2,806 research outputs found

    A modeling study on the response of Chesapeake Bay to hurricane events of Floyd and Isabel

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    The response of Chesapeake Bay to forcing from two hurricanes is investigated using an unstructured-grid three-dimensional hydrodynamic model SELFE. The model domain includes Chesapeake Bay, its tributaries, and the extended continental shelf in the mid-Atlantic Bight. The hurricanes chosen for the study are Hurricane Floyd (1999) and Hurricane Isabel (2003), both of which made landfall within 100 km of the mouth of the Bay. The model results agree reasonably well with field observations of water level, velocity, and salinity. From the Bay\u27s water level response to the hurricanes, it was found that the storm surge in the Bay has two distinct stages: an initial stage set up by the remote winds and the second stage - a primary surge induced by the local winds. For the initial stage, the rising of the coastal sea level was setup by the remote wind of both hurricanes similarly, but for the second stage, the responses to the two hurricanes\u27 local winds are significantly different. Hurricane Floyd was followed by down-Bay winds that canceled the initial setup and caused a set-down from the upper Bay. Hurricane Isabel, on the other hand, was followed by up-Bay winds, which reinforced the initial setup and continued to rise up against the head of the Bay. From the perspective of volume and salt fluxes, it is evident that an oceanic saltwater influx is pushed into the Bay from the continental shelf by the remote wind fields in the initial stages of the storm surge for both Floyd and Isabel. In the second stage after the hurricane made landfall, the Bay\u27s local wind plays a key role in modulating the salinity and velocity fields through vertical mixing and longitudinal salt transport. Controlled numerical experiments are conducted in order to identify and differentiate the roles played by the local wind in stratified and destratified conditions. Down-estuary local wind stress (of Hurricane Floyd-type) tends to enhance stratification under moderate winds, but exhibits an increasing-then-decreasing stage when the wind stress increases. The up-estuary local wind stress (of Hurricane Isabel-type) tends to penetrate deeper into the water column, which reduces stratification by reversing gravitational circulation. To characterize mixing conditions in the estuary, a modified horizontal Richardson number that incorporates wind stress, wind direction, horizontal salinity gradient, and vertical eddy viscosity is used for both hurricanes. Finally, the direct precipitation of rainfall into the Bay during Hurricane Floyd appears to create not only a thin surface layer of low salinity but also a seaward barotropic pressure gradient that affects the subsequent redistribution of salinity after the storm. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    A quantitative comparison of in-line coating thickness distributions obtained from a pharmaceutical tablet mixing process using discrete element method and terahertz pulsed imaging

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    The application of terahertz pulsed imaging (TPI) in the in-line configuration to monitor the coating thickness distribution of pharmaceutical tablets has the potential to improve the performance and quality of the spray coating process. In this study, an in-line TPI method is used to measure coating thickness distributions on pre-coated tablets during mixing in a rotating pan, and compared with results obtained numerically using the discrete element method (DEM) combined with a ray-tracing technique. The hit rates (i.e. the number of successful coating thickness measurements per minute) obtained from both terahertz in-line experiments and the DEM/ray-tracing simulations are in good agreement, and both increase with the number of baffles in the mixing pan. We demonstrate that the coating thickness variability as determined from the ray-traced data and the terahertz in-line measurements represents mainly the intra-tablet variability due to relatively uniform mean coating thickness across tablets. The mean coating thickness of the ray-traced data from the numerical simulations agrees well with the mean coating thickness as determined by the off-line TPI measurements. The mean coating thickness of in-line TPI measurements is slightly higher than that of off-line measurements. This discrepancy can be corrected based on the cap-to-band surface area ratio of the tablet and the cap-to-band sampling ratio obtained from ray-tracing simulations: the corrected mean coating thickness of the in-line TPI measurements shows a better agreement with that of off-line measurements

    Anti-inflammatory effects of naringin in chronic pulmonary neutrophilic inflammation in cigarette smoke-exposed rats

