952 research outputs found

    Performance of delay constrained multi-user networks under block fading channels

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    Abstract. Effective Capacity (EC) indicates the maximum communication rate subject to a certain delay constraint while the effective energy efficiency (EEE) is the ratio between this EC and power consumption. In this thesis, we analyze the EC and EEE of multi-user networks operating in the finite blocklength (FB) regime. We consider a layout in which a number of users communicate through a common controller. A closed form approximation for the per-user EC is obtained in Nakagami-mm fading collision channels. The interference between transmitted data packets degrades the EC of each user. We analyze this decrease proposing three methods to alleviate the interference effect for one of the users namely power control, delay relaxation and joint compensation. Our results show that systems with stringent delay constraints favor power controlled compensation while for shorter packets, the amount of compensation needed by both θ\theta relaxation and power increases is higher. Thus, it is more costly to compensate networks transmitting shorter packets. For the hybrid method, we maximize an objective function whose parameters are determined according to the design priorities (e.g. rate and latency requirements). Results reveal that there is a unique throughput maximizer which is obtained at an intermediate operational point applying both power control and delay relaxation in the joint compensation process. Furthermore, we characterize the per-user EEE for different power consumption models. The results show that accounting for empty buffer probability enhances the per-user EEE. Considering flexible transmission power and extending the maximum delay tolerance boosts the per-use EEE which is depicted in the thesis as well.Suorituskyvyn analysointi viiverajoitetussa usean käyttäjän verkossa lohkohäipyvissä kanavissa. Tiivistelmä. Efektiivinen kapasiteetti kertoo suurimman tietoliikenteen datanopeuden määritetyillä viiverajoituksilla, kun taas efektiivinen energiatehokkuus on efektiivisen kapasiteetin ja tehonkulutuksen suhde. Tässä diplomityössä analysoidaan efektiivistä kapasiteettia ja efektiivistä energiatehokkuutta monisolmuverkoissa, kun käytetään äärellistä lohkon pituutta. Työssä käytetään mallia, jossa tietty määrä käyttäjiä kommunikoi yhteisen kontrolliyksikön ohjaamana. Käyttäjäkohtaisen efektiivisen kapasiteetin approksimaatio datapakettien törmäyksiä mallintavassa Nakagami-m -häipyvässä kanavassa esitetään suljetussa muodossa. Lähetettyjen pakettien välinen häiriö pienentää kunkin käyttäjän efektiivistä kapasiteettia. Tätä ilmiötä pyritään lieventämään kolmella ehdotetulla menetelmällä eli tehonsäädöllä, viiveen relaksoinnilla ja näiden yhdistelmällä. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että tiukkojen viiverajoitusten voimassa ollessa tehopohjainen kompensointi toimii parhaiten kun taas lyhyille paketeille vaaditaan molempia menetelmiä. Niinpä lyhyitä paketteja lähettävien verkkojen kompensointimenetelmät ovat kalliita. Hybridimenetelmässä maksimoidaan kohdefunktio, jonka parametrit määritellään suunnittelukriteerien mukaan (esim. datanopeus- ja viivevaatimukset). Tulokset paljastavat, että löytyy yksittäinen verkon läpäisykyvyn maksimoiva keskialueen toimintapisteen kohta teho- ja viivepohjaista kompensointia yhdessä käytettäessä. Lisäksi työssä mallinnetaan solmukohtaista efektiivistä energiatehokkuutta eri tehonkulutusmalleilla. Tulokset osoittavat, että ei-tyhjän puskurin todennäköisyyden huomioon ottaminen parantaa käyttäjäkohtaista efektiivistä energiatehokkuutta. Työssä kuvataan myös, että joustavan lähetystehon käyttö yhdessä väljennetyn maksimiviivetoleranssin kanssa parantaa efektiivistä energiatehokkuutta

    Dholaikhal rehabilitation project - achievement of objectives

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    Dholaikhal rehabilitation project - achievement of objective

    A conceptual model for evaluating product-service systems leanness in UK manufacturing companies

