13 research outputs found

    An exploration of loss and identity among people living with Long COVID

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    Identity loss and (re)construction forms a central debate in sociology of chronic illness. People living with chronic/persistent health conditions are often faced with both a ‘broken’ body and a disrupted self-narrative. The loss of the coherence of ongoing life and identity also lies at the heart of the lived experiences of people living with Long COVID (LC). Drawing upon a qualitative study of 80 people with self-identified LC symptoms in the UK, this paper unveils an insightful picture of how our participants lost and also sought to restore their identity as a multi-dimensional, narratively constructed and embodied entity. We found that, as a complex and still largely underexplored health condition, LC could lead to the compounded loss of not only the physical self but also a profound sense of meaning and self-worth. As reported by our participants, identity loss around LC may arise from ongoing bodily disruptions to daily routines and the lack of support and understanding to legitimise their suffering. They often experienced LC as suppressing and existential loss of meaning and being. Their dynamic responses to LC also highlighted how their longing for a narratively coherent self profoundly shaped the ongoing construction of their identity

    Evaluation of Human Papilloma Virus Diagnostic Testing in Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Sensitivity, Specificity, and Prognostic Discrimination

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    Abstract Purpose: Human papillomavirus-16 (HPV16) is the causative agent in a biologically distinct subset of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) with highly favorable prognosis. In clinical trials, HPV16 status is an essential inclusion or stratification parameter, highlighting the importance of accurate testing. Experimental Design: Fixed and fresh-frozen tissue from 108 OPSCC cases were subject to eight possible assay/assay combinations: p16 immunohistochemistry (p16 IHC); in situ hybridization for high-risk HPV (HR HPV ISH); quantitative PCR (qPCR) for both viral E6 RNA (RNA qPCR) and DNA (DNA qPCR); and combinations of the above. Results: HPV16-positive OPSCC presented in younger patients (mean 7.5 years younger, P = 0.003) who smoked less than HPV-negative patients (P = 0.007). The proportion of HPV16-positive cases increased from 15% to 57% (P = 0.001) between 1988 and 2009. A combination of p16 IHC/DNA qPCR showed acceptable sensitivity (97%) and specificity (94%) compared with the RNA qPCR “gold standard”, as well as being the best discriminator of favorable outcome (overall survival P = 0.002). p16 IHC/HR HPV ISH also had acceptable specificity (90%) but the substantial reduction in its sensitivity (88%) impacted upon its prognostic value (P = 0.02). p16 IHC, HR HPV ISH, or DNA qPCR was not sufficiently specific to recommend in clinical trials when used in isolation. Conclusions: Caution must be exercised in applying HPV16 diagnostic tests because of significant disparities in accuracy and prognostic value in previously published techniques. Clin Cancer Res; 17(19); 6262–71. ©2011 AACR.</jats:p

    Human papillomavirus (HPV) related Oropharynx Cancer in the United Kingdom – An evolution in the understanding of disease aetiology

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    A rising incidence of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) incidence has occurred throughout the developed world, where it has been attributed to an increasing impact of human papillomavirus (HPV) on disease etiology. This report presents the findings of a multicenter cross-sectional retrospective study aimed at determining the proportion of HPV-positive and HPV-negative OPSCC within the United Kingdom. Archival tumor tissue blocks from 1,602 patients previously diagnosed with OPSCC (2002-2011) were collated from 11 centers. HPV status was determined with three validated commercial tests to provide valid data for 1,474 cases in total. Corresponding national incidence data from the same decade were obtained from UK Cancer registries. The overall proportion of HPV+ OPSCC between 2002 and 2011 was 51.8% [95% confidence interval (CI), 49.3-54.4], and this remained unchanged throughout the decade [unadjusted RR = 1.00 (95% CI, 0.99-1.02)]. However, over the same period, the incidence of OPSCC in the broader UK population underwent a 2-fold increase [age-standardized rate 2002: 2.1 (95% CI, 1.9-2.2); 2011: 4.1 (95% CI, 4.0-4.3)]. Although the number of OPSCCs diagnosed within the United Kingdom from 2002 to 2011 nearly doubled, the proportion of HPV+ cases remained static at approximately 50%. Our results argue that the rapidly increasing incidence of OPSCC in the United Kingdom cannot be solely attributable to the influence of HPV. The parallel increase in HPV+ and HPV- cases we documented warrants further investigation, so that appropriate future prevention strategies for both types of disease can be implemented.</p

    AVONET: morphological, ecological and geographical data for all birds

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    Functional traits offer a rich quantitative framework for developing and testing theories in evolutionary biology, ecology and ecosystem science. However, the potential of functional traits to drive theoretical advances and refine models of global change can only be fully realised when species‐level information is complete. Here we present the AVONET dataset containing comprehensive functional trait data for all birds, including six ecological variables, 11 continuous morphological traits, and information on range size and location. Raw morphological measurements are presented from 90,020 individuals of 11,009 extant bird species sampled from 181 countries. These data are also summarised as species averages in three taxonomic formats, allowing integration with a global phylogeny, geographical range maps, IUCN Red List data and the eBird citizen science database. The AVONET dataset provides the most detailed picture of continuous trait variation for any major radiation of organisms, offering a global template for testing hypotheses and exploring the evolutionary origins, structure and functioning of biodiversity

    Fibre types of human suboccipital muscles

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    Understanding the functional role of the cervical muscles is important for the effective diagnosis and treatment of cervical disorders. The suboccipital muscles are targets for treatment in whiplash and chronic headache, although their function remains unclear. There are no data on suboccipital muscle fiber type composition to facilitate an understanding of their function. Suboccipital muscles (n=95; rectus capitis posterior major, rectus capitis posterior minor, obliquus capitis superior, obliquus capitis inferior) were dissected bilaterally from 12 cadavers (6 male; mean age 81 years). Immunohistochemistry was used to identify type I/II muscle fibers. Fibers were counted using stereology (random systematic sampling) and data analyzed (descriptive statistics, ANOVA, paired and independent t-tests) to examine differences between muscles, sex and laterality (