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    Naringin, a well-known flavanone glycoside of grapefruit and citrus fruits, was found to be as an effective anti-inflammatory compound in our previous lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury mouse model via blockading activity of nuclear factor κB. The current study sought to explore the anti-inflammatory effects of naringin on chronic pulmonary neutrophilic inflammation in cigarette smoke (CS)-induced rats. Seventy Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into seven groups to study the effects of CS with or without various concentrations of naringin or saline for 8 weeks. The results revealed that naringin supplementation at 20, 40, and 80mg/kg significantly increased body weight of CS-induced rats as compared to that in the CS group. Moreover, naringin of 20, 40, and 80mg/kg prevented CS-induced infiltration of neutrophils and activation of myeloperoxidase and matrix metalloproteinase-9, in parallel with suppression of the release of cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-8 (IL-8). IL-10 in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was significantly suppressed after CS exposure, but dose dependently elevated by naringin. The results from hematoxylin and eosin staining revealed that naringin dose dependently reduced CS-induced infiltration of inflammatory cells, thickening of the bronchial wall, and expansion of average alveolar airspace. In conclusion, our data suggest that naringin is an effective anti-inflammatory compound for attenuating chronic pulmonary neutrophilic inflammation in CS-induced rats. © Copyright 2012, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. and Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition 2012.published_or_final_versio

    Diffraction-limited ultrabroadband terahertz spectroscopy

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    Diffraction is the ultimate limit at which details of objects can be resolved in conventional optical spectroscopy and imaging systems. In the THz spectral range, spectroscopy systems increasingly rely on ultra-broadband radiation (extending over more 5 octaves) making a great challenge to reach resolution limited by diffraction. Here, we propose an original easy-to-implement wavefront manipulation concept to achieve ultrabroadband THz spectroscopy system with diffraction-limited resolution. Applying this concept to a large-area photoconductive emitter, we demonstrate diffraction-limited ultra-broadband spectroscopy system up to 14.5 THz with a dynamic range of 103. The strong focusing of ultrabroadband THz radiation provided by our approach is essential for investigating single micrometer-scale objects such as graphene flakes or living cells, and besides for achieving intense ultra-broadband THz electric fields

    Momentum-resolved resonant inelastic soft X-ray scattering (qRIXS) endstation at the ALS

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    A momentum resolved resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (qRIXS) experimental station with continuously rotatable spectrometers and parallel detection is designed to operate at different beamlines at synchrotron and free electron laser (FEL) facilities. This endstation, currently located at the Advanced Light Source (ALS), has five emission ports on the experimental chamber for mounting the high-throughput modular soft X-ray spectrometers (MXS) [24]. Coupled to the rotation from the supporting hexapod, the scattered X-rays from 27.5° (forward scattering) to 152.5° (backward scattering) relative to the incident photon beam can be recorded, enabling the momentum-resolved RIXS spectroscopy. The components of this endstation are described in details, and the preliminary RIXS measurements on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) reveal the low energy vibronic excitations from the strong electron-phonon coupling at C K edge around σ* band. The grating upgrade option to enhance the performance at low photon energies is presented and the potential of this spectroscopy is discussed in summary

    A fMRI Study of Correlation Between Acupoints and Brain Cortical Sites Involved in Language Functions

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    From BIM towards digital twin: Strategy and future development for smart asset management

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    With the rising adoption of Building Information Model (BIM) for as-set management within architecture, engineering, construction and owner-operated (AECO) sector, BIM-enabled asset management has been increasingly attracting more attentions in both research and practice. This study provides a comprehensive review and analysis of the state-of-the-art latest research and industry standards development that impact upon BIM and asset management within the operations and maintenance (O&M) phase. However, BIM is not always enough in whole-life cycle asset management, especially in the O&M phase. Therefore, a framework for future development of smart asset management are proposed, integrating the concept of Digital Twin (DT). DT integrates artificial intelligence, machine learning and data analytics to create dynamic digital models that are able to learn and update the status of the physical counterpart from multiple sources. The findings will contribute to inspiring novel research ideas and promote wide-spread adoption of smart DT-enabled asset management within the O&M phaseCentre for Digital Built Britain, Innovate U

    Leaf image retrieval using a shape based method

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    For content-based image retrieval, shape information is of great importance. This paper presents a shape descriptor of imaged leaf objects according to their boundaries for image retrieval. We take picture of leaves, exact the sketch from original images and produce a low dimensional feature vector to describe the shape. By comparing the similarity of the query image with those in database, a set of images with shape similarity are retrieved. The experiment shows that the method has high reliability and less time consuming