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a conceptual model that can be used in measuring the degree of Product-Service System (PSS) leanness in UK manufacturing companies. The model will assess Product-Service System leanness based on five lean enablers (supplier relationship, management leanness, workforce leanness, process excellence, and customer relationship), 21 criteria (supplier delivery, culture of management, process optimisation, etc.) and finally 73 attributes. This proposed model will be the base of developing an index used as quantitative measure of the degree of Product-Service System leanness in manufacturing companies

    Hybrid and modular multilevel converter designs for isolated HVDC–DC converters

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    Efficient medium and high-voltage dc-dc conversion is critical for future dc grids. This paper proposes a hybrid multilevel dc-ac converter structure that is used as the kernel of dc-dc conversion systems. Operation of the proposed dc-ac converter is suited to trapezoidal ac-voltage waveforms. Quantitative and qualitative analyses show that said trapezoidal operation reduces converter footprint, active and passive components' size, and on-state losses relative to conventional modular multilevel converters. The proposed converter is scalable to high voltages with controllable ac-voltage slope; implying tolerable dv/dt stresses on the converter transformer. Structural variations of the proposed converter with enhanced modularity and improved efficiency will be presented and discussed with regards to application in front-to-front isolated dc-dc conversion stages, and in light of said trapezoidal operation. Numerical results provide deeper insight of the presented converter designs with emphasis on system design aspects. Results obtained from a proof-of-concept 1-kW experimental test rig confirm the validity of simulation results, theoretical analyses, and simplified design equations presented in this paper. - 2013 IEEE.Scopu

    Experimental Characterization of Electrical Discharge Machining of Aluminum 6061 T6 Alloy using Different Dielectrics

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    Electrical discharge machining is a non-traditional machining method broadly employed in industries for machining of parts that have typical profiles and require great accuracy. This paper investigates the effects of electrical parameters: pulse-on-time and current on three performance measures (material removal rate, microstructures and electrode wear rate), using distilled water and kerosene as dielectrics. A comparison between dielectrics for the machining of aluminum 6061 T6 alloy material in terms of performance measures was performed. Aluminum 6061 T6 alloy material was selected, because of its growing use in the automotive and aerospace industrial sectors. The experimental sequence was designed using Taguchi technique of L9 orthogonal array by changing three levels of pulse-on-time and current, and test runs were performed separately for each dielectric. The results obtained show that greater electrode wear rate (EWR) and higher material removal rate (MRR) were achieved with distilled water when compared with kerosene. These greater EWR and MRR responses can be attributed to the early breakage of the weak oxide and carbide layers formed on the tool and alloy material surfaces, respectively. The innovative contributions of this study include, but are not limited to, the possibility of machining of aluminum 6061 T6 alloy with graphite electrode to enhance machinability and fast cutting rate employing two different dielectrics.Peer reviewe

    Web assisted language learning system for enhancing Arabic language learning using cognates

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    This paper aims to study the use of the WWW in the learning and teaching of Arabic as a second language. Moreover, it aims to study the combination of Web Assisted Language Learning (WALL) and cognate (words similar in meaning and pronunciation) transfer for Arabic language. In addition, the main goal of this paper is to enhance learning of the Arabic language with the approach of WALL. Therefore, the authors built an Arabic WALL system that automatically identifies cognates in Arabic and any other language. The WALL system displays the cognates in a list and as lessons. However, for evaluating the system, Malay language was chosen to be stored in the database. To evaluate the system, a quantitative method was used in the study. A survey was conducted among two groups of respondents. The respondents of the first group were five (5) Malay-speaking learners. The respondents of the second group were five (5) teachers who teach Arabic to Malaysian students. The questionnaire consisted of 14 closed questions (five-point Likert scale). It was found that the majority of participants were satisfied using the system and that they preferred it over traditional learning. They also found the system to be an effective learning tool. Overall, the findings showed that the goals of the study had been achieved

    Oscillations of Third Order Half Linear Neutral Differential Equations

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    In this paper the oscillation criterion was investigated for all solutions of the third-order half linear neutral differential equations. Some necessary and sufficient conditions are established for every solution of (a(t)[(x(t)±p(t)x(?(t) ) )^'' ]^? )^'+q(t) x^? (?(t) )=0, t?t_0, to be oscillatory. Examples are given to illustrate our main results

    Multi-objective optimisation for minimum quantity lubrication assisted milling process based on hybrid response surface methodology and multi-objective genetic algorithm

