88 research outputs found

    Screening Tumbuhan Alternatif Penghasil Xanthorrhizol Menggunakan Pendekatan In-Silico Berdasarkan Marker MatK

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    Xanthorrhizol is a compound that has many uses such as anticancer, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antihyperglycemic, antihypertensive, etc. However, this xanthorrhizol is only found in javanese turmeric (Curcuma zanthorrhiza) where this species only grows well in Indonesia. MatK from the GeneBank NCBI is used to find plants that are closely related to Curcuma zanthorrhiza. Multiple sequence alignment was done using ClustalX 1.83, and phylogenetic analysis was done using PAUP 4.0. The results of the reconstruction of the phylogenetic tree showed that white turmeric (Curcuma zedoaria) was the closest plant related to Curcuma zanthorrhiza. Curcuma zedoaria is a plant commonly found in tropical countries, such as India, Japan and Thailand. In Indonesia Curcuma zedoaria is known as Temu Putih. It is known that the chemical content of Temu Putih rhizome consists of curcuminoids, essential oils, and polysaccharides. Curcuminoid includes: curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, bisdemetoksikurkumin and 1,7-bis (4-hydroxyphenyl) -1,4,6-heptatrien-3-on.  Curcuma zedoaria has rich essential oils: starch, curcumin, arabin, gums, etc. There is also more than ten sesquiterpene from Rhizome of Curcuma zedoaria such as furanodiene, furanodienone, zedorone, curzerenone, curzeone, germacrone, 13-hydroxy germacrone, dihydro-curdione, curcumenone and zedoaronediol. Based on that Curcuma zedoaria doesn’t produce xanthorrhizol naturally, but Curcuma zedoaria has a bioactive substance such as sesquiterpene and its closely related to Curcuma zanthorrhiza, genetic engineering can probably be used to produce xanthorrhizol


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    Praktek mencuci makanan dengan air yang diklorinasi adalah praktek dekontaminasi yang tidak aman karena terbentuknya produk samping (trihalomethanes) yang bersifat karsinogenik. Oleh karena itu food sanitizer alami sedang mendapatkan perhatian. Ekstrak tumbuhan berpotensi memiliki senyawa antimikroba terhadap foodborne pathogens. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji efek antibakteri biji wijen hitam (Sesamum indicum L.) hasil fermentasi terhadap foodborne pathogens. Hasil Disc Diffusion Assay, Proteus mirabilis memiliki zona hambat terbesar dengan rata-rata 17,37 (mm), sedangkan Staphylococcus aureus memiliki zona hambat terkecil dengan rata-rata 6,62 (mm). Minimum Inhibitory Concentration terendah dari ekstrak terdapat pada Salmonella Typhimurium, Kleibsiella pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis, Styphylococcus aureus, dan Listeria monocytogenes sebesar 1,25% (12,500 mg/ml) dan Minimum Bactericidal Concentration terendah dari ekstrak terdapat pada Stayphylococcus aureus dan Listeria monocytogenes sebesar 1,25% (12,500 mg/ml). Hasil dari aplikasi, bakteri Kleibsiella memiliki hasil aktivitas bakterisida tertinggi pada perlakuan perendaman ekstrak 60 menit, suhu 27oC dan konsentrasi 5% dengan penurunan sebesar 6,77 (Log10 CFU/ml). Pada Total Plate Count, hasil aktivitas bakterisida tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan perendaman ekstrak 0 menit, suhu 27oC dan konsentrasi 5% dengan penurunan sebesar 7,00 (Log10 CFU/ml). Bakteri Coliform memiliki hasil aktivitas bakterisida tertinggi pada perlakuan perendaman ekstrak 60 menit, suhu 27oC dan konsentrasi 5% dengan penurunan sebesar 2,30 (Log10 CFU/ml). Sedangkan Escherichia coli, hasil aktivitas bakterisida tertinggi terdapat pada konsentrasi 0,5% dengan penurunan sebesar 4,30 (Log10 CFU/ml) baik pada perendaman 0 menit (4oC), 0 menit (27oC), maupun 60 menit,(4oC). Temuan di atas menunjukkan aktivitas antimikroba ekstrak etanol biji wijen hitam hasil fermentasi terhadap foodborne pathogens


