In addition, citizens of Georgia are active Internet, social media and blog users. The authors conclude that despite certain existing difficulties and problems of the Georgian media market, the country has good prospects of sectoral development in the case of a political will.W artykule dokonano analizy powstania rynku mediów w Gruzji – jednej z republik byłego Związku Radzieckiego. Dziś Gruzja jest jednym z wiodących krajów regionu Kaukazu, co potwierdzają różne oceny międzynarodowe. Gruzja zajmuje pierwsze miejsce w indeksie wolności mediów w regionie, co świadczy o demokratycznej transformacji kraju. W artykule przedstawiono ustawodawstwo krajowe regulujące mass media i analizujące kluczowe podmioty rynku medialnego. Opisując główne etapy procesu formowania gruzińskiego radia i telewizji, autorzy zwrócili uwagę na to, że niektóre media-gatunki, na przykład radiowe, były bardzo popularne we wszystkich przestrzeniach postsowieckich i za granicą. Współczesna Gruzja jest krajem o rozwiniętym rynku medialnym z wiodącymi graczami światowymi obecnymi we wszystkich segmentach mediów (telewizja, radio, prasa, telewizja kablowa, telewizja satelitarna, internet, blogosfera, niezależne studia telewizyjne). Ponadto obywatele Gruzji są aktywnymi użytkownikami internetu, mediów społecznościowych i blogów. Autorzy konkludują, że pomimo pewnych istniejących trudności i problemów gruzińskiego rynku mediów ma on dobre perspektywy rozwoju.Аннотация: В статье анализируется создание медиарынка в Грузии, одной из республик бывшего Советского Союза. Сегодня Грузия является одной из ведущих стран Кавказского региона, что подтверждается различными международными оценками. Грузия занимает первое место по индексу свободы СМИ в регионе, что свидетельствует о демократических преобразованиях в стране. В статье представлено национальное законодательство, регулирующее деятельность СМИ и анализирующее ключевые субъекты медиарынка. Описывая основные этапы процесса становления грузинских радио и телевидения, авторы обратили внимание на то, что некоторые медиа-жанры, например радио, были очень популярны на всем постсоветском пространстве и за рубежом. Современная Грузия – это страна с развитым медиарынком с ведущими мировыми игроками, представленными во всех медиа-сегментах (телевидение, радио, пресса, кабельное телевидение, спутниковое телевидение, интернет, блогосфера, независимые телевизионные студии). Кроме того, граждане Грузии являются активными пользователями интернета, социальных сетей и блогов. Авторы приходят к выводу, что, несмотря на некоторые существующие трудности и проблемы грузинского медиарынка, у него хорошие перспективы для развития

    Neuroproteomics Tools in Clinical Practice

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    Abstract Neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease (PD), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) are characterized by neuronal impairment that leads to disease-specific changes in the neuronal proteins. The early diagnosis of these disorders is difficult, thus, the need for identifying, developing and using valid clinically applicable biomarkers that meet the criteria of precision, specificity and repeatability is very vital. The application of rapidly emerging technology such as mass spectrometry (MS) in proteomics has opened new avenues to accelerate biomarker discovery, both for diagnostic as well as for prognostic purposes. This review summarizes the most recent advances in the mass spectrometry-based neuroproteomics and analyses the current and future directions in the biomarker discovery for the neurodegenerative diseases.11 This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Neuroproteomics: Applications in Neuroscience and Neurology

    Напрямки розвитку лояльності клієнтів у системі соціально відповідального маркетингу

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    1.David Chandler (2016). Strategic corporate social responsibility. Sustainable value creation. Edition 4. - SAGE Publications, Inc. 488p. 2.Полонский Д.Э. Стратегическое маркетинговое управление лояльностью потребителей / Д.Э. Полонский http://ecsocman.hse.ru/data/2012/03/16/1269116663/27.pdf 3.Савина Т. С. Влияние корпоративной социальной ответственности на деловую репутацию компании : автореф. дис. … канд. экон. наук / Т. С. Савина. – В. Новгород, 2013.The thesis is devoted to solving the actual scientific and practical task of deepening the theoretical principles of managing loyalty of airline clients on the basis of socially responsible marketing.Вирішується актуальне науково-практичне завдання поглиблення теоретичних засад управління лояльністю клієнтів авіакомпанії на засадах соціально відповідального маркетингу