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    © 2019 by SAGE Publications Ltd.Parametric modelling and optimisation play an important role in choosing the best or optimal cutting conditions and parameters during machining to achieve the desirable results. However, analysis of optimisation of minimum quantity lubrication–assisted milling process has not been addressed in detail. Minimum quantity lubrication method is very effective for cost reduction and promotes green machining. Hence, this article focuses on minimum quantity lubrication–assisted milling machining parameters on AISI 1045 material surface roughness and power consumption. A novel low-cost power measurement system is developed to measure the power consumption. A predictive mathematical model is developed for surface roughness and power consumption. The effects of minimum quantity lubrication and machining parameters are examined to determine the optimum conditions with minimum surface roughness and minimum power consumption. Empirical models are developed to predict surface roughness and power of machine tool effectively and accurately using response surface methodology and multi-objective optimisation genetic algorithm. Comparison of results obtained from response surface methodology and multi-objective optimisation genetic algorithm depict that both measured and predicted values have a close agreement. This model could be helpful to select the best combination of end-milling machining parameters to save power consumption and time, consequently, increasing both productivity and profitability.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Inflammatory cytokines and immune system modulation by aerobic versus resisted exercise training for elderly

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    Background: Aging is characterized with immunosenescence associated with a hyper-inflammatory state, characterized by elevated circulating levels of pro-inflammatory mediators. Physical exercise is a potential strategy for improving the immune system dysfunction and chronic inflammation that accompanies aging. However, there is a need to differentiate between aerobic and resistance exercise training regarding human immune system and systemic inflammation among the elderly Saudi population.Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the impact of 6 months of aerobic versus resisted exercise training on inflammatory cytokines and immune system response among elderly.Material and methods: Sixty previously sedentary elderly subjects participated in this study, their age ranged from 61- 66 years. All Subjects were randomly assigned to supervised aerobic exercise intervention group (group A, n=40) or resistance exercise group (group B, n=40). Number of CD3+,CD4+,CD8+ T cells count and CD4/CD8 ratio were quantified, IL-6, TNF-α and IL10 were measured before and after 6 months, at the end of the study.Results: The mean values of CD3+, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells count and IL-10 were significantly increased, whereas the mean values of CD4/CD8 ratio,IL-6 and TNF-α were significantly decreased in group (A) and group (B). Also; there were significant differences between mean levels of the investigated parameters in group (A) and group (B) after treatment.Conclusion: The current study provides evidence that aerobic exercise is more appropriate in modulating the immune system and inflammatory markers among the elderly population.Keywords: Immune function, inflammatory cytokines, aerobic exercise, resistance exercise, aging

    Aerobic exercise modulates cytokine profile and sleep quality in elderly

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    Background: Sleep disturbance is a major problem for older adults which can be exacerbated by increased inflammation as aging is associated with increased circulating pro-inflammatory and lower anti-inflammatory cytokines. There is a need to develop alternative medicine techniques to help improve sleep quality in the elderly.Objective: To investigate the effects of aerobic exercise training on the sleep quality and inflammatory cytokines in elderly subjects.Material and methods: Forty previously sedentary elderly subjects participated in this study, their age ranged from 61- 67 years. All subjects were randomly assigned to supervised aerobic exercise intervention group (group A, n=25) or control group (group B, n=25). Polysomnographic recordings for sleep quality assessment, interleukin- 6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor- alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin-10 (IL-10) were measured before and after 6 months at the end of the study.Results: There was a significant increase in total sleep duration, sleep efficiency and sleep onset latency in group(A) after 6 months of aerobic exercise training, while, wake time after sleep onset and rapid eye movement (REM) latency significantly reduced after 6 months of aerobic training compared with values obtained prior to aerobic exercise training. Also, the mean values of TNF- α and IL-6 decreased significantly and the mean value of IL-10 significantly increased in group (A) after the aerobic exercise training, however the results of the control group were not significant. Moreover, there were significant differences between both groups at the end of the study.Conclusion: Exercise training can be considered as a non-pharmacological modality for modifying sleep quality and inflammation among elderly.Keywords: Sleep quality, inflammatory cytokines, aerobic exercise, aging