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    2013Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui respon masyarakat \ud terhadap tindakan-tindakan polisi dalam menaggulangi tindak pidana \ud pelanggaran lalu lintas di Kab. Wajo,untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa \ud saja yang mempengaruhi citra polisi dalam menanggulangi tindak pidana \ud pelanggaran lalu lintas di Kab. Wajo, dan mengetahui bagaimana cara \ud membangun citra polisi dengan adanya perilaku menyimpang dalam \ud penyelesaian pelanggaran lalu lintas. \ud Berdasarkan analisis terhadap data dan fakta yang telah penulis \ud dapatkan, maka penulis berkesimpulan bahwa pertama, respon \ud masyarakat terhadap tindakan polisi dalam menanggulangi tindak pidana \ud pelanggaran lalu lintas di Kabupaten Wajo adalah polisi dalam \ud melaksanakan tugasnya masih melakukan pelanggaran, faktor yang \ud mempengaruhi citra polisi dalam penyelesaian tindak pidana pelanggaran \ud lalu lintas adalah polisi tidak melaksanakan prosedur pemberian sanksi \ud sehingga masyarakat beranggapan bahwa polisi dalam menjalankan \ud tugasnya telah melakukan pelanggaran, dan Membangun citra polisi \ud dalam hal adanya perilaku menyimpang dalam penyelesaian tindak \ud pidana pelanggaran lalu lintas di Kabupaten Wajo adalah dengan \ud melaksanakan kegiatan-kegiatan, sosialisasi, pembinaan, pelatihan \ud dengan sasaran utama pemuda dan masyarakat serta meningkatkan \ud sikap profesionalisme dalam bertugas. Adapun penulis menyarankan polisi diharapkan lebih berinterak\ud dan bersosialisasi dengan masyarakat dalam menyelesaika\ud pelanggaran-pelanggaran lalu lintas yang dilakukan oleh masyaraka\ud memahami isi dari peraturan perundang-undangan sehingga dap\ud menjalanakan tugas-tugas dan kewajibannya dengan baik, dan tingg\ud sikap profesionalisme dalam menjalankan tugas serta polisi diharapka\ud bersikap humanis dan menjadi contoh teladan bagi masyarakat dala\ud berlalu lintas. \ud \ud Keyword : Citra Polisi, Pelanggaran Lalu Lintas

    Occupational characteristics, occupational sex segregation, and family migration decisions

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    This paper examines the effects of occupational characteristics on family migration within Britain. For the first time in the literature, we explicitly theorise and later test the impact of the sex composition of husbands' and wives' occupations on mobility decisions. The empirical analysis consists of panel regression models estimated on dyadic couple-level information from the British Household Panel Survey combined with occupational-level data from the UK Labour Force Survey. Results suggest that some occupational characteristics are significantly associated with family migration, whereas occupational sex segregation has limited impact. Although working in female-dominated occupations is related to a lower propensity to become a lead mover and a higher propensity to become a tied mover, these associations are mediated by the socio-economic and occupational characteristics of the spouses

    A New Look at Family Migration and Women's Employment Status

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    Family migration has a negative impact on women’s employment status. Using longitudinal data from the British Household Panel Survey (3,617 women; 22,354 women/wave observations) we consider two neglected issues. First, instead of relying on the distance moved to distinguish employment-related migrations, we use information on the reason for moving, allowing us to separate employment-related moves, stimulated by the man or the woman, from other moves. Second, we consider selection effects and the role of state dependence in relation to women’s employment status prior to moving. Moving for the sake of the man’s job has a significant negative effect on subsequent employment status for previously employed women. Women who were not employed previously benefited only slightly from family migration

    Bowling Together: Scientific Collaboration Networks of Demographers at European Population Conferences

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    Studies of collaborative networks of demographers are relatively scarce. Similar studies in other social sciences provide insight into scholarly trends of both the fields and characteristics of their successful scientists. Exploiting a unique database of metadata for papers presented at six European Population Conferences, this report explores factors explaining research collaboration among demographers. We find that (1) collaboration among demographers has increased over the past 10 years, however, among co-authored papers, collaboration across institutions remains relatively unchanged over the period, (2) papers based on core demographic subfields such as fertility, mortality, migration and data and methods are more likely to involve multiple authors and (3) multiple author teams that are all female are less likely to co-author with colleagues in different institutions. Potential explanations for these results are discussed alongside comparisons with similar studies of collaboration networks in other related social sciences

    Childbearing and (female) research productivity: a personnel economics perspective on the leaky pipeline

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    Despite the fact that childbearing is time-consuming (i.e., associated with a negative resource effect), we descriptively find female researchers with children in business and economics to be more productive than female researchers without children. Hence, female researchers with children either manage to overcompensate the negative resource effect associated with childbearing by working harder (positive incentive effect), or only the most productive female researchers decide to go for a career in academia and have children at the same time (positive self-selection effect). Our first descriptive evidence on the timing of parenthood among more than 400 researchers in business and economics from Austria, Germany and the German-speaking part of Switzerland hints at the latter being the case: only the most productive female researchers with children dare to self-select (or are selected) into an academic career. Our results have important policy implications when it comes to reducing the “leaky pipeline” in academia

    Barriers to Career Flexibility in Academic Medicine

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