    A Feasibility Study on the Identification of Potential Biomarkers in Pulmonary Embolism Using Proteomic Analysis

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    Acute pulmonary embolism (PE) is a common emergency with a high morbidity and mortality. Most clinical presentations are non-specific and there is a lack of suitable biomarkers for PE. For example, the traditional D-dimer tests shows a rather high sensitivity for PE, but yet a rather low positive predictive value due to its lack of specificity. Research on novel biomarkers for PE is thus of interest to improve early diagnostics and reduce the number of unnecessary computed tomography pulmonary angiogram (CTPA) scans performed. In this study we evaluate the feasibility to use label-free quantitative proteomics to discover potential biomarkers for acute PE and to monitor changes in proteins levels in PE patients over time. Blood was collected from 8 patients with CTPA verified PE and from 8 patients presenting with same symptoms but with a negative CTPA. The samples were analyzed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and thirteen protein concentrations were found to be significantly changed in PE patients compared to the CTPA negative controls. This exploratory study shows that proteomic analysis can be used to identify potential biomarkers for PE as well as to monitor changes of protein levels over time. The complement proteins play a part in PE but further studies are needed to clarify their specific role in the pathophysiological process and to look for more specific proteins

    National security of Ukraine under the current geostrategic tendencies .

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    Abstract: The genesis of national security paradigm of Ukraine is considered in comparison to European and world practice, NATO approach. The article reviews the new threats to security of Ukraine after the “Revolution of dignity” (2014) and prefigures a dialogue about the new paradigm developed in the latest decades in the field of national security. Lessons of Ukraine are observed for its allies

    Дослідження властивостей ресурсозберігаючої хромвмісної брикетованої легуючої добавки із рудної сировини

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    It was determined that the original oxide chromium-containing ore raw material is represented by granules of rounded shape the size of 250–600 µm. Along with Cr and Fe, it revealed Mg, Al, Si, Ca, and Ti. They probably were included in the composition of oxide ore impurities and can exert an indirect influence on the reducing processes. Phase composition of the briquetted raw material after the carbon thermal treatment consisted mainly of Cr2O3 and metal Cr with the presence of carbides Cr7C3 and Cr2C3. Diffraction maxima of metal Fe and its compounds had no explicit manifestation, indicating the presence of Fe as substitution atoms in the chromium-containing phases and compounds. The structure is heterogeneous.The content of residual oxygen confirms the presence, along with metal Cr, under-reduced oxide or oxy-carbide compounds. The residual oxygen could also be contained in the composition of oxide related ore impurities. This is confirmed by detection of the specified elements in the examined areas in the images of the microstructure. Excessive carbon content ensures the post-reduction of residual oxide component in a liquid metal in the process of alloying and enables protection against secondary oxidation of chromiumИсследованы фазовый состав, микроструктура хромсодержащего оксидного рудного сырья и соответствующих продуктов углеродотермического восстановления. Опытно-промышленным путем получен ресурсосберегающий хромсодержащий брикетированный легирующий материал с качественно новыми свойствами. Выявлена неоднородная оксикарбидная структура с избыточным содержанием углерода, что обеспечивает довосстановление остаточной оксидной составляющей при легировании и защиту от вторичного окисления хромаДосліджено фазовий склад, мікроструктуру хромвмісної оксидної рудної сировини і відповідних продуктів вуглецевотермічного відновлення. Дослідно-промисловим шляхом отримано ресурсозберігаючий хромвмісний брикетований легуючий матеріал з якісно новими властивостями. Виявлено неоднорідну оксикарбідну структуру з надлишковим вмістом вуглецю, що забезпечує довідновлення залишкової оксидної складової при легуванні та захист від вторинного окислення хром

    Proteomic differences between focal and diffuse traumatic brain injury in human brain tissue

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    The early molecular response to severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) was evaluated using biopsies of structurally normal-appearing cortex, obtained at location for intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring, from 16 severe TBI patients. Mass spectrometry (MS; label free and stable isotope dimethyl labeling) quantitation proteomics showed a strikingly different molecular pattern in TBI in comparison to cortical biopsies from 11 idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus patients. Diffuse TBI showed increased expression of peptides related to neurodegeneration (Tau and Fascin, p < 0.05), reduced expression related to antioxidant defense (Glutathione S-transferase Mu 3, Peroxiredoxin-6, Thioredoxin-dependent peroxide reductase; p < 0.05) and increased expression of potential biomarkers (e.g. Neurogranin, Fatty acid-binding protein, heart p < 0.05) compared to focal TBI. Proteomics of human brain biopsies displayed considerable molecular heterogeneity among the different TBI subtypes with consequences for the pathophysiology and development of targeted treatments for TBI

    Plasma-derived extracellular vesicles from myocardial infarction patients inhibits tumor necrosis factor-alpha induced cardiac cell death.

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    RATIONALE: Extracellular vesicles (EVs) derived exogenously from pluripotent stem cells or endogenously from healthy human serum exert cardioprotective effects after injury. However role of endogenous EVs from myocardial infarction (MI) patients not well understood in this settings. METHODS AND RESULTS: The EVs from plasma of MI patients with preserved or reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and healthy controls (HC) were purified and characterized by flow cytometry, mass spectrometry (MS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). HCM and human cardiac microvascular endothelial cells (hCMVECs), under individual culture or co-culture, were used to study functional effects of EVs upon TNFα stimulation. These effects of EVs on HCM and hCMVECs were observed using cell death assays, western blots and confocal microscopy. Higher concentrations of platelet-, leukocyte-, endothelial- and erythrocyte-derived EVs were found in MI patients, both with preserved and reduced LVEF, compared to HC, and MS data on MI EVs proteome displayed alteration in several proteins. MI EVs protected HCM and hCMVECs against staurosporine-induced apoptosis. Furthermore, MI EVs were observed to abrogate TNFα-triggered HCM and hCMVECs death under both individually cultured and co-cultured conditions. MI EVs failed to inhibit TNFα induced hCMVECs and HCM activation when cultured individually, however co-cultured hCMVECs with HCM supported MI EVs capacity to attenuate TNFα induced cells activation. MI CD41+ EVs but not HC EVs were found to be internalized by HCM directly or migrated through hCMVECs to HCM. MI EVs indirectly restores TNFα mediated drop in mitochondrial membrane potential. CONCLUSIONS: Endogenous EVs from MI patients, regardless of severity of the MI exert cardioprotective potential upon TNFα-induced cell death. Patient-derived EVs needs to be further explored to elucidate their potential cardioprotective role during MI

    Increased Release of Apolipoprotein E in Extracellular Vesicles Following Amyloid-β Protofibril Exposure of Neuroglial Co-Cultures

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs), including exosomes and larger microvesicles, have been implicated to play a role in several conditions, including Alzheimer's disease (AD). Since the EV content mirrors the intracellular environment, it could contribute with important information about ongoing pathological processes and may be a useful source for biomarkers, reflecting the disease progression. The aim of the present study was to analyze the protein content of EVs specifically released from a mixed co-culture of primary astrocytes, neurons, and oligodendrocytes treated with synthetic amyloid-beta (A beta(42)) protofibrils. The EV isolation was performed by ultracentrifugation and validated by transmission electron microscopy. Mass spectrometry analysis of the EV content revealed a total of 807 unique proteins, of which five displayed altered levels in A beta(42) protofibril exposed cultures. The most prominent protein was apolipoprotein E (apoE), and by western blot analysis we could confirm a threefold increase of apoE in EVs from A beta(42) protofibril exposed cells, compared to unexposed cells. Moreover, immunoprecipitation studies demonstrated that apoE was primarily situated inside the EVs, whereas immunocytochemistry indicated that the EVs most likely derived from the astrocytes and the neurons in the culture. The identified A beta-induced sorting of apoE into EVs from cultured neuroglial cells suggests a possible role for intercellular transfer of apoE in AD pathology and encourage future studies to fully elucidate the clinical relevance of this event